_ .-G o o d mmorning.. l b s t fft s t r ft l ) k e T oday’s forecast1s t : • ccum Mostly cloudy withith a cliancc of show- 1TBe Associated Press ers and thundcrshdwciw ers. W e st w iiid s 10 A ssessm enisnt of 37th to 15 mpli. Highs ne;irear 65 degrees. Lows NEW YORK— Richardd NixonN died I'ri- p r e s i d ea n n l t - A S -^0 -to 45-dcgrceK.-^— _ day,-fouT-days-atlw-i;ufrcrin{ring-a-Ktroko-that- ----------------- “ ^ ~ N i x o t r b i b gjraphy f c - AS P a g o A 2 hhad left him m 11 deep comu,lu, IH e w a s 8 1 , ------------------------ Thc former president dieilied al 7:08 p.m. MDT nt New York HeHospital, said at the Richard M. Nixolixon I’residcntial Li- snokeswomiin Mvma Manncimcrs. "His family ___________ ' brary and Birthplace in \Yorba Linda, Calif. was wilh' him," she said. --------A-privMly intcrin.,-nt ;vilwill follow .at .tlifc- li._______ Reporters gathered outsidiside the Mnnhat- bniry near thc grave ofhisof I wife. Tat. who Young E arth DaO a y w o r k e r s titan hospital learned thc nenews about IK- f c - . died last year. A ninchcr includedi;d ichildren in his rc- hhours after his death in a'a two-sentence m NixDn was broughtI to thc hospiial after habilitiition work crc':rew on over-grazed nnew.'i release. Soon aflpr llie news .was an- s u ffe r in g th e s tr o k e NltiNlonday nighl at his liind bordering n sj^ring■ing. Pnounced. thc flog was lowcre/crcd lo half-'siafT 'l lK Park Kidgc, N J„ honii;. ^ Pago Bl 0over the W hile House. - Hii daughters. Julie; EisenhowerIii and Tri- The body iiad bcen^remomovcdTrom aBM ■ cia Co.x. were at his sidesid' as his condition hospital by thc time thcle death as an- B deteriorated. _________S J a x s L ’s j i a r o LP_qiies_tioQsd e j --------------- -ntraticcd:-------^ -------------------- V -— I Ic-w;is-paaly-paraly2cIvzed-uu-thc riiiht side The stale parole: c(commission is re- All three television nelworkvorks intemiptcd |^ K I i and unable to .speak even;ven before he slipped thinking a plan to relc.elease a man who in p regular programming to annoiinounce the dealh I^ ^ H Q into the coma I'hiirsday.>y. 1974 killed his estranjranged wife and two anda present highlights off hihis carccr. The B In thc hour:: after thc1C sistroke, doctors said ' in-laws in Jerome.-. _ni;ws drew expressions of' sosoi rro w Trom p o - 1 Nixon was out of gravek'c ddanger, alcn and in J__________ P a g e B l_________ jiitical i friends and foes. B good spirits. He was movedme out of inten- . President Clinton callcdil^a a n e w s c u n tc r- K ivc-ciire-orii'fly i uc:<uay H~ aencc in the Rose Garden to make thc for- APphca*> hours later when docttoctors discovered a mal announcement. P r e s i dlent e and M rs. ihiixon post d group-at the-Gregt --------- "I was deeply grateful to) PrP re sid e n t N ix o n , if China In February, 197972. Tho visit to ChinaI to establish diplom atic - Doctors somelimess tntry to reduce brain for his wise counsel on mannany occasions,” swelling after a stroke.by:.by using a respirator Prim ary race locl o o m s ^ m s w as one of tho highh polnts.off his prosldoncin c y ._________________________ Clinton said. “Ourrclaiionshiiship continued to ro'atlon ------ to-speed up brcathing."Nl.-Nixonwas'nor-put------------ .Republicans Johnn *'“Bert” Slcvcnson bbe warm and constructive ... fHe went out of his way totc give m e his best advice." Services werecrc scheduled for Wednesday and Harold Rowley nnarc vying for a seal P le3ase a s ( see NIXON/A2 on thc Minidoka Count;unty Commission. P a g e B 3 1 Friends, if o e s .■'V \ m m m ------------------ Womaan’s s p e a k k i n H olyfield for defl e f e n s e ndly T long w Evandcr Holyfield:ld met undefeated challcngcr M ichacl:l 1M oorcr with his f WBA and IBF heavyivywcight champi- \o f N i x o n1 I onships riding on the: oio u tc o m c. f ^ saves frriend P a g e B 9 ^ The Associated Prtss Texans like newwh ) o m e WASHINGTON — Presiesidcnt Clinton f r .......' 6 8 -y ear-ir-old Three teams from Texas,Te former mem- praisedpi former President NixNixon on Friday bcrs of the Southwestest Confcrcncc. say nightni as "a suitesman who .sou.sought to build a ■[ sings Chriiristian they are elated to bee invitedii into WAC lastingla structure of peacc." membcr.ship. He said his relationship wiwith Nixon had P a g o 8 9 b(been warm, and that he hadad been '’deeply songs on jcjo u m e y grateful ... for his wise courounscl on many occasions.” B y M ic k N o n n in g to n It is Iradilional for a sittingting president to Time.s-News writer mmake thc formal announcenccmcnt of the - death of one ofhis prcdecesscessors, and Clin- ’ FAIRI-IELD - Bettyf Jo Carpenter says ^ h e beat goes on□ n toail^l so in somber nnd gene;encrous remarks 'ih '.-' , ■; • ,l' she"is an "ol’ fann girl,"I." Ibut her feel slill ache after a recenl chore. •Christian radio is filfillin g th c a in v u v c s ' fromjy the Rose Garden. .wiih4jood.ncws.___ ^___ — He suid-Njxon-had-*’the-wiswisdom-to-know— ------r ~ ~ :--------^Thc-68»year-old-won)aii;nuii-\valkcd-ulinost__________ ’ “ P a g o C i when thc tim e was right to< rc:rca ch o u t to th c fj. j i- 27 miles through the Soldi'nidier Mountains to SlSoviet Union and China.” save the life ofhcr friend.id. Gooding, was driv- W hat a night “He experienced his fairr sh a re o f ad v er- Lewis Parish. 73, of Goc ing his 1986 Chevrolet picfpickup from Feath- sily," Clinton said ofNixon.n. tlthc only presi- '-■'Jm'- Columnist Joseph WolkcrW takes a trip ork canyon of tiie dent to havc resigned his officmce. ViT-.r crville up the south fork down memory lane — toi his high school ‘I' lirfield Sunday af- Clinton said he had spokejken to Nixon’s ,.v; Boise River loward I'airfi p ro m . ternoon. Parish was drivingdri wijh his Pago Cl jljdaughters nnd that he plannanned to attend Nixon’s funeral in California.lia. friend. Carpenter, who live;livesin Buhl, "It’s impossible to be in ththi is jo b " w ith o u t He had driven thc gravelgra' road many feeling a special bond withI thithc-i^plc-who— tim es before with no problco b lc n is. But this time the Forestrest Servicc hadn't BBS have gone before,” Clintonon said. “And 1 wwas deeply grateful to Presidesident Nixon for ■ opened the road yet becausebee snow re- maincd on thc mountainslins. Slill. Sunday M ore people, mnorc o crimc hihis wise counscl on so manyiny o c c a sio n s o n ' was sunny with the tcnipcnipeniiure in the mid As crimc increases,5, everyc nspcct of thc many issues over thc last year.ear. ; 1 to our counti7 \/rt: ' 70s, so they tried to drive o crim inal-juslicc sy.stcm;cm feels it - policc "His service to me and lo c th c r e s t o f h is ‘ Ivcr Climbing oui of the caicanyon, they saw and shcrifT, prosecutoritors, public defend- during this period was like tl early a half-cen- snow but kept going. Alkt CouchC Summit - e rs, c o u rts , p ro b a tio nn aiand parole. Not to servicc td thc nation for ncarl mry: He gave of himself witlwith intelligence •' elevation more lhan 7,0i7.000 feet - they mention thc victims. found more snow. Parishsh said^ he dccidcd nrnnd devotion to duty and hislis icountry owes , ] him a debt o f gratitude for that service.” to turn his two-wheel driviJrive truck around, but the truck got sluck inn a ditch. Clinton began his stalcmcim ent by .saying, Parish was feeling illI andani has had hean "It is my sad duty to report to the people of p ro b lem s. ^ ththc United States thnt Richar:hard M. Nixon, So Carpenter gol outI andan staned walk- G ore m arks Earlirth Day wi\vho served as our 37th prcsid:sident, died this - ing. Vicc President Al1 GoreG marks Earth ' evening in New York Cityty ;at 9:08 p.m. '• Instead of heading southsoui to cross liie a w o rld w id e p ro jcc i w:with his family at his side.” Day by announcing a v •snow y summit 17-milcsno; nortli of Fairfield, in which students willill rccordi local rain- Clinion said he spoke ofterften with Nixon shc started walking backack along the din : dduring l thc 15 monlhs ofhiss prpresidency, in- fall and temperatures. road. P a g e A 3 cleluding rcccnt conversationsons concerning ^ 3 ^ She .staned walking alII 22: :3 0 in th e a fle r- NlNixon’s trip last month to Mosvioscow . n oon. "Our relationship continueducd to be warm T rading dcfende< She walked along the: gravelgni road, wear- J e d ntiand constructive,” Clinton saidsaid.
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