MAILS NEXT WEEK LATEST SUGAR QUOTATIONS (To ArriTe and Leave Honolulu) Dollar! From Coast: Ecuador, Oct. 28. CenU per lb. pertoa Fop Coast: Ventura, 30; Maui, 31. Today's Quotation 6.90 $138.00 Nov. 5. From Orient: Persia Maru, 7.02 140.20 s Last Previous For Orient: Siberia Maru, Nov. 4. m&txt WAILUKU, MAUI CO., HAWAII, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1917. NUMBER 920 EIGHTEENTH YEAR Americans Win The The Church Bazaar TODAY'S AND LATEST . A Notorious Deadbeat 1917 Championship A Great Success NEWS BY WIRELESS Again In The Toils Here Portuguese Defeated In The Final, Ladies Guild Of Church Of Gtrod Shep- Which Was One Of The Best herd Delight Many People In London The Daily Mail correspi indent insists that the Irish Col-bur- n, Games Of The Entire Season Evening's Program Bright, Alias John Baker, Alias John is serious. W hole of west Ireland is on verge of rebellion. Fol John lowers of Palavara suddenly awakened to danger spark they have kindl- Re- The final game the Maui base-hal- l The annual bazaar of the Woman's C. Brickwood Lyman, Etc., for ed and are now trying to quench it for fear they have gone too far. Jr., Alias league championship for the year Guild of the Church of the Good Shep- AGITATION INCREASES Several Years, Starts His Old 1917 was played off on the Wailuku herd, held at the Wailuku Gymnasium, IRISH fair-size- 10,000 clubs and turns After diamond Sunday afternoon, a d Saturday evening, was, as usual, an Dublin Sinn Feiners conference spread over In Jail crowd being present. When the occasion of good fellowship, and juarter million membership claimed. Arthur Griffith denies movement Games And Lands dust had cleared, the A. A. C's. were financial success, though the receipts, is financed with German gold. on top, although the battle was one of about $300, were somewhat less than MICH AULIS RESIGNATION NOT CONFIRMED long Wai- of Bright, Bright did not stay in the fiercest in local baseball history. those of the bazaar a year ago, due, London Resignation of Michaelis is not confirmed by Amsterdam John Bright, son James years Wal-me- a was in jail here nine cowboy on the Parker ranch at kiku. He The score was 4 to 3. in part, probably, to the numerous dispatches. It is said news based on supposition. feared meeting old (Kanmela,) Hawaii, was nrrni fin- ago, and doubtless The victory gave the A. A. C's. the demands which the war is making on Sir William Ilurshcl, discoverer and developer ot system of identifi friends of the police department. He How- ed in the Waikiku district court yester- Reach prize cup, put up through the many people in the community. cation through finger prints, is dead. en- went over to Paia and slept the first day on the charge of gross cheat, Wailuku Hardware Co., and also the ever, the officers and members of the GUARDIANS FOR THAW night at. a Japanese hotel. Then he re- tered a plea of guilly and was sen- first leg on the Raymond Ranch cup, guild are well pleased with the New York Application is made for appointment of guardians for machine from a Japanese and pat- tenced to imprisonment for nine hired a which was left in the hands of the sults, and greatly appreciate the Harry Thaw. Hearing set for December. went to the house of an old Hawaiian i'aia team last year. ronage received. months. got party BRAZIL DECLARES WAR AGAIN a re- named G. W. Maalo, that were Foster Robinson Seldom, if ever, has the Gymnasium This young Hawaiian has had The batteries Rio De Brazilian steamer MacKau, formerly a German-boat- , recently "on the string" and tried to buy a A. A. C's. and Jancrio markable career. He was and Wadsworth for the looked more attractive than it did in Bay Biscay. News piece of land from him. To the Japa- torpedoed the of Captain taken prisoner. released from Oahu prison, at Hono- Wm. Pal and Pombo for the Portu- that evening when, in the presence of nese; and the old Hawaiian he declared arouses the nation and parliament today votes declaration of war and lulu, and a little more than two weeks guese. more than two hundred people, the name to be C. Biickwood Lyman, other war measures. ago landed at Lahaina under the name ids In the second innngs the P. A. C's. bazaar was opened with a musical Jr.," claiming to of Hilo. made one run, but in the third the program under the direction of Mrs. STEAMERS CHARTERED TO ITALY of "John V. Colburn, he to 25 commandeered Colburn, late The machine of the Japanese Americans came back with one run, J. C. Villiers. Every number on the Washington Shipping board agrees charter be a Bon of John F. up bill Estate, Ltd., kept three days, running a tying the score. program was well rendered. The steel vessels to Italy. manager of the Kapiolani parties amounting to $52. To all N representing he had come In the filth inning Cockett made a program opened with an instrumental JAPAN-AMERICA- WAR UP and that be a bank JIG dickered with he claimed to Uiree-liaiifco- r to Maui to sell automobiles and to put for the Americans, scor trio by Messrs. Chillingworth, Blair Copenhagen Captain von Sahlmann, military critic of the Berlin er of Hilo, being connected with tne other machines in the rent service. ns two men and inter getting home and Burdick, followed with a vocal Yosische Zeitung, has warned nation that it no longer need look for "Lyman National Hank" there being He left Lahaina for Waikiku, leaving himself, cinching the game for ins quartette by Mrs. G. N. Weight, Miss war between Japan and America. He takes text from recent speech in by the way. So when his - $30 behind and a num- no such bank, team. Mien, Messrs. Short and Chilling- London by Ambassador Ishii and American utterances against German a hotel bill of a little contracts unfulfilled. chauffeur "touched" him for In tiie third inning, with bases full worth. Mr. short sang two songs, intrigue. ber of "phony' and offered Wailuku, he visited the coin, he went in the air nd none out, Robinson pitched iv:o Miss Villiers played a piano solo, little LEADERS Arriving at Japanese AUSTRIAN CRITICIZED paper and caused to be 10 buy the machine. The Washington Czechs attacked Austrian leaders fiercely in Reichs- office of this to sell daily a large display was agreeable, and consented (Continued on Page Ten.) (Continued on Page Three.) tag two weeks ago. Charges Czernin as victim Inserted in the agreeable to of German theorists caption "La- out for jmo. that was his peace advertisement, under the Ly- and criticized proiiosal as meaningless. s Bright Colburn Garage, Packards and Pierce-Arrow- the resourceful haina man, and the deal' was closed. Of To Go FRENCH CONTINUE GAINS for Hire." The ad. went on to 'olice After course "Lyman" did not carry so much 'risoners Escape, Paris The French continue their gains, several villages having say "I have just opened up in Lahaina money around in his pockets, so Improper Auto Lights been added. Total prisoners now 12,000, with 120 large guns and many a branch of our Honolulu House and would have to send a wireless to his small opes. Mill make regular trips from Wailuku But Quickly Caught He wrote of PRO-GERMAN- and concluded bank at Hilo for the coin. In a day or two the police the S TROU B LE S O M E I N FRISCO and Lahaina," etc., to in pencil, a message addressed island will go after offenders against pro-Germ- Lahaina Garage." out, prisoners escaped from the Washington The attempt of elements in San Fran- with "Phone Three the dimming ordinance which went is no such place as Territorial jail in Kula Saturday cisco to frustrate food conservation policy is reported, they insisting on There (Continued on Tago Two.) into effect on December 31, 1916 night, were caught twelve hours meat on meatless days under threat of withdrawal of patronage from but olice will be stationed every night at morning, In Paia, by restaurants refusing to serve them. ater, Sunday or near important corners, ana wo Sheriff Crowell, Officer Joe Souza and will it be to him found with undimmed (Continued on Page Ten.) They are now in in the Wailu Be Wadsworth-Stanle- y others. headlights or with Insufficient lights Congressmen To jail, Sheriff Crowell awaiting in ku It is not always considered the pro High Sheriff Bill Jar-- structions irom per tnmg tor a newspaper to "tip On Monday as to just what to do with them. QUOTATIONS OnlyTwo Days Wedding rett the public off on what the police are WIRELESS MARKET Here The men belong to a gang of about planning to do, but in this case there thirty Territorial prisoners quarterea SESSION 10:30 A. M. OCTOBER 26. 1917. Young Couple Of Wailuku s a reason. It is not the wish of the Friday Night, November Popular in Kula and working on the roads. Will Arrive police, nor of the public, perhaps, Sunday Spring A Surprise On Their Many They explained that they had gotten 16, And Leave Late that there be wholesale arrests of Ewa Plantation Company 31. ired of the confinement and ran away Friends The Surpi isers Surprised nutoists for what, in a majority of Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co 43.00 For Honolulu o seek a "good time" somewhere.
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