.ita£jliWfeiWSifliB.WBrolfrc-ilwi.w>fjfp^ Tovwi-Btti; Talks focus on revswiuw / jwigE 3 For mom: d t o i c B B *** TAG SALE!!! *** abound for dinner 4 Days for the Price #f 31 Cat Hves: Francis gets five-year deal / page 9 on Sunday / pagBlti PUCE YOUR M l ON TUESDRYy BEFORE NOONy MID YOUHE M L SET FOR TNE WEEN. JUST ASN FOR TRSCEY OR IRENE IN CLASSNIED. s ^ iS s s s m Su T *5;'wi!?«as8: D^^VBv CW^MP^W _tHAtSffSamt *■* ■mor nvrbnvwT vvww* vvwwv• l e e r M>» o .... ^ ^ yiwtf itolffi' wfSiiwfie. Frkfiv,AitoyR,YRRT a O C o n to sssijsisafflss f lS - lW t bto,en.. , . 9600. Wednesday fbrauoH Frfdoy even- @55iflS ® iS toes onty. 743-7606. Hart, ‘angry and defiant,’ quits race m m SCRANTON .......P f N i ( W j m ' CtMTBLfa* FLTNBFiR Ftof artod ato rio o o n p o g o S t u « e«fA. $ m i M» CHRYOLiR tJtecutm Cummings NRM^NomSm'rnSltm^mSe w^E^EF^r FW^S N VEMfCLeOANDOELOCT g P I l a USeOCAML By Corf Hffirord BEb M M 4«» rmHNcma on losn TfM Aesoclofoa Fros* applauds nm/Ittot Lawn lf«e- __ F/TvfTfU|iP0rT^ CMFfr- n s i t i f wf$^..rsr cdnwwiwff/ r»- se40<tom>LX2W. DENVER - A defiant Gary Hart piM* MTVteM ftffntaT/ sMM«M/.ef»afn M MSinw i44X‘S4A abandoned the race for the Demo­ withdrawal Wfffn fUTAftor*/ Af««M/ SOW/ twfy«f vfec fff« eeneLMwrew. cratic presidential nomination to­ StTAO WAGON By Alex Ofrefll tm m tltw « m «vM! HMMWI dottifntf. 4f Frf« day, declaring "1 refuse to sohmit Asaacfole EdHor As fMi «t tM9. $t., Friday, Solurdoy, rnttmMMtifmm myaeif, my family and my M7-4MG. F-4, SvAdoy 9-1. mumtman** Y ssoonotusn* friends'" to continued puhfic Democratk! Tosra ChoirmOfl 49419 6>rfMr acrutiny. sdoora tool of p rim WinST^^STTSSSv dofl. AMy • * 9 ,9 to 1 le u e e n <12490 Theodore R. Cammffli^ oho ♦Wly douippod. AAonv *etWTHAve.(a <13409 "I’m not a beaten man; I’m an IffrrW Ilf9 SUppOn DenlfNI XirnTj sbaeawHHoril y o t o l ^ M fro t. too more, e *- totftouM and liovsa- angry and defiant man," Hart told for todM. Foil forvIcD, collonf condition, nald faodt, Hobby, esccNruNv^w. <7409 Hart early In tbe preeMedtlel OTTfpTM bdrklMI . tro llo r. $ ^ S» . footo. seoooaeetooma <12,799 a news conference here. campaign, today applauded b « li< ^ .M 7 - ottor. «0-3m . m m uM tt**. <9490 Hart disappointed supporters at Hart's Vision to drop out the esaroTaMwaMi <10409 the news conference, who cheered race. iyi MAIN ilrt^: m e * 3FMNLTTMSMI -r - ’f' or commarefol OM. *3 ALUANC* 2 * <2,090 briefly when tbe former senator Cummings said the moral (or Cenfrolly foeofod, •fneUANTAW. <0490 said, ‘‘Hell, no!" after he described him personally la, "Don’t wear porklnd. inclodMHMf. tfflIiMilMiffB ET {iM* SSy •4ntUANT4W. <4,709 a decision to make a (pilck your heart on your sleeve and m -tm . Wtobdoyi. ntyM iiii-riitM i ULtOAP <2409 announcement and quietly leave take your time making your T8l8IS!?!Tree to r$iom>coumpM <2490 the scene. Home ! 1 spayed fe­ loiliffsfM sM •OTOyOTAOtLIOA <3490 mind up." tCM>Ay IS 0 dood doy to M iidAiM .i^lfld»f Instead, Mart briefly discussed Cummings said he has not bldca on od In clot^ffid to male, 1 neufered mole efoobCHieaoita. *4,09 the controversy that followed this Mil fHoio Idto Homs cot. All sttofs. 406-3641 p m m Am - AMe fM > dedded on which of (he other bWwe9pmand647-H73 week’s revelations of his relations Democratic candidates he will yov'y* bMH iforino. A - TrunR • Ty WPOOT WIND - with a model. He then withdrew. oulek coll to m - V n will ■i^vino iFw^wv * MiNfy 87S-3311 support and be will he eautloua put your ad In prinf. AKC offoroble moie BWw IpBfllDN HOfM (fMOtttffflU The Washington Pott reported In in tiie choice. iwf “ ootomw rnmm ‘A today's editions that Hart made his C ocker Spaniel, 10 * myn WENN * u**7~4»-- Cummings said "H w puhlic week* old. 9339. All Fe^N^F decision after the paper presented would accept that we are all •Hot*. 649-1364. m m m m M . his staff wHh "OBCumented evi­ human, even preaidenta, after ig iB r a r " dence of a recent llaslon between they are preaidenta, but not /XflFn!?nrv?nev«rd. C N T T R O L E T Hart and a Washington woman with when they are seeking office." Avalloble weekly June- WRECKER 1973. 390, 4 whom he had had a long-term "I’m glad It happened now Soptember. New 3 bed­ M**d. 1979 Wrecker relationship." rather that later in (hr ram- Automotive box, weld-built tm room Contemperory FOOLS. Amatlng ^ . 6 'The Post quoted a senior Hartalde paign," said Camming: He Cope, fully equipped, countl Limited........... time..... - boom. Need* work. as saying tbe Post’s Information said there are good Democratic neor Edgortown and only. THe big new fon- tM0ftrm.m-7in f-.rm “accelerated the InevltaWe" with­ candtdatea to choose from. South BeacH. 6434997. tostlc 1997 family site bdMMMAM&miSm drawal of Hart from the race. Cumminga was the only Man­ Evening*. pool Include* Hug* *un Many new part*. 94,900 In Denver, Mart spent IS minutes chester Democrat who had tA g g gf^rW M fBennTs. deck, fencing, filter, or best offer. Good talking to supporters at Ms head­ come out publicly In favor or 3 bedroom cottage, ladder*, and warranty HONDA Civic 93.4 door, 9 condlflon, must be quarters. Dixon, Interviewed by the speed/am/fm cossette, seeni Hart. Hart did have local near beacH. Fomllles for only 9979. Full fi­ Denver Post, said. "Whathappened support In his 1964 bid for the preferred. 9400 weekly. nancing available. 39,000 mile*. Excellent last night may well have acceler­ 6494760.________ Flr*f cornel First condition. 93,990. 647- iMOTINKYCIil/ ' > l/ nomination. Among them were servel Call Paul 1-900- 0014. I n u n B * *^***^ ated Sen. Hart's decision to protect Dorothy Brindamour, former his family,” referring to Hart’s vice chairman of the Demo­ 993-7669 or 303-963-1161. g fll6 Mustong TON.' gx- |6)t- terlor good soHpe, learning that other news reports cratic Town Committee, and IIE PIIOrtnTT2CF OIRL'A bike. Ross M " ?!olJD5n8?>?iFSrv5*ri were planned about his personal ink. Excellent condl- need* engine work. kept, excellent running Theodore T. Cummings, son of Ron. 935.646-4949. BMt otter. 649-3379. condition. Must sell. life, "but 1 don’t think that was the the Democratic town chairman. MAffcHErT?prFor reason for hts making this They headed the Hart campaign 7 lease. 3040 square feet. PK^Nld TablH custom AMi iW eioHrwni 9590/best otter. 647- Hsrild photo by Tuckor decision " Industrial space witH built, made to order. condition. 4 wHeel 9699. locally In 1964. But Brindamour office. Easy access to LengtH sit* ,color, drive, automatic, Describing Hart's visit to the said today that both she and the 1-94. Cali 649-7491. m a te ria l, optlonol. loaded, air. 93900, ne- N e iv p a / f headquarterM. Dixon said, "Gary younger Cumminga are backing Storting price* 6ft tor gotlable. 649-3349. iwiicmMigoui thanked everyone and said the Massachusetts Gov. Michael 9100, 9ft 9130. More FORb f»lnto ifW . Aufo- lAUTOMOTiVE Llndaay Cohen, 2'^, of MancHester, and Jason Mora, 3, MancHester Parkade tHis week. THe animals will be campaign wasneverabouthlsbeing Dukakis for the nomination Information, call Mike. matlc, low mlleog*. elected president so much as It was now. 647-9334 evening* and 9700. 647-9997 after rrSolTnomlnumTap. of Wlllington, a former MancHester resident, Introduce Here until 0 p.m. Sunday to meet otHer visitors. More CLEAN 5 rooms?Trd Merciisiidl9e Used. 9100.649-7461. about a cause and the future State Central Committeeman N e w fo AAorkot. Many BOLTON. 9399,900. COVBNTRY. Super spa­ floor, Heat and Hot weekends. after 5pm. tHemselves to a new friend at tHe Pet Expo at tHe pictures on page 3. direction of this country, and he John Sullivan, who did not Improvomont* Hove CHormlno updated 1179 cious. 9119,900. 4 bed- water. Reliable adults WgACUAV e a p r i n j asked us all to carry on regardless of support Hart In 1984. said this boon modo to tHis S ♦ 5 5 bedroom Colonial room Garrison witH references. Secur­ 1976. On* good condi­ what his decision Is tomorrow and t morning he had not planned to duplOK, Includino: now centrally located near Colonial witH llvlno ity deposit required. tion. On* witH poor think everybody up there Is going to oM burner, ntwor tld- Bolton Green. 16 n 31 room,diningroom 13' x No pets. 643-5363 or IFURNITURE lALE body. BotH for 9900 or- support him now. "t hate to see Ino and root. Located flreploced llvlno room 33' oppllonced kitcHen 646-6113. best otter. 643-9546. carry on.” anything like this happen to In Wott Side of Mon- , spoclous sunlit dinine and 13'x 35' 1st floor rrTctTEirTJFfrri McKinney’s death spurs AIDS fight The departure of the one-time damage the party." Sullivan cHeeter. 3 cor oaraoe, room witH alcove . family room. Giant rec AAAWgH gSTgE:...r Se?- cHoirs, metal. 649-9971. front-runner will scramble the said of Hart’s withdrawal amid room apartment. Anytime. full bmement and Iniu- Laroe oppllonced kit­ room and office on tHe Avolloble Imme­ tbeform of bis death" Mesaldmore contest, with each of the remaining charges that he had spend a lotedl Coll rloHtowoyl cHen , den, music lower level, 3full batHs, By Jill Lawrence eight Democratic hopefuls looking night with a woman In hia 9164,900.
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