Scientia Agropecuaria 7 (3): 305 – 311 (2016) Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias Scientia Agropecuaria Universidad Nacional de Website: http://revistas.unitru.edu.pe/index.php/scientiaagrop Trujillo X-ray test to evaluate the physiological potencial of Platypodium elegans Vog. Seeds (Fabaceae) Kever Bruno Paradelo Gomes¹, *; Juliana Martins Mesquita Matos²; Ildeu Soares Martins²; Rosana de Carvalho Cristo Martins² 1 Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Brasília – Campus Gama. Brasília – DF, Brasil. ² Universidade de Brasília. Departamento de Engenharia Florestal. Received March 11, 2016. Accepted Jun 30, 2016. Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the internal morphology of Platypodium elegans Vog. seeds through the X-ray tests and to verify their relation with germination. 200 radiographic images were taken of each group and the tests were taken with the seeds set at 28.0 cm from the source of x-rays. Next, the seeds were classified according to their internal morphology as seen in the radiographic images. Three categories of seeds were established: full, empty and partially full. For each seed category, germination tests were performed. Statistical design in factorial 3x3, with three groups and three categories. From the results obtained in this work, the use of x-ray test with Platypodium elegans Vog. seeds is promising in quality of seed groups detection, assisting in empty and partially full seeds separation, invalidating their immediate use or storage. The x-ray test, in 26 kV for 1.2 seconds intensity was efficient in Platypodium elegans Vog. internal morpholy evaluation. There is a relationship between the internal morphology of seeds and the results of the germination test. The importance of a methodology of easy implementation, aiming at estimating the germinative power of the groups of seeds, was proved by the x-ray tests in seeds of Platypodium elegans Vog. and can also be used for the analysis of the internal morphology of other forest species. Key words: Cerrado, image analysis, forest management, germination. 1. Introduction contributing for the maintenance and qua- Platypodium elegans Vog. popularly lity enhancement of this input. (de Melo et known as uruvalheira, jacarandá-do- al., 2009; Albuquerque and Guimarães, campo, faveiro, belongs to the Fabaceae 2008). The environmental compensations, family. It is a species which naturally like the compulsory replacement of native occurs in the Cerrado and in the forest- forests in rural properties, and the recovery cerrado transition zone and is usually of degraded areas, aiming at facing federal found in well-drained soils. It is widely and state laws, prompted an increase in used for commercial and ornamental seed demands of native arbor forest purposes with its planting being more species, which constitute basic input in the widely recommended in the agroforestry replacement and conservation programs of system in degraded areas recovery the ecosystem. programs (Lorenzi, 2008; Pacheco et al., In this context, the use of non-destructive 2007; Lopes et al., 2010). procedures which provide efficiency in the The morphophysiological quality evalua- identification of empty, partially full and tion of the seed groups is an essential full seeds, like the x-ray testing may be process, which is of great importance for considered an indicative of physiological several phases of the production chain of quality of the seeds of these forestry the sector of seed production, significantly species. --------- * Corresponding author © 2016 All rights reserved. E-mail: [email protected] (K.B. Gomes). DOI: 10.17268/sci.agropecu.2016.03.19 - 305 - K.B. Gomes et al. / Scientia Agropecuaria 7 (3) 305 – 311 (2016) The seed analysis through the radiographic groups was made considering the charac- images obtained through the x-ray testing teristic of the fragments of the vegetation is a relatively recent alternative in order to found in urban centers (Group 1); Environ- immediately classify the several internal mental protection area (EPA) addressed to morphological aspects of the seeds the conservation and protec-tion of the (Gomes, 2010). In this sense, the capture ecosystem (Água Limpa Farm – University and processing of the image which has of Brasília) (Group 2) and along road BR been x-rayed has allowed the establi- 040 which connects Brasília (DF) and shment of relations between integrity, Cristalina (GO) in degraded environ-ments morphology and determination of the (Group 3). Fruits were harvested from 20 physiological potential of the seeds mother plants of each group. (Marcos et al., 2010). The seeds were improved extracting the The forest species, particularly the ones aliforms and submitted to the mechanical from Cerrado, are characterized by the scarification, promoting a short cut on the high incidence of predation, empty fruit side of the fruit, with the use of a pocket and deficiency in the formation of the knife in the laboratory of seeds and forest embryo. This way, the x-ray test is nurseries belonging to the University of recommended as it is a viable technique in Brasília. The seeds were homogenized and the quality control of seeds (Gomes et al., stored in paper bags in B.O.D. type growth 2014). Considering the economical inte- chamber under room temperature condi- rests and the conservation of the tree tions of 25 ºC until the tests had been species of the Cerrado, it becomes conducted in a period of 30 days. The necessary to intensify the research which is samples for the tests were randomly concerning the evaluation of the internal extracted from each group of seeds. In morphology of the seeds in order to help each group, three samples of 20 seeds were the identification of the seeds which hold extracted for the moisture content potential on germination. determination. The germination test may become an The samples were weighed with a digital obstacle for the evaluation of the physio- precision scale of 0.001 g and after that logical potential on forest seeds, procedure, the moisture content was analy- considering the genetic elasticity that these zed with the standard greenhouse method species present and the long period at 105 °C ± 3 °C, for 24 hours (MAPA, demanded for the obtention of the results 2009). (Masetto et al., 2008). The x-ray test was conducted in the image Therefore, the objective of this paper was analysis laboratory of the Department of to evaluate the internal morphology of the vegetal production of the Superior School seeds of the Platypodium elegans Vog. of Agriculture “Luiz de Queiroz”, Univer- through the x-ray tests and verify their sity of São Paulo (ESALQ/USP), in relation to the germination process. Piracicaba, SP. For the obtention of radiographic images of the seeds, we counted on the digital equipment Faxitron 2. Materials and methods X-ray, model MX-20 DC-12, attached to a The fruits of Platypodium elegans Vog. Core 2 Duo computer (3.16 GHz, 2 GB were collected in sensu stricto areas of the RAM memory, 160 GB Hard Disk) and Federal District Region Cerrado at the MultiSync screen (LCD1990SX, of 17 point of physiological maturation directly inches). This way, 200 seeds of each group on the tree, considering its vigor, stature were x-rayed and the images were obtained and the sanity of the mother plants selected with the seeds placed at 28 cm far from the in September, 2014. x-ray emission source. The radiation inten- The choice of the region for the mother sity and the time of exposure of the seeds plants selection and formation of the seed to the x-rays were automatically determi- -306- K.B. Gomes et al. / Scientia Agropecuaria 7 (3) 305 – 311 (2016) ned by the x-ray machine. For the adequate Gerais. The low level of moisture found in positioning of the seeds during the expo- the seeds of Platypodium elegans was sition of the x-rays, transparent double- fundamental to allow the adequate visuali- face sellotape was used on a rear projec- zation of the internal parts of the seeds. tion transparency (29.7 x 21.0 x 0.1 cm). Gomes et al. (2014), evaluating the inter- After they were x-rayed, the seeds were nal morphology of the seeds of Terminalia placed in individual cells of a plastic tray argentea, verified that the low level of for later germination. The seeds were moisture in the seeds (9 - 10%) led to a classified according to the internal mor- bigger optical density, which allowed a phology visualized in the radiographic better visualization of the internal structu- images. Three categories of seeds were res of the seeds which had been x-rayed. considered: empty, partially full and full. The exposure of seeds of Platypodium The result of the x-rays was interpreted elegans Vog. to the x-rays, in radiation through the confront of the radiographic intensity of 26 kV for 1,2 seconds, was image and the respective image of the nor- efficient for the visualization of the mal seedling, abnormal or dead or seed in internal morphology of the seeds. The state of dormancy after the germination images of the radiographed seeds allowed test. For each category of seeds obtained for an identification of the current internal through the x-ray test, the germination test state of the seeds, as well as the identi- was conducted in the Laboratory of seeds fication of seeds without embryonic and forest nurseries belonging to the Forest tissues. In the same way, de Carvalho et al. Engineering Department of the University (2009) verified that the potence of 25 kV, of Brasília, Brasília-DF. for 2 minutes, was enough to diagnose the The previously numbered seeds of internal structures of the seeds of Ocotea Platypodium elegans Vog. were placed in pulchella and of Persea pyrifolia, both filter paper roll (20 seeds/roll), stored in belonging to the Lauraceae family.
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