PRIMMER PIPER ELIJAH 0. EMERSON ADMITIED IN VT, NH, MA AND ME ATTORNEYS EGGLESTON & [email protected] AT LAW CRAMER PC TEL: 603-444-4008 FAX: 603-444-6040 106 Main Street I P.O. Box 349 I Littleton, NH 03561-0349 November 18, 2019 Debra A. Howland Executive Director New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission 21 S. Fruit Street, Suite 10 Concord, NH 03301-2429 Re: Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. and Vermont Transco LLC Docket No: 19-087 Petition for Approval of Assignment of Easement Rights Dear Executive Director Howland: As directed by the Commission's Order Nisi No. 26,304, Docket No. 19-087, the Petitioner caused the Order Nisi to be published once each in two statewide newspapers of general circulation in the portions of the state where operations are conducted. The publication occurred in the New Hampshire Union Leader on November 1, 2019, and the Valley News on November 4, 2019. Enclosed is the required affidavit certifying that publication occurred on or before November 8, 2019, along with tear sheets from the publications. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Regard, ~I~ Elijah Emerson, Esq. Enclosures cc: Service List 4089789.1 MAINE I NEW HAMPSHIRE I VERMONT I WASHINGTON, D.C. www.primmer.com THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION VERMONT ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, INC. and VERMONT TRANSCO LLC Docket No. 19-087 AFFIDAVIT I, Shana Louiselle, being duly sworn, over 18 years of age, and competent to testify on these matters say: I hereby certify that copies of the Order Nisi No. 26,304, Docket No. 19-087 were published once each in two statewide newspapers of general circulation in the portions of the state where operations are conducted. Please find attached to this Affidavit the tear sheet from the New Hampshire Union Leader dated November 1, 2019, (Exhibit A) and the tear sheet from the Valley News dated November 4, 2019 (Exhibit B). Dated at f"'-n vt VL cl Vermont, this I~ day of November, 2019 Subscribed and sworn to before me this /S day of November, 2 ry Public / 1 Commission Expires: l )3 • l I 4089541.1 EXHIBIT A - Publication - NH Union Leader November 1, 2019 Fun & Games Friday, November 1, 2019 • NEW HAMPSHIRE UNION LEADER • Page D5 Crossword Eugene Sheffer Fill in the puzzle so that every row, every column and every 3x3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. That means that no number is repeated in any row, column or grid. Shown at right is the answer to yesterday’s puzzle. Cryptoquip The cryptoquip is a simple substitution cipher in which each letter used stands for another. If you think the X equals O, it will equal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe can give you clues to locating vowels. Solution is accomplished by trial and error. Legal Notice Legal Notice STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE PUBLIC UTILITIES MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF COMMISSION SALE OF REAL PROPERTY DE 19-087 By virtue and in execution of VERMONT ELECTRIC POWER the Power of Sale contained in a COMPANY, INC., AND certain mortgage given by Francis VERMONT TRANSCO, LLC P. Jackson, (the "Mortgagor") to Petition for Approval of Mortgage Electronic Registration Assignment of Easement Rights Systems, Inc., as nominee for Summary of Order Nisi No. Freedom Mortgage Corporation 26,304 Approving Transfer dba FHMC and now held by On October 29, 2019, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Commission approved the transfer Corporation (the "Mortgagee"), of easement rights from Vermont said mortgage dated May 26, Electric Power Company, Inc., and 2009, and recorded with the Vermont Transco, LLC (collective- Cheshire County Registry of Deeds ly, VELCO) to Public Service in Book 2577 at Page 130 (the Company of New Hampshire "Mortgage"), pursuant to and for d/b/a Eversource Energy. The breach of the conditions in said easements are located in Clare- Mortgage and for the purpose of Bridge mont, New Hampshire, which are foreclosing the same will be sold part of a one mile right-of-way at: Steve Becker running from VELCO's Ascutney Public Auction Bidding quiz promises at least six spades, substation in Weathersfield, Ver- On mont to a transmission line owned December 11, 2019 How many points does the including two or more hon- by New England Power Company at 1:00 PM opening bidder indicate by his ors. Responder may pass with at a connection point in Clare- Said sale to be held on the rebid in each of the following minimum values (six or seven mont. The Order, petition, and mortgaged premises described in sequences? points) for his one-notrump subsequent docket filings, other said mortgage and having a pres- than any information for which ent address of 12 Jackson Drive, Opener Responder response. In most cases, the Horoscope confidential treatment is requested Hinsdale, Cheshire County, New 1. 1 ♦ 1 ♠ three-spade bidder will have of or granted by the Commission, Hampshire. 1 NT only 15 or 16 high-card points, NOTICE Eugenia Last are available on the Commission's 2. 1 ♥ 1 ♠ with the rest of his count website at http://puc.nh.gov/Reg PURSUANT TO NEW HAMP- IF BORN ON THIS DATE: Con- can do. If something draws you, fol- ulatory/Docketbk/2019/19- SHIRE RSA 479:25, YOU ARE 2 NT based on distributional values. 087.html. HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT YOU 3. 1 ♠ 1 NT 4. Thirteen to 18 points. The stant change and adapting to ev- low through until you are satisfi ed The Commission delayed the HAVE A RIGHT TO PETITION THE 3 ♠ change of suit in this sequence ery new situation that comes your with what you discover. Don’t feel effective date of its approval of SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE ♥ way will be what determines your obligated to stick to the norm. VELCO's request, to ensure the COUNTY IN WHICH THE MORT- 4. 1 1 NT might be based on minimal public receives notice of the Com- GAGED PREMISES ARE SITU- 2 ♦ values, e.g., ♠ 94 ♥ AQ863 success this year. Embrace life with LEO mission's determination and has ATED, WITH SERVICE UPON THE 5. 1 ♠ 1 NT ♦ AQ752 ♣ 10, or on values optimism and hope for a brighter (July 23-Aug. 22) an opportunity to request a hear- MORTGAGEE, AND UPON SUCH 3 ♣ well above a minimum, e.g., future. Your numbers are 8, 13, 23, Get out and participate in some- ing. Persons interested in respond- BOND AS THE COURT MAY ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ing to the Commission's action REQUIRE TO ENJOIN THE AQ8 KQ752 AQ104 3. 26, 32, 35, 42. thing that will broaden your scope may submit their comments or file SCHEDULED FORECLOSURE * * * Because of the inherent ambi- Birthdate of: Toni Collette, 47; as well as your connections. Don’t a written request for a hearing, SALE. 1. Thirteen or 14, or 13 to guity of the opening bidder’s Jenny McCarthy, 47; Anthony Kiedis, let a change someone is indulging which states the reason and basis YOU ARE ALSO NOTIFIED change of suit, the responder THAT THE ADDRESS OF THE 15 points, depending on the 57; Lyle Lovett, 62. in tempt you. for a hearing, no later than often finds himself awkwardly November 15, 2019. Any person MORTGAGEE FOR SERVICE OF range of your opening one- ARIES VIRGO responding to such comments and PROCESS IS: 8200 JONES notrump bids. (If you play placed in choosing his next requests for hearing shall do so no BRANCH DRIVE, MCLEAN, VA 15-to-17-point notrump open- action. If he has only six or (March 21-April 19) (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) later than November 22, 2019. 22101. THE NAME OF THE ings, you should not have seven points and a preference Mull over what’s unfolding, and Sign up for anything that will Following consideration of any MORTGAGEE'S AGENT FOR off er suggestions and solutions that comments and request for hearing SERVICE OF PROCESS IS: DON more than 14 points when for opener’s second suit, he bring you one step closer to your received, the Commission may LAYTON. you rebid one notrump.) The can pass, but with all other are reasonable. A friendly nudge will objective. Someone you meet will further extend the final effective For information on getting one-notrump rebid shows a hands, he must bid again, and work better than a willful demand. have an impact on the way you feel date of its Order. Unless the help with housing and foreclosure balanced hand (4-3-3-3, 4-4- must use his judgment as to TAURUS Commission orders otherwise, the issues, please call the foreclosure and how you live your life. Order will become final and effec- information hotline at 3-2 or 5-3-3-2 distribution) how to continue. (April 20-May 20) LIBRA tive on November 27, 2019. 1-800-437-5991. The hotline is a and willingness to play at one 5. Nineteen or more points. It’s up to you to bring about (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) (UL - Nov. 1) service of the New Hampshire notrump if responder has a This bid — a jump-shift — is banking department. There is no change. Consider what excites you, Take a step toward something charge for this call. The contact balanced minimum (six to 10 100 percent forcing to game, and follow the path that will take you want to pursue. Your enthusi- Legal Notice information for the New Hamp- points). so responder must keep bid- you on a journey that will be emo- asm is what will encourage others shire banking department is 53 2.
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