TARGET DATE Latitude Longitude ARCHIMEDES N. WALL 10/23

TARGET DATE Latitude Longitude ARCHIMEDES N. WALL 10/23

TARGET DATE Latitude Longitude ARCHIMEDES N. WALL 10/23/1983 TYCHO SW WALL 10/23/1983 GRUIT CRATER NEAR DOMES 10/23/1983 BULLIALDUS CENTRAL PEAK 10/26/1983 CRATER NR. EICHSTADT 10/27/1983 ARISTARCHUS S. WALL 1 10/27/1983 HERODOTUS X 8/3/1980 23.2 ‐49.7 REINER K 8/3/1980 8.1 ‐53.9 REINER GAMMA TAIL 2 8/3/1980 7.8 ‐57.7 REINER GAMMA 8/3/1980 7.4 ‐58.8 BYRGIUS 7/25/1983 ‐24.7 ‐65.3 INGHIRAMI W BOWL 8/17/1981 ‐44.4 ‐67.3 TYCHO FLOOR 7/13/1981 TYCHO WALL 7/13/1981 TYCHO HALO 7/13/1981 COPERNICUS EJECTA 2 7/15/1981 COPERNICUS EJECTA 4 7/15/1981 APOLLO 14 8/2/1980 APOLLO 14 WEST CRATER 8/2/1980 PLATO RADAR 1 9/5/1982 ARISTARCHUS PLATEAU PEAK 1 9/6/1982 COBRA HEAD 10/22/1983 NE AGRICOLA MTS 2 10/22/1983 TYCHO SW FLOOR 10/23/1983 ARCHIMEDES N. WALL 1 10/23/1983 TYCHO SW WALL 10/23/1983 GRUIT CRATER NEAR DOMES 10/23/1983 BULLIALDUS CENTRAL PEAK 10/26/1983 CRATER NR. EICHSTADT 10/27/1983 ARISTARCHUS S. WALL 1 10/27/1983 ARISTARCHUS S. WALL 2 10/27/1983 Bright Spot, NR. S. RIM CREST 10/27/1983 ARISTARCHUS N. WALL 10/27/1983 S.LACUS AUTUMNI 10/28/1983 S. HIGHLAND REGION A 11/5/1976 COPERNICUS PEAK 1 11/24/1980 COPERNICUS WALL 1 11/24/1980 MS 2 7/13/1981 SOUTH SWIRL 8/3/1980 MARIUS HILLS 11/24/1980 ARCHIMEDES N.WALL#1 /SUN 10/23/83 AP.2 2.5 2.0 (j.) () c .....0 () (j.) ...... (j.) I... 1.5 (j.) :;::;> 0 (j.) I... 1.0 0.5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number 109 Longitude 0.00000 Latitude 0.00000 Autohistory: doto: product of: 768 857 Monuol history: . TYCHO SW WALL/SUN 10/23/83 AP.2 2.5 . I I I I 2.0 f- - Q) () c: r- .....-0 r- () Q) r- ;;:::: Q) 1-- I.. 1.5 - Q) r- > :;:; r- 0 Q) r- I.. f- 1.0 f- - 0.5~~~~~--~~~~~~--L-'~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 111 Longitude 0.00000 Latitude 0.00000 Autohistory: doto: product of: 771 857 Manual history: GRUIT.CRATER NEAR DOMES/SUN 1 0/23/83AP2 2.5 I I I I r-- - r-- r- r-- 2.0 I- - r- Q) u r- c 0 f- -+-'u Q) r- ;:;::: Q) I- - L 1.5 Q) f- > :;J r-- 0 Q) r-- L r-- 1.0 - - - - 0.5~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~--'~~~~~~ 0.5 1 .0 1 .5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 113 Longitude 0.00000 Latitude 0.00000 Autohistory: data: product of: 779 857 Manual history: BULLIALDUS CENT.PEAK/SUN 10/26/83 AP.1 I I I I - - - - - - 0.5~~~~~~~-J--~~~~~--L-~~~-L-1~~~~~~~--L-~~~ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 114 Longitude 0.00000 Latitude 0.00000 Autohistory: data: product of: 814 857 Manual history: CRATER NR.EICHSTADT /SUN 10/27/83 AP.1 2.5 I I I I 2.0 r- - Q) u c 0 ~u ..._Q) Q) r- - L.. 1.5 Q) > ~ 0 Q) r- L.. r- - 1.0 r- - r- - 1- - 1- - 1- - 0.5 I I I I 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 115 Longitude 0.00000 Latitude 0.00000 Autohistory: data: product of: 824 858 Manual history: () ARISTARCHUS S.WALL 1/SUN 10/27/83 AP.2 2.5 I I I I 1- 1- 1- - 2.0 - - (I) () c: .....-0 () (I) ;;:: (I) 1... 1.5 - - (I) > :;::; 1- 0 (I) 1- 1... 1- 1.0 1-- - 1- - - 0.5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 116 Longitude 0.00000 Latitude 0.00000 Autohistory: data: product of: 827 858 Manual history: HERODOTUS X/SUN 08/03/80 AP.1 2.5 I I I I 2.0 i- - (].) (.) c r- .......0 r- (.) (].) r- <+= (J,).... 1.5 i- - (].) f- > :;:J r- 0 r- Q).... r- 1.0 r- - - o.5~~~~~-'~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~L-~~~~'~L-~~~~ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 · Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 40 Longitude -49.7000 Latitude 23.2000 Autohistory: doto: product of: 345 858 Monuol history: sp241 K/SUN 08/03/80 AP.1 2.5 2.0 Q) 0 c .....0 0 Q) Q) 1.5 -I... Q) > ~ 0 Q) I... 1.0 ) o.5~L-~~~~~~~~--L-L-~~~~~~~~--L-~~J-~~ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 45 Longitude -53.9000 Latitude 8.1 0000 Autohistory: data: product of: 356 858 Manual history: sp241 REINER GAMMA TAIL 2/SUN 08/03/80 AP.1 2.5 I I I I - - - rii - 2.0 f- II - r- III - (].) Irri u r- - c III 0 xi -+-' r- I III I - u II•IIX (].) r- - IIIId%Iliii I ;:;:::: II I I (].) r-- 1 - \... 1.5 ri (].) r- piP - > ri :.;::; f- ct'-"' - 0 II..jf!" (].) f- ,;.I~ - \... # "'" - 1.0 - ~- - ~ - - 0.5L-~-L_L~ __L_I~-L~~~~~~--L-~-L-~'-L-L~--L-~'--L-~~_L~ 0.5 1 .0 1 .5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 44 Longitude -57.7000 Latitude 7.80000 Autohistory: data: product of: 354 858 Manual history: LAC56 REINER GAMMA/SUN 08/03/80 AP.1 2.5 I I I I - - - - 2.0 - - - (!.) (.) c - ......0 - (.) (!.) - '+- (!.) - - !.... 1.5 (!.) :;::;> 0 (!) - !.... - 1.0 - - 0.5~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~--~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 43 Longitude 58.8000 Latitude 7.40000 Autohistory: data: product of: 353 858 Monual history: LAC56 BYRGIUS/SUN 07/25/83AP2 2.5 I I I I 2.0 - - (!) u c .....-0 u (!) '+- (!) - - L 1.5 (!) :;:::;> 0 (!) L 1.0 - - 0.5L-~~-L~~~--L-~~-L~~~~L-~~-L-L~~~-J __L-1~~-L~~ 0.5 1 .0 1 .5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 104 Longitude -65.3000 Latitude -24.7000 Autohistory: data: product of: 725 857 Manual history: sp241 .~ INGHIRAMI W BOWL/SUN 08/17/81 AP.1 2.5 I I I I r - r- - r - r - 2.0 t- - - Q) u - c 0 ·. -+-'u Q) '+- Q) - - '- 1.5 Q) > :;J 0 Q) '- 1.0 - - 0.5~~~~~~'~--~~~~1 --~~~~-~~~~~~~'~--~~~~ 0.5 1 .0 1 .5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 5 Longitude -67.3000 Latitude -44.4000 Autohistory: data: product of: 153 857 Manual history: sp241 TYCHO FLOOR/SUN 07/13/81 AP.1 2.5 I I I I 2.0 r- - (!) u c 0 r- -+-'u (!) r- ..,__ (!) r- - I.... 1.5 (!) 1- > :;::::; 1- 0 (!) 1- I.... 1- 1.0 r- - 1- r- 1- r- 0.5 I I I I 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 10 Longitude 0.00000 Latitude 0.00000 Autohistory: data: product of: 200 857 Manual history: TYCHO WALL/SUN 07/13/81 AP.1 2.5 I I I I 1- 1- - - 2.0 1- - 1- Q) u c 1- .....0 1- u Q) 1- '+- Q) 1- - L 1.5 Q) r- > :.:; 1- 0 Q) 1- L 1- 1.0 1- - 0.5 I I I I 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 11 Longitude 0.00000 Latitude 0.00000 Autohistory: data: product of: 201 857 Manual history: TYCHO HALO/SUN 07/13/81 AP.1 I I I I - - - - - - - - - 0.5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 12 Longitude 0.00000 Latitude 0.00000 Autohistory: doto: product of: 202 857 Manual history: COPERNICUS EJECTA 2/SUN 07/15/81 AP.1 2.5 I I I I r- - f- - f- - 1- - 2.0 f-- - f- - Q) () f- - c .......0 1- - () Q) f- ;:;:: Q) - I.... 1.5 r- Q) 1- > :;J r- 0 Q) r- I.... 1.0 - - 0.5 I I I I 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 18 Longitude 0.00000 Latitude 0.00000 Autohistory: data: product of: 224 857 Manual history: COPERNICUS EJECTA 4/SUN 07/15/81 AP.1 2.5 I I I I 2.0 - - (]) u c 0 -+-'u (]) 4-- ..._(]) 1.5 - .. ~ - (]) > :;J . .52 ..._(]) 1.0 - - - - 0.5~~~~~~'~--~~~~~~~~~~~L-~~~~~~~~L-~~ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 19 Longitude 0.00000 Latitude 0.00000 Autohistory: data: product of: 225 857 Manual history: APOLLO 14/SUN 08/02/80 AP.1 2.5 I I I I 2.0 f- - 1- Q) u c 1- .......0 1- - u Q) i- '1- Q) r- - '- 1.5 Q) 1- > :.;:J 1- 0 Q) '- 1- 1.0 f- - 0.5~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~-'~~~~~-~~~~~~~ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 32 Longitude 0.00000 Latitude 0.00000 Autohistory: data: product of: 334 858 Manual history: APOLLO 14 WEST CRATER/SUN 08/02/80 AP.1 2.5 I I I I 2.0 - - Q) u c ......0 u Q) '+- Q) - I.... 1.5 - Q) :;:::;> 0 Q) - I.... 1.0 - - - - - - 0.5~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ 0.5 1 .0 1 .5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength (micrometers) Record number = 33 Longitude 0.00000 Lotitu de 0.00000 Autohistory: doto: product of: 335 858 Monuol history: PLATO RADAR 1 /SUN 09/05/82 APER.2 2.5 I I I I r- 2.0 1- - r- Q) u c:: r- 0 r- ·u-+J Q) r- '+- Q) 1- - L..

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