." All-Star. Wfdp Pro. Pardy Clou~y , , Collel'lau Ou*ore Wuhllll'ton lOWA-Pu1ly eloacb. _what See S&'1'7 On eooler III eoath portion toda7: lo- Pap J Daill owa» la 0 .. row bIcr~ cloadlaess.. , ,. ,. R Iowa C t y • M 0 r n IJ N e w • p a p e r • FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1938 VOLUME xxxvn NUMBER 281 SUI Faculty [Roosevelt Gets Double Men 'Starred' British ·Ambassador Returns Twelve Honored In I Set-back in Primaries N w Edition of Book To Reich With ~War' Message .. On 'Men of dence' • • • • • • • • • • , : I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Can Their Split Be Healed? "Starred" men listed in the new Nation's Chief edition ot "American Men oC Scl­ Nazi Officials ~nce," about 1,000 out ot 28,000, Dome tic Peace Blasted for France now include a doz n members of • • • • • • Not Disturbed the University ot Iowa (acuity. • • • Await Report Iowans who have achieved the Labor Conled ration Reject Daladier' Decree lor Longer Work Week Nor Surprised distinctiVe symbol Since the tast '------------ - ---------------.---- .---------' prevlOUS edition in 1933 are Prot. PARIS, Aug. 31 (AP) - The l announ~ it will support any In the afternoon, &lven to the army From England Feobert W. Wylie head of the power(ul general contederation of workers who refuse to remain In committee of the chamber 01 dep­ Wanted to Shape botany department· and Prot. Ar- labor today blasted Premier Ed- factories more than the number oC utie , that France's armed forces Ihur C. Trowbridge, the geology . ouard Daladier's hopes for do~es- hours provided tor under the social ate ready for any eventuality. Concerns European W 81," Congress to Include department head I tic peace amidst the international laws. During his talk to the 44-man Tension; Continue The book, Imp~rtiallY edited by IcriSis with a flat statement that It That meant open defiance by or- committee at a I4!SCret sessfon in More Liberals Dr. J . McKeen Cattell lists re _ consider d his decree for length- gani:r.ed labor ot the cablnet'8 de- Big Navy Maneuve1'8 " . ,p enlng the 40-hour work week out- Bourbon palace, It was reported, resentatlvl' Am.erlcans In a dozen "side national detense industries as cree of yesterday suspend in, the WASHINGTON, Aug. 31 (AP) there was a bitter exchanlle of BERLIN, Aug. 31 CAP)­ branches of sc.ence. "null and void." 40-hour week In defense and re­ -Sen. William G. McAdoo's de- words between the premier and a Great Britain's ambassador, Sir 1~lIt In Calltornia and Sen. Elliaon . It .'s regarded as a high dls- The administrative committee lated industries. communist deputy: Gaston Corna­ ~.JIlction "to be . se l ec~ for the Cor the organization, grouping to- The confederation's decision 1011- vin, who attacked his work-week Nevile Henderson, reached Ger­ D. Smith's smashing vlctol'}' in staned Ust,. since rigid require- geth r more than 5,000,000 workel'S, ed Preimer Daladler's assurances decree. many by plane tonight bearin. South Carolina gave a double set­ nll'nts of achievement must have ------ -------------.--- what nazi oWcI_is considered an back today to President Roose­ been met before the symbol is important communication trom granted. velt's attempt to shape the make­ Harri on County Girl., Ja per THE (NTEJlNATIONAL the British government concern­ up the next congress. Biographical sketehes of other SITUATION ot Iowans, which also appeared In ing central European war ten­ Some administration adherents sion, fndlcated there had been Uttle the 1933 edition marked with a star, are those of Prof. Edward Youth Named Health Champ At a Glance llope that Smith would be defeat­ Fresh from long consultation. Bartow, head of chemisll,),; Dean ed. but that McAdoo's fallure to with the British cabinet and hI,h­ GeorgI' F. Kay, geologist and 101'­ t Iowa C ntennial State Fair By The Associated Press est British oWelal,. Henderson ~&.\n "tenominat\on was a st\lnn\ng mer head ot the department; Prof. blow. BERLIN - British ambassador was expected to see Foreign Min­ lohn L. Lewl. If nry L. Ri tz, head of mathema- tues trom London with Important There was no Inclication, how­ Homer Martla Barbara B be Giv Ister J oachim ' von Rlbbentrop , •• "My relatlonahlp with Len ••• hIa method to attempUnJ to tics; Pror. Edward W. Chitten- communication on German-Czech­ filer, of any inclination to ease oslovak crisis - apparently Brl t­ soon, oil on the congressional "purge" II veq fine. It hal been thor- end the U. A. W. factional quar- tlen, mathematics; Pror. George Crf>dit to Mother And ot Killer oughJr ItralDe4," reI are anc1er fire. W. Stewart, head ot physics; Prot. aln's admonition against resort to Whether he would see AdoU campaign .• Dad for Champion hip arms. Hitler apparently had not been President Roosevelt himseU was Will the split between Homer servers wonder as Martin takes Alexander Ellett, physics; Prof. Warden Blame His dircct issue with Lewis' methods Jo ph H . Bodine, head of :r.oolo­ PARIS - French premier as­ decided tonight and xact where­ represented by aides as neither Martin, leader of the powerful DE MorN~s, Aq. 1I1 (AP I in attempting to end the U. A. W. JOt; Prots. Emil Wltchl and GiI­ ubordinales sures parUamentary IIrmy com· abouts ot the Relchsfuehrer re­ «urprised nor distl.lrbeq by the re­ Un i ted. Automobile Workers -Otlen Mueller ot Lone Tree , _____________• mltte France's armed forces are mained a mystery. Presumably nomination of Smith in Tuesday's factional qua~rel. In a double- bert HOLlSl'r, also ot zoology; and today bowed the champion 4-H union, and .Tohn L. Lewls, gener- meaning answer to newsmen's Dean Emerllu Carl E. S ashore, PH ILADELPHIA, Aug. 31 (AP) strong enough for any emergency, Hitler was still In the French Primary. 001 teln heifer In the .tate fair IA lissimo of the Committee for In- questions In DetrOit, Martin said who headed pSychology tor many - Rebuked for "ridiculous" man­ LONDON - Britain increases frontier region where h started a , Mr. Roosevelt had spoken out competition. \ agement of the Philadelphia coun­ pressure on both sides of Sudeten fortifications inspection lour 1ive for Smith's opponent, Gov. Olin dustrial Organization which counts that "my relationship with Lewis I years. ty prison, Warden William B. Mills German dispute tor conciliation, days 3g0. D. Johnston, but White House sec­ the U. A. W. as one of Its strong- is very fine. It has been thor- DES MOINES, Aug. 31 (AP)­ today blamed subordinates tor the pointing to "criminal folly" of More Incl ulllve retaries said he had expected the _cs_t_u_n_lt_s,_b_e_h_e_a_le_d_?_ L_a_b_or_ o_b-_ O_u_g_h_Iy_s_l_ra_in_e_d_.'_' ____ __ Postal Officials Barbara Beebee. 15-year old bru­ "baking to death" of four convicts stubbornness, While German oUiciais awaited, senator to win. nette trom Harrison county, to­ in "sweat-box" punishment cells. MOSCOW-Authoritative lour­ Henderson's report on his hurried Stephen Early, a secretary, said night was named the 1938 Iowa He named G u a r d Sergeant na1 declares "concerted practical trl)) to London, it was disclosed the president predicted yester­ Reveal Insurance 4-H club girl's health champIon. James Hart as rlsponslbl for measures" by great powers are that Germany's current naval ex­ day that Smith would gain the Typhoon Cuts Vast cheme Barbara Is the daughter of Mr. turning on the killing heat and sald nec ssary to prevent German ag­ ercises in the North Sea are far democratic nomination-in South Fraud and Mrs. A. H. Beebee, who oper­ Deputy Warden Frank Craven, gression in Czechoslovakia-Unot mol' inclusive than was at f.lrst Carolina equivalent to electlon­ ate a 360-acre farm southeast of knowing of conditions, should have mere diplomatic conver allons." announced. by 40,000 votes. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 31 (AP) - Lollan. She will be a senior in the ordered the steam shu~ oft in the PRAHA- Medlatlon elforta con­ Field Marshal II rmann W 11- . Early relayed to reporters this Path A~ross Japan Postal authorities charged today a Missouri Vall y high school next battery of radiators that lined a tinue as split among Germanic helm Goering's mouthpiece, th e "gigantic insurance fraud ring" year. corridor 01 the "Klondike" .Isola­ minority complicates issue. comment from the president: national Zt'ltung, termed the ex­ Involving 25 "fly-by- night" mu- The new champion is five feel tion building Where the men were ROME - J ews appr henslvelY "It Is often true that It tal:es ercises biggest since the World tual assessment associations whose 2 1-4 Inche9 tAll and weighs 111 confined. He denied ti ll personal await session tomorrow of Italian war In view 01 the fact the 26.­ .. long, long time to bring the t kps "run Into tile miUloos" 11 pounds. Her bright brown eyes responsibility. Hart acted, he said, cabinet which is expected to ap­ OOO-ton batlleshlp Gnelsenau I p~s t up to the present." 75 Mile Gale ace oJ) l tin/( In l mldw terti ,II1d I IIIppcd with pleasure as 01 . Dan- without his knowledg or permIs­ prove measures enforetn, new parliclpllting nlong with the 10.': In back IlIg Johnston, the PI es­ 8oulhcl'l1 stat ~ . lei Glomset, examining physlcl n, sion fa clst race doctrl ne, Ooo-lon pocket - battleships Ad­ ident had referred to Smith, an McAdoo Ace pi Los The ring has been operating ex- pronounced her champion. The firm - jawed, gray - haired HENDAVE - Spanish govern­ miral Grar Spee, Deutschland and opponent of some new deal mell­ Strike Tokyo tenslvely in Iowa, said Post Otrice Barbara, who has dark brown warden was tht' chief witness Ilt 8 ment reports new smash In Estre­ Admiral Sch er.
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