Carvalho, A.L.G. 2013. On the distribution and conservation of the South American lizard genus Tropidurus Wied-Neuwied, 1825 (Squamata: Tropiduridae). Zootaxa 3640 (1): 042–056. Appendix. List of localities of occurrence of Tropidurus. The source of the records is represented by the collection numbers of the voucher specimens or the bibliographic references from which the distributional data were extracted. Thus, one can verify the name of some localities appearing repeatedly in some cases, which means that such record was based on more than one source. To avoid overextending the list of cited literature, a single bibliographic reference was used to represent a distribution point, but a complete list of consulted literature is provided. The acronyms listed below correspond to: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ), Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), Coleção Herpetológica da Universidade de Brasília (CHUNB), Coleção Herpetológica da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (RU), Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi (MPEG), Museu de Zoologia da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (MZUESC), Coleção Herpetológica da Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira (CEPLAC), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), and The Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH). Tropidurus bogerti VENEZUELA: BOLIVAR: MZUSP 56706, Auyan-Tepui; Myers, C.W. and Donnelly, M.A. 2008, Auyan-Tepui, camp 1; Myers, C.W. and Donnelly, M.A. 2008, Auyan-Tepui, camp 2; Myers, C.W. and Donnelly, M.A. 2008, Auyan-Tepui, camp 3; Myers, C.W. and Donnelly, M.A. 2008, Auyan-Tepui, camp 5. Tropidurus callathelys BOLIVIA: SANTA CRUZ: Harvey, M.B. and Gutberlet, R.L., Jr. 1998. Rock outcrops on the northern slope of the Serrania de Huanchaca, near Lago Caimán. Tropidurus chromatops BOLIVIA: SANTA CRUZ: Harvey, M.B. and Gutberlet, R.L., Jr. 1998. Granitic inselbergs in the Bajo Paraguá Forest Reserve; Harvey, M.B. and Gutberlet, R.L., Jr. 1998. Rock outcrops along the trail ascending the northern slope of the Serrania de Huanchaca, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, Privincia Velasco. Tropidurus cocorobensis BRAZIL: ALAGOAS: MZUSP 79199, Olho D'água do Casado; RU 1097, 1098, 1102- 1104, 1106, 1108, 1110, 1112, 1113, 1116, 1118-1120, 1122, 1124-1126, 1128, UHE Xingó, Delmiro Gouvea; RU 1967, 1968, 2936, 2937, 2939, 2940, 2942, 2945, 2951, 2952, 2954, 2958, UHE Xingó, Piranhas; MZUSP 79082, Xingó. BAHIA: Ribeiro, L.B. et al. 2012, Caetité; MNRJ 16598-16602, Canudos, Raso da Catarina; MZUSP 30113, 30119, 30121, 30132, 30133, 30138, Cocorobó; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Cocorobó; MZUSP 62745-62555, 65818-65820, Estação Ecológica Raso da Catarina; MZUSP 65767, 65768, 65787-65796, 73966-73970, 78631, 78632, 79717, Morro do Chapéu; MZUSP 73971, 78450, 78451, 78632, Nova Rodelas; MZUSP 60873, 64981, Raso da Catarina; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Raso da Catarina; MZUSP 75460, 75461, 78449, Vacaria; Ribeiro, L.B. et al. 2012, Xique-Xique. PERNAMBUCO: Ribeiro, L.B. et al. 2012, Buíque, Parque Nacional do Catimbau; MZUSP 65912-65918, Catimbau; Ribeiro, L.B. et al. 2012, Floresta. Tropidurus erythrocephalus BRAZIL: BAHIA: MZUSP 74007-74018, 78467, As Pedras; MZUSP 93501-93504, Gentio do Ouro; CHUNB 04354-04357, 04405, Ibipeba; MZUESC 5228, Morro do Chapéu; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Morro do Chapéu; MZUSP 56062, 56065-56067, 56074, 56076-56084, 56086-56091, 56093, 56096, 56097, 56099, 56101, 56103-56107, 57111, 62795-62799, 64982-64989, 65797-65800, 66198-66203, 68088, 68596-68601, 74001- 74006, 76260, 78468, 78469, 78471, 78472, Morro do Chapéu; Martins, J.M. 1995, Morro do Chapéu; MZUSP 46374, 46376, 46377, 55734-55739, 56213, 56216, 56228, 56230-56232, 56235-56243, 56245, 56246, 56248, 65718-65732, 66012-66028, 68074- 68089, 72190-72222, 73994-74000, 76332, Santo Inácio; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Santo Inácio; MZUSP 72226-72229, 73991-73993, 75462, 75463, 78468-78470, 78646, 78647, Vacaria. Tropidurus etheridgei ARGENTINA: CHACO: Kacoliris, F.P., Berkunsky, I. and Williams, J. 2006, P. P. Loro Hablador. CÓRDOBA: Schulte-II, J.A., Valladares, J.P. and Larson, A. 2003, Cachi Yacu; MZUSP 23866, 23867, Guanaco Muerto, Cruz del Eje; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987. Guanaco Muerto, Cruz del Eje; MZUSP 57845-57850, Mina Clavero; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Mina Clavero; Cei, J.M. 1993, Mina Clavero 1200 m, northeastern slopes of the Sierras de Córdoba. FORMOSA: MZUSP 76270, Ingeniero Juarez. SALTA: Cruz, F.B., Silva, S. and Scrocchi, G.J. et al. 1998, Campo Grande cattle ranch; Leynaud, G.C. and Bucher, E.H. 2005, Campo Grande cattle ranch; Cruz, F.B. 1997, Finca Pozo Largo, 8 km S and 12 km E from González; Fitzgerald, L.A., Cruz, F.B. and Perotti, G. 1999, Joaquin V. Gonzalez, proximidades; Leynaud, G.C. and Bucher, E.H. 2005, Los Colorados Biological Station; Cruz, F.B., Silva, S. and Scrocchi, G.J. et al. 1998, Rancho Los Colorados. SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO: MNRJ 12221, Caspi Corral, Dep. Figueroa. BOLIVIA: BENI: Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, 10 km W of San Pedro; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, 23 km W of San Javier; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Trinidad. CHUQUIASCA: Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, 30 km SE of Carandayti. COCHABAMBA: Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, 15 km S of Quiroga; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, 20 km E of Cochabamba; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, 3 km N Mizque; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, E Villa Granado; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, N of Río Mizque; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, N of Río Mizque; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Parotani; MZUSP 45546, Peña Colorada; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Peña Colorada; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Peña Colorada; MZUSP 45542, Villa Granado; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Villa Granado. LA PAZ: Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, 1,6 km W of Puerto Linares. SANTA CRUZ: Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, 69 km from Samaipata on the road Samaipata-Cochabamba; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Aguaraigua; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Cerro Colorado; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Charagua; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Comarapa; MZUSP 7092, El Carmen; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, El Carmen; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, El Carmen; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, El Portón; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, La Brecha; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, La Madre; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Lake Gahibia-Mirim; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Mataral; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Naranjos; MZUSP 7034, Roboré; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Roboré; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Roboré; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, San Antonio de Parapetí; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, San Lorenzo; MZUSP 7035, 7036, San Lorenzo; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, San Lorenzo; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Santiago; Tierras Nuevas; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Yapiroa. TARIJA: Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Aguairenda; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Caiza; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Capirenda; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, San Francisco; Dirksen, L. and De la Riva, I. 1999, Villa Montes. BRAZIL: BAHIA: MZUSP 76035-76041, 76059, 76651, Caetité; CHUNB 28917, 49155, 49157, 49161, 49162, 49192, 49193, Cocos; CEPLAC 2817, Vitória da Conquista; MZUESC 4735, 4736, Vitória da Conquista. GOIÁS: Valdujo, P.H. et al. 2009, Babilônia Farm; Valdujo, P.H. et al. 2009, Jaboticaba Farm; MZUSP 89374, Parque Nacional das Emas. MATO GROSSO: MZUSP 69811-69813, 69705, 69706, Alto Araguaia; MZUSP 45646, 60745, 60746, Porto Esperidião; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Porto Esperidião; MZUSP 30730-30738, Rio Verde, Diamantino, km 406 BR 364; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Rio Verde, Diamantino, km 406 BR 364; Valdujo, P.H. et al. 2009, Sapo river region; Valdujo, P.H. et al. 2009, Saramandaia Farm; Cei, J.M. 1982, Urucum; MZUSP 8217-8227, 13604-13606, Utiariti; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Utiariti. MATO GROSSO DO SUL: MZUSP 10338, 10339, 43034, 43035, Corumbá; Cei, J.M. 1982, Corumbá; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Corumbá; Valdujo, P.H. et al. 2009, Planalto Farm; MNRJ 1651, 2145, 2146, São Luiz de Caceres a Porto Velho; MZUSP 7697, Serra do Urucum; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Serra do Urucum. MINAS GERAIS: MZUSP 9323- 9351, 9353-9356, 9359-9365, 9367-9389, 9392-9404, 9408-9412, 67075-67084, 67195, 68611-68613, Arinos; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Arinos; MZUSP 78604-78610, 78650, 78693, Mocambinhos; MZUSP 10112, Montezuma; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987. PARAGUAY: BOQUERÓN: MZUSP 7606-7609, Fortin Guachalla; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Fortin Guachalla; Rodrigues, M.T. 1987, Approximately 60 km S and approximately 30 km W Filadelfia. CENTRAL: MZUSP 95202, San Lorenzo. Tropidurus guarani BRAZIL: MATO GROSSO: MZUSP 69699, 69768, 69800, 78865, 78866, Alto Araguaia; MPEG 14315, Barra dos Bugres, Serra das Araras; MZUSP 28394-28409, 29603, Buriti, Chapada dos Guimarães; MZUSP 55602-55604, 83154-83161, Cáceres; CHUNB 06192, 06197, 06198, 06202, 06204, 06206, 06208-06210, 06212, 06213, 06215, 17594-17662, 17664-17668, 17670-17689, 17691, 17692, 17694, 17695, Chapada dos Guimarães; MZUSP 45691-45693, 60389, 78611, Chapada dos Guimarães; MZUSP 54803, Itiquira, Fazenda Santo Antônio do Paraíso; MZUSP 45647, 60678, 60743, 60744, 62340, Porto Esperidião; Valdujo, P.H. et al. 2009, Saramandaia Farm; MZUSP 88619-88646, 92016, 92021, 91999, 92023, 92024, 92026, UHE Manso; MZUSP 82818, Vila Bela de Santíssima Trindade. MATO GROSSO DO SUL: CHUNB 27746, 27747, 30886, Alcinópolis; MZUSP 72971, Anastacio; MNRJ 3660-3662 Aquidauana; MZUSP 10401, 3265-3266, 72788, 72789, 72972, 75056, 82334, Aquidauana; MZUSP 94475- 94447, Bodoquena, Fazenda Califórnia; MZUSP 19501, 19502, Bonito, Fazenda Jaquaretê; CHUNB 49260, 49270, 49271, Bonito, Parque Nacional Serra da Bodoquena; MNRJ 1430, 2175, Cáceres; MZUSP 42781, Campo Grande; MNRJ 1429, Coxim; MZUSP 1292, Coxim; MZUSP 67863, 67864, Estancia Caiman; Frost, D.
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