Vol. III, No. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1942 Joseph Schmidt New Porcupine Car to Tour System for Two Years September Is Dies in Crash to Measure Clearances for Extra Bulky Shipments Bond Payroll of U. S. Bomber Savings Month Private Joseph A. Schmidt, a brake- The campaign to sell War Savings man on the Toledo Division before Bonds by regular monthly payroll de• his induction into the Army, was ductions goes on apace. killed in the crash of an Army bomber Because of changes in the number in July near Smithfield, N. C. of employes due to the departure of Schmidt, 25, entered the Army a many for war training, and other fac• week before Christmas and received tors, changes in the percentages have training at the Army Air Corps tech• been slight since the last report. nical school at Keesler Field, Miss. At this writing the percentage of He was killed just two days be• subscribers and purchasers to the num• fore he would have taken his first ber of employes on the New York furlough to visit his mother, Mrs. Central is 86.2 percent. Clara Schmidt, at 885 Hampton Av• The Big Four and Peoria District enue, Toledo. After completing a pre• made a slight gain, its percentage liminary course, he had been trans• rising to 86.4 percent and the Michi• ferred to Columbia, S. C, for train• gan Central's percentage went up to ing as a flying cadet. 89.6 percent. Besides his mother, Private Schmidt All these averages, however, and is survived by four sisters and two particularly the total monthly revenue brothers. He was buried in Toledo. they represent, are considerably below the average sought. The Treasury De• partment of the United States has designated September as Payroll Sav• ings Month, with the objective of in• Howard Scott ducing at least 90 percent of the wage earners of the country to invest a sum Ends 54 Years equal to 10 percent of the aggregate payroll. Work on N. Y. C. To accomplish their share of this, New York Central employes would Howard Scott, Superintendent of the have to increase their supscriptions ap• Pennsylvania Division, retired August proximately four times what they are 31, after 54 years of New York Cen• today. tral service. Born August 30, 1872, The Federal Treasury has asked New Mr. Scott began work on the Penn• York Central committeemen to renew sylvania Division as a Telegraph Op• their efforts to meet the goal which erator, November 25. 1888. we must have to help insure victory. Every employe, who subscribes, is reminded that when in this way he helps his government he at the same time is building up for himself a fund that in the future may be indis• New car designed to measure clearances of bridges and tunnels pensable to his own financial se• curity. NEW era in the measuring of The committeemen are still at work. A railroad clearances was begun on Former N. Y. C Alan Wrecks Nazi They have a fertile field among the the new York Central System when a new employes who are joining the new Clearance Car, X-800, built at company's forces from week to week, West Albany Shops, was placed in Trains As a Pilot in the R. A F. replacing those taken in selective ser• operation, August 10. vice or otherwise. Additional sub• The car was designed and con• Clifford Mehrhof Wins scriptions from present subscribers are structed under the direction of H. also sought. Special Mention for His Buckley, Clearance Engineer, and is The knowledge that many of our operated under the jurisdiction of the Exploits in Forays Over boys are actually engaged in combat Maintenance of Way Department. French Area and are suffering the privations and Manned by a crew of five, including hardships as well as the perils that an engineer in charge, a draftsman Clifford Mehrhof, 22, who left the this involves is expected to have a and three men from the Engineering Baggage and Mail Department at Corps on the Division where the stimulating effect upon the Savings Howard Scott Weehawken, N. J., to join the R.A.F. Bond Campaign. Every Bond, it is car is operating, it will tour the last year, is wrecking Hitler's trains in recognized, does its share to support Pursuing his career on the Pennsyl• System in two years. Europe while his former fellow NYC those who are fighting for us. vania Division, he became Train Dis• The car first set out on the Boston employes are "keeping 'em rolling" The System's executive personnel al• patcher in 1893, Assistant Train Mas• & Albany, where it created a sensa• in this country for victory. ready has reached 100 percent in sub• ter in 1905, Train Master in 1907 and tion because of its unusual appear• Special mention was made by the scriptions. Assistant Superintendent in 1912. From ance. By the public, unfamiliar with British Air Ministry of one exploit 1917 to 1931 he was Superintendent the latest equipment, it was dubbed by Mehrhof on July 27, when he successively of the Ontario, the Penn• a "porcupine car!" swooped down out of embattled skies G. Metzman is sylvania and the Mohawk divisions. The purpose of X-800 is to take the over Lens, France, and attacked and From October 10, 1931, to his retire• actual measurements to less than an disabled two of three trains carrying Now in Cincinnati ment, he had offices in Jersey Shore, inch of all structures, cuts, bridges, Nazi troops and munitions. Pa. and tunnels along the right of way so F. E. Williamson, President of the Mr. Scott is also Director of the that when the clearance man is called Already a veteran in the skies over New York Central System, announced, Beech Creek Railroad, the Chenango upon to move a bulky shipment, or Western Europe, Pilot Officer Mehr• on August 15, the appointment of Valley Railroad, the State Bank of any kind of rolling stock, he will hof has also been engaged several G. Metzman as Assistant Vice Presi• Jersey Shore and the Jersey Shore be able to determine actually how times in action, helping give air cover Clifford Mehrhof dent and General Manager, New York Y.M.C.A. to make each move. to Commando raids on the coastline Pilot Officer, R.A.F. Central System, with headquarters at In his retirement he will devote of France, besides participating in day• Cincinnati. The appointment was effec• The clearance car was remodeled light sweeps. much of his time to his hobbies of from an old baggage-smoker car and Star Catcher Enlists tive at once. hunting and fishing. can be moved quickly in passenger He is the third generation of a Donald A. Wilson of the Superin• Mr. Metzman formerly was Assis• Mr. and Mrs. Scott live at 507 trains over the System. When in New York Central family. His grand• tendent of Equipment's office at New tant Vice President of the Central Washington Avenue, Jersey Shore. operation it is pushed by a locomotive, father, George C. Mehrhof, retired York, has enlisted in the armed forces. at Chicago, but in recent months was moving very slowly when taking meas• recently as Station Master at Wee• the Chief of the rail division of Don is a well-known athlete and the War Department's Transportation urements. hawken. His father, E. Clifford Mehr• Softball player. He enjoys quite a repu• hof, is employed at Weehawken in Corps, Services of Supply, with head• Gets Chicago Post The striking appearance of X-800 tation as the outstanding catcher of quarters at Washington. the Ticket and Station Master's Office. the Manhattan Athletic Association Effective August 1, Herbert R. is caused by 112 feelers, or fingers, An uncle, Irwin Mehrhof, is a River Except for his war work he has Trowe was appointed District Sta• which project from the front end of League, playing with the champion been with the New York Central Division Conductor and another uncle Passenger Tariff team. tion Accountant at Chicago, succeed• (Concluded on page six) is Lieutenant H. Patterson of the since 1920. Before that he was with ing Daniel B. O'Brien, who retired Property Protection Department, New Typical of Don, he is seeking a the Baltimore & Ohio from 1903 to after forty years of service, W. H. Le York City. berth in the Tank Corps for plenty of 1916 and from 1916 to 1920 was action. Valley, Auditor Station Accounts and Behind young Mehrhof's brilliant with the Eastern Presidents Confer- Overcharge Claims, announced re• How About Another Bond? The boys in the office presented ence and the U. S. Railroad Admin• cently. (Concluded on page four) him with a wrist watch. istration. 2 Central Headlight Central Headlight From Our Readers Information Booth Published monthly for New York Central System employes and their families BELOW are given the answers to a number of in eleven states and two provinces of Canada by the Department of Public Rela• Recalls Old Road questions asked recently by some of our readers. To the Editor: tions. Contributions are invited but no responsibility is assumed for their They are printed here in the expectation that they will return. Editorial offices, Room 1528, 466 Lexington Avenue, New York City. Being a constant reader of the Head• light, I derive great pleasure in read• interest others besides those who made the inquiries: Editor ing of old days as well as railroading 1—The first locomotive, with four wheel leading truck, at present. was the Experiment, designed in 1832 by John R.
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