Sales assistants. Yourproduct knowledg,l · could you 1st prize of a Philips 2Z' colorTv... • •••or one of a hundred Kodak pocket Instamatic 100 camera outfits! Win - - a color T.V. set, or one of 100 Kodak ~ocke t lnstamatic 100 camer a outfits!! nn. Your Name: Mr./ Mrs.I Miss __ __ ____ __ ______________ _ ~illdakPocket Store Name and addre ss _ __ ____ ___ _ ______________ _ Camera Quiz Post your entry to : Kodak pocket camera qu iz, P.O. Box 90, Coburg , Vict oria, 3058. to arrive on or before Friday November 15, 1974. 01. What are the two best selling featur es Q8. (B) You go on to explain that the 014. Your customer now has a box camera of all Kod ak pocket lnstamatic model 300 is even better, beca use: and says " I want a camera that is easy came ras? LJ Automatic exposure control to load, and doesn't doubl e-expose." pact , lightweight , easy to carry You explain th at poc ket lnstamatic Variab le apert ure lens enab les cameras: ht-line viewfind er D pictures under a wider range of D Load automatica lly t::'. e big , clear, rectangu lar picture s lighting conditi ons. lJ Reliable flash pictu res [J Warnin g sign al warns of underexposure D Can't be wound on unless the safety - • Tripod and cable release sockets switch is pressed 02. Pock et lnstamatic cameras use: Extended 1.2- 5 m. fl ash pictur e range • Have s:mple drop-in cartridge load ing, [J 126 fil m O 828 film • and a doub le-ex posure prevention lock . D 110 film [J 8 mm film Q9. Your custom er asks what style of print Kodak makes from 11O She asks if Kodak will make reprin ts 03. How do standard size prints made from Kodacolor negatives. You say: 015. 110-s ize co lor neg atives differ fro m of a porti on of a 11O co lor negat ive. Borderless, glossy You say: those made from 126-size co lor D negatives? Glossy surf ace, with exposure D Yes Ll numb ers on the bord ers 0 Bigger D Smaller O Same size D Yes, at extra cost D Bord erless, sil k surface, rounded 04. A custo mer is interested in purchasing corn ers 0 No a pocke t lnstamatic 100 or 200 ca mera. l] 9 x 9 cm squar e 016. What accessor y item would you She mentio ns that wit h her old suggest to the pur chaser of a pocke t lnstamatic 33 camera she oft en 'cho ps 010. Which of the pocket lnstamat ic lnstamatic 100 camera outfit ? off' her subjects ' heads in her pict ures. camera mode ls below have auto matic Which ca mera would you reco mmend? exposure co ntro l? D mode l 100 D model 200 0 300 0 100 LJ 500 Why? 0 400 [] 60 0 50 017 . Your customer has just bought a poc ket lnstamatic camera and has 011. Your customer owns a pocket wound the film until the fir st number Q5. Your customer says "I might forget, lnstamatic 100 camera, and has just '1' appears in the wind ow in the back and leave the lens cover closed on my pic ked up a 110 film from processi ng. of the camer a. However, th e shutter pocket lnstamatic ca mera when ta king One of the print s (of a country wi ll not operate. Why? a shot , and so waste a pict ure." scene) is blurred . How wou ld she You explain: ove rcome this problem in futu re? 0 Lens cover closed D " You can't, because the shutt er release lJ Use flash • Winder should be operated until it loc ks when the lens cover is closed." locks D Use a higher shutter-speed D " Then you can wind the film back and D Flat battery reshoot the pict ure." Hold the camera steady, and squeeze D the shutter release gently with out 018 . Your customer has borrowed a ~ 'Yo u have to be more care ful. " jerking. fri end 's pocket lnstamatic camera Use a faste r film . wit h a film already loade d, but is riot Ct.. ou have just sold a pocke t lnstamatic D sure whether it is a co lor slide or a camera, and your customer says: co lor pri nt film . How would you tell? " Can I use this camera to take co lor 012. In anot her of her pictur es - a grou p slid es?" You explain : of people indoo rs - some of the D You can't people's eyes appear red. How co uld D Send fil m for pro cessing she minimi se th is? • Open camera and check cartridg e D Use a magicube extender label D Use a magicube Chec k cartr idge label through windo w • in camera back 07. Your customer is off on an overseas D Use a cable release trip , and wants a camera that will give D Stand further away. Q19. Your custo mer can not decide whether her pict ures in a wid e range of weather to buy an lnstamatic 155X or pocket conditi ons, but with no " setti ngs " 013. Your custome r is interested in a lnstamatic 100 outfi t. You explain th at whatsoever . Whic h poc ket lnstamatic pocke t lnstamati c camera, but says for many people th e poc ket lnstamatic camera would you reco mmend? " On my lnsta matic 104 camera, I ofte n camera is worth the additi onal outl ay 0 100 0 300 have a used bulb in place and so beca use: 0 400 0 50 waste a lot of pictures." You explain : O More reliable flash • The magicube rotates to a fresh Takes larger rect angul ar pictur es Q8. (A) Your custo mer wants a pocke t bulb automatica lly • lnstamatic ca mera for less th an $50. More co mpact , lightw eight , easy to You show models 100, 200 and 300 and • There's a 'used bulb' warning signal carry in the viewfinder • expl ain the benefits and featur es of Double exposures are imposs ible model 100. Then you say " Model 200 D The camera will not operate unless a • is a littl e more expensive, but it also new bulb is in the firin g position D Takes smaller co lor slides has some add ition al features, such as: D Magicubes are fired mechanica lly 020. Your customer has just purch ased a [J Bri ght line viewfinder poc ket lnstamatic ca mera. What Faster lens would you suggest that she do before she starts using it? • Used flashcube warnin g • Two speed shutt er for pictur es in LJ bri ght or hazy sun. KODAK (Australasia) PTY. LTD. onditions of Entry and in the case of a l ie, eligib le to enter the co ntest, 7. Prizes wi ll be forw arded to acc uracy and co mpl eteness of nor are employees of Kodak the pri zew inners' nominated 1. Closing date : November 15, answers, clarity of expression (Austr alasia) Ply . Ltd., their addr ess with in Austra lia. 1974. Only entri es received by and overall presentation will famili es, or employees of Prizes may not be exchanged Kodak (Austr alasia) Pty. Ltd . be take n into acco unt. Kodak 's adver tising agency for cash. on or before th at date will be and thei r fa mili es. co nsidered eligible. 4. Any employee of a retail 8. All pr izes will be awarded store who, in the or din ary 5. The ju dges ' decision is final unl ess fewer th an 101 entries 2. There is no entry fee. Only co urse of his or her nor mal and no co rresponde nce will be are received. one entry per person may be employment is engage d in the entered into in relation to that subm itted. 9. Addit ional entry for ms retail sale of amateur dec ision. available from Kodak . Entri es 3. Entri es will be judged on photographic products to 6. All prizew inners will be may be subm itted on a plain skill . The co rrect ness of the consumers within Australia, is notifi ed by mail, and a list of sheet of paper. answers to questions one to eligi ble to enter the co nteM. prizewinn ers will be publis hed twenty will decide the winn ers, Note: Store proprietors are not in Kodak Sales News. Permi t No. T.C.5683 issued under the Lott eries and Art Unio ns Act (N.~.W .). .
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