Broadcasters in Cable TV TV /WKRQ(FM) Cincinnati and WTVN- AM -TV/ Hqtrs: 1002 N. First St., Vincennes, Ind. 47591. (812) WLVQ(FM) Columbus, both Ohio; KEX(AM) and 882-3350. KKRZ(FM) Portland, Ore.: WTAF -TV Philadelphia and WDVE(FM) Pittsburgh. Taft Broadcasting Co. owns Sinclair Broadcasting. WCVL(AM) and WLFQ(FM) WEHCO Video Inc. -See WEHCO Video Inc. under cable systems through a joint venture, TCI -Taft Ind. (100 %); WNIS(AM) Portsmouth MSO. Crawfordsville, Cablevision Associates (see MSO). Hqtrs: 1718 Young (100 %) and WTID(FM) Suffolk (73 %), both Virginia. St., Cincinnati 45210. (513) 721 -1414. Owned by John Sinclair, who owns cable systems in Westinghouse Broadcasting and Cable Inc. WJZ- Hendricks county, Ind. and West Yellowstone, Mont. TV Baltimore; WBZ -AM -TV Boston; WIND(AM) Chicago; Inc. WNJU Linden, N.J. Hqtrs: Box 603, Crawfordsville, Ind. 47933. (317) 362- Tandem Productions -TV KOAX(FM) Dallas; KOSI(FM) Denver; KODA(FM) Hous- Owns Communications Services Inc. (see MSO). Hqtrs: 8200. ton; KFWB(AM) Los Angeles; WINS(AM) New York; 1901 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles 90067. KYW -AM -TV Philadelphia; KDKA -AM -TV Pittsburgh; Skeena Broadcasters Ltd. CKTK(AM) Kitimat, CFTK- KQXT(FM) San Antonio, Tex.; KJQY(FM) San Diego; Times Mirror Broadcasting. WVTM -TV Birmingham, AM-TV Terrace, CFTK TV -1 Prince Rupert. and and KPIX(TV) San Francisco. Westinghouse Broadcast- Ala.; KTVI(TV) St. Louis; WETM -TV Elmira and WSTM- CHTK(AM) Prince Rupert, all British Columbia. Skeena ing and Cable Inc. (see MSO) owns Group W Cable TV Syracuse, both New York; WHTM-TV Harrisburg, Broadcasters Ltd. (see Canadian MSO) owns cable (see MSO). Hqtrs: 888 Seventh Ave., New York 10106. Pa.; KTBC -TV Austin and KDFW -TV Dallas. (All 100% systems in British Columbia. Hqtrs: 4625 Lazelle Ave., (212) 307 -3000. owned.) The Times Mirror Co. also owns Times Mirror Terrace, B.C. V8G 1S4. (604) 635 -6316. Cable Television Inc. (see MSO). Hqtrs: 20 East Elm Mich. St., Greenwich, Conn. 06830.(203)625.0550. John A. White II. WBRN -AM -FM Big Rapids, John L. Slatton. WJBB -AM -FM Haleyville (100 %) and (100 %). Owns a cable system in Big Rapids, Mich. WLAY -AM -FM Muscle Shoals (60 %), both Alabama. (60%). Hqtrs; 13574 Northland Dr., Big Rapids, Mich. B.F.J. Timm. WVOJ(AM) Jacksonville (100 %). Owns 33 1/3% of a cable system in Haleyville, Ala. 49307. (616) 796-3566. WSGL(FM) Naples (51 %), WANM(AM) (100%) and Hqtrs: c/o Haleyville TV Cable Corp., Box 366, WGLF(FM) (51 %) Tallahassee, all Florida; WDMG -AM- Haleyville, Ala. 35565. (205) 486 -2165. FM Douglas (100 %) and WRBN -AM -FM Warner Robins E. H. Whitehead. KTLU(AM) and KWRW(FM) Rusk, (100 %), both Georgia. Owns 100% of a cable system in Tex. (100%). Owns a cable system in Rusk, Tex. David L. Smith. WFCB(FM) Chillicothe, Ohio (60 %); Douglas, Ga. Hqtrs: Box 1874, Tallahassee, Fla. 32302. (100 %). Hqtrs: Box 475, Rusk, Tex. 75785. (214) 683 and an interest in WFOB -AM -FM Fostoria, Ohio. Owns (904) 224 -4001. 2257. 1.41% of a cable system in Bowling Green, Ohio. Hqtrs: c/o Wyandot Radio Corp., 14 S. Paint St., Chillicothe, Toledo Blade Co. WLFI -TV Lafayette, Ind.; WDRBTV Tom S. Whitehead Inc. KTTX(AM) and KWHIFM Ohio 45601. Louisville, Ky.; and WLIO(TV) Lima, Ohio. Owns Buck- Brenham, Tex. (100 %). Owns 96% of a cable system in eye Cablevision Inc. (see MSO). Hqtrs: 541 Superior Brenham, Tex. Hqtrs: c/o Cable TV of Brenham Inc., Standard Broadcasting Corp. CJSB(AM) Ottawa, St., Toledo, Ohio 43660. Box 651, Brenham, Tex. 77833. (409) 836 -6901. CKTB(AM) and CJQR -FM St. Catharines, and CFRB(AM), CKFM -FM and CFRX (shortwave) Toronto, Carmen D. Trevitt. WQMT(FM) Chatsworth, Ga. H. Wharton Winstead Jr. Pres of WRXO(AM) and all Ontario; CJAD(AM) and CJFM -FM Montreal. In Great (80 %). Owns 90% of Chatsworth Cablevision Co. in WKRX(FM) Roxboro, N.C. Mr. Winstead also is pres of Britain the company owns 23.8% of Capital Radio, op- Chatsworth and Eton, both Georgia. Hqtrs: c/o Chats- Roxboro Cablevision Inc., which operates a cable sys- erator of an AM station and a FM station in London; worth Cablevision Co., Box 916, Chatsworth, Ga. tem in Roxboro, N.C. Hqtrs: c/o Roxboro Broadcasting and 28.2% of Metro Radio, operator of an AM station 30705. (404) 695-2727. Co., Box 1176, Roxboro, N.C. 27573. (919) 599 -0266. and a FM station in Newcastle upon Tyne. The group also has minority interests in 13 other private radio Albion -FM companies in the United Kingdom. Owns 100% of Triad Stations Inc. WELL(AM) and WELL Wisconsin Cablevision and Radio Co. KFIZ(AM) owned.) Triad Bushnell Communications Ltd. (see listing). Hqtrs: 2 St. Marshall, both Michigan. (Both 100% Fond du Lac, Wis. Wisconsin Cablevision and Radio Stations Inc. (see MSO) owns cable systems in Indiana MSO) owns in Wisconsin. Hqtrs: Box Clair Ave. W., Toronto M4V 1 L6. (416) 924 -5711. Co. (see systems and Michigan. Hqtrs: 111 W. Michigan Ave., Marshall, 1167, 254 Winnebago Drive, Fond du Lac, Wis. 54935. Mich. 49068 (616) 781 5101. (414) 923-6335. Standard Tobacco Co. WFTM -AM -FM Maysville, Ky. (100 %). Standard Tobacco Co. (see MSO) owns cable Inc. KGNR(AM) systems in Kentucky. Hqtrs: 626 Forest Ave., Maysville, Tribune Broadcasting Company and WKEY Inc. WKEY(AM) and WIOO-FM Covington, Va. Ky. 41056. (606) 564-3361. KCTC(FM) Sacramento, Calif.; KWGNTV Denver; (100 %). Owns a cable system in Bath county, Va. WICC(AM) Bridgeport, Conn.; WGNX(TV) Atlanta; (100 %). Hqtrs: Box 710, Covington, Va. 24426. (703) WGN -AM -TV Chicago; WGNO -TV New Orleans; WPIX 962 -1133. Stauffer Communications Inc. KCOY -TV Santa Ma- FM and WPIX(TV) New York. Tribune Co., which owns ria, Calif.; KRNT(AM) and KRNQ(FM) Des Moines, Iowa; Tribune Broadcasting Company Inc., also owns Tribune WIBW- AM -TV Topeka, Kan.; KGFF(AM) Wolfe Broadcasting Corp. WFRO -AM -FM Fremont, -FM Shawnee, Cable Communications Inc. (see MSO). Hqtrs: 435 N. in Fremont, Okla.; and KGNC -AM -FM Amarillo, Tex. Owns 50% of a Michigan Ave., Chicago 60611. (312) 222 -3939. Ohio (100 %). Owns a cable system Ohio cable system in Amarillo, Tex. Hqtrs: Box 119, Topeka, (100%). Hqtrs: 905 W. State St., Fremont, Ohio 43420. Kan 66601. (913) 272-3456. (419)332 -7381. Tribune Publishing Co. KNBO(FM) Tacoma, Wash. (100 %). Owns 100% of the cable systems in Dupont, Storer Communications Inc. WAGA -TV Atlanta; Fife. Fircrest, Fort Lewis, Gig Harbor (city), Gig Harbor Wometco Enterprises Inc. WTVJ(TV) Miami; WZZM- WSBK -TV Boston; WJKW -TV Cleveland; WJBK -TV De- Peninsula, King county (south), Milton, Pacific, Pierce TV Grand Rapids, Mich.; WWHT(TV) Newark, N.J.; troit; WITI -TV Milwaukee; KCST-TV San Diego; and county (east), Pierce county (west), Puyallup, Rainier, WSNL -TV Smithtown, N.Y.; WLOS(TV) Asheville, N.C.; WTVG(TV) Toledo, Ohio. Owns 100% of Storer Cable Roy, Steilacoom, Sumner, Tacoma, Thurston county, and KVOS -TV Bellingham, Wash. Owns 86% of Communications (see MSO). Hqtrs: Box 61. 8000, Miami Vashon Island and Yelm, all Washington. Hqtrs: Box Wometco Cable TV Inc. (see MSO). Hqtrs: 306 N. 33161. (305) 899 -1000. 11000, Tacoma, Wash. 98411. (206) 597 -8511. Miami Ave., Miami 33128. (305) 579 -1200. Summit Communications Inc. WCOA(AM) and United Broadcasting Co. Owns 100% of WDJY(FM) Wooster Republican Printing Co. WTBO(AM) and WJLQ(FM) Pensacola Fla WSJS(AM) and WTQR(FM) Washington; WYST -AM -FM Baltimore and WINX(AM) WKGO(FM) Cumberland, Md.; KFBB -TV Great Falls, Winston -Salem, N.C.; KXXY -AM -FM Oklahoma City; Rockville, both Maryland; WBNX(AM) New York; Mont.; WKAL(AM) and WTCO(FM) Rome, N.Y.; WREC(AM) and WZXR(FM) Memphis. (All 100% WJMO(AM) and WRQC(FM) Cleveland Heights, Ohio. WWST(AM) and WQKT(FM) Wooster, Ohio; WRAD(AM) owned.) Summit Communications Inc. (see MSO) owns Owns 94% of KALI(AM) San Gabriel and KSOL(FM) and WRIQ(FM) Radford, Va. Owns systems in Wood- cable systems in Georgia and North Carolina. Hqtrs: San Mateo, both California. Owns cable systems in land Park, Colo. and Gouverneur, N.Y. (Both 100% Box 10418, Salem Station, Winston -Salem, N.C. 27108. Auburn, Bedford, Candia, Goffstown, Hooksett and owned.) Hqtrs: 212 E. Liberty St., Wooster, Ohio 44691. (919) 748-8820. Manchester, all New Hampshire; Bradford, Chelsea (216) 264-1125. and South Royalton, all Vermont. (All 100% owned.) Hqtrs: 4733 Bethesda Ave., Suite 808, Bethesda, Md. Susquehanna Broadcasting Co. KFOG(FM) San WPTW Radio Inc. WPTW -AM -FM Piqua, Ohio. Owns Francisco; WQBA -AM -FM Miami and WKIS(AM) Orlan- 20814.(301)652 -7707. 10% of a cable system in Piqua, Ohio. Hqtrs: 1625 Florida; Atlanta; Indi- do, both WRMM(FM) WFMS(FM) Covington Ave., Piqua, Ohio 45356. anapolis; WHLO(AM) Akron and WRRM(FM) Cincinnati, Viacom International Inc.WVIT(TV) New Britain, both Ohio; WARM(AM) Scranton and WSBA -AM -FM Conn,; WMZQ -FM Washington; WLAK(FM) Chicago; WTTI Broadcasters Inc. WTTI(AM) Dalton, Ga. York, both Pennsylvania; KLIF(AM) Dallas and KSLA -TV Shreveport, La.; WNYT(TV) Albany, Owned by E.H. Fryman, 38 %; E.L. Glockner, 38 %; J.E. KPLX(FM) Fort Worth. Owns cable systems in Benton, WLTW(FM) New York and WHEC -TV Rochester, all Brown, 6 %; Erwin Mitchell, 6 2/3 %; J.P. Turner, 6 III. (100 %); Hope (100 %) and Shelbyville (100 %), both New York; WRVR(FM) Memphis; KIKK(AM) Pasadena 2/3 2/ Indiana; Bath (80 %) and Brunswick (90 %), both Maine; and KIKK -FM Houston, both Texas; and WMZQ(AM) 3 %; and Ron Arnold, 4 %. Owners of WTTI Broadcast- York, Pa, (100 %); and East Providence, R.I.
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