INDEX TO THE NEWCASTLE MORNING HERALD AND MINERS' ADVOCATE 19% Published by NKWrASTLK PUBLIC LIBRARY The Council of the City of Newcastle New South wales, Australia 1984 N.M.H. INDEX 1.1%6 ABATTCaES ACCIDENTS MiD FATALITIES (Con't) Move to comlj&t erosion on abattoir Porter took own life, says coroner land 10.1:2 7.12:4 Made £?8,000 last year : costs cut Fell from train : father of Peg Seattle £55,OOC frcm abattoir profit 2.5:2 Double meat storage : new chambers dead 23.12:1 at abattoir 12.6:2 Five die ; holiday accidents 27.12:1 Freezing plant opened (photograph) AGRICULTURE 12.6:4 Seek legal opinion on big bonus Thrips damage tomato crops 5.1:4 27.6:-2 Would like U.S. trip : Wallalong Long leave fcr abattoir workers 22.8:2 farmer a finalist 2.2:2 Cour-try killing "best scheme" 2-4-.8:4 Premifei- spoke to farmers as "man on the Heavy cattle at abattoir 11.9:2 land" 27.4:4 Abattoir has record day 12.9:2 Upper Hunter farmer holds Italian Judge critical : says award misused diploma 5.8 J at abattoir -15.10:4 Hunter, Manning important for stock- Soap-making tests at abattoir 11.^2:2 fattening 20.8:2 "Newcastle only abattoir making profit" Unirrigated potato crops failure 11.12:2 again 12.10:4 Maitland abattoir made profit each year Conditions slip in Hunter Di.sl.idct 15.12:2 1.11:2 Maitland abattoir finances 14.12:4 Farmers warned ; poisonous weed in Favour abattoir at Cessncck 18.12:2 millet seed 1.11:2 Lack of water in Hunter causes concern ABORIGINES, Australian 9.11:10 "Cultivate with care or soil will Aborigines will ask Mr Chifley for disappear" 15.11:4 citizenship 16.1:3 Brought out new pasture plants 25.11:7 Two aborigines to train as missiorai-i es Irrigation saved city from vegetable at Stockton 2.2:3 famine 30.11:4 To train as missionaries (photo) Warmer weather an aid to vegetables 2.2:4 50.11:4 ACCIDEKTS AND FATALITIES AIRPORTS Fatal fall from windov (Tony McCluskey) Repoi't en Tarro as drome site 6.2:2 7.2:2 Council "was ignored" : Site inspected Smash blocked coal iines : one Ijurt for aerodrome 7.2:2 25.2:1 Give Cessnock aercdrcme '^0.4:2 Waratah man electi'ocuted demolishing Big aerodrome advocated for Newcastle hut (W.E. Schumacher) 25.5:1 14.8:2 Found wounded at Cardiff (Colin Rowe) Selection now of site for airport urged 25.3:2 6.9:5 Horses bolt through shop window 12.4:2 Airport need urgent say city leaders Boulder smashes cottage : man injured 15.9:4 17.4:2 Claims council let 'drome plan fade Boulder wrecks Bogey Hole home (photo) 2.10:3 17.4:4 "City needs first class aerodrome Long ambulance trip aftei- tree hits 29.10:3 man 17.5:2 Acid bottle explodes in surgery 18.5:4 Mayor suggests Williamtcwn as civil Jockey dies, tvfc injured in race crash drome 50.10:2 Boolaroo as site fcr aerodrome 7.11:2 20.5:5 Airline may call at Wiiiiamtown 14.11:1 Drovnrjing feared : dinghy at sea 14.8:1 Emergency landing strip cut by fences Skier had long trij: with fi'actured I9.'i1:4 thigh 23.8:1 Rathmines as base fcr air liners rescue Wharf workers skull fj'actui'ed b;, case 18.12:4 of goods 25.8:2 Woman dead in room 2'^.8:2 ALCCEOL Petrol blew up : two Newcastle men burned 25-9:5 "Beer short until 1947" 24.1:2 Police probing porter's death (Alan Drastic changes sought in liquor laws Morgan) 10.10:2 11.2:3 No new light on porter's death 11.10:2 Bottled beer blsjned for black market Poison found in porter's body 12.10:5 12.2:2 Porter's death has police pu2>zled Seek referendum on liauor control 14.10:2 12.2:3 Sti]l investigating porter's death Beer limits may end soon, but shortages 18.10:2 still 16.2:3 Burning shirt saved man (James KcMahon) Beer drought in Newcastle soon 8.3:2 7.11:2 May get cooperative hotels, brewery Intuition told mother son in ambulance 18.11:1 13-3:2 Youth choked in clay chute less than Referendum on hours after Liquor Act foot square 50.11.6 dealt with 21.3:1 N.M.H- INDEX 2-. 19^6 ALCOHOL (Con't) .AMBULANCES (Con't) Liquor Bill provides for many reforms Subscribers want Ambulance Act amended 3.4:3 27.9:4 Could be 300 new club licences 4.4:3 Ambulance Station for Cessnock 50.9:6 Newcastle second ; beer distribution Cessncck wants ambulance extended to on priority system 5-'^:'^ Kurri 18.10:7 United churches condemn Lioucr Bill Lack of beach telephone caused anxiety 5.'^:2 29-10:2 Liquor Bill takes middle course - Mi' Want ambulance at Cooranbong 14-11:7 McKell 10-4:4 Ambulance fleet wearing out: needs new "Doesn't go far enough," says M-L-A- : cars 15-11:2 debate on Liquor Bill 11-4:5 Will start cooperative brewery 15-4:2 ANIMALS Referendum on liquor hours "within 12 months" 18.4:5 R.A.A.F- mascot missing 15-2:4 Mr Booth has backing : cooperative Retriever for New Zealand 14.3:5 plan for breweiy 27-5:2 Livestock set problem for rodeo Want "schooners" all day 24.7:2 organizers 9.4:2 Beer quota cut 22.8:2 Blood bank for dogs 2.12:4 Cafes may sell wine fi'om Friday 11.9:4 Stainless steel tanks for storage ANTARCT]CA of beer 14.9:2 Two cafes, three clubs want liquor Australian expedition to Antarctica licences 26.9:2 20.12:4 Want more lakeside liquor licences Exploit coal denosits in Antarctica 27.11:2 25-12:4 Liquor licence ban may be lifted 50.11:5 ART' Spirit licences for Redhead refused 5.12:9 Paintings show panorama of Europe's life 2.4:4 Mere wine than beer for Christmas Art show cpens at City Hall (photo) 10,12:2 5-9:3 Child painters show flair design^ AMALGAMLATED ENGINEFiRING UNION 3.9:4 Art show has variety 14.12:4 A.E.U. plans stop-work meeting.: ATOMIC BOMBS seeks £1 rise 19.8:2 No stoppage by A.E.U. in Newcastle Russians have atom bomb 9.1:4 15.10:5 Atom bomb differences may trouble U.N.O. Newcastle A.E.U. to stop for day 10.1:1 22.10:1 Young atom scientists fear misuse of Secret ballots to decide A.E.U. bomb 15.1:3 stoppages 51.'^0:8 Expects atom bomb to vaporise battleships AMBULANCES in test 25.1:1 Proposed change in ambulance control New atom bomb equals 20 million tons opposed 5.1:2 T.N.T. 28.1:1 New boundary for ambulance 10.1:2 "Politics not up to atomic bomb" 14.6:2 Conference to discuss ambulance fees Atom bomb test is on, says Admii'al Blandy 14.2:2 1.7:1 New stretcher fcr ambulance 14.2:4 Three vessels sunk in atom test 2.7:1 Lake ambulance pretest on transport cases 21.3:2 ATOMIC RESEARCH Less hours sought : Belmont, Wallsend ambulance men 11.4:2 Australia may share atom secrets Plan to minimise ambulance runs 11.4:2 29.1:1 Aerial ambulance for N.S.W. 9-5:2 Austi'alic will see atom tests 11.2:1 St. John Branch first outside capital Australia may have atomic power stations 10.5:5 1.8:1 First service next week : aerial ambulance for ncrth 25-5:2 AUSTRAIJA - Air Force First sir ambulance comes tc Newcastle 29.5:2 R.A.A.F. base to be near Hiroshima Lake ambulance subscripticns 12.6:4 2.1:1 Seek alteration in Ambulance Act Searching fcr 5000 missing R.A.A.F. men 13.6:5 25.2:1 Ambulance needs greater : to seek more Precautions taken for air display funds 11.7:2 9.4:2 Trades Hall suggests joint ambulance election ticket 15.8:2 Rathmines biggest flying boat base No free ambulance for sei-vicemen 11.9:1 15.8:7 AUSTRAIIA - Army £16,000 needed for ambulance plans 27.9:2 Recruiting for A.I.F. immediately 28.1:5 N.M.H. INDEX 3. 1946 AUSTRALIA - Army (Con't) AUSTRAIJA - Parliament (Ccn't) Army to revert to command system States tc get £5,745,000 more from 7.2:1 xmiform tax 26.1:1 Army retiring ages cut to promote Release 200,000 from now tc June 50 young men 25.2:3 4.2:1 Veterans, unable to settle down, Abolish means test in eight stages re-enlist in army 28.2:2 18.6:1 Troops for Japan train at Greta 4.6:2 Caucus asks cabinet for workable plan Young troops do well in Greta review 20.6:1 5.6:2 First Australian State Governor 2.8:5 For and against greater federal powers AUSTRAIIA - Constitution 19.9:2 Northern men may get portfolios 4.10:2 Referendum may be limited to social Posts for ministers 1.11:1 services 7.2:1 Chifley allots portfolios 1.11:1 Taking powers vote with elections Continue 61 controls fcr twelve months 15.3:1 22.11:3 Mr Menzies seeks review of AUSTRALIA - Parliament - Senate constitution 4.4:3 Little success with referendums Senate may have to cut Easter break 28.9:2 9.4:3 AUSTRAIJA - Defence AUSTRALIA - Visiting Personalities All troops home by end of month Admiral Mcuntbatten in Canberra 25.5:1 4.1:1 Australian forces leave for Japan AUSTRALIAN COUNCIL OF TRADE UUIONS next month 8.1:1 Interim force strengths announced "Must beware of sabotage" : A.C.T.U.
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