6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP2017) Thursday, 17 August 2017 - Tuesday, 29 August 2017 Book of Abstracts ii Contents Azimutal angular correlations in high energy processes in QCD 1208 ........... 1 The Quark Parton Model of the Nucleon - Missing Links1265 ................ 1 Chiral fluids: a few theoretical issues 1435 ........................... 1 What Physics Beyond the Standard Model? 1452 ....................... 2 ATLAS overview highlight talk 977 .............................. 2 Jet and photon production and extraction of αs at HERA. 1189 ............... 2 LHCb overview 1447 ....................................... 3 CMS Overview 1453 ....................................... 3 Physics perspectives of PANDA at FAIR 1329 ......................... 4 Exotica searches at CMS 1111 .................................. 4 Hunting New Physics with ATLAS [ATLAS] 982 ....................... 4 Scale hierarchies in particle physics and cosmology 1482 .................. 5 New Searches in High Energy Particle Physics 1478 ..................... 5 Gauge Theories and non-Commutative Geometry. A review 1449 .............. 5 Prediction and discovery of doubly-heavy baryon 1490 ................... 6 Search for magnetic monopoles with the MoEDAL forward trapping detector in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC 1200 ......................... 6 : Possible origin(s) of RD(*) flavor anomalies 1269 ...................... 7 Precision RENORM / MBR Diffraction Predictions Tested by Recent LHC Results 1450 . 7 Latest results on diffraction at HERA 1203 ........................... 8 Overview talk on upgrades, future plans and prospects of the CMS experiment at the future HL-LHC 1389 ......................................... 8 Future Prospects (ATLAS) 1451 ................................. 9 GERDA: first background free search for neutrinoless double beta decay 1053 . 9 iii Collective phenomena from high energy proton-proton to heavy-ion collisions at the LHC 1092 .............................................. 10 Flavourful roads to New Physics 1032 ............................. 10 Search for asymptotic QCD effects at collider energies 1502 . 11 The Hyper-Kamiokande Experiment 1508 ........................... 11 ATLAS and CMS prospects for Higgs measurements and searches at the high luminosity LHC 1470 ........................................... 12 Searching for exotic long lived particles with dedicated experiments at the LHC 1506 . 12 Summary of the Workshop on Exotic Hadrons 1201 ..................... 13 Review of neutrino properties 1383 .............................. 13 Probing the Origin of the Proton Spin at STAR 1223 ..................... 13 PHENIX spin overview 948 ................................... 14 Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric gauginos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector 1002 .................................... 15 Coherent Diffusive Photonics 1121 ............................... 15 Vorticity and global polarization in heavy ion collisions 1026 . 16 ALICE Overview 1458 ...................................... 16 Heavy Ion Physics (ATLAS) 1285 ................................ 17 Heavy Ion Physics 1448 ..................................... 17 Overview of recent heavy-flavor and jet results from STAR 1228 .............. 17 Status of the NICA project 1365 ................................ 18 Cosmic matter in the laboratory - the Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment atFAIR 1271 .............................................. 18 PHENIX Measurements of Charm and Bottom Decays 956 . 19 Correlations of anisotropic flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the LHC 1055 . 19 Finally making sense of the double-slit experiment 1250 ................... 20 Boson sampling, quantum simulators and the quest for superior quantum devices 1431 . 21 Weak measurements and weak values – recent theoretical and experimental results 1202 21 Nature’s optics and our understanding of light 1423 ..................... 22 Gravity in the quantum lab 1459 ................................ 22 Models of spontaneous wave function collapse: what they are and how they can be tested 950 .............................................. 22 iv Would Nega-Particles Prove to be Essential Ingredients of Quantum Reality? 1220 . 23 Overview of Dark Matter Direct Searches 1138 ........................ 24 Core-collapse supernovae explored by neutrino transfer and nuclear data 1175 . 24 The Pierre Auger Observatory: latest results and future perspectives 966 . 24 Resolving the singularities in General Relativity 1442 .................... 25 Noncommutative geometry at the new frontiers of theoretical physics 1266 . 25 Indirect dark-matter searches with gamma-rays experiments : status and future plans from 300 KeV to 100 TeV 939 ................................... 26 Status of Advanced Virgo 1511 ................................. 26 LIGO/VIRGO Overview talk 1554 ................................ 27 Helmut Oeschler and Particle Chemistry in Heavy Ion Collisions 1380 . 27 Probing resonance matter with HADES 1031 ......................... 28 Linking the particle yields data in HIC and lattice QCD results 1404 . 28 Helmut’s Oschler’s early days at GSI 1568 ........................... 28 Using the Tsallis distribution for hadron spectra in pp collisions 963 . 29 Complexity and unification in Physical theory 1518 ..................... 29 Pion and kaon Bose-Einstein correlations from the BES program at STAR 1198 . 29 Equations of anisotropic hydrodynamics for quark and gluon fluids 1246 . 30 Fundamental quantum effects in the laboratory? 1270 .................... 31 Quantum time mechanism, towards quantum spacetime 1249 . 31 From measurement of non-local variables to relativistic quantum cryptography and con- tinuous variables teleportation 1564 ............................ 32 Advances in Relativistic Fluid Dynamics, Observables, and Applications 1376 . 32 Collider searches for DM (ATLAS+CMS) 979 ......................... 32 Self-Interacting Dark Matter, Right-Handed Neutrinos and Small-Scale Cosmology “Crisis” 973 .............................................. 33 Fluctuations and correlations 1457 ............................... 34 Gravity Wave signatures of Electroweak Phase Transition in Split NMSSM 1230 . 34 Elements and applications of Relativistic Quantum Information 1465 . 35 Chaotic Quantum Many-Body Systems and Philosophy of Thermalization 1164 . 35 Fragmentation of highly virtual partons 1464 ......................... 35 v Infrared Quantum Information 1521 .............................. 36 Searching for monopoles in polar ice samples 1377 ...................... 36 Magnetic Monopoles from Global Monopoles in the presence of a Kalb-Ramond Field 1034 36 The MoEDAL Detector at the LHC 1075 ............................ 37 Perspectives on Detection of supersymmetric Dark Matter 1015 . 37 Status of the searches for Magnetic Monopoles 1399 ..................... 38 Magnetic monopole searches with IceCube 1190 ....................... 38 Long-lived charged supersymmetric particles and MoEDAL 1392 . 39 Cosmic Electroweak Monopole 1116 .............................. 39 Machine LEarning, Monopoles and MoEDAL 1514 ...................... 40 Distributed Computing for Small Collaborations 1507 .................... 41 LHC Constraint on Light-by-light Scattering, Born-Infeld theory and the mass of an Elec- troweak Monopole 1540 ................................... 41 Magnetic monopole production in photon fusion process. 1541 . 41 Magnetic monopole production in heavy ion collisions 1542 . 42 The MoEDAL Experiment Past, Present and Future. 1468 . 42 Search for neutral and charged BSM Higgs Bosons with the ATLAS detector 996 . 43 Search for rare and exotic Higgs Boson decay modes and Higgs boson pair production with the ATLAS detector 997 ................................... 43 Measurement of Z ! b¯b cross section and search for Higgs-like particle produced in asso- ciation with b quarks at CDF 1240 ............................. 43 Measurements of the Higgs H(125) boson at CMS 960 .................... 44 Search for rare and exotic Higgs Boson decay modes at CMS 1150 . 44 BEH overview (ATLAS) 978 ................................... 45 Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the Higgs Boson in fermionic production and decay modes with the ATLAS detector 995 ...................... 45 ttH Coupling Measurement with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC1290 . 45 Higgs parameters measurement with CMS data 1391 ..................... 46 The Higgs and cosmology 1006 ................................. 46 Search for Anomalous Quartic Photon Coupling at the LHC 1054 . 46 Phenomenological scenarios to fit a possible excess in the di-muon + jets channel 1304 . 47 vi Single Higgs production at LHC as a probe for anomalous Higgs self coupling 1162 . 47 Search for new physics in HH final state in CMS 1287 .................... 48 Introduction to the Mini-Workshop on Latest Results and New Physics in the Higgs Sector 1513 .............................................. 48 Great Russian mathematical physicist Ludvig Faddeev and his main scientific results 1560 48 Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the Higgs Boson in bosonic decay channels with the ATLAS detector 994 ................................ 49 Lattice QCD at finite baryon density using analytic continuation 1082 . 49 The analogy of equation of rotation in complex plane with the Dirac equation, andits foundation 953 ........................................ 49 The MURAVES project and parallel activities on
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