3 . „...-,.•> •>.i'::'-":/,'>.l'v\V ••'*.* •<•••:','•.'"" '-'-'/i "'•»'*:">**?*'''• •."'•.r.^V1. 36-Thur»day October 12, 1972- year. He Is on the art advisory FRIDAY DEADLINE Program set board of Rutgers University, All Items other than spot Grant awarded for studying New Brunswick, and Brook- peWS should be In OUt ~dale'-_Co.mmunUy_.Callege. olflca h/__J100n OTL. by^scolptor- Uncroft.' - Friday. • • • --"~ In"c&M'~of emergency " "• The ZipXode _ call ;; cardiac problems in county The Cranford Creative Art 376-0400 (oor Police DepDepartmena t for Springfield is Group will open the fall season A (3,000 grant for tbe "Study and Evaluation Dr. Gilbert is a fellow of the American ••Nr— orfirst-AidiiquadorfirstAidiiquad - , with a demonstration of metal of Cardiac Problems N in Union County "College of CardioNgy, Uje American Colleger sculpture by Jim Gary next VOLVO GOES TO GREAT •' „>. *-"0" (operatorperator) for Fite'DeFite'Departmenp t Residents" has been awarded to Dr. Lawrence Chest Physicians and the American College of Tuesday atBp.m.The affair is 07081 Gilbert, director of cardiac and thoracic Angiology. He has authored 50 scientific papers open to the public. LENGTHS TO STOP Y01 surgery at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. and is a popular exhibitor, lecturer and A check in tbe amount of the grant was panelist. ......... Gary, a native of Colts .'.," t Pobll<h.d Ev.ry Thursdoy by Tiumu Publishing Corp. Neck, is a self-taught metal IN SHORTONES 41 Mountoln ovi., Sprlngll.ld, N.J. 07081 - 686-7700 presented to Dr. Gilbert by Jerome Kessler, a Besides' serving as full-time director of member of the board of the Union County Heart Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery, Dr. Gilbert Is a sculptor. As a young boy, h • Come test-stop our Volvos Association. .-••^ • • , ..._- : -member of the Pacemaker Team of Newark built two automobiles from . Moiling Addt.Mi SPRINGFIEtD,M:J.,THURSDAYipCtOBER 19,1972 Subscription Rota S«eond Ctast Postoas salvaged parts.'Later, he with 4-wheel power ,'' VOL. 44 NCfr2 ., P.O. Bon 69, SprlngtUld, N.J..07081 J8.50 V«orly Paid ol Sprlngflald, N.J. 20 Cents Per Copy Dr. Gilbert, an associate professor of Beth Israel Medical Center and a consultant in disc brakes. Surgery=at the College of Medicine and Den- Thoracic Surgery at seven New York and New served four years in the Navy tistry, Is a certified member of the American Jersey Hospitals. as an aviation machinist SPECIAL Board of Surgery and tbe American Board of Kessler, a certified prosthetist with 20 years where he perfected his skill at Thoracic Surgery. He holds two honors of experience, is secretary-treasurer of Kessler welding. LONG TERM LEASING AVAILABLE Achievement Awards from the American Associates, Inc., East Orange. Gary began exhibiting his College of Angiology and the Tristram Metcalf e work in the spring ofl968 and SNYTHE VOLVO we. PAINTERS, ATTGNTIONI Soil yourself to 30,000 Study of goals completed by school board Walker Distinguished Alumnus Award from opened his Iron Butterfly ' families with ft -tow-cost 326 NORBIS AVC, SUMMIT 273-4200! Long Island University. ' ; ; Want Ad. Call £86-7700. Studio In December of that be used HEART GRANT TO SUPPORT STUDY—The Union County Heart Association has NOW YOU CAN . awarded a $3,000 grant for the "Study and Evaluation of Cardiac Problems In Union County Residents" to Dr. Lawrence Gilbert of Springfield, director of Cardiac and -Thoracic Surgery, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. In the photo above, Jerome Kessler, a member of the board of the Union County Heart Association, discusses CHARGE FOOD to set u| priorities the project with Dr. Gilbert. FOOD SUPERMARKETS ; 'ON FOOD PURCHASES OF $15 or more ByABNERGOLn ",'; .- recruited through civic groups. Their findings The Springfield Board of Education; has will boused to set up both short and long-range Psychiatric clinic I Union College sophs SALE TODAY THREAT. V AT ANY7^GV>F00D SUPERMARKET completed its pioneering goals assessment • educational priorities, Dr. Baruchin added. project, designed to aid in setting up priorities - Michael Mclntyr'e, board vice-president, said 1 Vote' for~ McGovern W|THEVERY for, the local elementary school system, IBr. that thu results of the study will be made public for county seeking OURTRI M IS BETttR Fred' Baruchln, superintendent of schoMs, I Senator George McGovern was victor •in tin> near future, as soon as they are CDEEI "OUR TRIM IS BETTER- reported at the board meeting Monday night at distributed for review by board members and i this week in a poll of 198 Union College \5 BETTER ; rlfEES FOOD PURCHASE' SHORT CUT .the Florence Gaudlneer School. .•>..';.- ' i sophAraores. according to Prof. Harold CALIF. CHUCK f those who took part in the project. Mclntyre new area facilities The goals study project began last spring and § Damerow of 1426 Rt. 22, Mountainside, Two Guys TRADING STAMPS presided in the absence of Ruth Weisman, . The Union County Psychiatric Clinic must 1 member of tbe Social Sciences Depart- POT ROAST included participation by a number, of #3*61'Aboard president- Approximately a dozen find new quarters for its Summit area 'Sorry, w o at ft not allowed to cj i v il FULL CUT staff members, as well as private cW«jB*.i'-^members of the public were present.The | ment at UC. i : psychiatric services by the first of the year. stamp* or rndiMMii stump books on -! —• -~—r— ' Superintendent also discussed the new system The Rev. Theodore Granberg, clinic | Prof. Damerow's poll of students | enrolled In American Government alcoholic bi'voragcb, cigarettes or r.-Of reporting to parents on their children's president, has named Roland Wolcott of the liquid I" it I* which-this-year will replace the Summit school system, and members of the § classes gave McGovern 102 votes and Scouts' I President Nixon, 81, with 15 undecided. report cards. He noted that report clinic board and treasurer, to head a com- ^•lormswill be discussed .at conferences of in- g The poll of fall-time students attending IB. mittee to seek a new location. At present, the ;;dividual parents with teachers Dec. 11 to 20 and clinic uses six rooms in Overlook Hospital I classes during the day was In sharp March 1:1 to 28. g contrast to an earlier poll of 963 part-time BUY ONE 8-OZ. presented which it must vacate to permit hospital ex- WINE GLASS The final forms will be sent home on June 15. pansion of other services. | students enrolled primarily in evening FRESH LEAN BONELESS SHOULDER _ 1 classes, Prof. Damerow noted. The part- /There are also three interim evaluation -The move was announced by the Rev. GROUND OUI TRIM Jperiods, ending next Monday, Jan 26 and April Granberg in Overlook Hospital auditorium 1 timers' vote was 613 for President Nixon FREE CROSS RIB c«i " }S 1 Rotary awgr<T5 ^ Tawny Tulip ANY SIZE BETTCR M. Parents wili.be called in for conferences at during a meeting of clinic trustees and S and 330 for McGovern.. The annual youth award of the Sprlligfleld •j GLASSWARE CHUCK PKG. Ib.i ROAST S8P " ' the discretion of the teachers. members of the clinic community committees Rotary Club was presented to Helen J. Hunekf ' 1 -o-o- • ' from Summit, Union, Springfield, Moun- •,' FROM UBBEY at Us annual past presidents' dinner-dance •• THE SUBJECT came up for further tainside, Berkeley Heights and New R VAC PACK Saturday in the Chanticler, Mlllburn. -. B RAND Boneless Brisket Corned Beef 3 TO 5 Ib AVG Providence, which make up the region serviced Lot at UC is ready; Mrs. Huneke,»who resides at 518 Mountain (Continued on page 12) by the clinic from the Summit, facilities. avenue, was given a plaque by Adam LaSota, . -• • •-:.^--:-c. m ^MOVL. ~:-.s .•.".:*:•_-. WEEKS club member, for 11 years of service totheGlrl . BREAKING THROUGH — Bill Pabizi (44) turns the corner on 12-yard touchdown Appointed to serve with Wolcott on the work on roadway WEEKS WEEKS -retoeatton—committee—were—John—Callahan, 3-6 - Scout movement in Springfield. She has. served • Bloodmobile visits sweep for Jonathan Dayton Regional High School football team as the Bulldogs A new 300-car parking lot designed to BKFUVW -as-t»oop^adei4-or^aJU^iT--«on8ult4ijt: "-'-* evened their record at 2-2 with a 13-12 Victory against Caldwell at Caldwell on Summit; Rev. James Dewart, Springfield; 1-4-7 i) m Samuel Pelosi, Union: and Seymour alleviate the parking problem at the Cranford •jiff THIS UM» community chairmanand played a leadlnj Saturday. Dayton will play host to Madison this.Saturday 1:3O p.m. at Moisel Field. 'in helping the Glfl jScoti ts to acquire a ^ James XTRurch Margulles, Springfield. campus ofUruon college has been completed, it WINE See details on Sports Page. (Photo by Jim Adams) The clinic, which has its main offices in was announced this week by Dr. Kenneth W. UMEY jri^qenthojne^frp™tnVtbtonship. Plainfield, provides outpatient psychiatric care Iversen, president. « • GOBLET GLASS , In ad4ifiori,:>he hB»\tieyi-8ct|vB KM ONLY. HIP PORK Chicken Chicken Thtght CHICKEN -In rhllrtran nnH prtiilti mlth pmntlnnn) rilgnr-. The, roadway to the parking lot off Gallows I OH ONLY i Parent-Teacher^88ociBtions 'b6thin(H«g^«^ 11 or Prwmtlfkt iffSS «JP1QKR ders. It provides individual therapy; family Hill road, however, hag, not yet been finished so -CHOPS • are under . way - for the second of ~^tndent»-nre-Bttll using the Sprlngfirid-avcnue- KIEL. IHIOH Schopl, as well as the Presbyterian-.Churcft'- Spring fie annual community blood- First Aiders answered pypPty^py CUT thwapyTitrataoTiOTftKtsTrprogram of con- entraneei Dr.Iversen said. The Gallows Hill nuiawo TSHLtniLimem- entrance is expected to be ready at the end of ; .NNo U.-from 10 am.
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