Wm 'k$'&iM?lI HNiTflRCiTil M A NEWS BULLETIN mmmT published quorterly by the NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY (INC) Registered at Post Office Headquarters, Wellington, New Zealand, as a magazine. September,! 980 SOUTH GEORGIA ".. SOUTH SANDWICH Is j S \ t » c c , B 5 - ? SOUTH ORKNEYM s ' Is\ £ \ &£.'"""& & > " ~ ~ ~ - / /o Orcadas arg \y Sanae sANovdlazarevskaya i FALKLAND Is 6 Signy I. uk y\ ^-^23?**=**^ / - SOUTH AMERICA /_' / / \ : 7 B o r g a \ T ^ f S t S S L * \ " V / \ i t s a / • 5 \ ^ : > q M o l o d e z h n a y a \ y A SOUTH , .& /weddell f S H E T L A N D W W , / / / Halleya - , , Bayf DRONN NG MAUD LAND ENOERBY ^ >^ \ , S E A u k £ C O A T S L d / L A N D T y \ ANTARCTIC # Drus^a^%ne!5!-Be|iran^G/ >"Uawson \ f^ ^C MAC ROBERTSON LAND\ \ aust \ /PENINSULA"5 (see map belowl Sobtal arc *\ / **% '« . ( • . ; V V S . D a v i s a u s t South Pole \ I K! 4/-Siple— ! ' • ( U S A ^ Amundsen-Scon I queen MARY LAND {Mirny AlELLSWORTH ^ U S A / I , J j |K UUSSR S YfrS'L LAND * . * * * / ° V o s t o k u s s r / r \ J MARIE BYRtN*^ke$helf?&. * \ WILKES LAND Scott^U. N / SEA I jPtVVICTORIA .TERRE ,; ">>/5^>Y LAND LAND \/A0£UE,y ^/ADELJE^/ /«r £ GEORGE Vld.„.y*?"'\. „. ... / *'^^<tj^^\ ^' Dumont o Urville france L e n i n g r a d s k a y a > / USSR,'' \ / "'BALLENY ls\ / ANTARCTIC PENINSULA 1 Tenieme Matienzo arg 2 Esperirua arg 3 Almirante Brown arc 4 Petrel arg 5 Deception arg 6 Vicecomodon) Marambio arg » ANTARCTICA 7 Aituro Prat chile 8 Bernardo O'Higgins chile 500 1000 Miles I 9 President*, Frei chile 1000 Kilometres 10 Stonington I. uk, 1 11 A d e l a i d e I . u k , 12 Argentine Is uk ABBREVIATIONS 13 Palmer usa 14 Bellingshausen ussr ■ 1 %. JceShe/C mnstnsm (successor to Antorctic News Bulletin') 99th Issue September, 1980 Editor: J. M. CAFFIN, 35 Chepstow Avenue, Christchurch, 5. Address all contributions, inquiries etc. to the Editor. CONTENTS ARTICLES TRANSGLOBE EXPEDITION 96-98 POLAR ACTIVITIES NEW ZEALAND 74-85 UNITED STATES 87-88 AUSTRALIA UNITED KINGDOM 91-93 CHINA 9 SOVIET UNION 0„ WEST GERMANY 9" SOUTH AFRICA 99-100 SUB-ANTARCTIC FOREIGN FISHING 100 GENERAL SCAR MEETING 8„ BIOMEDICAL EXPEDITION 94-95 WHALING COMMISSION 101-102 DISCOVERY REFIT 103 OBITUARY 105-106 ANTARCTIC BOOKSHELF 108 ISSN 0003-5327 © New Zealand Antarctic Society (Inc) 1978. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the prior permission of the publishers. ANTARCTIC September 1980 NEW ZEALAND PLANS FOR SEASON New Zealand's Antarctic research programme for 1980-81 includes a major international project — vulcanological studies on Mt Erebus — by United States, Japanese, and New Zealand scientists, and sup port for other international projects in South Victoria Land and Adelie Land. Plans have been made for a marine geophysical pro- gamme and oceanographic survey in the Ross Sea aboard the British Transglobe Expedition's support ship Benjamin Bowring, and a New Zealand team will take part in an aerial reconnaissance of selected areas in Northern Victoria Land to prepare for a proposed major ex pedition there in the 1981-82 season. This season projects of low priority But plans for the research cruise de have been excluded from the research pend on the progress made by the Trans programme because of economic re globe Expedition's ice party in its straints, and particularly fuel costs. attempt to cross Antarctic from its base Eight projects have been cancelled, but in the Borga Massif area by way of the all important science projects have been South Pole, Robert Scott Glacier, Ross retained, and between 150-160 men and Ice Shelf to Scott Base. Sir Ranulph women will take part in the programme Fiennes, leader of the expedition, hopes during the summer months. All the con to complete the journey by late January, tinuous scientific studies at Scott Base but could arrive when the New Zealand will be maintained, and the programme programme is almost over. covers a wide range of disciplines, including glaciology, geology, lim WORK ON EREBUS nology, vulcanology, geophysics, oceanography, and biology. New Zealanders will return to work Seven scientists from the Geophysics on Mt Erebus for a third season in an Division, DSIR, New Zealand Oceano international project with a United graphic Institute, and Victoria Univer States party which, this year, will include sity of Wellington, will make a 10-day scientists from the Japanese Antarctic cruise from New Zealand to Ross Island, Research Expedition. The New Zealand starting from Lyttelton in January next team will have scientists from Victoria year. The main aim of their programme University of Wellington and Waikato is to obtain marine seismic, magnetic, University, and the Geological Survey, a gravity, and bathymetric data to Lands'and Survey Department surveyor, elucidate the tectonic structure of the and two Antarctic Division field western Ross Sea. assistants. This offshore research work is planned A New Zealand geologist, Dr Philip to be carried out while the Benjamin Kyle, now at Ohio State University, who Bowring is on her way south to pick up began his studies of Erebus several years members of the Transglobe Expedition ago, heads the International Mt Erebus after their crossing of Antarctica. The Seismic Study (IMESS). The purpose of Benjamin Bowring, formerly the Kista IMESS is to obtain a longer space-time Dan, took the expedition to Queen record of the seismicity of Mt Erebus, to Maud Land earlier this year, and has gain insight into the summit magma since been chartered by the Ministry of lake, and to monitor explosive gases Foreign Affairs for the Pacific Forum from it. Surveillance of the lava lake and Line to trade between the Pacific island the associated eruptive activity as well as ports. petrologic examination of material ■ ■ • ejected from the crater will also be will conduct paleomagnetic sampling undertaken. around summit lava flows. Seismic audio and magnetic studies made by a seismologist from Victoria ALGAE SAMPLES University of Wellington, Dr Ray Dib Two Waikato University scientists, ble, who was with the 1974-75 and Drs Hugh Morgan and Roy Daniel, will 1978-79 expeditions, will become an study the microbiology of the fumaroles integral part of IMESS. A seismic array at three locations on the flanks of the volcano will transmit signals to recorders in Scott Base throughout the summer during their week's stay on the volcano. and for unknown periods on into the Mapping control of the summit winter as long as the power source caldera area for the production of a operates. detailed contour map by the Lands and Volcanic deformation monitoring and Survey Department will be completed by te surveyor, Gary Neale. The Antarctic surveying, will be carried out by Mr Peter Otway, of the Geological Survey. Division field assistants, Messrs John The object of the project is to establish a Prosser and Roy Parish, will co-ordinate the logistics and safety aspects of the precise survey network across the sum mit area of Erebus which will be observ whole project. ed annually to determine the nature of New.Zealand will also support or take earth deformation associated with part in two other international projects observed variations in the level of this season. One is a United States drill volcanic activity. Another Geological ing project which will study the strati Survey scientist, Dr George Grindley, graphy and age of surface units in the ANTARCTIC September 1980 lower Taylor Valley and their correlation January next year, and will be under with strata in the upper part of the old taken on both sides of the Ferrar Glacier Dry Valley Drilling Project hole No. 8 as far as the Cavendish Icefall at the con and 11. The New Zealand programme fluence of the Taylor and Ferrar Gla will provide a drill a crew to operate it, ciers. A food and fuel dump will be and assistance by a surveyor and two established on the Ferrar Glacier early in field assistants. the season by a United States Navy heli Two New Zealanders will take part in copter. the International Biomedical Expedition to Antarctica (IBEA) which will study LAKE LEVELS human performance and survival in cold Vanda Station in the Wright Valley and isolation. Mr I. McCormick, a will be operated for the summer only. A Justice Department psychologist, will programme of daily meteorological take part in the expedition's traverse observations and measurements of wind from the French base, Dumont d'Urville, and temperature variations in the free air to D59 in Adelie Land; Professor A. J. above the valley floor will be continued W. Taylor, of Victoria University in by a team of three led by Mr Peter Wellington, will be involved in the initial Johnstone. In addition the station will testing phase at Sydney University. provide support for Messrs T. Chinn and I. Maze, of the Ministry of Works and Development, who will have the FERRAR GLACIER help of a field assistant and a surveyor to This season an Antarctic Division continue the monitoring programme in geological team will carry out detailed the dry valleys documenting long and structural and metamorphic geological short term climatic variations, and mapping in the Ferrar Glacier area as measuring the flow of the Onyx River. part of the systematic Basement mapp Support will also be given from Vanda ing programme in the Ross Dependency. to Dr W. Vincent, of the Ecology Divi This season's work will continue last sion, DSIR, and his wife, who will make season's successful project in the Blue biochemical and limnological studies in Glacier region.
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