THE W B A im AVBEAflfl DAILT klE< liniiTION FOtMast o f C. & Wantoat BuNaffb . (Mr the inouta el Oetebsv, 1884 Baitfard Fair tonlghk Saturday mostly 5,442 doady aad wanner. ’ o< too Andit matitliratrr I o f Ctreadattona (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS (OInaMSed Advartl iteg en Pftge 14.) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9) 1934. A Two U .S . Girl Held By Nazis RETAIL SALES FLANDDi ORGANIZES DEMOCRATS BATTUNG ANDaGARETTE NEW FRENCH CABINET TAX m S E D OVER THE SPEAKERSHIP Members Sworn In After GoTernor Cross’s Commis' CHENEYS WANT First Sign of Strife Since Bridgeport First Job S^ Riot in Wbicb SO skm Also Suggests Inter- Tuesday’s Election Pots in DISTRICTTOPAY Pereons Wore Arrested est and Dividend Levies— O f Socialist Senators Appearance — Northern* NO. I ’s J ffE N S E end Then Freed. Would berease Gas Tax. ers Demand Post in the Bridgeport, Nov. 9.— (A P ) — Tbac Refunding bonds to prevent a high Bridgeport Post says Bridgeport’s stepping up of tbe tax rate in the Nov. 9.—(A P )—The awlft- Resobtion Pnttmg Consider The Special Tax commission,- in three Socialist State Senators, who next two years and a comprehen- House. take seats In tbe Stete Legislature ' organised cabinet of Pierre Bten- ita report made public today by sive program for reduction o f tba early In January will devote their niene Flandin, Franco’s new six and Governor Wilbur L. (^oss, recom- city’s bonded indebtedness now atkm of Proposition Up to efforts to securteg the enactment Washington, Nov. 9.— (APJ-rTlis a half foot premier, forged ahead around $16,000,000. mends the enactment of new taxes Into law of a four point leglalatlve program for the city to the exclu- While leaders of the Democratic first sign o f internal rivalry In ths of the spectre of national strife to- and a thorough revision of the state’s Otficeri Is Passed; Wonld sion of alignmenta or "deals” with party, with 17 State Senators, and Democratic Party since last Tues* day. revenue system. Two emergency the Republican or Democratic Sen- the Republicans with 15 Senators day’s victory raised it to its highest The country at large watched taxes Imposed for a four year period ate blocs. It was declared by city are endeavoring to draft a legisla- Mean $6,000 More. on all retail aales and on salea of pinnacle, appeared today. Certain quietly as the Cabinet took the oath admlnlatratlon leaders today. tive program while the three local cigarettea are proposed to provide Democrats north of tbs Moson-Dtxoa ^m President Lebrun test nighk The city’s legUlatlve program SociiUlst Senators will hold the funds for financing a subetantlal I t waa sworn in only 13 hours after calls for: balance of power, local administra- line opened a determined drive to Cheney Brothers do net care part o f municipal expenditures for tion leaders are concentrating ex- tbe'government of Gaaton Dour- 1— Sweeping program of charter capture the Speakership of the mergue, venerable former President, unemployment relief and other tem- clusively on the program of local leg- longer bo held responsible for t revision. House for which the South also ia porary expenditures. A tax on in- islation as outlined. resigned. expense o f maintaining the firehouse 2— Restoration of home rule terest and dividends is suggested as Overtures have already been made contending. Losing no time, the stalwart Flan- occupied by Hook and Ladder Com- through stripping of extraordinary a substitute for existing taxes on through upstate leaders of both old Declaring that the South haa been din called bis ministers to work to- fiscal powers from the board of ap- ‘in the saddle” in the House for four day on a program to be submitted to pany No. 1 of the South Manchester intangible personal property. portionment and taxation conferred parties to local leaders for an ex- years because It held the majority ParUament next Tueaday. Ita chief fire department, which is owned by To Be Distributed by "ripper legislation In 1925 and pression of policy on the part of the Cheney Brothers and used for the leadership and the chairmanships at plana are economic reviaal and re - Professor Fred R. Fairchild, chair- 1983.” Socialist Senators, It ia said, but storage o f the apparatus used by these have been rejected here with all major committees, these ENuno- duction of tmemployment man of the commission, submitted 3— Enactment of municipal civil No. 1. clubrooms and also for the an administration ultimatum of crate ask more power. They em- The public was apparently gen- the report In typewritten form to service as recommended by tbe housing o f the switchboard o f the Bridgeport first In tho legislative phasize that northern Democrats erally satlafled. the governor In his office this after- Common Council and upheld by the now have more seats than ths fire alarm system. voters in a referendum on Tuesday. program. Feara of troubles slmUar to the noon. The report is now being print- South. 'This was made known at tbe bkiody street rlota of last February ed and will be available for general Representative Martin J. Kenna* meeting of the South Manchester were largely dlaalpated when the distribution in the early part of De- dy, Tammany Democrat, who dis- Fire dUtrict held last night and new government tMk tbe situation cember. (^pies of the typewritten DEAD FOB 2 M INUTES closed the drive, said: "New Yorlc came aa a surprise to a rather amall no quickly in hand. gathering. In the resolutim pre- Although Isobel Lillian Steele, shown above with her mother, Mrs. Clara report are to be filed In the State LIVES FOR 22 HOURS UNIQUE SERVICES is entitled to tbe Sjieakership.” Steele, of Hollywood, Cal., boa been held for three months in a Berlin library and In the offices o. the gov- Otter Developineato Police On Guard sented by Howell Cheney and which prison, the State Department at Washington, D. C., announces it cannot ernor, of tbe secretary of state, and Philadelphia, Nov. 9— (A P ) — This development topped a list o( Heavy poUce patrola remained on passed, it was ao worded that intervene to obtain her release. ' N o charges have been made public, but of the tax commissioner for public Physicians at Philadelphia Gen- others as Tuesday’s smashing tri- the atreets however. Attempts to the district officers, after due con- it ia said she expresfted onti-Noxl sentiments that are considered "very inspection. The commission has pre- eral hospital oay a man dead for IN OLD GREENWICH umph for President Roosevelt’s par- start rioting, mostly by Royalists, sideration might, if they so desire, serious.” A speedy trial Is promised. pared a summary of the rejmrt, two minutes was brought to life ty opened almost Umltleaa posalhUl. potarod out here yesterday under pay not more than |S,0(>0 thla year, which will be distributed to interest- with two Injections of adrenalin ties: rain and police flats. F ifty persona towards the maintenance of the ed parties in the near future. 1— James A. Farley, Democratia ' were arrested, only to be released company. and lived for 22 hours. Not District Property In order that the program of the Injections have restored life Ancient Ritual Foflowed In chairman, predicted: That Mr. Imtor. Roosevelt will be re-elected te 1938 lik e Dourmergue's the Cabinet of The property that is used by No. commission may be placed before before, they said, but rarely if by a verdict "pracUesUly unanFi the 45-yeaiM>ld Flandin ia a ’’politi- 1 is not owned by the district. The the public at the earliest possible ever so long after the patient's KILLS WIFE, CHILDREN, Church Dedicated by Lord mous.” The Republican Party, he heart ceaaed beating. Neither cal truce” body. It la tbe 97th Cab- house waa built by (Jbeney Brothers moment. Governor Cross has releas- have persons so treated held to aald, ” l8 positively through." inet since the Third Republic was when tbe fire department was or- ed for publication tbe final chapter life for almost a day afterward. 2— The American Liberty Leagus, proclaimed in 1870. ganised. The apparatus In the house of the report of the commission pre- Tbe man brought back to life Bishop of Aberdeen. quiet before the election. Jumped ”Tlie men I have gathered to- was purchased by Cheney Brothers THEN COMMITS SUICIDE senting a brief summary of its en. was Unzie Williams 46, suffering into the picture when Its president, gether,” the premier aald, ”wlll for- Jointly withqthe members o f No. 1, tire program. This program Includes from a brain swelimg Induced by Jouett Shouse, said at Lexington, get party differences fo r one end— the money that was used to pur- in addition to new taxes thorough- a toxic condition tbe hospital Greenwich, Nov. 9.— (A P )— Lord Ky., that it would launch this month to flight against misery and unem- chase the apparatus being raised going changes m municipal financial diaclosed yeaterday. a drive for one million members. ploynent." from the annual boll of the com- Bishop of Aberdeen, Francis Llew. pany given each Thanksgiving 'eve Bay State Man Thought In-1 BRIGHTER OUTLOOK administration and an extensive re- Denying emphatically that the lea- Adoption o f a sound budget be- vision of existing statutes governing ellyn, was consecrator in the when there was also sold the ao- gue "was organized, in definite op- fore January 1, ao it would be freed the taxation of banks. Insurance unique old time service used this position to the present administra- of worrlea, is the government’s first colled ’’turkey, goose and pig” ticket that each year netted thousands of sane Writes Message m p) TEXTILE TRADE companies, miscellaneous corpora- morning at the dedication of St.
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