JANUARY 1953 CHALL ~Nv E I :i,'" IIII.'!.!' I SO CENTS Subscription Rate NE YEAR 54.75 96xN B,B 20 N_ R4 P- N6 10 N-QS N, N 21 N_ B3 BxPt 11 B,N P_ QB3 22 K_ Rl QR-KN1 12 P-B3 B-P 2 23 N_ N1 B- N5 13 B-N3 Q_B3 24 B_B3 K- K2 14 P-K R3 P- K R4 2S QR-Q1 P- KB4 l S Q- K2 P_ KN4 26 p , p BxBP 16 8-01 B- K3 27 R_Q2 P_Q4 17 Q- Q2 P_ NS 28 P-N3 B_NS 18 Q- NS K-K2 ! 29 P-B4 R- KBl 19 OxQt K, Q 30 P-QR4 KR-Nl 31 P,B The thre a t was 31 nxB ! "GIVE ME A KNIGHT!" A LITT LE·KNOWN GAME by the Pride 31 RPxP 33 N-R3 R_K Rl HIS is the cry of a chessplayel' whose of Kentucky: 32 Bx NP R,B 34 R_ K2 TPawn has reached the eighth rank, TWO K NIG HTS' DEFE NS E and is ready for promotion. But this is Robbins S howa lter a cry that is rarely heard. Only once in 1 P- K4 P-K4 10 N-K5 Q- Q5 a m illion games does it happen that pro­ 2 8- B4 N_ KB3 11 N-N4 B<N moting to a Knight Instead of a Queen 3 N_ KB3 N_ B3 12 BxB P- K6 is the only way to w in. 4 N_ NS P_Q4 13 P-KB3 P-K R4 S o few are the games in which this S PxP N-Q R4 14 8-R3 Q-R5t has happened, that it migh t be worth 6 B- NSt P- B3 15 K-K2 Q- B7t recording together the scores of these 7 Px P Px P 16 K-Q3 R-QU remu\{abJe events. Let us begin wl'th: 8 B_ K2 P_ KR3 17 K-B3 P_K7 Strassbur g, 1880 9 N_ KB3 P_ KS 18 Q_Nl K I N G' S GAMBIT White pl'event s 1S Q- Q5 mflle. 18 N- Q4t Amateur Go etz Bl11Ck announced mate in four: Black 19 K_ Q3 N_ K6§ White 20 K_ B3 34 ... RxN t 36 K_ R2 PxR (N)t 1 P_ K4 4 P-N3 p,p 35 PxR P- N7t 37 K_ Kl R-N8 2 P_KB4 5 P-KR3 P_ N7§ mate 3 P-Q N3 6 K- K 2 QxKPt PxR {N) 7 K- B2 OUR LAS T is a typica l Marshall atta(');, mate! but the allack is engineer ed by ill al'­ shall's opponent! The grea t Ameri(' a n champ:on has to take it, instead of di sh· ing it ollt ~at P istyan, 1912. FOU R KN IG HTS' GAME S t e rk Ma rshal l 1 P-K4 P- K4 15 Q-K2 B_K84 2 N-KB3 N_ QB3 16 P-N4 P_ R3 20 Q, Q 3 N-83 N-B3 17 P,B N,P 21 R, Q N- Q8t 4 B-NS B-N5 18 K- Rl P, N 22 Rx N P )( R{N) mate! 5 0-0 0 -0 19 R-K N1 P_N5 6 P- Q3 P- Q4 20 B-R3 N-R3 F IDL OW t akes a La sker tl'ap which w ins 7 NxQP N, N 21 B,R R,B P,N Q,P 22 R- N2 R_K1 N ow the reverse side of the medallion ; [or Black and swit che s It arouncl so t hat 8 it works for him with the While pieces. 9 B_QB4 Q-QS 23 P-B3 Q_ N4 Mur na u, 1936 B_QB4 Q_K2 Postal Game, 195 0 10 P-QB3 24 R-K1 K I NG'S GAMBIT D E CL! N E D 11 P_Q N4 B_N3 25 p,p Q-R6 Q UEEN'S GAMBI T DEC LIN ED P-QR4 26 P_N5 N_B4 D r . Rcinlc Amat eur 12 P_Q R4 F id low Mayer 13 P- N5 N-K2 27 P- N6 R-K2 P-K4 3 KPxP P-K5 1 P- K4 1 P- Q4 P_Q4 4 BPxP BPxP N_N5 Q- N3 28 Q- R5 N-R3 P_KB4 14 2 P_K B4 4 Q-R5t P-N3 2 P-QB4 P- K3 5 p,p P,N P_ KR3 5 P xp 3 N_QB3 P- Q B4 6 PxPt K_ K2 Readers may jnsert their own qu estion T he next move looks artiftcial at first marl. s, where they see fit, glance, but it is t be only way to win. lNhite m ust n ot play i J3- N5t as t he K night in terposes; and, if he prom otes by i PxN{Q), t hen i . QxQt 8 K xQ , RxQ removes all the Queens. 7 PxN( N)f! Rl( N 8 B-NSt a nd wins . CHAHOUS EK has two of tbese extra­ ordina r y Knight promotions to h is credit. H is game against l~ erenczy has the ad­ 29 QxN J 31 P_B8(N) t K - R1 ditional distinction of ha ving been lllayed 30 PxP:j: 32 R- N8 mate blindfold- at Miskolcz, 189i. RUY LO P EZ THOUG HT FOR TH E MONT H 6 P-N7§ K_ K2 Ferenczy Charousek Proper ly taught, a student ~an leaf!! 7 Q- KSt K_ B2 1 P-K4 P_ K4 5 P_Q3 B_ B4 mOl'e in a few bour H. t han h e would ti ml 8 PxR(N) m ate! 2 N-KB3 N-QB3 6 N_B3 P- Q3 out in ten yeal'H of unt utored trial and P-QR3 7 0 - 0 B- K N5 3 8 - N5 error. - E d. La~kel" check ; ~ _ ubI, check; § _ dis, eh. 4 B_ B4 N-B3 8 B-K3 N-Q5 CHESS REVIEW tHE P,""It' (HUS MAGAZINE Volume 21 Number 1 EDITED &. PUBLISHED BY I. A. Horowitz INDEX FEATURES 1952 in Revi ew _______ ___ ___ ________ _ 2 ITH this i~ sue, CHESS REVIEW 1937 Alekhine 8, Fine 7V2 at Hastings .... A Cat May Look at a King _____ ____ __ 9 U. S. rdains \Vorld Team Championship The Middle Game in Chess __ _____ ___14 W reaches ils majority~twe!lty-one A Subtle Trap ___ ___ _________________ 32 years. It is fitting on such an occasion to at Stockholm .... Keres 9, Fine 8 al Scm· contemplate Ihe past and speculalc upon mering .... Alekhine regains crown. 1938 DEPARTMENTS Book of the Month __ __ ___ ______ ___ __32 Ihe future, particularly eyeing the role Reshevsky first at Hastings .... I{eshe\'sky Chess Caviar __ _______ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ _ 11 which we have played and will play in the wins U. S. Championship .... Kashdan- Chess Movies _______ ___ __ _______ __ __ 18 charmed circle of the dcvutees o f the Horowit7. ,'i·5 .. •. Denker first at New York Game of the Month ____ _ ~ ____________ 12 magic ~quares . Slate .... Fine, Keres split first at AVRO. Games from R ecent Events ______ __ __ 19 Primarily, the function of a c h es~ maga· And so on. Our present readers, how· Golden Age of Chess ____ __ _____ _____ 16 zine is repurtorial~aecurately to record ever, arc more familiar wilh the events of On the Cover __ _____________ ________ 5 the succeeding years. Past Masterpieces ________ ______ _____ 26 the passing events. Loth great and small. Postal Chess _______ _____ __ ___ __ ___ __ 27 No less significant in the field of chess, N the field of promotion, CUI::SS REVIEW, Solitaire Chess __________ ____________ 23 however, is the acti,"e encouragement and I too, has played its part. To popularize Spotlight on Openings ________ _______ 24 promotion of these selfsame c'·ents. On ehess for the rank and file and to prose· Tournament Calendar _______ _______ __ 8 hOlh of these fronts, with mode~t pride, lyte new devotees has heen its basic aim. World of Chess _____ ____ _____ ___ ___ __ 5 we feel Ihat we have made a contrihution. By publishing news and tales in attractive N the pages of CHESS R~:vl!':W' From its format, hy slanting annotated games and EDITOR I inception to date, is depicted the pan· analyses to the layman and by direct ad­ L A. Horowil7. oramic ehess scene for the past Iwenty vertising, it has hrought ches~ to the gen· EXECUTIVE ED ITOR years, artfully. pictorially and accurately. eral puhlic. Jaek Straky Eallell The rise and Fa ll , the hopes and aspira. CIII':SS Hr:VIEW has labored, moreover, CONTRIBUTING EOITORS tions of the giants of chessdolll are aU in other ways to serve this end. About I. Chel'llev. J, '\'. Collins. T. A. Dunst, then:: 1934, it inaugurated a ehess program on Dr. ~r. Buwe. Huns Kmoch. !;"'ed Heinfeld. Dr. S. Q. 'ra,·tukover, B<u'nie F. \Vinkelmun With the first volume, Alekhine is radio, broadcasting from Station WHN. CORRESPONDENTS World Champion .... The United States Also, it initiated the fir~t great radio chess California Herbert Betker, J. B. Gee, Leroy wins jts second World Teaill Champion. team match- with Hussia in 1945 in a JohnMn, Dr. H. Ralston, !If. J. Royer, ship at Folkestone, ... Marshall- Kash· project which led to overflow crowds for Colorado M. 'V. Reese. Connecticut Edmund E. Hand. dan match proposed .... Flohr ties USSR a four day match and chess fe~tival.
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