20982_THE_SALOPIAN 2011:20982_THE_SALOPIAN 2011 14/7/11 2:00 Page 1 ISSUE No. 148 SUMMER 2011 20982_THE_SALOPIAN 2011:20982_THE_SALOPIAN 2011 14/7/11 2:00 Page 2 School News EDITOR E DITORIAL Richard Hudson Churchill’s Hall In his leader the Headmaster refers to about how we might do many things differently, Shrewsbury School Shrewsbury’s genius loci, and attempts to but we also returned with a renewed sense that Shrewsbury define some of the characteristics of this there is something very special about the SY3 7AT elusive deity. Conscious of the temptation to Shrewsbury atmosphere, so often picked up Tel: 01743 280630 trot out bland platitudes about ‘individuality’ by those who beat the path to its doors. It is [email protected] and ‘excellence’ when visiting parents ask why goodtoreadthatthisgenius, who talks the they should choose a school in the Welsh whole time to sentimental Old Salopians such ASSISTANT EDITOR border country three hours from London rather as me who work in these Arcadian surrounds, Annabel Warburg than one closer to their homes with what they hasalsotalkedtosomanyofourcurrentand might consider to be a more metropolitan feel, former parents, and indeed to the boys and OBITUARIES EDITOR housemasters in particular, but all members of girls themselves. Richard Raven staff in practice, have constantly to ask Part of the modern genius must stem from themselves this question. the blurring of traditional cultural boundaries Old salopian club Recently a group of housemasters, myself between sport, academia, music and the arts: Alex Baxter (Director) amongst their number, visited a couple of more so very different from the Shrewsbury of my Miriam Walton (Administrator) southern competitor Schools, kindly welcomed youth. The question whether the Fasti (the Old Salopian Club in by them to talk to some of their own termly timetable of activities) is too crowded, The Schools housemasters about how they manage their and if it is, which activities should take priority Shrewsbury charges and workload. It is all too easy to over which, is a matter of constant debate, become inwardly focused in an institution such even contention. But it is from just such SY3 7BA as this, and years in the competitive business tensions that the vitality of the School flows. Tel: 01743 280891 (Director) world as a publisher taught me that one can And surely the young man pictured below 01743 280892 (Administrator) always learn better practice from one’s stands as metaphor for this: captain of rugby, competitors – as well as, of course, how not to academic and music scholar – and head of Front cover: Birmingham Town Hall, do things. school. 20th March 2011. Having, I hope, gone with minds completely Are the saxophonists playing the same piece? open, we did indeed come away with ideas School Captain of Rugby and Head of School Alex Collins (S) touching down 2 20982_THE_SALOPIAN 2011:20982_THE_SALOPIAN 2011 14/7/11 2:00 Page 3 School News H EADMASTER’S WORD I am very grateful to the Editor for this opportunity to pass back down to the personalities and characters involved. The ability of some observations of my first year in post. If the mantra of Blair’s Common Room members to inspire and encourage a wide range new Labour Party, after its barnstorming electoral victory in 1997, of pupils to think independently has led, we are told, to was ‘Education, Education, Education’, we might use as a pupil/teacher relationships being defined as ‘unique’. There are also summary for events at Shrewsbury this year: ‘Consultation, many others who will point to the curriculum: a blend of academic Consultation, Consultation’. During the course of the year, the challenge within a supportive and comfortable pastoral system, School has embarked on the most wide-reaching process of together with an extra-curricular programme which provides the consultation attempted at any school in recent history. All pupils, opportunity for a huge range of talents to find their full expression. staff (teaching and support), together with parents and alumni, have There are still others who will point to Chapel, the place where the been involved in a process of review and analysis which has School comes together most regularly, as the opportunity for values generated a vast amount of relevant and interesting information, not of compassion and fair play to be inculcated. Whatever the spirit of to mention some strong views and opinions. In addition, the Shrewsbury is, I am sure that it is a combination of all these inspections to which the School was subjected by Ofsted, primarily influences to a greater or lesser degree. looking at our pastoral care and house systems, together with an ISI So what needs to change? Well, while it is clear that a inspection in May, which looked at the quality of our teaching and commitment to the individual is a key part of the Shrewsbury learning, have given additional insights into the quality of life here at experience, it is also clear that there is a strong feeling – particularly The Schools. It was very reassuring, even confidence-boosting, to from parents – that there needs to be a ‘tightening up’ of systems be marked as ‘Outstanding’ on all ten of the major criteria that were and procedures. I am fairly confident that, in certain key areas, my the focus of the inspectors’ attention. natural tendency to clear parameters and my brief exposure to Having assimilated and now had the opportunity to analyse much military discipline (which I have never been able to shake off fully) of this data, I am very aware indeed of the necessity to feed back as will mean that there is a shift of the fulcrum in this important area of much as possible that is relevant to those who took the trouble to balance in favour of greater rigour. engage in our dialogue. It appears that the adjectives most often I was interested to discover that at Shrewsbury we do not have a used to describe Shrewsbury and Salopians are ‘rounded’ and uniform; we have ‘Clothing Guidelines’. That is all very well, as long ‘welcoming’, with ‘sporty’, ‘academic’ and ‘sociable’ coming a joint as individuals respect and respond to the need of the School, as an third. It was a relief to know that on all surveys the adjectives institution, to present itself in a positive and business-like way. Once ‘unresponsive’, ‘unapproachable’, ‘pompous’, ‘uninspiring’ and again, there is a balance to be struck. ‘elitist’ were used least often to describe life at school. 95% of all Over the course of the last year, I have enjoyed attending pupil respondents agreed with the statement, ‘I am happy being a numerous events, concerts, plays and matches. It is wonderful to student at Shrewsbury’, with 90% of pupils claiming to ‘have lots of see that, in all these different arenas, Shrewsbury acquits itself fun at the school’. When calculated by the great RSAcademics’ incredibly well. Our sportsmen and women are used to achieving at computer, Shrewsbury has improved its performance, relative to all the very highest level and have grown confident on a rich diet of other schools, from 2005 when the last comprehensive survey of medals, victories and accolades. Our musicians and actors have a this type took place. 389 parents responded to the survey, which natural confidence, which means they respond extremely well when works out at approximately 60% of the parent body. 77% of our given the opportunity to perform in public. In short, it is very easy to parent respondents would definitely recommend the School, with a feel proud about the vast majority of what is achieved here. further 19% saying that they would probably recommend the In conclusion, this has been a frenetic and hectic first year, during institution. That compares with 1% in the ‘probably not’ category which I have very much enjoyed the opportunity to meet vast and just less than 1% in the ‘definitely not’ group. It appears, numbers of our extended community. I have tried to engage as therefore, that Shrewsbury can rely on a vast, extended network of much as possible with Old Salopians; I have felt well supported by parents and old boys to recommend the School. There is no doubt the Governors, enjoyed the opportunity to work alongside many that this support will be increasingly important as social and cultural talented Common Room colleagues, and begun the process of changes continue to erode boarding’s traditional base and as the getting to know many of our pupils. The aim for year two will be to economy just about stutters into something approaching a meet the challenge of articulating a vision which will represent a recovery. direction for the School to follow as we move towards 2020. As with any new headmaster, one arrives with a good deal of In looking to the future, one is powerfully reminded of key reforming zeal and enthusiasm. In that context, I was particularly decisions which have been taken in Shrewsbury’s past. Over the interested in one of the questions, which asked what should and last few months, I have attended events such as the Rigg’s 150th should not be changed at the School. The answer that came back Anniversary and the Oldham’s Centenary. Oldham’s and Rigg’s most strongly was that the ‘Shrewsbury spirit’ or ‘genius loci’ should were Houses founded by inspirational former housemasters, both be protected at all costs. Whilst that was a message which was of whom invested their life-savings in the future development of the communicated loud and clear, it does leave me with an interesting School. It is impossible not to be moved by the scale of their hope, challenge of defining exactly what the Shrewsbury spirit is.
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