
r.'. V/. ‘I -/ - , • ; ' ’■ m a r c h MONDAT, 21, t m Average Daily Net Frees R ub tAGE SIXTEEN The Weather Far tiMi Week Eaded Fereeaet •( V. S. Wdsther Botcuh lia^IffBl^r ^vi^nfttg % ralii March le. 1855 * •«iMw™k« Bate, maderote te heavy Medical School.’ For a year and' Eaoterly wtede YPtth gntei Public Invited a half ahe worked in China as a 11,666 m ilee toalgbC. PooalU e tl A bout Tow n Reelected to Post medical Missionary. Sbe lis now on Meaiker af the Aadlt,« ebow ere. Lew 25-8S.- P artly cloudy, TiM jiM cn^eoM To Hear Speaker the staff of Hartford HospitaL - ELECTRIC Bureau of Oireulatiau wtody-Wedneoday. H}gli near M, The executive boerd of the Sec­ The meetiiig will take place at / JHartcktster— A City of Village Charm MAMCHISraR COMH« ond Congregational W om en ’s 8 p.m. in the Buckland School, ,t' League will meet with th^ presi­ Members of the Bucklgnd PTA auditorium. dent, Mrs. Joseph Martin, U N. have invited the public to attend a COOKING'S VOL. LXXIV.n o . 145 (SIXTEEN PA<;ES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1955 (Cteaelflcd AdverUiteg on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS Elm St., tomorrow at 8 p.m. meeting tomorrow at which Dr. Miss Sarah G.' Newcomb, daugh­ Hilda Crabby Btandish^ director of IF white glove ter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. New­ the Maternal Health Center in Elliabilii in ■I comb, ISl Pitkin St., a sophomore Hartford, will be the speaker. Atom Shot in the'’College of Science, Purdue The subject of her ti^ wilt be CLEAN University, West ledayette, Ind., "Answering Children’s Questions' CBsmttiBt i has been elected to Lamba Iota About Growing Up.” Tau, National Literature Honorary Dr. Standish Is a naduate of ArthRr Dni| Storis 1 kVonif.-n like clean ilov<-s Mist over 66 on Navy Plane Die Society. Miss N ^ c o m b hap been Wellesley College and C o rn e ll / named social - se^ce chainhM of CLEAN ELECTRIC COOKING TOO 1/ SALE the Purdue YWCA, and la nerving in the Newnian Club on campus. Senators Las Vegas She was graduated from Man. Chester High,School with the class e - k o f 1953. NOTE: Seia Albert ' L* VegAs, Nev., March 22 ■) woo oee of IS (JP)— For tl\e first time Since The New GE Stratoliner Telia of Nautilus the Senate - Heuae Fired by Bulganin 1 2 L P HI Do It Yourself Projects the government began test­ St. Elisabeth’s Mothers Circle Ooinmlttee OB Alnwile Energy who ,F ire FI will meet at the home of Mrs. made aa ali4dgbt enilae Sunday ing atoRiic weapontr in Ne­ Lawrence Kramer, 28 Horton Rd., SS"* — i V algbt aboard tbo~..Nattlus, the vada the cloud from 'a nu­ Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. for its an­ \ prerM’a nrot atemlc-|NtYrered anb- clear blast passed over this nual potluck supper. Range With Automatic omrlne. He deecrlbeo hte'tapree resort community ’ o f 50,000 ah>n4 in the fellowteg aeooiint Opens AU'Scotland C^sade The Rev. Arnold W. Toter took Dr. Richard G. Alton irritten for the Anooeteted Preea.) today. State Bares Craft Bum s fe f his sermon subject yesterday There was no alarm aa the flat- ^ Tlie RECORDS You Want at the morning service in the Sec Dr. Richard C. Alton, local !'i ! .y SEN. ALBERT dORE tened-out, fieeey-white mushroom UNIQUi ond Connegational Church “Give chiropractic phyilciin, has been Surface Unit Washington, March 22 (Jf) top drifted overhead at an esti­ Super Road Us This Day Our Dally Bread,” in reelected state director of the Na­ mated height of 30,000 feet. Two Hours VAUli the series on the Lord’s Prayer. He —How deep the Nautilus Atomic E n erg y Commission 12 INCH also baptised six children. Two tional Chiropractic Assn, for a can dive is a secret. But there spokesmen here said there was no baskets of beautiful flowers were second term. He will represent the id no secret that T had ner- radiation fallout. , Land Costs After Blast LONG PLAY the gift of the Mary Williams State at the annuel convention of \ouii twinges as she plunged, 'The cloud, expected to pass Las Group of the Women’s League, in the National Chiropractic A M n . in downward in excess of 300 Vegas to the north', veered south memory of the late Mrs. Mary the Claridge Hotel, Atlantic City, about 6:30 a.m. and passed directly State Capitol, Hartlord, Honolulu, March 22 </P)— Wllllaina. N. J., in July. feet. overhead, taking about 20 minutes March 22 (jP)— Gov. RibicofC A U.S. Navy transport plane UNBRiAKABU How fait she Yvill race through In addition t» this office. Dr. Al­ to cross the city. It then floated on made public today a lifit of 2& with 66 aboard crashed into ton is serving as chairman of the | the dark, briny depths is alio a lowaro He The committee from the Daugh­ toward Henderaon and Boulder parcels of property for which a Hawaii rnountain early to­ FULLY GUARANniD ters of Liberty Lodges No. 125 and executive board of the Connecti­ aecret. But it woe the thrill of a ^ t y , Nev., and Kingman. Arlz. No. 17, LO U , Mrs. Annie John­ cut Chiropractic Assn, and- is sec-1 lifeUme tq break all prevloua rec­ 1O6O Marines In Teat the State Highway Depart­ day and the Navy announced ston, 'Mrs. Mary Conn, Mrs. Mar­ retary of the Connecticut Board I ords in -this respect aa the mid­ W h e junicjunior grade shot—sixth of ment has paid sums ranging there were no survivors. GREAT ARTISTS tha Lieemon, Mrs. Lily Dunlop and of Chiropractic Bhcamlners. He is night hour approached. the spring last aeries—was deto­ from $U0,000 to $1,015,000. The big four-engine ' plana Mrs. Violet. Field, anticipate a also state chairman of the Lincoln The fright, which I frankly ad­ nated from a SOO-foot toWer at Eighteen of the transactions craahe and exploded into flame on large attenilance at their Irish Chiropractic College student pro-1 mit, and the exhilaration, which 6:05 a.m. Two thousand Marines y '' AND ORCHESTRASr Ikr ,■' involved land for the $400,- a private estate only 2,000 yards Tea Party knd Surprise Social Fri­ curement program. I ahall not forget, were only aa- practiced war game maneuvers in from the southeast gate o f Luelta- day at 8 p.m. in Orange Hall. pects of an enlightening, enjoy­ connection *rith the shot. 000,000 Greenwich-Killingly lei Naval Ammunition Depot. ITie IMPORTED Tickets may be secured ftjmi any able, and inapiring experience. The AEC has been conducting Expressway. scene was near Oahu’s west coast President-elect Mrs. Ronald I Food Cook^ by Atom Poirer RnsiiiaB Mtaiater o f Culture of the committee or at the hall, Gates of Maitohester Emblem testa on the desert'’ northwest of lije list, which the Governor 29 miles northwest of Honolulu. 0^ March 25. They will serve a varie­ The food that we ate waa cooked Georgi F. Alexandrov was fired said he made public because tee At the time of tee crash there RECORDINGS Club No. 251 requests all new offi­ here since 1951. Although many ty of home made Irish breads and by atomic power. The water (March 21) by Premier Nikolai clouds have c<^e close to Las Stamford Advocate asked for- in­ was a -low overcast and it YYas dessert, with tea imported from cers to report at the British Amsr-1 that we drank was distilled from Bulganin. The Moscow radio said formation ;on all property - pur- raining heavily. idan Club tomorrow night at 7:301 Vegss. none b ^ re have palsed di­ Ireland. ocean water by atomic energy. Akxnadrov waa sacked o n Bul­ rectly shove. / chnsea Involving more than 1100,- for rehearsal.— SBN. ALBERT GOBE AP correspondent Roy EeaoyaZt' Add to your record fibrory at The submarine waa not only driv­ ganin’s reoommeiMiatloD "bccnOsc Extensiv^tveather observations 000, docs not include the disputed said from the Naval depot that the Manchester Assembly No. IS, en, blit lighted, heated, and air he failed to ensure the leadership •Kent House property, in Green­ plane crashed about halfway up tremendous sovings. W * m a d * The Women’s Home tieague of I are niade/before each test in at­ Order of Rainbow for Girls, will conditioned by atomic qnergy. In of the ministry of euJtare.” (.\P tempts A insure that the blasts wich. the side of the'mountain. • spaciql dln>ct-frein>fM« hold a special meeting tomorrow the Salvation Army will meet to­ Doctor Admits fact, all pdwar for alt\ purpoaes WIrephoto). Kent House Puythaae Bogs morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at will not cause fallout of radio­ Esmyan said tee wreckage still tory>td-«M dM l with one of a t 7 :30 p.m. in the main lodge halt Yvaa exclusively nuclear -m origin. active/dust in inhabited areas- The State has not yet purchased was glowing about three hours af­ the world's biggest independent at the Masonic Temple. After the the Citadel. Following the work Though I have been'involved in the Kent House, an old hotel period devotions will be led by stem, or low'er portion of ter the crash, which cams at 2 a.m. business meeting they will .exem­ Slaying Three atomic legialation for more than tojiS.v’s cloud, passed west and standing on more than four acres (7 a.m.
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