The FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY V OLUME XLII July 1963 - April 1964 CONTENTS OF VOLUME XLII Adams, Adam G., book review by, 389 African Colonization Movement, by Staudenraus, reviewed, 184 Alabama Confederate Reader, by McMillan, reviewed, 389 Alexander, E. P., Military Memoirs of a Confederate, ed. by Williams, reviewed, 70 Allen, Edison B., book review by, 72 “Alonso Solana Map of Florida, 1683,” by Luis Rafael Arana, 258 Ambrose, Stephen E., Halleck: Lincoln’s Chief of Staff, reviewed, 71 American College and University: A History, by Rudolph, re- viewed, 284 Anderson, Bern, By Sea and by River: The Naval History of the Civil War, reviewed, 276 Anderson, Robert L., “The End of an Idyll,” 35 “Annual Meeting, Sarasota, May 2-4, 1963,” 159 Ante-Bellum Southern Literary Critics, by Parks, reviewed, 183 Ante-Bellum Thomas County, 1825-1861, by Rogers, reviewed, 380 Arana, Eugenia B., Doris C. Wiles, and Cecil D. Eby, Jr., “Mem- oir of a West Pointer in St. Augustine, 1824-1826,” 307 Arana, Luis Rafael, “The Alonso Solana Map of Florida, 1683,” 258 Arnade, Charles W., “Recent Problems of Florida History,” 1; book reviews by, 60, 178 Barrett, John G., book review by, 71 Barry, John, Hillsborough: A Parish in the Ulster Plantation, reviewed, 268 Bearss, Edwin C., “Military Operations on the St. Johns, Sep- tember-October 1862 (Part I): The Union Navy Fails to Drive The Confederates from St. Johns Bluff,” 232; “Military Operations on the St. Johns, September-October 1862 (Part II): The Federals Capture St. Johns Bluff,” 331 “Beast” Butler, by Wehrlich, reviewed, 72 Bellwood, Ralph, Tales of West Pasco, reviewed, 57 Bethell, John A., Bethell’s History of Point Pinellas, reviewed, 56 Bethell’s History of Point Pinellas, reviewed, 56 Blassingame, Wyatt, book review by, 372 “Book Notes,” 288 Bonner. James C., book review by, 394 Borderland Confederates, by Wilson, reviewed, 187 Boss Cermak of Chicago, by Gottfried, reviewed, 191 Bridges, Hal, book review by, 384 Bridges, Hal, Lee’s Maverick General: Daniel Harvey Hill, re- viewed, 278 Brown, Richard Maxwell, The South Carolina Regulators, re- viewed, 378 Bryan, T. Conn, book review by, 189 By Sea and By River: The Naval History of the Civil War, by Anderson, reviewed, 276 Cabot to Cartier, by Hoffman, reviewed, 178 Callahan, North, book review by, 378 “Cape Kennedy,” 410 Capron, Louis, book review by, 272 Carleton, William G., book review by, 75 Carstensen, Vernon, (ed.), The Public Lands: Studies in the History of the Public Domain, reviewed, 394. Catton, William and Bruce, Two Roads to Sumter, reviewed, 387 Chalmers, David, “The Ku Klux Klan in the Sunshine State: The 1920’s,” 209; book review by, 282 Charles Brantley Aycock, by Orr, reviewed, 75 Cherokees, by Woodward, reviewed, 395 Civil War at Sea, Volume I, II, III: The Blockaders, The River War, The Final Effort, by Jones, reviewed, 274 Civil War Ironclads: The Dawn of Naval Armor, by MacBride, reviewed, 382 City Managers in Politics, An Analysis of Manager Tenure and Termination, by Kammerer, Farris, DeGrove, and Clubok, re- viewed, 267 Clark, Thomas D., book review by, 66 Clubok, Alfred B., Gladys Kammerer, Charles D. Farris, and John DeGrove, City Managers in Politics, an Analysis of Manager Tenure and Termination, reviewed, 267; The Ur- ban Political Community: profiles in Town Politics, reviewed, 375 Dabney, William M., and Marion Dargan, William Henry Dray- ton and the American Revolution, reviewed, 271 Daniels, Jonathan, The Devil's Backbone, the Story of the Natchez Trace, reviewed, 66 Dargan, Marion, and William M. Dabney, William Henry Dray- ton and the American Revolution, reviewed, 271 Davis, Charles S., book review by, 68 Davis, Richard Beale, (ed.), William Fitzhugh and his Chesa- peake World, 1676-1701: the Fitzhugh Letters and Other Documents, reviewed, 377 De Bedts, Ralph F., book review by, 79 DeGrove, John, Gladys Kammerer, Charles D. Farris, and Al- fred B. Clubok, City Managers in Politics, an Analysis of Manager Tenure and Termination, reviewed, 267; The Ur- ban Political Community: Profiles in Town Politics, reviewed, 375. Department of War, 1781-1795, by Ward, reviewed, 62 Devil’s Backbone, the Story of the Natchez Trace, by Daniels, reviewed, 384 Diary of Battle: The Personal Journals of Colonel Charles S. Wainwright, 1861-1865, ed. by Nevins, reviewed, 384 Diary of Dolly Lunt Burge 1847-1875, ed. by Robertson, re- viewed, 273 “Directors’ Meeting, University of South Florida, December 7, 1963,” 398 Dodd, Dorothy, book review by, 369 Doherty, Herbert J., Jr., “Florida Books from University Presses,” 170 Doty, Franklin A., book reviews by, 180-387 Dufour, Charles L., Nine Men in Gray, reviewed, 390 Easterby, J. Harold, and Ruth S. Green, (ed.), Colonial Records of South Carolina, reviewed, 61 Eby, Cecil D., Jr., Doris C. Wiles, and Eugenia B. Arana, “Mem- oir of a West Pointer in St. Augustine 1824-1826,” 307 Editor’s Corner, 91 “End of an Idyll,” by Robert Anderson, 35 Eugene Clyde Brooks, by Gatewood, reviewed, 76 Evolution of a Federalist, by Rogers, reviewed, 179 Fagg, Mary Louise, book review by, 273 Farnen, Russell, book review by, 76 Farris, Charles D., Gladys Kammerer, John DeGrove, and Alfred B. Clubok, City Managers in Politics, an Analysis of Man- ager Tenure and Termination, reviewed, 267; The Urban Political Community: Profiles in Town Politics, reviewed, 375 “Federal Relations with the Apalachicola Indians, 1823-1833,” by James W. Covington, 125 Federals on the Frontier: The Diary of Benjamin F. McIntyre, 1862-1864, ed. by Tilley, reviewed, 385 Fighting Elder: Andrew Pickens (1739-1817), by Waring, reviewed, 270 Flint, Wayne, “Florida’s 1926 Senatorial Primary,” 142 “Florida Books from University Presses,” by Herbert J. Doherty, Jr., 170. Florida During the Civil War, by Johns, reviewed, 369 “Florida’s First Railroad Commission 1887-1891” (Part II), by Durward Long, 103 “Florida’s First Railroad Commission 1887-1891” (Part II), by Durward Long, 248 “Florida’s 1926 Senatorial Primary,” by Wayne Flint, 142 Folklore Keeps the Past Alive, by Hudson, reviewed, 194 Foner, Philip S., History of Cuba and Its Relations with the United States, Volume I, by Murdock, reviewed, 174 Four Years with General Lee, by Taylor, reviewed, 279 “Fraud and Intimidation in the Florida Election of 1876,” by Jerrel H. Shofner, 321. Front Rank, by Tucker, reviewed, 277 Cannon, Fr. Michael V., “Mission of Nombre de Dios,” 199 Gatewood, Willard B., Jr., Eugene Clyde Brooks, reviewed, 76 General Leonidas Polk, C. S. A., The Fighting Bishop, by Parks, reviewed, 189 Going, Allen J., book review by, 385 Gold, Robert L., “Politics and Prosperity During the Transfer of Florida from Spanish to English Rule 1763-1764,” 16; “The Settlement of the East Florida Spaniards in Cuba, 1763- 1766,” 216; book reviews by, 176, 286. Goldstein, Robert, book review by, 279 Goulding, R. L., book review by, 278 Gottfried, Alex, Boss Cermak of Chicago, reviewed, 191 Govan, Thomas P., book review by, 379 Green, Constance McLaughlin, Washington: Village and Capital, 1800-1878, reviewed, 65 Green, Fletcher M., book review by, 184 Green Mounain Boy at Monticello: A Talk with Jefferson in 1822, by Thompson, reviewed, 272 Green, Ruth S., and J. Harold Easterly, (eds.), Colonial Records of South Carolina, reviewed, 61 Griffith, Lucille, History of Alabama, 1540-1900, as Recorded in Diaries, Letters, and Papers of the Times, reviewed, 281 Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War, by Munden and Beers, reviewed, 197 Halleck: Lincoln’s Chief of Staff, by Ambrose, reviewed, 71 Hammond, E. Ashby, book review by, 370 Hammond, Hans book review by, 63 Handerson, Henry E., Yankee in Gray, reviewed, 187 Hargreaves, Mary W. M., and Hopkins, James F., (eds.), The Papers of Henry Clay, Volume II, The Rising Statesman, re- viewed, 64 Hassler, Warren W., Jr., book review by, 186 Havard, William C., book review by, 287 Hemphill, W. Edwin, (ed.), The Papers of John C. Calhoun. Volume II, 1817-1818, reviewed, 379 Highsmith, William E., book review by, 381 Hillsborough: A Parish in the Ulster Plantations, by Barry, re- viewed, 268 History of Alabama, 1540-1900, as Recorded in Diaries, Letters and Papers of the Times, by Griffith, reviewed, 281 History of Cuba and Its Relations with the United States, Vol- ume I, by Foner, reviewed, 174 Hoffman, Bernard G., Cabot to Cartier, reviewed, 178 Hollis, Daniel W., book review by, 270 Hopkins, James F., and Mary W. M. Hargreaves, (eds.), The Papers of Henry Clay. Volume II, The Rising Statesman, reviewed, 64 Hudson, Arthur Palmer, Folklore Keeps Past Alive, reviewed, 194 Informal History of St. Petersburg, by Jackson, reviewed, 56 I Take This Land, by Powell, reviewed, 372 Jackson, Page S., An Informal History of St. Petersburg, re- viewed, 56 Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty, by Malone, reviewed, 180 Jernigan, Ernest H., book review by, 191 Johns, John E., Florida During the Civil War, reviewed, 369 Johnson, Alberta, “Obituary,” 89 “Jonathan C. Gibbs: Florida’s Only Negro Cabinet Member,” by Joe M. Richardson, 363 Jones, Virgil Carrington, The Civil War at Sea, Volumes I, II, III: The Blockaders, The River War, The Final Effort, re- viewed, 274 Kammerer, Gladys, Charles D. Farris, John M. DeGrove, and Alfred B. Clubok, City Managers in Politics, an Analysis of Manager Tenure and Termination, reviewed, 267; The Ur- ban Political Community: Profiles in Town Politics, reviewed, 375 Kidder, Frederick E., book review by, 175 Kobre, Sidney, book review by, 190 Ku Klux Klan in American Politics, by Rice, reviewed, 77
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