A JOURNAL FOR PENTECOSTAL MINISTRY SUMMER 2003 SUMMER 2003 The Essence of Pentecostal Worship H. ROBERT RHODEN 18 The Power of Presence MARK RUTLAND 26 Worship the Lord in Truth: Sing a New Song, Sing a True Song MELVIN T. JOHNSON 34 WORSHIP The Role of the Senior Pastor W in Worship orship in the Chur J. LOWELL HARRUP 42 in the ChurchChurch Worship—Maintaining Unity and Experiencing God’s Presence INTERVIEW WITH GERON DAVIS, SALLY MORGENTHALER, AND GEORGE WOOD ch 50 Bridging the Generations in Worship TOM MCDONALD 58 From Nursery to Adulthood: the Priority of Music in the Local Church DON AND LORETTA STEIGER VOLUME EIGHT 68 The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir—Changing Lives Through Music CAROL CYMBALA 80 • Why Not Drums? The NUMBER THREE Innovator of the Church Rhythm Section Speaks RALPH CARMICHAEL 88 On Becoming a Woman of Worship www.enrichmentjournal.ag.org DARLENE ZSCHECH 92 BY GARY R. ALLEN Inspiring Worship The purpose of this issue of Enrichment disagreed over where to worship: Balance in the elements of worship is to help ministers provide worship Mount Zion or Mount Gerizim. When Equal emphasis should be placed on the services that are balanced and inspiring Jesus talked with the Samaritan woman various elements of the worship service to all who attend. at the well, her primary issue was where but not necessarily equal time. A worship to worship. Jesus responded that “A service with 45 minutes of singing and 5 WHAT IS INSPIRING WORSHIP? time is coming and has now come minutes of prayer may need balance. We Personal worship emerges from our inti- when the true worshipers will worship should never plan a worship service that mate relationship with God and focuses the Father in spirit and truth, for they depends on only one or two elements to on who He is. What we do in personal are the kind of worshipers the Father sustain it. No single element of the wor- and corporate worship is important, but seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers ship service should ever substitute for who God is must remain central. must worship in spirit and in truth” excellence in the other elements. Corporate worship is what the peo- (John 4:23,24*). ple of God do when they gather in Worshiping God in spirit is worship Balance in the style of worship God’s presence. In corporate worship from the inner person—a direct contact Balance is being intentional about we bring our cognitive perceptions and with God no longer dependent on loca- meeting the worship needs of all the emotional preferences with us. tion and external forms and rituals. worshipers. Worship and musical styles However, we are obligated to submit Worshiping God in truth is worship that must be inclusive of the style and cul- and defer to one another for the good is not dependent on shadows and types ture of everyone attending the service. of the community of faith. or animal sacrifices but focuses on Him We all need to learn to appreciate and Corporate worship needs to be bal- who said, “I am the way and the truth utilize various styles of worship. anced and promote unity in genera- and the life” (John 14:6). tional and cultural diversity. We need WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE to be intentional in developing and WHAT IS BALANCE IN WORSHIP? WORSHIP SERVICE? demonstrating a Pentecostal spirituality A corporate worship service needs to The pastor is ultimately responsible for that is greater than our worship style. include Scripture reading, congrega- the worship service. Even if others are His presence and our worship response tional prayer, pastoral prayer, congrega- designated to pray, read Scripture, lead to Him should be so precious that tional singing, special music, receiving singing, or play music, the pastor should preference and style become secondary. tithes and offerings, preaching the be intentional about seeing that the Christian Schwarz, a German church- Word, and altar time. There needs to be service is inspiring to all who attend. health researcher, says, “Whenever the balance. Any element of the worship I hope you begin to lead worship Holy Spirit is truly at work (and His pres- service emphasized at the expense of the services that are more inspiring. ence is not merely presumed), He will other elements may appear to lessen the have a concrete effect upon the way a value of the other valid and needed * Scripture quotations are from the New worship service is conducted including worship elements. King James Version. the entire atmosphere of a gathering.” Balance is more than compromise and accommodation of styles and cul- Gary R. Allen, D.Min., is executive editor of WHAT DID JESUS SAY ABOUT ture. Compromise and accommodation Enrichment journal and national coordina- WORSHIP? alone can remove the freshness of tor of the Ministerial Enrichment Office, The Jews and Samaritans had long creativity of the Holy Spirit. Springfield, Missouri. ENRICHMENT 3 WORSHIP IN THE CHURCH SUMMER 2003 • VOLUME EIGHT • NUMBER THREE 6 e SHORTS 14 ASK THE SUPERINTENDENT—WORSHIP IN THE CHURCH Interview with Thomas E. Trask Not many subjects inside the church strike up as lively a discussion as worship. Uncover valuable insights on this most important aspect of church life. 18 THE ESSENCE OF PENTECOSTAL WORSHIP By H. Robert Rhoden If we define Pentecostal worship as an authentic heart-level expression of 34 love to our Heavenly Father quickened by the Holy Spirit, then worship is a verb rather than a noun. 26 THE POWER OF PRESENCE By Mark Rutland Public worship, even that which is designed with pharmacological precision, is utterly incapable of manufacturing the one element God never ordered man to produce: The Presence. God alone can supply himself. 34 WORSHIP THE LORD IN TRUTH: SING A NEW SONG, SING A TRUE SONG By Melvin T. Johnson A fundamental aspect of worship that has not been frequently considered is the theme of worship. We must go back to basics, and the theme of worship is so basic it goes beyond style, culture, and personal preferences. 42 THE ROLE OF THE SENIOR PASTOR IN WORSHIP By J. Lowell Harrup How does the pastor define and fill the role of worship leader? Scripture suggests at least four functions of a pastor that can put this goal within reach. 58 50 WORSHIP—MAINTAINING UNITY AND EXPERIENCING GOD’S PRESENCE Interview with Geron Davis, Sally Morgenthaler, and George Wood Music helps us open our hearts to God and helps us reflect on what God has done in our lives. Three individuals with a heart for worship give practical advice on how the church’s worship experience can bring people into God’s presence. 58 BRIDGING THE GENERATIONS IN WORSHIP By Tom McDonald The choice of how to minister to multiple generations in worship is a serious dilemma. Is scheduling different worship styles at different times really healthy for a church? 68 FROM NURSERY TO ADULTHOOD: THE PRIORITY OF MUSIC IN THE LOCAL CHURCH By Don and Loretta Steiger When used appropriately, Christ-centered music is a source of blessing, strength, and edification for all ages in the body of Christ. 74 4 SUMMER 2003 THE DYNAMICS OF MUSIC MINISTRY THE CHURCH AND THE CHOSEN PEOPLE 74 110 Next time in Enrichment IN A SMALL CHURCH By Jason Salazar The Ruach, the Jews, and the Managing the Discover four principles for an effective music Pentecostal Experience Local Church ministry in the smaller church. By Ray Gannon What is the role of the pastor as manager of the local church? WHEN PEWS ARE FEW How does a pastor manage 80 THE BROOKLYN TABERNACLE CHOIR— 112 his/her office? What is the best CHANGING LIVES THROUGH MUSIC Sociology and Culture of Rural way to manage ministry staff? These and many other church By Carol Cymbala Communities and Churches management issues will be discussed by T. Ray Rachels, The music of a Spirit-led choir can be a By Ralph Adcock Richard L. Dresselhaus, Dan powerful tool in God’s hand to lead Reiland, Shirley J. Good, and HISTORY IS HIS STORY others. This issue of Enrichment is people to Christ. 114 part one of a two-part series on Jan Hus: The Goose of Bohemia church management. By William P. Farley To order extra copies for WHY NOT DRUMS? THE INNOVATOR your staff/volunteers or to 88 subscribe, call 1-800-641-4310. OF THE CHURCH RHYTHM SECTION 117 FINANCIAL CONCEPTS What Is Your Congregation’s SPEAKS By Ralph Carmichael EXECUTIVE EDITOR Stewardship IQ? Gary R. Allen There is historical precedent; beating the By Randall K. Barton MANAGING EDITOR drum is part of our musical heritage. Rick Knoth A VIEW FROM THE PEW ASSOCIATE EDITOR 118 Richard Schoonover ON BECOMING A WOMAN OF The Nursery: Fairy Tale or Nightmare? 92 ASSISTANT EDITOR WORSHIP By Darlene Zschech By J. Diane Awbrey Brett Nelson So how do you become a woman of ADVERTISING/PROMOTIONS FOR WOMEN IN MINISTRY COORDINATOR worship? It is a process—a journey—and 120 Steve Lopez The Lust To Know and the Lust the only baggage allowed on this trip is a OFFICE COORDINATOR To Be Right Faith Hamilton heart desperate to connect with the Father. By Marjorie Crego GRAPHICS/DESIGN Jim Darnell/Richard Slaton COLLEGE CORNER CIRCULATION MANAGER MY 50-YEAR JOURNEY 122 Terry King 96 Teachers on Divine Assignment By Paul Ferrin with Joy Olson By Robert H. Spence Prepared under the direction Sage advice from a seasoned minister of the Executive Presbytery of music. Thomas E. Trask (general superintendent); David W. Argue, Dan Betzer, James K. Bridges, L.
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