_._~ _4. ," ._--r, _. ••• -"••• -<0". ~.' . --- -. "',; ._- . : ' ... cr. , ; '.' 4.";'; THE JEWlSH'POSr,Thill'sday, August 25,1917, · " .'. -',,::\, ~.. -, . ...,... : .. , .... :.--,'. -,' ," .. : ' .. THE .JEWISH POST, Thursd8y~ AugUst 25~1im - 5 "" "" ,", ;',.', -,"'j ,.;. ,'. • • •• ,,". -'i· ... '" . o ' •• . l· ' -' Gu~s,t,~aitGi#1. > •.• ...• ..,.. .j;' .. .. In Jerusalem , ' r AII~Ol)ds Lead to Ambig.uity (The serle,s ofeditQr~ls.d~.l~ ',VlthGeorge Orwell's unorthodox ie$lder'- .tlle only., independent Jewish A supreme realist, Mr. Goldmann believes that Jew~ , . - attitudes toward' Jews, and antisemitism will resume _ thinker today.· ~eopJe less disp,osed toward his should pre,ss for the rights of all. S,oyiet Jews and not Arab s~ttlel1! who did not leave mottled hills that fold and dip kheffiyaed 'Arabs, tlfe women in .~ My third route leadl; through xC' JL'.'...,' ,.' .' '. ,. .,.... .... .". "brilliancew call hinl a traitor at worst and a fool at merely' those who wish to leave for Israel. .To stress . By MELVIN. FENSQN Post-Correspondent their? ancestral homes in' 1967. into the Jordan valley. Arab peasant dress with parcels Meah Shearirri and Geulah, with ,ne .' w~.) .... ';'.'.,i':;> ;',' ... ,": , . "best., During his'negotiationswiththeGermans In the .' only t~e cauSe"of the latter is, in.his mind, an aban­ TIleyrentiiin . undisturbed, even, If King Hussein, in a feverish balanced in stately fashion on the black-clad· religious bearers Few inenhave" made 'the sort (if impact'. on,'5jIsfteqlpersraii': so higll tiiat::he had to h,ave' . six ' donment.of. the great majority of Russian Jews who There are thfee routes' I can .if their Ii~mes and plots intrude moment,.ever tries to repeat his their heads, even the occasional of our heritage,' yoUngsters mod~rn:JeWiSh-.liiStorY tJ:ie':wayWorl!l Jewish Congress ' " bodygUaMll accompaily hitii.'day apd night. ; :"'" will stiiy: in thla SovietUni!ln. .Jake driving to work each morn- right into the midst of· such' foolhardY acts of 1967, this ., donkey-riding, milk-man or fuel . - ~ sportmg large-brimmed black Presidiilii'Nahuin:Golamrumhas;:Thisenfant-terriblecOf"" . 'f... Baris publisher has:now:publiShed a new book in- He assertsi that what is important for Israel·-is ing; and each of them confronts .national monwnents as the school would likely be the first carrier, and' an fufrequegt. but . fedoras, beavers and special the"JeWlSh-,world has· never 'ceased to' startle .Jews and corporating a series of lengthy interviews with the autonomy, not; stateh,ood. It is for thisreasOlh\h.8t h~ me'with'a new approach to the Ammunition Hill memorial til ring the alarm. not a rare' sight,· a gaily..­ . editions 'of' .derbies . and the ! " Gent\lCs'withthe,'agiliiy:of hiS.mind and the fre'S~sS' irrepressibleMr;Goldmann;.according the energetic advocates a neutral Israel .in some kind,~of((.conj 'ambigmties of'Israel.· park.' . , . From the constant coristrul!­ caparisoned camel "parked'" on homburg, elegantly-clad young of his insights. " ,," . , oCtogenarian an !lPportunity to IW\lak' out on a number federation with 'her neighbors. Israel'sneutrality·."T and First of all,' I start out 'from The,Scenic Route tion·. of . homes'and public gar- ~ the sidewalk, while porters load women with skirts and sheitels,' 1'his:is'themim whoworke!1for German'il:Jtelligem:e. of..issues,reg;trding J.ews and Israel.. security - he argues, should be. g~aranteed ~y a.Jl in- Rtfmiit Eshkol, a new suburb of My route frequently requires dens, planting of' ornamental' its freight carrier up with sacks their clothing of finest fabrics, durilii{ the Frrst W!lridWar';He .lSthe same.individ\1al . Predictably, thiSbOQk will f!lel'the'fires of controver- tetnational consortium. '. , Jerusalem which "fell" into me to take. my daughter to her. bushes, and development of of sugar , flour, sak and other men and women alike pushfug who collaborated'in theZOs' in the first .edition., of the .sy even more, for Mr. Gilldinann shows himself to be in Opponeijts hasten to point out that pressure Qn the Israei's hands in 1967. Looking school, "Nezer David" (the retail shopp4lg centI:es in this staples for the haul back to the prams and tugging toddlers by famriUsGenhan EiicyctiipeCUaJUdalca~ Mr. GoliJmann disagreement with'major segments of world Jewry Soviets does' produce results, although not necessarily towards Ramat Eshkol from the "Nazarite David," a well-known French Hill-RllmatEshkol area, encampment.' . the hand. , . is the mail. who personally neg'otiated, the reparations' today. " of the magnitude desired. As to a Jewish national unit western parts' of Jerllli~Jem held local religiousinystic whose I., do not think anyone should I There are clericals from This is a closer part of your agreements :\Vith>tIte Germans after the Sec'ond World He does nO('for \lxample, favor pres~uring the Soviet in a larger Arab confederation, this vision can only be by Israelis from 1948 on, you son-in-law is Chief Rabbi doubt the serious intention of every conceivable sect of past, warm in the richness of War.'HeJs the 'same person .who was pn the point" o~ governinent on the quelltion of· Jewish emigration. described as chimerical in the light of present realities. could hardly imagine that such .' Shlomo Goren). This school is the Israelis (from the Labor Christianity including handsome. cominunity life and endeavor, negoQatingwith.:Ab:cieIGamal Nasser when the Israeli Russia, he affirms, is a superpower and is not Competent, .irasclble~nd unorthodox, the controver- , an embattled fortress of mass right '8t the ~ outermost north­ front to Likud) when they say" spade-bearded Greek Orthodoy., and yet also distant from you. It govenIDlent'got)vm,d"ofbis mission and stopped it. J .amenable to piib1lc or moral suasion: The failure of the sial Nahum Goldmann is back in the news agidn. housing, eye-boggling shopping' east limits of enlarged that tetention of an undivided and the swarthy E~!ptian Copts exerts a powerful pulling· force · Mr ... 'Goldmannprovokes extreme responses from ad- Jackson amendment to open the doors for Jewish (Canadian Jewish Newsl ' centres, andbreath-takingly Jerusalem, affording a spec-' Jerusalem is not negotlable. and at the same time, excludes vtlcates and adversaries;' Friends call him a brilliant, if. emigration appears to support. Goldmimn's views. , ~, , lovely villas could all have been tacular view of the Dead Sea, 20 The Industrial Route you, as' its. police barricades in .. , . 1 .~ -,' - .:; , '- , built since 1967. 'miles away, the purple moun- Route nlijllber one to work, the streets exclude your cars on " , \ MARGINAL .. Interspersed among. tJIese are t,ain ranges of Moab, and- Arab past the Romema industrial the ·Shabbat. Chassidic rebbes, .", , the stone homestead.s. of the few villages nestling among . the area ,(including my fonner. em­ Torah sages and scholars sit ployer here many years ago, COMMENT here and "dandle eternity on Begi'n ,CI The Jerusalem Post) is perhaps -their finger-tips;" to borrow a - • '. Go",rntJ1E.n:t,• .. , , ", "_', • '. ' : I Ii' ' '<'. ''':.. • ','. SUpport 'fo~. Scfi~ransky the least interesting. It, snakes phrase from Jerusalem pOilt By ELIEZER wHARTMAN . had' met with administration, US, Europe and elsewhert; must willing to acquiesce in a situ1:ltion ground. Better, he says, that it be past the JeruS"alem Hilton, once with - their dIStinctive black and one-tifue Winnipeg Hillel Po~t'¢orresp&n:dent . congressional and .Jewish leaders be forcibly remu,ded tlJ.at und.er where Jews could conceivably 'not· fought with our present borders Fro,m N .. Winnipeg MP a bone of contention ·since its cylinder headwear. The signs Rabbi Judah Stampfer. The story is told of'the Bronx to. acqmiint them with the the terms of Security Council live in any area under Arab rule? than with those recommended by . ". " . - • silhouette breaks the Jerusalem \ 'are in Arabic excluSively or Freedom for Some ' grocer who; on hearing that Abba thinking of the man who had been resolution 338" the parties to the Why the double stamJard: Arabs the State Department:' . (Th~ following letters were by many of them in which they skyline .. But on the other hand, Arabic and English, sometimes In re::ent pre-election F.ban was scheduled to address elected to head ISrael's new gov-, dispute are called upon to, open able to live in Israjll, but Jews The central issue, he received' by , Mrs. Barbara protest the arrest in the Soviet its modern use of Islamic ar­ in Anilenian, rarely in Hebrew. .propaganda, the Shelp Party the lIN, ,Closed his· shop 'and .ernment. Whether one agreed dire!!t negotiations between excluded from Arab-controlled reiterates, is not Palestine but Davidoff, a member of the ·Win­ Union of' AnatolyScharans)!:y. chitectural themes in the win­ Relaxed patronS sit in sidewalk ( compriSing so-called "Black hurI-ied to 42nd 8t. to hear the with him or not, the ideas he ex- themselves. The advice of ·out- area? Israel. The Arabs cannot accept niWg Group of 35,) . They ,are concerned that Mr. dow arches blends well with the cafes .smoking their nargilahs, Panthers," very left-wing legendary orator. 'On his return pounded were clear, precise and siders, everi if well-intentioned" He dismisses-the pollcy of 'the 'the existence of an independent Enclosed please find a copy of Scharans~Y'sarrest will lead to I setting. sipping TJII"kish coffee or soft protest -groups and maveric~ he buttonholed all of his friends: pertinent. ' is unasked for; . when given it previous Israeli admiitistration as Jewish statl1 in what they regard a letter which I sent to the Hon. years of· imprisonment ,and his The route then hits the tiny, drinks. Shlocky tourist traps magazine publisher Uri Avneri) "Such a fine speaker," 'he Possibly one reason is ~that runs. against the spirit of the sheer folly. Peres continues to as the Arab heartland. But, he' Donald Jamieson, secretary. of probable -death. It is their desire crowded triangle of King whip out ready banners in Fin­ proposed a left-wing civil rights, related, enraptlired.
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