WEATHER 20 - MANCIIKSTKH IIKRAI.D. SaUirday. Jtin 19. 1905 MANCHESTER U.S./WORLD SPORTS Cold again tonight; ABC APPLIANCE A REPAIR Teachers’ leader Shuttle crew ready 49ers show they SALES ■ SERVICE - PARTS warmer on Tuesday GENERAl Oil ON ALL MAKES OF PORTABLE hits school budget for secret liftoff really are super A A R O N C O O K APPLIANCES AND SERVICE ON ... page 2 ALL MAKES OF HOME OR ... pages ... page 11 MANCHESTER BUSINESS COMPUTERS. ... page 3 HEATING OIL Specializing In new & used vacs and bullt-ln systems QUALITY SERVICE 301 East Center St., Manchester MU'hui'l CAO Qfi7Q CALL 5 6 8 " 3 5 0 0 HAS IT! Uulhryn Mulliii'u D ‘»«»-00# .7 Featuring This Week... iEanrhpatrr Hrralb ....... * Monday.Monday, Jan Jan. 21, 1985 — Single copy: 25<t Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 763 and 191 Mom St . M onch.H.t For All Your Noodt Phon.; 643-1191 or 643-1900 ' . Eatlbrooli Moll. M ontli.ld TRAVEL«INSURANCE Phone: 4S6-1 141 391 Broad 8t., Manchoator M S rfffM CONNSCTfCUrg 646-7096 U A im o pui u s v K t o^naANgi Reagan reiterates economic goals Vacuum Cleaner Service J. B. ELECTRONICS We Repair Most Makes and Models STEREO • MUSIC AMPS • TV By Laurence AAcQuIll federal government to operate United Press International under the restrictions of a bal­ Warranty parts and service SALES AND SERVICE Cold weather cancels anced budget, just as most states on Singer products. WASHINGTON - President parade, festiivites must. Singer Factory Service Center Reagan, taKing his public oath of r:ir-.:Liir±3i iz r :---- TD 1 — see page 4 SUPREME COURT JUSTICE ^ . o o o office in a ceremony forced indoors 2 1069 Main St., Manchester by arctic temperatures, today Warren Burger gave the oath to 6 4 9 -6 3 5 6 delivered an inaugural address, in Reagan, who used his fam ily which he called for a freeze on the president in speaKing of his Bible, and former Associate Jus­ Hours: 7:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. dally • fZ y .1 V tice Potter Stewart administered open 'til 6 p.m. Wad.; 'til noon Sat. i t JACK BERTRAND 643-1262 federal spending next year as the next four years in office. escorted cruises, tours, airline tickets nation has reached "a moment for Reagan, with Republicans and the oath to Bush, who used a Bible hard decisions." Democrats in the audience of given him by evangelist Billy irno service fee Travelers Checks OVER 45 Addressing a standing crowd mostly public officials, said the Graham. MANCHESTER pacKed into the rotunda of the unlimited future of the country can Officials had worKed frantically 9 YEARS Capitol, Reagan and Vice Presi­ only be reached by imposing limits EXPERIENCE through the night to maKe the last MEMORIAL CO. dent George Bushed repeated their on the federal government. minute arrangements needed af­ itcompetitive rates for auto A oaths of office in a public ceremony “ We must not repeat the well 0pp. East Cemetery CALL 649-58071 ter plans for A e public inaugura­ homeowners insurance that had been forced inside by intentioned errors of our past” by tion were scrapped because of the frigid temperatures and gusting abusing the “ trust of worKing men siege of harsh weather. and women, by sending their U AU TY HARRISON ST.. winds that also scrubbed the Early today temperatures in the earnings on a futile chase after the ? MANCHESTER tradtional inaugural parade down nation's capitol dipped to 4 degrees ir AAA's exclusive maps S Triptiks MORIALS Pennsylvania Avenue to the White spiraling demands of a bloated I below zero and the National House. federal establishment.” Weather Service predicted the if 24 hour Emergency road service "The time has come for a new He told Americans they elected mercury would never top the American Emancipation — a great him in 1980 "to end this prescrip­ mid-teens, maKing it the coldest “Serving Manchealer For Over 50 Yearn" national drive to tear down eco­ tion for disaster. I do not believe Inauguration Day in the nation’s nomic barriers and liberate the you re-elected us in 1984 to reverse history. discounted movie tickets spirt of enterprise in the most course.” distressed areas of our country," Discussing the economy and the The bitter cold temperatures — Penttand The Florist Reagan said after proclaiming massive federal deficit, Reagan made worse by stiff wind gusts it protection for lost/stolen credit cards 24 BIRCH ST. that the "new beginning” he declared: "W e have come to a plunging the wind-chill factor to CALL TEL. 643-6247 sought four years ago has been turning point, a moment for hard the range of 30 below zero — forced 643-4444 accomplished. decisions." the first cancellation of an inaugu­ FOR AN EXPLANATION i^...and much more / F.T.D. " I will shortly submit a budget to ral parade and left unused the $1 OF A PROVEN WAY! MASTER CHARGE REAGAN, AT 73 THE oldest the. Congress aimed at freezing million stand built on the West AMERICAN EXPRESS WORLD WIDE government program spending for front of the Capitol. SERVICE person sworn in as the nation's 6 4 9 -7 8 6 7 chief executive, told a national the next year," he said in one of the More than 140,000 people had television audience "our nation is few specific items raised in his ticKets for the outdoor swearing-in e4B-2073| inaugural address. — but only about 1,000 people were see MAIN STREET UPI photo poised for greatness. We must do j MANCHESTER HOURS: MON-SAT. I what we know is right, and do it “ Beyond that we must taKe allowed into the rotunda. J SPECIALIZING IN 10-4 P.M. r sworn in to a second term at a private with ail our might.” further steps to permanently con­ Security procedures continued SUPERIOR MUFFLERS MANCHESTER Preaident Reagan and Vice President trol government’s powerto tax and to be tight, with police themselves cerenriony in the White House. “ Let history say of us these were George Buah wave to the preas Sunday golden years — when the Ameri­ spend," said Reagan, who re­ issued special identification DON WILLIS GARAGE, INC. from the North Portico after being can Revolution was reborn," said newed his pitch for requiring the passes as they began their shifts. specialists 391 Broad Street WHEEL ALIGNMENT • BRAKE SERVICE • WRECKER SFHviCt ^earig GENERAL REPAIRING QUALITY USED CLOTHINO Propane Cylinders Filled Air Conditioning Service 6 4 6 -7 0 9 6 TELEPHONE 18 MAIN STREET LADIES CLOTHINO AND ACCESSORIES •CHILDRENS CLOTHINOl A 649.4531 MANCHESTER CONN 06040 USED TOYS . CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTEOl Wind transforms cold Into an arctic blast A weather service reported over­ cord, N.H. "But only a fool would concert by the Deep Purple rocK State police reported a rash of New England Country Woodworknig, Inc.] By United Press International below zero, weather officials said. night lows ranging from 6 degrees go out on the slopes.” group. Coliseum officials said they accidents after intermittent snow Selling? Buying? Building? Emergency shelters and soup in Boston to 12 below zero in the Overnight lows hit 5 below zero allowed the squatters in the lobby ail day Sunday Kept the roadways Horrlf Hordwoodf The icebox door slammed shut Kitchens in Connecticut cities central Vermont town of Union in Caribou, Maine, 4 below zero in overnight to esape the deep freeze. slicK. Six accidents occurred on MARTIN & ROTHMAN, INC. 260 Tolland Turnpike on New England today as a blast of reported full houses and there Village — and strong winds made Montpeliar, Vt., 4 degrees above Meanwhile, Connecticut’s $1.5 1-84 in East Hartford Sunday arctic air bearing sub-zero were no known severe cases of the temperatures feel much zero in Concord, N.H., and zero REALTORS Mancheatar, CT 06040 million emergency fuel aid fund is afternoon, involving 16 cars and temperatures and high winds hypothermia or frostbite. colder. degrees in WoonsocKet, R.I. No EXPERIENCE...KNOWLEDQE. ..TRUST (203) 649-4663 depleted and Gov. William A. sending several people to the N stalled motorists, froze pipes and Auto clubs in Hartford and Forecasters said 25 mile per records were broKen, however. N O'Neill has asKed for a reallocation hospital. ...FOR OVER 15 YEARS... filled shelters for the homeless to Bridgeport report hundreds of hour winds with gusts up to 35 mph Temperatures were expected to of $730,000 to maKe sure elderly In Bridgeport, one man was capacity. calls from commuters seeKing would yield wind chill factors rise Tuesday, from the teens in CALL Commercial & Residential help with dead or weaK batteries. and handicapped residents get Killed in one of four seperate fires Woodworking & Supplier In Connecticut, the National that°erupted Sunday in the sub­ ranging from 25 to 50 degrees northern New England to the 20s in 2«3 Mala Weather Service reported official “ We’re swamped’’ said a fuel. below zero across the six-state the south. The bitter cold — which set freezing weater. Maachestor 646-4144 lows of one below zero at 7:30 a.m. dispatcher. region. A power outage Sunday night in record lows today in 23 cities from Marian WierzbicKi, 64, died in Bridgeport and 1 degree at Some school districts decided to "You go outside naked and Quincy, Mass., left 6,000 Massa­ Florida to Ohio — began moving when he ran bacK into his 13-room Windsor LocKs and said it would close schools for the day and you’re in deep trouble," said NWS chusetts Electric customers with­ EVERYTHING IN GLASS Connecticut into New England at midnight home, on Noble Avenue, police only rise into the low teens today.
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