St.St.St. ColumbkilleColumbkilleColumbkille ParishParishParish NovemberSeptemberFebruaryJanuaryAugustAugustMayJuly 10,14, 16, 19,4,2, 16, 24, 29,20202019 201920202020 2020 2020 20192019 1 St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA St. Columbkille Parish 321 Market Street, Brighton, Massachusetts 02135 617-782-5774; www.stcolumbkillebrighton.com; email: [email protected]; fax: 617-782-7283 School: 617-254-3110 OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: “We are Saint Columbkille Parish, a community of faith celebrating Christ’s presence in us through the Eucharist, the other sacraments and the preaching of the word of God. To be true to the Gospel we must live our faith every day, responding to our call to holiness by caring for, encouraging and strengthening each other.” ADMINISTRATOR: Very Rev. Richard W. Fitzgerald, V. F. PAROCHIAL VICAR: Rev. Christopher Bae STAFF: Christopher Rakovec— Coordinator of Liturgical Music William Healey—Business Manager Roberto Mendez – Director Religious Education Patricia McShane - Parish Secretary MASS SCHEDULE Daily Mass: 7:00 AM Friday Misa 7:00 PM (Español) Sunday Masses: Vigil-Saturday 4:00 P.M. Sunday 8:00, 10:00 AM, 12:00 (Spanish) and 5:00 PM CONFESSIONS: Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:45 PM; Wednesdays 6:00 to 7:00 PM on the rectory front porch Confessions in Español: Sundays after 12:00 Mass ADORATION Every day from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM in window overlooking church parking lot BAPTISMS OF INFANTS: For children under 7- first Sunday of the month (English)- second Sunday (Spanish) Instruction for parents and godparents is required. Call the rectory. BAPTISM/CONFIRMATION: Adults and children 7 and older who would like to receive these sacraments or be received into the Church should email [email protected] or call the rectory. MARRIAGE: Couples planning marriage should make arrangements at least SIX MONTHS prior to wedding date. Solemnity of All Saints November 1, 2020 Masses for the Week Sunday, Nov. 1–Solemnity of All Saints Fri. 7:00 am Francis & Anthony, Jr., Cedrone, Mem. (Sat.) 4:00 pm Missa pro Populo Sat. 7:00 am Angelo & Julia DiMattia & 8:00 am Raffaello Bernardini, Mem. Vincent Gasbarro, Mem. 10:00 am Pro Multis Intentionibus 12:00 pm Pro Multis Intentionibus Sunday, Nov. 8–32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm Lucio & Maria Loreta Pellegrini, Mem. (Sat.) 4:00 pm Kathleen V. Daly, 34th Ann. 8:00 am Missa pro Populo Mon. 7:00 am All Souls 10:00 am Pro Multis Intentionibus Tue. 7:00 am Special Intention 12:00 pm Pro Multis Intentionibus Wed. 7:00 am John Joseph, 28th Ann. 5:00 pm Domenico, Lucia & Maria Cirigliano, Mem. Thu. 7:00 am Holy Souls Solemnity of All Saints St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA Pro Multis Intentionibus 10:00 Mass next week for: A Message from Fr. Fitz… Rufo and Tocci Family, Mem. Saint Columbkille Parish Grand Annual Misa esta semana: Deacon Eddy M. Montes, 1st Collection… Our annual collection will be held next Ann. weekend, November 7/8. This coming week you will receive a letter and envelope in the mail detailing the Misa la proxima semana: Hector Camacho Ca- need for the collection along with a summary of dena, 8th Ann.; Santo Purgatorio __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ income and expenses for last fiscal year and the Prayers Are Requested for those who are ill; for budget for this fiscal year. This collection is the vocations to the Priesthood and to the Consecrated largest single income producer for our parish each Life; for married couples and for families; for those year and is essential to the financial health of the serving in the military especially STAFF SGT. Aaron parish. Souza (USAF), EN2 (SW) Matthew Kenney (USN), PFC Timothy C. Barry (USA), 2nd LT Megan Mon- As has happened over the past several weeks since teiro (USAF), LT Alex DiBiasie (USA Rangers), Par- our reopening, last weekend’s Masses went very atrooper Anthony Liberty, (USA), Chaplain MAJ Jef- well. We had 499 people who came to the Masses frey A. Ballou (USAF), Chaplain CAPT James W. and our volunteers, as in previous weekends, were Longe (USAF), L/CPL Gavin Sheehan (USMC), very helpful in coordinating the various safety STAFF SGT Pedro Santana (USA), PVT Michael requirements. We are also grateful for the prayerful Stapleton (USA); and for the repose of the souls of and financial support of parishioners who have not Gabriella Harper and the deceased members of our yet been able to attend Mass. As we move into the parish, our families and our benefactors. next phases of reopening, you will be informed of __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ any changes to our procedures. Donations were made in the month of November _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ for the Hosts in loving memory of Let Your Voice Be Heard – Again Anthony and Vincenza Rufo by The “Say No to ROE” Rufo Family; for the Wine in loving memory of Agustin Buñuel by His The state legislature has extended the session until Family; and for the Candles in loving January 5th, 2021. Please remind the members of the memory of Leo and Louise Earls by Joint Committee on Judiciary that you oppose the Their Daughter. Please remember expansion of abortion in Massachusetts. Please call these people in your prayers. the Committee at 617-722-2396 and let them know __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please pray for our country during these crucial you are opposed to H3320 and S1209 – the ROE times. legislation. Every telephone call helps! Remember these bills would remove: x The requirement that young girls obtain consent Parish Giving before an abortion x The requirement that efforts be made to save a Offertory (10/25): $4,329.00 living baby who survives abortion Online: $430.00 Amount needed to meet expenses: $7,000.00 x The requirement that late term abortions be performed in hospitals Peter’s Pence (10/25): $782.00 And the bills would allow abortion on demand for all nine months of pregnancy. Monthly Maintenance (for Oct.): $2,789.00 Grand Annual 2019 (total): $95,500.00 For more information about how the ROE legislation would expand abortion in Massachusetts 2020 Catholic Appeal (to date): $32,326.00 visit www.macatholic.org Thank you! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 100% of goal of $32,290.00 Please remember the St. Vincent St. Vincent de Paul (10/25): $95.00 de Paul box located at the exit door by the elevator in the upper Thank You for Your Generosity church. Thank you for your generosity November 1, 2020 3 St. Columbkille Parish Brighton, MA To register your child for the 2020-2021 NEW Mass Schedule until further notice Confirmation Program, please scan the QR Sunday Masses (upstairs Church) 4 pm (Vigil, code below; you may also reach out to William Saturday) Haughey directly to assist in the registration 8 am, 10 am*, 12 pm* (Spanish), 5 pm process. *Masses at 10 am and 12 pm will be live-streamed through YouTube . Go to www.brightoncatholic.org Daily Masses (upstairs Church) Monday- Email: [email protected] Saturday: 7 am Cell: 617-987-5090 Friday in Spanish: 7 pm Start Date: October 25th ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class Time: Sunday Nights on ZOOM @ Confessions (through the rectory porch window) 6:15 – 7:15 Program Duration: One year English ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wednesdays: 6 pm - 7 pm The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Saturdays: 3 pm - 3:45 pm (RCIA) - @ 3 pm, online Do you know any adult who… Spanish Has expressed an interest in becoming Sundays: after Sunday Spanish Mass. Catholic? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Was baptized Catholic as a child, but The Exposition of the Blessed has not celebrated the Sacraments of Sacrament Confirmation and Eucharist? Every day: 7 am - 8 pm (through the The parish offers an opportunity to prepare rectory window by the parking lot) adults to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season. All people who are open to discerning Baptisms, Marriages, and Funerals their personal experience of faith and to Please call the rectory (617-782-5774) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ learning more about the Catholic Church are welcome to begin the RCIA process. Two The Young Adults are sponsoring seminarians from St. John’s Seminary will teach Eucharistic Adoration on the First and this weekly 60-min session through Zoom. The Third Wednesdays of the Month 7:30- classes are being held at 3 pm on Sundays. For 8:30PM. It is in the upper church and all information please contact Fr. Chris COVID protocol must be followed. All are welcome. at [email protected]. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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