Attachment 5 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDINGS AND CERTIFICATION OF EIR IN CONNECTION WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE 2018 LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO, LA JOLLA CAMPUS I. CERTIFICATION OF THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT The University of California (“University”), as the lead agency pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), has prepared a Final Environmental Impact Report (“Final EIR”) for the proposed University of California, San Diego (“UC San Diego”) 2018 Long Range Development Plan, La Jolla Campus (“2018 LRDP” or “Project”). The 2018 LRDP will be implemented and guide future development of campus uses/improvements at the UC San Diego La Jolla campus. The Board of Regents of the University of California (“The Regents”) hereby certifies the Final EIR, issues these Findings and concurrently approves the LRDP. The Final EIR, dated November 2018, was assigned State Clearinghouse Number 2016111019 by the Office of Planning and Research. The Final EIR consists of three volumes: Volume I, 2018 LRDP Final EIR; Volume II, Technical Appendices (A through L); and Volume III, Responses to Comments, revisions to the Draft EIR, and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (“MMRP”) for the 2018 LRDP. The Final EIR assesses the potential environmental effects of implementing the 2018 LRDP, identifies the means to eliminate or reduce potentially significant adverse impacts, and evaluates a reasonable range of alternatives to the Project. The Final EIR also responds to comments on the content and conclusions reached in the Draft EIR, explains revisions made to the text of the Draft EIR, and includes a MMRP that outlines the substance and timing of mitigation measures required for the Project. Collectively, the Draft and Final EIR, and the administrative record in support thereof, are referred to herein as the “EIR” or “Final EIR”. Pursuant to Public Resources Code (“PRC”) Section 21081 and Title 14, California Code of Regulations Section 15090, The Regents hereby certifies that it completed the following activities prior to approving the 2018 LRDP: The Regents has received the Final EIR; The Regents has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final EIR and received through public comments; and The Regents has considered all additional written and oral statements received prior to or at its public hearing on the Final EIR and on the 2018 LRDP. The Regents additionally certifies that the Final EIR was completed in compliance with CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines (Code of Regulations, Title 14, section 15000 et seq.), and the University of California’s policies and procedures for the implementation of CEQA and that the Final EIR reflects the University’s independent judgment and analysis. The conclusions presented in these CEQA Findings are based on the Final EIR and all other evidence in the record of proceeding. UC San Diego – 2018 LRDP, La Jolla Campus CEQA Findings – November 2018 Page 2 of 65 The Regents certifies that the Final EIR satisfies the requirements for a LRDP EIR prepared under PRC Section 21080.09 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15081.5(b). The findings set forth below pertain to the approval of the 2018 LRDP for the UC San Diego La Jolla campus (“2018 LRDP”). Future projects that further implement the 2018 LRDP will be considered for approval by the University or UC San Diego pursuant to the University’s bylaws, standing orders, policies, and delegations of authority. The CEQA analysis for those projects may be tiered from the Final EIR and may be based in whole or in part on the analysis contained within the Final EIR and within any additional project-level review required by CEQA pursuant to PRC Sections 21068.5 and 21093 and CEQA Guidelines Sections 15152 and 15385. II. FINDINGS Having received, reviewed, and considered the Final EIR and all other information in the administrative record, The Regents hereby adopts the following Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations for the 2018 LRDP in compliance with CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines, and the University’s procedures for implementing CEQA. The Regents adopts these CEQA Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations in conjunction with its approval of the 2018 LRDP, as set forth in Section III, below. A. Background and Project Description UC San Diego’s La Jolla campus encompasses 1,158 acres and is composed of three distinct, but contiguous, geographical areas: the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (“SIO”) portion of the campus (178.7 acres), the West Campus (634.8 acres), and the East Campus (265.7 acres). Several non-continuous properties are also included in the campus LRDP, including the La Jolla del Sol housing complex (12 acres), surrounding beach properties consisting of the Audrey Geisel House and an adjacent coastal canyon and beachfront parcel (25.8 acres), the Gliderport, the Torrey Pines Center, and recently acquired Torrey Pines Court (41 acres). UC San Diego’s La Jolla campus is located adjacent to the communities of La Jolla and University City, within the northwest portion of the City of San Diego (“City”). The campus is surrounded by mostly urbanized land within the City, including scientific research uses to the north and northwest, a hospital complex and institutional uses to the northeast, residential development to the west and southwest, and a mix of institutional, commercial and residential uses to the south and east. The campus is also bisected by Interstate 5 (I-5) and separated from adjacent off-campus development by major public roadways. Similar to its predecessor plans, the 2018 LRDP is a comprehensive physical land use plan and policy framework document that articulates long-term development strategies for achieving the academic, teaching, healthcare service, and research missions and responds to UC system initiatives. The plan’s growth assumptions are based on campus population projections and an understanding of campus needs and UC San Diego – 2018 LRDP, La Jolla Campus CEQA Findings – November 2018 Page 3 of 65 goals. The LRDP is not a mandate for growth; development under the plan would occur over time based on campus needs and funding availability. Thus, the 2018 LRDP represents the long-term planning document for the UC San Diego campus, and it involves modifications to the previous land use plan established as part of the 2004 LRDP. The 2018 LRDP plans for projected campus growth up to approximately 27.8 million gross square feet (“GSF”) and a total campus population of 65,600 at the La Jolla campus by the 2035-2036 academic year, which is the approximate planning horizon established by the update wherein the campus can feasibly forecast its growth and align with regional plans. Under the 2018 LRDP, the campus projects a need to accommodate a total headcount of 42,400 enrolled students, as well as 2,200 faculty and 21,000 staff/researchers. To accommodate these population projections, the campus anticipates approximately 8.9 million GSF of net new development, including 3.3 million GSF for approximately 8,900 additional (net new) housing beds, through the 2018 LRDP planning horizon. The 2018 LRDP proposes general types of campus development and land uses to support projected campus population growth and enable expanded and new program initiatives. The land use map for the 2018 LRDP is shown in Figure 2-3 of the Final EIR. Consistent with previous LRDPs, the land use plan of the 2018 LRDP describes functional land use categories that reflect those activities that would be predominant in any given area of campus. Predominant uses are the primary programs, facilities, and activities in a general geographic area. In addition, other associated or compatible uses are allowable within any given area defined by a predominant use. The 2018 LRDP identifies the following land use categories to support anticipated campus growth: Academic, Academic Mixed-Use, Community- Oriented, Academic Healthcare, Science Research, Housing, Administrative, General Services, Sports and Recreation, and Open Space Preserve. The Final EIR functions as a Program EIR for the potential overall enrollment and development proposed in the 2018 LRDP which is analyzed in Volume I of the Final EIR. The Final EIR is intended to be used as the environmental review for the implementation of the 2018 LRDP in accordance with CEQA requirements. B. CEQA Environmental Review Process and Preparation of EIR Preparation of the 2018 LRDP was accomplished under the auspices of the Campus/Community Planning Committee (“C/CPC”), which is advisory to the UC San Diego Chancellor. The C/CPC's membership includes representatives from the San Diego Division of the Academic Senate, representatives from six Vice Chancellorial areas (Academic Affairs, Business Affairs, Health Sciences, Marine Sciences, Resource Management and Planning, and Student Affairs), the UC San Diego Staff Association, the Associated Students, and the Graduate Student Association. In the course of developing the 2018 LRDP, the campus considered the following nine factors: UC San Diego – 2018 LRDP, La Jolla Campus CEQA Findings – November 2018 Page 4 of 65 • Academic and non-academic program requirements; • Distribution of student enrollment across the academic programs; • Optimum rate of student and faculty growth; • Appropriate ratio of graduate students to undergraduate students; • UC San Diego’s unique characteristics in light of its history and culture; • Environmental resources; • Need for services such as student housing,
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