RACE of the AR

RACE of the AR

OHicial ~rogramme20p cHASEWA1'ER S1'A0\UM Srownhi\\S, West N\id\ands SUNDAY, 17th APRIL, 1917· 2 pm INTERNATIONAL toNG TRACK RACE of the AR BRITISH TEAM REST OF WO Godd: (World Championl r-----------.r----lvan Mau RLD TEAM Peter~on Colli 0 Slm- Egon Muft:~ ~~pteinl •l~lm Presented by Ole Olsen . De ' Germany eveJ-up ns CHASEWATER Anders M. eh nmerk Mike BIIU ~h~istian ~re~ned< · Sweden Chris Mortmont PROMOTlONS J•r• Stencyl Cstbron • Denmark D on Alois Wi.ckzed<'sl'e eve Morto George Hack. W. Germany Chril Baybu~ by FTRC Tom Leadb' Organised the Berry Brlgg W. Germany Mal I itter Fin Thorn 1 ·N. Zealand eo m Cerradlne ptOn (R-rvel INTERNATIONAL LONG TRACK "RACE OF THE YEAR" Promoted by F.T.R.C. Ltd., on behalf of CHASEWATE R PRO MOTIONS at CHASEWATER STADIUM Permit No. A.C. U. 1117 I.M.N. No. PT 6.6/104 (Held under the G.C.R .s of the A.C. U. Supplementary Regulatio ns issued fo r this event) OFF ICIA LS A.C.U. Referee ······ ······························ ············· ··········· ·························· ········· B. OWEN A.C.U... .......... ............................. ................ ................................................ ... F. VIGERS E. MILLER Mid la nd Centre A.C.U. Steward ............................................. K. MORRIS & B. MORRIS A.C.U. Timekeepers ................................................................................ To be appointed Scrutineers ....... ...................... ...... ........ ............................. ...................... To be appointed Cl e rk of the Co urse ..................................................................................... DAVE OWEN Asst. Clerk of the Course ........................... ............................................... JOHN DAV I ES Commentators ..................................................................... BOB LI GH T & TONY NOEL Starter .. ................... .. .. ................................................ GOR DON LAWLEY and assistants Ch ief Marsh al l. ...................................................................................... NICK ALDRIDGE Medical Services ..................................................................... ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE Secretary of the Meeting MARY OWEN 59 Sandpits Road, LUDLOW Tel. Ludlow 3679 WARNING! MOTOR RACING IS DANGEROUS You are present at this meeting at your own risk, and ticketssof admission are issued subject to the conditions that all persons having any connections with the promotion and/or organisation and/or conduct of this meeting including the owners of land and drive rs and owners of the vehicles and passengers in the vehicles, are absolved from all liabil ity in respect of personal injury (whether absolved from all liability in re spect of personal injury (whether fatal or other· wise) to you or damage to your property, howsoever caused. ABONDONMENT OR CANCELLATION The Club reserves ttie right to postpone, abandon or can cel the Meeting or any part thereof should circumstances warrant such action . LITTER ·Please be ca reful with your I itter and assist both t he Landowners and the Club by taking your litter home with you. FLAG SIGNAL YE LLOW Caution, danger ahead RED &op~on~ YE LLOW with BLACK DIAGONAL STRIPE -Last Lap BLACK and WH ITE CHECK · Finish STA RT - Elastic Gate ALL RACES OVER 4 LAPS . THE MIDLAND'S 100% YAMAHA AGENTS FOR SALES U SERVICE FACTORY-TRAINED MECHANIC 3JA STAFFORD STREET W .ALSALL, STAITI. TEL: (0922) 31143 ·o-o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o-oo-o-o-o-oo_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o-oo-o-o-o·o-o·o-ooo Landscape works by PLANT HIRE & CONTRACTOR B.ROWLAND (Enterprises) TE_L HIGH ERCALL480 H:ONDA < THE [~·)~~~ GROUP p: of Companies Jl1 M I THE COMPLETE MOTOR CYCLISTS .... COVERING c THE MIDLANDS 477 - 489 Hagley Road, Smethwick, Warley, West Midlands. Tel: 021 - 429 3501 (/)~· 73 Kings Street, -o Dudley, West Midlands. ;.c~ tu • Tel: 38 53464 Stafford Street, Wolverhampton, Staffs . ~ • Tel: 90 24605 (I) George Street, Newcastle, Staffs. ~ • Tel: 0782 615268 N ~ ·Motor Sales (b'ham) Ltd., ..... • Tyburn Road, Erdington, Birmingham. Tel: 021 - 327 0276 I PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 11.00a.m.ti1112.15a.m. Practice 1.00 p.m. till 1.15 p.m. Strongbow Sky Divers 1.15p.m.till1.30p.m. Wolverhampton Trumpets and Drums 1.30 p.m. PRESENTATION OF RIDERS 1.50 p.m. Bahn Record by th~ four fastest Solos in Practice & the three fastest Sidecars in Practice. 2.00 p.m. (approx) ... EVENT ONE Great Britain (select) v Rest of the World Sponsored by Motor Cycle News SIDECAR BAHN RECORD ~ ~~~~~~-~~-~ Ti ~.~ - ~ .':+: ... 1 . ~ .~ - ~: ...\:'(~ ........... Time ..~ : ...... 2 .. .\ . ~ .. ~ ......... Tim ~ . ..... 2. J~ : .~M..>.ot\......... .. Time ... ~: .~ .. 3 ....~rs .... .. .~~~~ .. ~. Tim ~~ .'b .. .. 3 .. ~ .- - ~~)\!t.~~ .. ..... Time .............. 4 .. · .... ~:"~~.~ ...... Time ....-:1 ....... Winner ~ . : .~~» · ~"io..'h.. Tim e-;¥.: . ~.. .. Tim ~ . : .. .. .. f ·b Oll4 ~ · .., ~~ ~~ LIST OF COMPETITORS GREAT BRITAIN REST OF THE WORLD 1 PETER COLLINS (Captain) 2 IVAN MAUGER (Captain) :}. DON GODDEN 4 OLE OLSEN 5 MALCOLM SIMMONS 6 ANDERS MICHANECK 7 DAVE JESSUP 8 EGON MULLEF. 9 MIKE BEAUMONT 10 CHRISTIAN PREASTBRO 11 TOM LEADBITTER 12 JIRI STANCYL 14 CHRIS MORTON 15 BARRY BRIGGS 16 DAVE MORTON 17 ~hii!889EJI( \..1 ~ 18 CHRIS BAYBUTT 19 GEOG HACK 20 MALC CORRADINE (Reserve) 21 ~ l"tl!!f F~ N (Reserve) I~A(t\1)#1~ Team Manager : Lew Coffin Team Manager : Phil Rising 750 cc TRIUMPH 750 cc SIDECARS STRONGBOW SOLOS 1 Ch ippy Moo re DRIVER PASSENGER 2 Male Corrodine 2 STEVE SMITH TREVOR PYE 3 Barry Robinson 3 ALAN ARTUS GRAHAME HIGGIN 4 Rob Lidgate 4 ROGER MAESOR MAURICE OWEN 5 Alec Lidgate 5 GORDON MATHEWS BRIAN HIGGINS 6 Paul Pinfold 6 .PAUL PINFQLD RON '0' RORKE D©Gurru Skellern HONDA Most Models in stock. includ ing COMPETITION MACHINES Honda Parts Stockist See these fabulous superbikes Wide range of parts always in stock, here including CR 125 Motocross parts JOHN SKELLERN L TO., BMW Our 'Five-Star·serliice for your Honda at 23 - 25 Friar St., Worcester Telephone: 0905 23254 Motorcycle Showroom and Clothing Depart ment at: 34- 36 Friar Street, Worcester Telephone: 0905 20580 ~ DESIGN~ 5' 7 H1gh S1reet Br•dnmch E ~e 1er EX5 4 NJ Telephone Hale (039 288) 600 MAIN AGENTS CZ & JAWA HONDA PUCH OSSA YAMAHA BULTACO Large Stocks of OSSA Spares C.O.D - CW.O. Al so avai lable : Ren thall Bars. Preston Petty and U .F. Guards, Dunlop Boots. Girling Units, Belsta ff Clothing. Dunlop and Pirelli Tyres . THE BROADWAY MEIR STOKE-ON-TRENT. STAFFS. Tel.: 0782·319123 INTERNATIONAL LONG TRACK RACE OF THE YEAR (SPONSORED BY MOTOR CYCLE NEWS) GREAT BRITAIN (Select) V REST OF THE WORLD Team Manager- Lew Coffin Team Manager- Phil Rising 4 Laps Clutch Start except for Triumph/Strong bow Races 6 Laps TEAM MATCH DECIDED ON RACE POINTS 1st - 6 points; 2nd · 5 points; 3rd - 4 points; 4th- 3 points; 5th- 2 points 6th- 1 point PROGRESSIVE Race RIDER Substitute or Points Gt, Brt, Rest of TOTAL Remarks Scored Team Pts the World G.B R of W 1 1 Peter Collins ...::> 2 lvan Mauger '+ 3 Don Godden -- -··- \ b \S b \ $ 4 Ole Olsen b Time 5 Male Simmons ~ \- ~:;J 6 Anders Miehanek .5 2 7 Dave Jessup ,_<.) 8 Egon Muller \o l(g 9 Mike Beaumont \ 0 \\ \o ~~ Jt.Wo. 10 Christian Preastbro 4- ~ ~ Time 11 Tom Leadbitter ~ ~ ~- ' 12 Jiri Staneyl \ 3 14 Chris Morton ~-;. 15 Barry Briggs '+ I·· 16 Dave Morton ~ \\ ~ ".. 17 Aleis tLI!1i .... lh x, ~ l.i1 ~ ~!:V u\U __;). Time 18 Chris Baybutt ~ ...~ , . ~ 9 Georg Hack .$ 4 1 Peter Coli ins "--~ 15 Barry Briggs L 3 Don Godderr - <6 ~ 2>_:) ~ 17 ...... Wil ..... "' ""~~'"- ~ Time 5 Male Simmons \- s ~ . : .~ 19 Georg Hack 'Y Lewis Leathers the Leaders SEND FOR THE COLOUR CATALOGUE D. LEWIS 124, Gt. Portland St., London D. LEWIS 124, Edgbaston Street, Birmingham Phone : 021 -643 7006 D. LEWIS 135, The Moor, Sheffield OR CALL AT ANY OF THESE SUPER STORES - EASY PAYMENTS PLUS AFTER SALES SERVICE. BIRMINGHftM SPEEDIAJftY MONDAY. 18th APRIL,. 1977 at 7.45 p.m. Brummies V Leicester Lions GULF O'IL BRITISH LEAGUE with RAY WILSON; RICHARD GREER; ILA TEROMMA; ALAN GRAHAME; GARY' MIDDLETON It's ~ at Perry Barr! TONKS OF HARBORNE A. TONKS & SONS LIMITED. , 50, High Street, Harborne, Birmingham B 17 9N E Austin; M. G. Vanden-Pias Dealers - New Cars from Stock A LARGE SELECTION OF USED CARS ALWAYS ON SALE - PRESENT THIS PROGRAMME AND WE WILL GIVE £50 OFF All MARKED PRICES. 12 Months Parts & labour Warranty on Most Cars. TEL: 021·427 3235 .3~ "-\-~ PROGRESSIVE Substitute or Points Gt. Brt. Rest of Race RIDER TOTAL Remarks Scored Team Pts the World G.B. R.ofW 5 7 Dave Jessup '+ 2 lvan Mauger ~' 9 Mike Beaumont ,...2 \\ ~0\.- loo 4 Ole Olsen _h - Time 1 1 Tom Lead bitter ~ \ -w.~... ;.\ 6 Anders Michanek b 6 14 Chris Morton .;;)__ 8 Egon Muller 'I&.. \So 16 Dave Morton ~ \ 1 ...5~ b1 10 Christian Preastbro b Time 18 Chris Baybutt 4- ........ 12 Jiri Stancyl ~ TRIUMPH-STRONGBOW 750 cc SOLOS HIGHEST POINT SCORER OVER 3 HEATS WILL BE WINNER (Points same as Team Event) 7 1 Chippy Moore b 2 Male Corradine \.J. 3 Barry Robinson \ 4 Rob Lidgate ~ Time 5 ~ ..... 11·\1, ,.,_ .. '~ ..$ . ~ : .~ 6 Paul Pinfold Ot ' 8 14 Chris Morton \ 2 ....... .,...., \ 4 \\of'\.1\ ~ _:> 1 6 Dave Morton ""-- \'+ b 4 Ole Olsen b \ ~~ Time 18 Chris Baybutt \ ~ .Q:X, 6 Anders Michanek .s 9 7 Dave Jessup 4 15 Barry Briggs ..$' 9 Mike Beaumont col 17 ~ W illhalc I \'+. ~~ w-h''-'11. -> l Time 11 Tom Lead bitter .....~~ 19 Georg Hack 'b Motor Cycle News~ ~GITI ffi[[ urn~ ~OJOOilliT every wednesday Co'i <il PROGRESSIVE Race Rider Substitute Points Gt.Brt. Rest of TOTAL or Remarks Scored Team Pts the World G.B. R.ofW. 10 1 Peter Collins "-~ 8 ............ '..<\:N) ~ I'fl. ..:::2 3 Don Godden ~ / 171 \o"l 10 Christian Preastbro ..) : Time 5 Malcolm Simmons ~ ' ' \-~ ! & 12 Jiri Stancyl _;, 750 cc SIDECARS HIGHEST POINT SCORERS OVER 3 HEATS WILL BE WINNER 1st 5 points; 2nd· 4 points; 3rd · 3 points; 4th · 2 points; 5th · 1 point SPONSORED BY CASTROL OILS 11 2 SteveSmith (,., 3 Alan Artus ~" 4 Roger Measor ""+- Time 5 Gordon Mathews _;,- ..... ... 6 Paul Pinfold ~.> 14 Chris Morton 12 ~::J 6 Anders Michaneck ~ 7 Dave Jessup ~ \ ~ 19 Gaorg Hack \\ ~~ ,, '-\- Time 1 Peter Coli ins .5 $..\!.\.

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