FirstEnergy 2800 Pottsville Pike PO. Box 16001 Reading, PA 19612-6001 Tori L. Giesler. Esq. 610-929-3601 (610) 921-6658 (330) 3i5-9263 (Fax) February 2, 2018 RECEIVED FEB 2 2018 VIA UNITED PARCEL SERVICE PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SECRETARY’S BUREAU Rosemary Chiavetta, Secretary Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Commonwealth Keystone Building 400 North Street, 2nd Floor Harrisburg, PA 17120 Re: Joint Petition of Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company, Pennsylvania Power Company and West Penn Power Company For Approval of Their Default Service Programs Docket Nos. P-2017-2637855, et al. Dear Secretary Chiavetta: Due to an error in the original filing on January 26, 2018, Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company, Pennsylvania Power Company and West Penn Power Company resubmit for filing the Proofs of Publication indicating that formal complaints and petitions to intervene were to be filed with the Commission with regard to the above-captioned matter. Please date stamp the extra copy of this transmittal letter and return it in the postage-prepaid envelope provided. Copies have been served on all parties as indicated in the attached certificate of service. Very truly yours, ^ . HujqJU^ Tori L. Giesler dim Enclosures PROOF OF PUBLICATION State of Pennsylvania, Bedford County ss: Joseph A. Beegle, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That the Bedford Gazette was established in 1805 and that it is a daily newspaper of general circulation, published every morning except Sunday, as defined by the Act of Assembly approved May 16, 1929, P.O. 1929, page 784. That its place of business is Bedford Borough, Bedford County, Pennsylvania, and that the attached printed notice is a copy of the Public Notice advertisement exactly as printed in the said publication in its issue of.. Uternnhoc.......\%....dQ.Ll............................ FEB 2 2018 That the affiant is not interested in the subject matter of the PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION advertisement or advertising and that he, Joseph A. Beegle is the SECRETARY'S BUREAU Publisher of the Bedford Gazette and that all allegations of the statement as to the time, place and character of publication are true. k 3 Sworn and subscribed to before me this l)€cembfer roMMONWEAlTM r^K‘HVLVANI^ NOTARIAL StAU Kendall N. England, Notary Public Bodford Boro. Bedford County My Commission Expires Aug-11 ■ 2021^ MEMBER, pennsylvaniaassociaiiunoknuiakies T\imiay,Dutimt ■ 18.>017 — B«df« Bedford. ?•. - 3 Wolf vetoes bill to add abortion restrictions By Mair Levy told the crowd. ~niia Irgialntioo la advances m technology, and laws second-trimester abortion, oppo- AModmted Preen ao extreme it doe* uet even must ealch up. nctnts said. Two stauo hove similar HAKKJSBU liG, Pa. <AP> — include exception! far womro and Bronka. a Crawford County tww while laws in six othev states OMDOcratie Tbm Wolf qq girifl whn are victims of rape and Kcpuhbcan, said she was disnp- arc on hold in courts, according to Mooday vctord a bill pawed by loecet." pmntod the state "will be unable to the GuUmnehar LnsLitule the Kepuhbean-eooUoUed Legiala* The primary feature of bio hdl protect ao many babies in the Brooks contended that the bill lure that vould hare hauled ahor* would have banned elrctivr ahor- future, who will never know the joy docs not ban the procedure, hut taoos to tho firat 20 weeha of prvg* turns after 20 week* from a preg* of Uving.” rather, the fetus must first be nancy and. according m oppo* nanl woouinVUst mrnatnml peri* The American Cengrem of Ofastn* injected by «ahim to coum1 ft* death. oaata. outlawed tho moat caotton od. compared with 24 weeks in tfioans and Cynecokgista repeats TTierv wore 1..S86 dilation-and* method of arcond'trtmietar abor* current Inw. that delivery hnfase 23 wedn of evacuation abortions in Pcnnayha* bon. The 20-week limit would have gratatioo typically rcauhs in death nia in 201&, aaxirdixig to state sta- Wolf, who supports aboruac kept in place nxceptwaa under and. »<iwmp the rare survivors, Ustia nghta, rojeacd what Planned Par* current law far when a mother's jvadicahy aD have sigoificanl oor- The Amcncan Congress of Ohete- enthood Mid would havo been the Ufa or well-being is at risk, but it bidity. trkians and Gynecologists Myx nalioo'a moat roatrktivr abortion had no exceptions far rape, incest Statutks published by thn state there ia do rwleocc that inducing Pena^tvaain Gov. Tkm Wolf law. or fatal abnormalities. Nineteen Department of Umllh show there faka] death second •tnnuater He Mgned the veto paperwork in vpeaka before veto lag e bill state* have a similar ban. aeewd- were 380 abertaona done after week ahortioos safer, sod opponents paaed by the RepabUcaa^tm* a public ceremony in Philadelphia ing to the oacprofit (iuitmachrr 20 in 201 & the latest yea/ far w hich question whether such an Injection troUed Legialalare to limit City Hall, calling the bill "n dinin- Institute, s research group that data is available. There were mak** A leaf far the mother. •barUoaa to the flret 80 weeks geo uoua and bald* faced aUcmpt to supports abortion rights. 311116 abortions in total that year The bill wm opposed by tho paw the most extreme anti-choice of pregMsey at City Ball ia The Pennsylvania bill's apucsor, in Pennayivmnia. PetmaylvaMj MadkaJ Rock<ty and IcgutleLioa in the rountry* Philadelphia, Moaday. state Sen. Mkhclr Brooks, mid a IT* bill alao would have eJfrc* the Pennsylvania section of the •nua Icgwlauon m an attempt women must be allow'd to make baby can survive oulaidc the trvrly banned dilataao-and<varua- American Congress of ObsloLri* to cnlni^al*t4, tii<’ dueiaiona Uial nhoui ihrir own health care.* Wolf womb b»‘iore 24 weeks, thanks to tmn. the most *^«"*»**»" method nans and Crytiecciloglrts Lawmaker to ‘step back’ from reelection bid; won’t resign PHILADELPHIA <AP> — Leach uid ha will cooper­ Leach has been among prude and ralcb^fod up the A PonnsylvaAia state sroa- ate with state Senate lead* the Legislature's moat iotcoeity aftrr she cmo- tor who Is the subject of era to address the allega- prominent liberals, leading plauuri to him about a sex u- allegations published by tinns and —it ia 'heart* the fight far the legalisation alixed Ume in the officn. The Philadelphia Inquirer breaking* to him that he of Mme-snx marriage and In s eta Lr is cot oa Face* that he behaved inappropri­ made someone fad uocom* medical marijuana. He book after the Inquirer pub­ ately toward female employ- fartahlr or disrespected. ran unaucressfuily for lished the story. Mali r<« and campaign aides said aLn the future 1 will take another congressional mat Goldfinc. & 2006 campaign Monday that be will *atep more rare la my words and in 2014 aide, said he could eanli/iD beck* from his campaign fer my aetioas, and 1 will makr la Lhr story, the Inquirer Montgomery'll aecounti He a con grew inoai scat. it my top priority to protect quoted farmer party, cam­ also tiled Leoch's routine Sec. Daylm l<eaeh, a thaw who to apeak up to paign and legislative aides, tickling and bugging of si lawyer and a Democratic help change the culture some anonymously, who female inta/us. state lawmaker since 200.1. around ua,* f mid. amised the 68-year-old of This did not happen did ool immediately clarify Earlier this year. Loach behavior ranging from mak­ ante; there we* s pattern of whether be wm Anding his announced his candidacy ing eexualired jokra and behavior that 1 believe was U.S. House ramps iga <r for the Democratic oomina- cnouDaots to touching they totally inappropriate.* not. lh>D to challenge fourth- codaidered inappropriate. Goldfine wrote. He said he planned to term Republican (IS Hep Aubrey Montgomery, a In so carbtr statement , cuaitinur serving in the Snn* Pat Meehan, who rvpra- finafy^i director for Inach'n t<Aacb blamed the sccuaa- ate, despite a rail by Gov aenta ■ district in Philadel­ 200$ state senate cam­ tiona od a whisper cam­ Ibm Wolf, a fallow DemuC' phia's dearly divided sub­ paign, told the newspaper paign mounted by on rat, far Lasch to mogn urbs that Loach labeled her a unnamed political oppo* □cat and denied ever inap­ propriately touching women. State briefs He also said Montgomery was *a» racy as anyone 1st responders recover Police look for info on fatal else* in the office, and this —AP Pheio week was the first timi' he (e this May 1.9016» photo Peaeeytvama State See. fisherman’s body hit-run driver had ever braid that she Daytiii D>Montgomery, Lakes pert in a May PKOSPECT. Pn. (API - Emrrgrncy PDT9BUKOH (AP) — AuChoriUe* ay a had a problem. Day demoartration ta Pkitadalpliia, t^ach who la crews have recovered the body of a fisher­ person was struck and by a vehkte Montgomery boa worked the antjecl of allegations published by The Philadel­ man who fell through the in on a lake in that fled the srene in suburban Pittsburgh. fer a man running in the phia laqnirer tikot be behaved inappropriately western Hronsy)vania. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported oral year's Democratic con- townrd female employvra end campaign aides said The Butler Eagle reports that crews were that the accident happened Sunday night grossMaa) primary. Don Monday, that be will Step hack" from his campaign in Rom Tbwnahip Police didn't immediate­ dispatched ot about 10 am Monday to Muroff, for a cwegro^onaJ ocai. lake Arthur ot Moraine State Park m But­ ly provide further detaila. ler County. TTie Philly PreUet Factory sstd ia a Face- Members of tlic Loioavillc Dive Thom book poet that the hit-run happewd short­ recovered the body of the viclim.
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