1- -/- r-FI - M . , 2 1. I ./ r..1 1 ..1 .91"r«Fr 11 'L ' 4 *L :,1 1 1 15'i'&11& ..-t *4-**4,- '+ , 1 ,#146*1\ :1,#F'i- ihlf,1,r. 'flijh/f»--,1~.Ati ·, 4 <A/ 1,11 -. , . NNU -A . * IA- 1 IIi,_ %4'1 r'll,I, , . ...... ........ ..~..1.... - 9, , .t 1, 14., '.,r'. - 4-- . 3 8 . il- . 191 01, t . Ad v - » r'* _ , , I I r V '- 4 \ '111 11 4 1, 14, , 4 7S* . GOLD CARD PRESENTATIONS signifying Honorary Membership in Ope- 4/36, Reg, 231681; C. J. Mahan, Init. 7/27, Reg. 179387: Don E. Malhiot, rating Engineers Local Union No. 3 were made by Business Manager Al Init. 12/32, Reg. 202738; Meryl D. Mayes, Init. 12/36, Reg. 238116; John Clen- a- the Semi-Annual Meeting to Brothers E. J. Blood, Int. 7/17, Reg. F. Regallo, Init. 5/36, Reg. 232718; C. A. Schroff, Init. 4/30, Reg. 195110: 87915· C. C. Clark, Init. 3/30, Reg. 194797; Earl Dooley, Init. 9/35, Reg. Hobart Simpson, Init. 9/32, Reg. 202429; C. W. Stevens, Init. 9/28, Reg. 227545 George Ernst, Init. 4/36, Reg. 230898; Barney Felix, Init. 4/36, 187508: George W. Stevens, Init, 2/31, Reg, 198375 and Earl Stiles, Init. Reg. 23 1675; Ralph L, Foy, Init. 5/36, Reg. 23652; Robert Hall, Init. 9/35, 12/36, Reg. 239392. A standing ovation followed the presentations. Reg. 226889; F, M. Lauritzen, 9/35, Reg. 227,552; Philip Perrin, Init. "Serving the men who move tbe earth.'" ~~ ENGINEERS Cr »~ iNH :W 48 <tlESN>- PUBLISHED TO PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE OF ALL ENGINEERS AND THEIR FAMILIES 1. Gll*k·'1. Y/HE26 AMERICA'S DAY BEGINS HAWAI| THE 5)TH STATE NORTHERN CAL,FORNIA. THE GOLDEN STATE NORTHERN NEVADA, SILVER STATE UTAH HEART OF THE ROCKIES Vo . 31 -No. 1 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA January 1972 Lcbor Takes a Stand ! ELECTION OF Semi-Annual Meeting GRIEVANCE State Fed Leader Blasts Members Show Strong Fanatics COMMITTEEMEN Ecology Cranks, Ret·ordii,4,-Clorrf·Vionding- See. Support For E-Board By KEN ERWIN, Managing Editor retary T. J. "Tom" Stalpleton A full house was 011 hand for the January 8, 1972 Semi- has announced that in accord- Annital General Membership Meeting at the Marine Cooks Al Cleni, chief executive of the nation's largest heavy Atiditorium in San Francisco to provide vocal equipment operators local urion has praised the "outstand. ance with Ineal 3 By.Laws, Ar- & Stewal·(1,4 ticle X, Hection 10, the election and overwhelming support for their officers and executive ins ini-zi:nive and leadership of John F, Henning in putting Board of Di,triet cirievance conitnit- board. Discustion refrarding action by the Executive in-0 promr perspective the subv=rsive efforts of a self- affecting teemen shall take place at the on several resolutions appoin-Lei cli:que of birdwati·hers to bring the nation's econ- fir·lt ri.14·111:tr (1111,·terly di:trict the adininistration and the by- known the right people thel'e omy to 1 standstill." and #111,-clidrict nweeting-0 or laws of both the parent interna- the increases would not have Commenting on the widdy heralded editorial "Conser- 11)72. The Nehedtile of meetings tional and the local union were been approved. of the Cali- vation Caper" that appeared on the front page at whic·li the Grievance Com. reiected by the membe-·ship on . Recording-Corresponding All-CIO News. official new,Hpaper of the California See· fornia inittee members will recommendation of the Execu- T. J. "Tom" La-:)or Faleration. AFL-CIO (text appeal·s on page S) of be elected Stapleton I·eported f{'110"'S: tive Board. that in addition which He,ining is Executiv€ Secretary and Tre~urer, Ciera to those i·eceiv Highlight of the mee-ing was ing Gold Membership Cards at o it that "Henning 1-as now provided the direction JANUARY pointed the presentation of Go_d Cards the mer·ting, another 24 mem· and purpose that all of labcr has long been in need of if it 18 Enrel:a, Tues., 8 p.m, of Honorary Membership to bers that were unable to Clabor) ]: to regain the righ- to participate iii those econo- attend 19 Redding, Wed., 8 p.in. sonic eighteon old timers (see would have their cards mailed mie deisions that effect all of its members." photo above) who were given a 20 Oroville, ThUI'S., 8 p.m. to them or presented at local The ] atc: leader went on to the 26 Honolulu, standing ovation following nieetings. hai · "It is time for labor to take Wed., 7 p m. pomt out that "ecological presentations by Business Man- Included wer·e. L, W, Allen, a stand. not simply a stand o[ 27 Hilo, .Thurs., 7:30 p.m. rassment by a self-serving few ager Al Clem. Init:. 1/34. Reg. 211694; Sher- more jobs at any price. but a can only result in economic dis. FEBRUARY Highlights of the Business man B,·anselim, Init. 8/34. Reg. leadership position that states Manager's Semi-Annual Report aster." Wz, iii construction labor 2 San FranciNco, Wed., 217015: S. P. Carrigan, Init. simply that we will demand prepat'ed have beEr accused by the polit for the nieeting in- 6 36. Reg. 232831: R. H. Chan·~· participation in all those deci- 8 p.m. cal-faddis - and panic-ecologist cluded: Dion. Init. 12 35. Reg. 229437: sion-making processes which ef· 8 Stockton, Tues., 8 p m. of wan:ir.K to pave the world, PERSONNEL REPORT Phil Chair.berlain, Init. 5 28, feet either our economic and/ 17 Oaklamt, of selling out to the highrise Thurs„ 8 p.m. Membership ..,.,...·.35.383 Reg. 185068; Hugh Dougherty, or physical environment. It row ant to t -13 purveyors of th 2 22 Sacramento, Tiles., 8 p.m. Employees . 257 Init. 3 '86. Reg. 231688; E}nier becomes incumbent for all of gless-ard-concrete jungle con- 21 San Jose, Thurs., 8 p.m. Some 2,488 short and long Fer·Yari, Init, 5/36, Reg. 232648; tls in labor to support JackHen- eept simrly to provide jobs for form contracts have been nego- Hent·y Fischer. Init. 1 /35. Reg. ning's call to arms and to work 3IAR(1H our membri·s, yet it is the tiated in 1971. 221620: Cal Hogg, Init. 12/30, diligently together to provide a wealthy a- d vested few who 1 Fresne, Wed., 8 p.m. are 1.592 Job Stewards Reg. 198192; James Hunting- framework that will support There participate in the decision-mak 3 Salt I.ake City, Fri., and 671 Safety Commhteemen, ton. Init. 3/36, Reg·. 231070: J. sincet'e efforts to preserve and ing· procisses that detei·inin 2 8 p.ni. During 1971 there were 20.- R. Kelly. Init. 7 ·'36, Reg. 234- improve our environnient with· where and what is to be con- 247 membe,·S to 916; A, Ki·uper, Init, 11 '28, Reg. out sacrificing to the Baal of 4 Reno, Sat., 8 p.m. dispatched stneted. Just as it is that sane jobs. 188021; Ross MeAllister, Init. the Privileged the needs 9 Ukiah, Thurs., 8 p.m. seject mincrity that has profit- and Of the 2,830 menthers now on 12/36. Reg. 239690. lights of our· nienibe ship:" ed from i te gi'owth and proc- -- -*--- · ' Dension, 540 wei·e awai,led pen· Also, John Moleii·o, Init. 4 '35, grEss o his country. that now It was an initial effort on the sions during 1071. Reg. 223125; Clarence of Cleni (ser lette,· 01) page Mort, teas the v. o,king class that it part IUOE DELEGATE The Business Manager also Init. 5/26, Reg. 231698: William must refrE_in from working be- 3 ) that bi·ought about what reported on the diffiedties en- Poyser, In t. 11/36. Ress. 239- ca·_se 'they now have enough n1ight now turn out to be an countered in getting negotiated 615; Clat·ence Sanitielson. Init. historic nierting between 22 top ELECTION RULES and wish to protect and provide Contracts approved by the 3/35, Reg. 222990 : Nicholas a nice environment in which to California labor learlers and the Wage Stabilization Board in Schmidt Init. 4/35. Reg. 224215; Califot'nia Water Resources As· et-joy -ho fruits of "yout·' la- ON PAGES 11 & 12 Washington and pointed out D. J. Shirman. Init. 5 26, Reg. bar. See HENNING BLAST page 3 that had he and the off.cers not See SEMI-ANNUAL, page 3 1- I JJL 1972 Pege 2 ENGINEERS NEWS January $2 Million Shell Oil Spread Set - (.oolitciLVe11 1. 1~ To Go as Soon as Steel Hits Site By BH.L RELERFORD, Dis. Norman C. Petersen and Chi, working adjacent le highway *ict Representative A Bisi,w« cage Bridge & Iron are working. 14. Agents ROBERT BLAGG, GUY side by side on two differ ent A. Turrin & Sons are about - - JONES, HERMAN EPPLER, contracts at the Union Oil Re- to complete their excavation for 6re4hz#g RAY lb]ORGAN, JOHN NOR- finery. These two contracts will sub-division at Martinez. ' ]US and JAY V)€TOK employ four or five brother en- Mission Pipe}ine is in the last months too stages ef their job adjadent to Land clearing has started for gineers for several w;li~Al Cle m MeGuire & Hester job. Gal- - a 98-unit townhouse develop- and should be a good job. Chi- the & Burke started up a - ment designed by Hardison & eago Bridge & Iron is working lagher the ex- - Kematsu Associates, San Fi·an- under the tank erectors agree- dirt spread to eemplete el#co .
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