Tax Invoice {oqtc t NAt- FoR REC| P t ENT) \ lnvoice No. e-Way BillNo. ..c SUDHA INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION 67 112, lndustrial Suburb, stc/024/19-20 191 131 199627 Yeshwanthpur, Bangalo re' 560022 PH:9845001422 GSTINIU lN: 29AALFS7025A1Z3 Supplier's State Name : Karnataka, Code : 29 ril-com E-Mail Buyer's Sindhi Seva Samiti Despatch No. 1017, Kumara KruPa Road Bangalore - 560001 State Name : Karnataka, Code: 29 No. Terms of Delivery Rate per Amount SI DescriPtion of Goods HSN/SAC GST Quantity Rate U- No 9405 12% 4,300.00 nos 1,03,200.00 1 One by Four Led Fitting f 30 2t*.00 nos Watts a 444 nn urra,n/a!(!7 I u, t r4,uv sGsr 6,192.00 { \ 1Yr Y' A cY,s" t il /\( {. V iF- :- 7 4-* /. ffi Total l*i0t0thos ? 1,15,584.00 (in E.& E lndian Rupees One Lakh Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred Eighty Four Only HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax State Tax Ir Value Rate Amount Rate Amount Tax Amount I 60k 6,192.00 6% 6,192.00 12,384.OO 9405 .t2 1 I}:l rno nn A {q? nn 6 {q? nn az,lon Tafal r tYYt-vYrvv Tax Amount (in words) : lndian Rupees Twelve Thousand Three Hundred Eighty Four Only Company's PAN : AALFS7025A P'B.L Declaration We Oectare that this invoice shows the actual price the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct. lnterest @ 24% P.A will be Charged on & BARBOAPMCYA Biil after due date. BTanch & IFS COdC: APMCYARD BRANCH Seal SUDHA ,[t,,ikE-=' \t - Authorised This is a Computer Generated lnvoice I dlrndffitriil corponation FrcM t.5&e dfu MANUFACTURERS OF FLUORESCENT FIXTURES BANGALORE - 560 022' No. 67/12 (59), lndustrial $uhurb, Yeswanthpur, To, lNVolcENo. ffi37 M/s Date "6 t6 I lt Time z'. Zc 56o oz TIN No. : 29860052695 C.S.T No. 71751506 Dtd. 20-9-1978 L.R./R. No. Th rough o' (\ nn E-SUGAM No. ls Buyer's TIN / @StrNo' Rate Amount PARTICULARS Qnty Rs P. Rs. P > -T"u I t'!OS 31-ro 3b,t-* L o bJ I uoo Ltc[ f uu'y It 9o Fr NCJ lIs /)- 0 ne, ,J 0 ne- L,rt L-t-- y 49w NTLU ?ee 3 LurL Tu h e- .., . t \f i I \ \ 1 i l Total rss, I 5 l t, g,'lv$ I I -*1 i Ll €s;F. tr I : Rupees ..1Ir,rr*cl ,6r,,x, Packing & I 9r,9 ony forrfraing Grand Total 62t 6u urr3 E.&O.E. RDER CH EQU E For SUDHA INDUSTRIAL PAYMENT REQU ESTED BY CROSSED & o an d conditio n S of This Sale IS SU bject to ou usu al terms jurisdiction business. This Sale is Subject to Bangalore Prepared Oy U Checked bY aspOnnde= ack http://sug am, c.i n^€t5054/at505-Ef ansJck 024. / Subiect to Bangalore Jurisdiction Onlv. o lForB r's -i " -/ d:) t-r i.r i CREDIT TAX INVOICE Phone : 417 05368, 40926384 .::. / --- iiNr : 29520093525 ,) Fax:22373650 AMAR ENTtrRPRISES Touch Tel : 6384 / 5388 Branch i # 125,126 R.T. Street Chickpet Bangalore - 560 53. H.O.:75111 , lndira Market, Nagarthpet, Bangalore - 2 Branch : #25, Ganga Complex, A.M. Lane, Chickpet, Bangalore - 53 Ph : 411433501222876s0 lnvoice Date : 02-Jun -2OL6 lo, No: 010177 LTJPV^ - LOf 1 SINDHI COLLEGE E-Sugam No : 18805718304 Terms of Payment NO 33/28 I(EMPAPURA HEBBAL, BANGALORE56OO24 's Order No Dated -t Despatched Through Destination ; Remarks Phone : 23637543/98801 4477 1 ( S.N Description Of Goods Qtv jate Dis Amount 1 18W LED MOSERBAER4 FEET 170 No 494.00 -% 83980.00 () aY \)r ( \i-\| - r /rv f\ (\ Y !.rV V \-r _-) I o 080 ii {s\,$ r ,{'... i' *iu/-u f i --"' ,. i\ -l I {r'} l;r E.& O. Total 170 Basic Total 83,980.00 in Freig ht Rs. Ninty Six Thousand One Hundred Fifty Seven Only Yat @ 14.5% '12177.10 Round off -0.10 Terms & Condition 1. lnterest @ 71% p.a. will be charged from due Packing & Forwarding 2. We are not responsible any shortage / Damage n 3. Goods once solr:i cannot be taken back or excha Grand Total 96 1 4. NO GUARANTEI & NO WARRANTY FOR ANY rG Note : GUARANTEE & WARRANTY ONLY BY COMpA -l{ ING VYSYA BANK (CIIICKPET) : A/c. No : 11 CANARA BANK (CHICKPIT) : A/c. No.:040620101 90 I 0000406 tsEs tti Consutner re Free No. : 1800 103 1313 (All Conections) 1800 11 0303 (MTNL BSNL) 011-41660303 (IANDLtNE) E-rnail i [email protected], Receiver Sign with 5eal atory o lForB r's ,t _) - / tri Phone : 417 05368, 40926384 t-r r r'l itt* : zgszoo93525 Fax 22313650 ), Touch Tel : 6384 / 5388 r) AMAR. ENTERP}USES Branch:#125,126R.T.StreetChickpetBangalore-56053 - 2 H.O. :75111,lndira Market, Nagarthpet' Bangalore Branch:#25,GangaComplex,A.M.Lane,Chickpet,Bangalore.53 Ph :41143350 222876s4 Date; 02-l lnvoice No : 010177 lo, Terms of PaYment SINDHI COLLEGE E-Sugam No : 1,8805718304 NO 33/2B I(EMPAPURA HEBBAL, No Dated BANGALORE56OO24 Bu er's Order Destination Despatched Through Remarks Phone : 23637543/9 8801 4477 1 q j'ate Dis % Amount Description Of Goods Qtv S.N o/ 170 No 494.00 -/o 83980.00 1 18W LED MOSERBAER4 FEET 5/L2. \.}r.,-.-N \ rp \'f\ I r (r il \ {. Y/ { ) t- 9/ -t/ \\ [.ts-- (, o 080 ,m\ \_ t t.;, ' fif" f-- i-' -\ 1.I ."-, J.J, 1 itr l 'i;t i - 170 Basic 8-1,980.00i I E.& O.E. Total Tota! Freight ln 12177.10. One Hundred FiftY Seven OnlY [email protected]% 1__ _ Round off -0.10 t-- -.- Packing & Forwarding 1, lnterest @ 21% p.a. will be charged from due d 2. We are uot responsible any shortage / Da ma 5 taken back or Grand Total 96,1 3. Goods otrce so[l cannr:t be t., 4, NO GUARANIET- & NO WARRANTY FOR ANY BY COMP Note : GUA RANTEE & WARRANTY ONLY &&4' ING VYSYA iJANK (ClllCl(PET) : A/c. No @ 0000406 ISES CANARA BANI( (CHICKPET) : A/c. No. :040520101 r Care No. Free No. 1313 Co o ns) 1800 11 0303 (MTNL BSNL) 011-41660303 (IANDLINE) E-rnail : [email protected], www havells'com atory | )ryith !q!1. -E!!9lvsr!:cu For s S-Lr b ic,,;t to Ba nga I o re J u ri s d i qli o r1,Q-!lY, Original CREDIT TAX INVOICE Phone : 4t7 05368, 40926384 ii,l '7iri2ir093525 Fax:22373650 /U]WAF{ EI\TERffMTSWS Touch Tel : 6384 / 5388 Bi'ancl.r : tl 125,126 R.T. Street Chickpet Bangalore - 560 53 H.O.:'/511'l , lndira Market, Nagarthpet, Bangalore - 2 Ilrarch :#25, Ganga Complex, A.M' Lane, Chickpet, Bangalore - 53 ' P h : 41143350 I 22281 650 .:, Date: 08-Jun- i i lnvoice No : $'l QlQd 10T-t ;:i\.IDF.i LOLi-[GE E-Sugam No : 18626232909 Terms of Payment ;19 1"1123 i(EiiiITAPURA HEBBAL, :lANG.rrL! it, t5 ii0d24 Buy er's Order No Dated Despatched Through Destination Rem a rks I r .i ', $8801 447'I 1 ii ,t :. "'.;i Descriptinn 0f Goods C)ty Rate Dis % Amount .. ,-',itl .iCSERBAER ri FEET 230 Nos 494 00 -% 113620.00 q_ d\/ , {-fi '' "j \pf, a' I. P, r'b i: T 230 Basic Total 1 13,620.00 Ar:roLlnt irr l^l(, (j Freight 1i.:ri:i., il- L)ne Li.'tr/'fhousand Nirlty Five Only Yat @ 1a.5% 16474.90 ' Round off 0.10 :ims l, C,.r,',,i;ri . tr ,!r., . ; ,r,ili bc chai'gr. r ir.rl ilue ci;rlr irf ,p,ir i'r'ti..nt. Packing & Forwarding L, ., r I l)l,r any sltorl,rll: - )ilnralic in I rirf .-11. I (.rl , . I 'r.tot LO taken l,,t:1, i;r rrxcirartrl,.:ij. Grand Total 13 0,095.00 ,,1r ._ . r ] ;.tl W/\RRANI', tr(r i /,,|.,Jy n.[cit10r.1l(- G00DS ,,r ti .., i i. li \,V,qRRl\l',JT\,' Ot!ri.v, [Y COiVt,)Ali,I : I r'i', I I ii:i:l) iit : lt,l044Dl0tiltri t,:(,.., couE:vysA0001120 ,1. "Ai: ri. l. !.) : A/c. i';rr. r).10620J.i11279i1 li(-:, CODE : CNRB 0000406 for ',.oDSUr1lttt, ii, ! i..l(,. FrIe lto. 1U-l 1J13 Co n ertio n j 'i i 800 11 0 il ; {j ' l'.1l" BSl.l i. ) 01 .1.':l 10ul i01 (lAN DLINE) ["rnai1 : rrrr iiit]ri1;iailr:tveJls.colrt, r,ur',,:.h; r',ti:Ett,.., ,' 'l LI i.::;l Rate I Unit (Rs.) I vAT@ 5.5y6 I 6706 Cerrifu<i tiat d.ltl^-f ihat there is no tlorv li : Sindhi College BU SYNDICATE BANK Voucher I,lo. : 237 Dated 16-Jul-2014 Account: OFFICE EQUIPMENT 50,000.00 Through : SYNDICATE BANK BU IJC-201i10688 On Amount (in words) : lndian Rupees Fifty Thousand Only t Receiver's Signature: Treasurer Secretary sii{$F# cCIi-/-r#r H #33/:28 Ke rn P e Pu ra, ebbal' BenEaiuru'560 024' ( ( 7.1.{ Percentage of annual lighting power requirements met through tED butbs (1) Total Lighting Percentage Lighting through [ED Percentage Lighting through requirements bulbs other sources 3L797 KWH 85.82% t4.L8% Formula (Lighting power requirements met through LED Bulbs/ Total lighting power requirement)*100 : 27289 KWH 31797 KWH \ Ans = 85.82yo #133,?il KernPasura' Bengaluru - cou 024" f1 ( met th LED Bulbs Baseme Ground First Second Third Fourth Audiotori Total LED No.of Bulbs X TotalWalts in Venue GJ hall lndoor ..
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