All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning Grosse Pointe News Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes llle Per Copy EDI.red. u SecO~ Clul Malwr al GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN. JANUARY 28. 1971 ,".00 Per Year 22 Pages - Two Sections -- Section One, Vol. 32-No. 4 th. Po.t O/ll~ ~t Detroit, llIlehll~ ,-----------_._----.-----------------------------------------------------------------$.~ Not A Bombing ... Just Plain Nostalgia Mentbership Rally Lake Shore HEADLINES Had $14,650 of the · \VEEK P1anned to Obtaln Loss in 1970 A, CompUed btI the Municipal Subsidy Of' Pllr- Grosse Pointe Neun Support for FLEe chase Suggested by Owners as One Way Thunda)', ,Juuary :n Probate Judge George N. Bashara, Jr., Dr. Max to Continue Service DEFENSE SECRETARY Mel- Gardener and Radio Star Joe Garagiola Being Featured on Program Lake Shore Coach Lines, vin R.Laird said Wednesday ______ Incorporated, which serves that the United States plana to U6eair power in any way it feell The Family Life Education Council (FLEC) invites the Pointe and St. Clair necessary in Southeast Asia to reo members of The Pointe Community to attend its kick. Shores, is again faced with duce American casualties and off program for membership on Friday evening, Febru. financial woes, in spite of protect American lives. Thus ary 12, at 8 o'clock, in Parcells Middle School. There increased fare rales grant- Laird for the fust time took is no admission charge. <!:>------------ ed by the Michigan Public all the wraps off the potential The program will feature BID S e r v ice Commission last use of U.S. air power in Indo- Probate Court Judge George N. oU e rop Juntl. The crisis now faced china. Bashara Jr. Judge Basbara. a by the company, may result • * '" native Pointer, is well known Center Run in discontinuance of opera. AFTER YEARS of prodding for the lIctive role he has played Hons, it is claimed, if some by reformers. House Democrats In fighting drug abuse. Joining B S d way is not found to reduce and Republicans both agreed Judge Bashara is Dr. Max Gard. Wednesday to modify the rigid nero Pointe psycho-analyst and y tu ents operating. costs and in. seniority sy6tem by which memo president of FLEC. and Joe crease revenues. bers automatically rise to posi. Garagiola. former major league Business Piding Up on En- Letters. over the signature of tions of power. In the future. baseball player and "Today John M. Veale, attorney for the selection of committee chairmen Show" regular. vironmental Project: bus firm. daled January 19, out. shall be subject to approval by Would Appreciate lining the company's money Helped by Rotary . H I problems, were sent to munici. party caucuses. The reform The p'o1rposeof the program e p of Residents f' i I I moves came at separate party is to enroll individuals and or. pal of ICa s of the five Po ntes alld St. Clair Shores. caucuses on the eve of the con. ganizations as paid members of Business is picking up At the time fares were In. vening of the 92nd Congress. FLEC. FLEC was lounded In and the students at the creased last June, Veale stated, • • • 11166by concerned Pointers to Pol i tical Environmental the bus firm had agreed to pro. Friday, ,January ZZ strengthen family unity througb Action Center, at 17004 vide the six communities with SENATOR EDWARD KEN. community-oriented educational Kercheval love it! Picking continuing reports as to the NEDY. last of the Kennedy programs. It became part of the up bottles that is; bottles company's operating results. political dynasty. was knocked Perusing an old album, this picture, from a series jammed with a municipal parking lot and residences, Grosse Pointe Board of Educa. d' t I d DurIng 1"-, the bus lines had from his seat of power as Sen. of those taken during the construction of the Grosse the background, in those days rather resembled a tion m. 1967. A l!ubstantia1 gran t an Jars 0 a I shapes an a net loss~-of $116 des plte reven. ate Democratic whip Thursday Pointe News office, brought back memories of the portion of a golf course. The year was 1944. The Old from the Rotary Club of Grosse sizes with the exception of ues amounting to $969.190. It by Senator Robert Byrd. D- old days. No crowding here. The background, now' Elm still stands sentinel. Pointe made it possible for plate glass and Pyrex. They was hoped at the tir-le that the W.Va., a virtual unknown on I ----------------,-------------- FLEe to become an independent then take the glass to Ann fare hike would enable Lalle the national scene. Senator .rt Work on St. John's South H:gh agency in 1969, providing serv- Arbor to be reeycled. Shore to continue operations in Byrd defeated Kennedy by a Sta, .. ices to curb drug abuse. Drug They receive a half-cent a 1970 on a break.even point. vote of 31 to 24. The defeat was Set March 15 abuse programs continue to be pound for the glass which they {;OSt$it.15O a bitter blow to Kennedy who For Election New Intensi.ve Care Unit., Students to its main tbr~st ~ause of the use to pay their expenses at The receipt for the finaloper- was confidently telling col. ¥ unmet needs ID thIS lIrea. the center, such as electricity ating results for 1970. showed leagues as late as Wednesday I...'lla Will 0 · La S' 'Ed L ' The 'membership drive is an and telephone. a net loss of $14,650 despite night that he had the votes to n 1'~" ge pen m te prmg a oane eff~rt t~ gain puUic support Residents are urged to drop the far~ increase. and despite win. O which win permit FLEe to ex. off their bottles between 12:3(/ economIc measure~ taken by • • • p • t Cost' . $350000 Will B' T tiN b - pand its ~oul e[[orts. and 4 o'clock Monday tnrougb Lake Shore. !!Ie attorney reo Saturday, Jaauary 23 . School Board Selects Dote rolec ml .'. I. • I ring 0 a um er Experiment Starting Feb- Those m attendance on Feb. Friday, or on Saturdays be- vealed. , .. A HIJACKED NORTHWEST AIRLINES .JETL~R.,eom. a..t ,~.y:~I~ M.•....pti,;:gi~cr'" ,of~~r~'~~~.f.'~r.!h.a.~>~~~a!,.~.F~-e~,•.:rlt .:.. rUAtll~ty'W;:~~,~.~pth.ir ~:%b;r~hf;Ut~t ~e~:~~g~~: tween 10 and 4 o'clock. cO~r~~c~~rC~:~ln~~:~ l mahdMred ..))Y aUlllJLw.lyl, ~~r. d Oy y 1_...... - - . ".t. .ei~.,,,.".-' ~t..<.•m..•."f,.m.~.be.-,~.~,..,..•hiPS._..".~.a~'~,i1.•.., ,.11 ,..ryillrellls'~~.t..bU.P".I)ar'''e leym..Jlo~r..:~.j~~~.,$8..J•.••..~ ,'.a-n.:eU.aaF•. , ried .• ,batchet a~8~d. heh~. "" . '.CIVUQ~u&:le. '. Saint .John. Hosj)iW;'hU'aJ!I'OUDced'.the.CODlitruc, >.~,~~~~&i~ty ... :';:.,- ......,._ .........7 _ • ...- "_. "' ...- ... 7/i"Hloq.l_ ... , " . a 'bOmb . flewtO'Cliba' Friday , bon of a new IntenSIve Care Unit. Work began on the ',."\' .. C ~'"~. ",i/':' tfoil.l' " ': .',. ~. quanUtyof bof'Jes he may call hourly-rate!! employ'eii;;ji:IlI','te" after ndueling in Detroit. It At a lpeel::! meetirl,. beld new unit o~ Monday, January 25, with opening planned By Pepper:"bfteblw In ~n indIvidual membership 886-~80 a~1' students Will pick celve , 1~cent an Ildlifa;,(fpy. was the first hijacking in which Monday Dl811~,the trustees ,,d for late sprmg. .~ . For a long time students one may become a, patl"Oll of them up at. the residellce. .' boost, rallIn' the 19n -Ie Detroit Metro Airport has been th Grosst ~oInhe ~oardthof ~t The Intensive Care Unit proj. The patients aImoit 10 per~ent at South High School have FLEC by ellntrihuting '1110 or The donation Qf a few ltelnJ cost to the comPllny to $19.000 involved. Police say the Boeing ~oarU 0anspeseC'lalaerleeCtionawshenereas'le.,ect is, part of Saint. John'. o{ whom ar~ children. include been asking, "H.ow can we more,' or a contributing member would facilitate matters for the a year. with the total wage and 727 jeUint'r was taken over be. • .... 000 000 h th fit ff d by uonatinl( anywhere between ver.' .busy studellts. Of prime bel'lefits amounting to $27,000. tween Milwaukee and Detroit dents will vote on the renewal -, • 1971 e:.panSlon and s~rious emergencies, post-ope..a. S ow e acu .y, s a an $10 apd $99. Individual student need is, a large receptacle, sim. As a privately owned busi. by a man irtentified as Gerald of operational millage for the d.evelopm.ent program an~ car. live .patlents and all tho~e who p~~nt:>that we are self. memllerships are available with nar to the trash containers ness. Veale cO,ntlnued, Lake 1971.72year. nes a price tag of approlCmat~. require collstant observation and disCIplined young people donations of two dollars or stores use, which they can place Shores Is not in a position to Grant. No. one was hurt in the , ly $350,000. Other parts of thIS care. , who can assume responsi. more at the back door of the center operate lit out-of.pocket losrAls. incident. • • • Although ,the date bas been building program planned ~or Two factors were responsible bility for handling ourselves Organizational memberships (~uhject to City approval1. Re. and in the view o[ the bus com. COMMUNIST COMMANDOS appr~ved by th~ ~aY1le County construction. later thi~ year m. for the addition of this new In. in certain school situa. are available to groups witb the sldents then could just drIve by pany ofticials.
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