FINAL CULTURAL HERITAGE DESK-BASED ASSESSMENT EAST SURREY HOSPITAL REDHILL SURREY May 2017 Planning Authority: Reigate and Banstead Borough Council Site centred at: TQ 28495 48405 Author: Sylvia White BA(Hons) PCIfA Approved by: Duncan Hawkins BA (Hons) MSc FSA MCIfA Report Status: Final Issue Date: May 2017 © CgMs Limited CgMs Ref: No part of this report is to be copied in any way SW/DH/23295 without prior written consent. Every effort is made to provide detailed and accurate information, however, CgMs Limited cannot be held responsible for errors or inaccuracies within this report. © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction and Scope of Study 2.0 Planning Background and Development Plan Framework 3.0 Geology and Topography 4.0 Heritage Background 5.0 Site Conditions 6.0 Summary and Conclusions Sources Consulted APPENDIX 1 Conservation Area LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. 1 Site location Fig. 2 HER data Fig. 3 1729 Senex Map of Surrey Fig. 4 1768 Rocque Map of Surrey Fig. 5 1793 Lindley & Crosley Map of Surrey Fig. 6 1808 OSD (Ordnance Survey Drawing) Fig. 7 1811 OS Old Series Fig. 8 1823 Greenwood & Greenwood Map of Surrey Fig. 9 1843 Reigate Tithe Map Fig. 10 1874 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 11 1897 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 12 1916 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 13 1934 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 14 1961 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 15 1979 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 16 1999 Aerial Photograph Fig. 17 2015 Aerial Photograph Fig. 18 Site as existing Fig. 19 Site Plates Key © CgMs Consulting 1 SW/DH/23295 Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey LIST OF PLATES Plate 1 West facing view from Canada Avenue (adjacent to golf course) Plate 2 Southwest facing view (as plate 1) Plate 3 Southwest facing view (as plate 1) Plate 4 South facing view (as plate 1) Plate 5 Southeast facing view (as plate 1) Plate 6 Southeast facing view (as plate 1) Plate 7 East facing view (as plate 1) Plate 8 South facing view from northern boundary Plate 9 Southeast facing view from northern boundary Plate 10 East facing view from northern boundary Plate 11 South facing view from northern boundary Plate 12 Southwest facing view from northern boundary Plate 13 Southwest facing view from northern boundary Plate 14 West facing view from northern boundary Plate 15 North facing view from eastern boundary Plate 16 Northwest facing view from eastern boundary Plate 17 Northwest facing view from eastern boundary Plate 18 West facing view from eastern boundary Plate 19 Southwest facing view from eastern boundary Plate 20 South facing view from eastern boundary Plate 21 Plate 22 south Plate 23 Plate 24 Plate 25 Plate 26 Plate 27 Plate 28 Plate 29 Plate 30 Plate 31 Standing opposite the Three Arch Road/Bushfield Drive crossroads, facing south towards western boundary Plate 32 As Plate 31, facing southeast Plate 33 As Plate 31, facing northeast Plate 34 As Plate 31, facing north Plate 35 As Plate 31, facing northwest © CgMs Consulting 2 SW/DH/23295 Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey Plate 36 Standing east of the Three Arch Road/Canada Avenue/Royal Earlswood Park roundabout, facing south Plate 37 As Plate 36, facing southeast Plate 38 East facing view of Canada Avenue (Main Hospital Entrance) Plate 39 West facing view of Canada Avenue (Main Hospital Entrance) Plate 40 South facing view along western boundary Plate 41 North facing view along western boundary Plate 42 Plate 43 East facing view © CgMs Consulting 3 SW/DH/23295 Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Cultural Heritage Desk-Based Assessment has been prepared by Sylvia White and Duncan Hawkins of CgMs Consulting Ltd on behalf of Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust to assess potential cultural heritage sensitivities and opportunities of land at East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey. This report forms the desk-based assessment required by paragraph 128 of the NPPF to identify the presence of heritage assets and, where present, to assess any impact on their significance. This assessment has established that no designated heritage assets are located within the study site. Based on the HER (Surrey Historic Environment Record) evidence and other relevant material, the study site is considered to have a generally low archaeological potential for as yet to be discovered archaeological evidence associated with all past periods. Any development of the study site could be considered to have a neutral impact on the wider setting and context of several listed buildings in its vicinity. The study site is not considered to contribute to the significance of the buildings. northwest from the study site. Development of the study site is not considered to have a direct or indirect impact on the setting of the conservation area. The heritage impacts of the scheme are not considered widespread or significant enough to preclude the further development of the study site. Should the local planning authority require any further archaeological mitigation measures it is suggested these could follow planning consent secured by an appropriately worded archaeological planning condition. © CgMs Consulting 4 SW/DH/23295 Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF STUDY 1.1 This cultural heritage desk-based assessment has been prepared by Sylvia White and Duncan Hawkins of CgMs Consulting Ltd,on behalf of Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. 1.2 The assessment considers the potential impacts on archaeology and built heritage by proposed further development on land at East Surrey Hospital. The site (hereafter referred to as the study site) is centred at TQ 28495 48405 (Figure 1). 1.3 In accordance with national and local government policy on archaeology and planning, this assessment draws together the available Archaeological, Heritage, topographic and land-use information in order to clarify the heritage potential of the study site. 1.4 The scope of the assessment is to examine the cultural heritage potential of the study site, the post depositional impacts on any cultural heritage assets, which may have occurred and the potential heritage impact of any proposed development. 1.5 This desk based assessment Environment Desk- includes the results of a site inspection, an examination of published and unpublished records, including the Historic Environment Record (HER), and charts historic land-use through a map regression exercise. 1.6 Data gathering to inform this desk based assessment established that there are no Scheduled Ancient Monuments, Archaeological Notification Areas, Conservation Areas, Registered Parks & Gardens or Registered Battlefields within or adjacent to the study site boundary. 1.7 There are a small number of Grade II Listed Buildings within the 1.25kmsearch radius of the study site. In particular, the Grade II Listed buildings at the former Royal Earlswood Hospital (Blocks 13-21), Workshop at the former Royal Earlswood Hospital and Two Lodges at the former Royal Earlswood Hospital lie immediately north of the study site. The Grade II Listed Little Staplehurst and Staplehurst Farm House lie c.650m southeast of the study site. 1.8 The conservation area of is located at a distance of 1.1km from the study site (Appendix 1). © CgMs Consulting 5 SW/DH/23295 Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey 1.9 As a result, the assessment enables relevant parties to assess the heritage/archaeological potential of the study site, thus enabling potential impacts on assets to be identified along with the need for design, civil engineering or heritage solutions. © CgMs Consulting 6 SW/DH/23295 Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey 2.0 PLANNING BACKGROUND AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN FRAMEWORK 2.1 Legislation regarding archaeology, including scheduled monuments, is contained in the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, amended by the National Heritage Act 1983 and 2002. This protects the fabric of Scheduled Monuments, but does not afford statutory protection to their settings. Relevant policies relating to the protection of the setting of scheduled monuments are contained within national and local development plan policy, and guidance published by English Heritage for assessing . 2.2 The Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 sets out policies relevant to the protection of listed buildings and conservation areas and their setting. The following policies are relevant to the study site: development which affects a listed building or its setting, the local planning authority or, as the case may be, the Secretary of State shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest w Section 69 of the Act requires local authorities to define as conservation areas any local authorities a These duties are interpreted as requiring local authorities to consider the settings of buildings within the conservation area and the setting of the conservation area itself. 2.3 In March 2012, the government published the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which replaced previous national policy relating to heritage and archaeology (PPS5: Planning Policy Statement 5: Planning for the Historic Environment). The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) was published online 6th March 2014 and updated 10th April 2014 (http://planningguidance.planningportal.gov.uk). 2.4 The Planning Practice Guide previously issued in support of PPS5, together with accompanying English Heritage documentation, was cancelled 25 March 2015, to be replaced by three Good Practice Advice (GPA) documents published by Historic England: © CgMs Consulting 7 SW/DH/23295 Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey GPA 1: The Historic Environment in Local Plans; GPA 2: Managing Significance in Decision-Taking in the Historic Environment, and GPA 3: The Setting of Heritage Assets.
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