/ -.!-· .~R¥ .. -... ~= . NATIONAL Sf!XlURITY AGENCY r.'asbington 25, Do Co trEl"ORA~mm: FOR SFSCIAL DISTRIDUTION "B" . SUBJECT& ~ddendum Uo. 161 or Joint ~blications Received· .. by· the Adjutant General 1., The following joint combiried and NATO publications were received by the· Adj·utant General during a three We•lk period beginninr. 27 dpril 1953 and endinl 15 niy 195.Jo . SE:RIAL --SU3J~T c~s. -DATE 1 .. JCS 202/20 Joir.~ Logistics Plans Committee R 1 ray 53 2o JCS 570/2Sl CorJ.;.-dination of 3ritishp Frencl)', and Ar.:erican TS 27 Apr 53 Corro r~.:.i taey Open.ting Requirements in the J."iddle Elst and J.'edh~rranean Area 30 JCS 570/2el ~.iame as above TS 27 Apr 53 N.toH. .4o JCS 570/281 Sarr.e as above TS 29 Apr 53 Cerro 5 .. JCS 50-..1/281 Same as a boy.1 TS 8 P•ay 53 Dec. on 60 ·.;$ ie44/144 Civil Af'f'ai!'s and ~"ilitary Government. Plan TS 24 Apr 53 ia :iupoort ot the Joint· Olltline Emergenc7 War .Plan f'or a '."!ar Beginning 1 Jul 52 o 7. JC~ le6t/458 Basic Changes in the Command Structure, Allied TS .30 Apr 5) Cor:mand Europe .So JCS.1910/20 ~orth Pacific Ocean Station Program.Operation S 28 Apr 53 N.toHo ot ~;eather Ships ·on Stations Ext19and and T;'LNGO 9. JC~ 2054/44 1'o.ximum SupPOrt by CINCPAC to Cl~FE During TS 30 Apr 5.3 . :athdrawal .flotr. Korea ! 10. JCS 207.3/564 Assignint: or Earmarking of Forces. tor UATO TS 21 Apr 53 Cor.r:iands llo jcs 2074/19 Report of the UK/uS Communications Security TS 26 ?tov 52 Deco on Conference, 1952 120 JCS 2074/20 Same as:above TS 26 rlov 52 DeCDn 130 JC~ 2074/26 Replacement of' the CCr TS undtd Acenda Item 115 140 JCS 2074/26. Replacel!!ent or the COl!'bined Cipher l'achine T:3 7 i"ay 53 15 o JCS 2099/279 MATO Guidance en· J"DAP Electronics Requirements TS 17 Apr 53 ·and Deticiencies o · 160 JCS 2099/279 Same as above 1 TS .29 Apr 53 Deco on 17o Sf.' 996-5.3 Replacement· of .the CCP" TS 15 1"a7 5.3 18 o SG!' 33/24 Glossary of Communications Electronics Terms R 7 V.ay 53 190 ~G?• 225/53 Plan for the Production, Di.stribution, Accounting ~ 5 i!ay 53 and Securit7 Control of NATO Crypto. f.'aterial· I TOP SECRET Declassified and approved for release by NSA on 09-04-2014 pursuantto E.O. 1352a I SUnJECTs addendum Moo 161 of Joint Publications 19 t'ay 1953 Received by the ~iJJutant -Ceneral SERIAL SU3JIDT DATE 20 o SG&' 662 ... 53 Holders of ACP 294 s 29 Apr 53 21.. ~G}' 662·53. Same as above ...c.• 29 Apr 53 22. ~Gr 264-5.'.3 Financial ~upport of the J"ilitary Headquarters R 19 Feb 53 and J"ilita17 Acencies or 11£\TO 230 ~Gl\' 667=5.3 reeting or Air De.ren&e Electronics F.quipn:ent 1 ray 53 Group of Experts on 19 ray 1953 240 SG!' 673=5.3 Requirements tor On-tine Crypto Systerr.s 30 Apr 53 250 SGfo;( 674 ... 53 SIGTor Requirements f'or ACI.ANT s 30 Apr 53 26. sm· 675 ... 53 Deployment or Air~raf't Control and Warnj ne 4 ~SY· 53 Group to ~outhwestern France 27. SGll' 688·53 Request for SG 55/7 c 5 ?'ay 53 2e·l') SG!l' 693 ... 53 ACP 251 Amphibious Code ror NATO US9o c 5 ••ay 53 29. sm· 700... 53 Request for -aTP 8 s 'R 6 l'ay 53 30. sar 705.. :···53 Short Titles of Cryptographic Publicsitions c 7 Way 53 .31. SQ?' 705-53 · Sarr..e as above c 7 ?·a7 .53 32. sm· 7o6.. 53 .: Proposed Changes to ACP 177 s 7 J'ay 53 3.3 o ~G~~ 707•53 NATO Naval r:ireless Organization ACP 177 s 7 J'ay 5.3 Interim .34. Bm~-70E'-53 Request for ACP 294 R 7 P.'ay .5.3 .35. SG?:-725-53 A1rendment to ACP 113 (F) Portuguese _Navy R 11 l'ay 53 36. SGr."-726-5.3 Address Group ACP 104 R 11 ?"ay 5.3 37 o · SGl.'•738·53 Protection for the Shore Ends or Sublr.arine 13 !'ay 5.3 Cables 38. sar 740-53 One Time Pad Network 13 ?"ay 5.3 390 SGr 742=5.3 Amendment to ACP ll.3 Italian Navy u 13 !'ay 53 400 DCEr 649 Joint ?"ilitar1 Characteristics f'or Hir,h Grade R 1 P"ay 5.3 Cryptographic Synchroniz~ng F.quipment 41 .. ncm· 654 Recognition and Identi:f'ication Key Lists S Y'ay 53 42 o DCE?'- 655 s 11 P'ay 53 430 DCEr" 658 Trainine and Test Proeram for AFSAY pro6 c 1.3 J'ay 53 440 l'OP .3314 ::;ACllD~ Proposal ror.8RA'!"'E Y Planning TS 27 Apr 53 450 l"OP .3315 Proposed Visit or Faraday to NSA T~ 28 Apr 5.3 460 l'OP 3319 GC&-C~ Histories .30 Apr 53 EO 3.3(h)(2) 47 o ?'OP 3:320 Thira Part1 Traffic PL 86-36/50 USC 3605 T~ 30 Apr 53 4s. ror 3325 "Planning of Pinches " TS 6 f'ay 53 49., ?'OP JJ26 Opening Date of Conrerence Composition ot Dritish 7 ray 53 Tea~ Attending Conference S Copy~rLcopies TOP ~~JLC:all:l' co~tr30l· w> .• 53°1516 Page.i_of_J_Pages TOP SECRET ~UBJreTs Addendum No. 161 or Joint Publications 19 P"a7 1953 Received by the Adjutant General (Cont'd) ~ERIAL ::)UDJ~T CW§ DATE so. roF 3330 Signal Intelligence P'ac111ties Europe and Far East Tl:: 11t~a1.53 5lo CCB t'emo CCB Y:emo for Information 2-53 . s 17.Apr 53 2-53 520 CCB 929/2 Recognition and Identification Key Lists s 5 J'a1 53 530 CCB .390 Communicat~ons Aspects of Coast Guard ~eather s 27 Apr 53 Stations 54'0 CCB .391 Liaison Proced~ree with the French P."1lit81"1' s 27 A.pr 53 Forces in Indochina 2o The following publications r.ere forwarded to the Office of Communications Security ror retention. · lo cf;;s $pee ?"inutes of the .Special P'eeting held in the Pentagon s 20 Apr 53 reeting on 29 Apr 53 2o C/SC 20/7/4 ~r.reereent on Call $igns and Address Group $ystems s 7 J."ay 53 .3 0 C/CE 39th P.~inutes ot the reeting held in Room 2D916,Pentagon s 5 P.'ay 53 reeting 4. J/rP ieJth Agenda for the l'eeting to be held in Pentagon,Uray S undated reeting s. C/'>X 55th Agenda for the !"eeting to be held, Pentar.on, u·ay s undated reeting 6. C/CE JSth Agenda for the meeting to be held in the Pentagon s 2e Apr 53 i."eeting on 5 ray 53 . ·.. 7o J/CE "Qh .. Agenda for the ~eetinB to be held i~ the Pentagon s 28 Apr 53 ?.'eating· 5 ?'ay 5.3 Copy~ot~Copies TOP SECRET . - - __•-:!::II..._ ... NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY nashincton 250 o.·co 2S April 1953. TOP SiG itE1P • Sl!fltJR!'f! Itftl'Om. ttT!ON rBl.'ORANDUJ! ·FOR SPECIAL DISTRIBUTION "B"· SUBJ!X:T:" Addendum Noo 160 ot Joint Pu'tilicationa .Received by the.Adjutant QencJral . l~. The followina joint co~bined, and NATO publications were received b7 the ,\.(!jutant General durinr. a three week Jieriod ending 25 .April 195Jo . SERIAL · SUBJECT 1. Jqs 22.2/34- .Far East Commant Electronics Countermeasures s 2 Apr 53 Polic)' 2~ -JCS 222/34 Sall!e as above 13 Apr 53" CorrotO 3 •. JCS 222/J4 ·Sar.!e as above s Dac.o-n 4o JCS 950/41 Establishment of Joint Technical lntelli2ence C 26 !'ar.. 53 ~ubcormi:ttee and Pissolution or Joint rateriel Intelligenc~ ,:1.eency 5o . JC::> 950/41 Sar.ie as abo··a c 7 Apr 5.3 ·.. Dec. on 6. JCS 950/25 Directives 1or the Exploitation or Intellicence-S 21 Arir· 53 u.toH. Derived fro!! Capturod Sources 7. JCS 950/51 Est~blishme;at of Joint Technical Intelligence C ·21 Apr 53 N.toHo · Su"'Jcoir.mittet1 and Dissolution or Jl"L'\. 8i. JC~ 1995/17 .~anaco.- :U. ~, FJ1nereency Defense Plan 2 _Apr 53 N.toHo 9. JC~ 1231/23 Policy for ~he Civil Administration of the TS 6 P'ar 5.3 Dec:~on Ryukyu Islands 10. Jc~ 173.s/:79 :artime Ps:·choloeical -::arrare in Europe TS 25 B"ar 53 11. JCS l 73i/179 :)ame as above TS 10 Apr 53 Dec.on 120 JC~ ie2l/92 Teri&s of .R~·ference f'or the J~ilitary Assistance C 13 Apr 53 ~i.dVl ROry Qj•oup, SFAIN . 1.30 ,"'•~S U'21/92 ::>a1re as n br•ve . c 22 Apr 5.3 ~ec.,on 14•. JC~ le41../J.44 Civil .iffa:lrs. and J"ilitaey Governl!'.ent rlan · TS 15 Apr 53 · in Sup-nort of tho Joint Outline El!'ere;ency ~·:ar ·· Flan ro:... a ~·:ar bei:;inning 1 July 1952 15. JC$ lf 51/50 Alternate ~eat of Govern~ent TS '.31 J'ar 53 16. JC~ H'5l/50 Sair.e as .abt've TS 4 I.pr 53 Corra to 17. JCS 1910/21 Ocean ~hat~ Vessels VIIF/ITTIF Communications ...•• 6).x)r 5.3 ie.
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