Fire Bombing Attempt Mars College Strike SEE STORY BELOW Sunny and Mild Becoming sunny and milder THE BATTY today. Clear and mild to- JL F i* fjf * Sim m m J U. FINAL night. Sunny, milder tomor- Rod Bulk, Freehold row. Branch («•• D.U1U, Pl|« » I 7 EDITION Monmouth County's Home Newspaper tor 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 221 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1970 28 PACES 10 CENTS | !ili[siiniiiiiuiiJiiax!ij"Q!]Lini Nixon Moves to Ease Tension WASHINGTON (AP) — House and on college cam- lege campuses, often result- marshals to keep the demon- block Lafayette Square is too With thousands of antiwar puses. ing in violence and student stration within its stated non- close to the White House for protesters heading for a hur- Nixon is expected to take strikes. violent goal, while the 2,000- safety, have ordered the park riedly called demonstration a conciliatory approach to Leaders of, the Saturday man District of Columbia Na- to be cordoned off, creating in the nation's capital, Presi- the demonstrators, mostly demonstration have talked in tional Guard was being pre- a demilitarized zone-like area dent Nixon has moved to young people, following the , terms of up to 35,000 persons pared along with Washington a block north of the execu- ease, the crisis mounting over stance he adopted yesterday for a protest in Lafayette police. tive mansion. the use of American troops in when he told several college • Square just across the street There were indications U.S. Protest organizers had of- Cambodia. ,•— and university presidents the ' from the White House, al- officials were leaning toward fered last night to compro- The President scheduled a administration would soften though officials say the- dis- relying on local authority and mise, giving up the Lafayette news conference tonight at its hostile tone toward the , senters will not be allowed the National Guard available area in exchange for the El- ~ 10 pirn. EDT -^ his first na- dissidents. that close. It was not known in the Washington area with- lipse south of the White House. tionally televised session with\ Calls went out for the Sat- whether .the' President will be out drawing paratroopers and But the government said,this newsmen since Jan. 30 — on urday protest after Nixon an- in Washington during the Marines from other bases. also was too close and would the eve of a demonstration nounced a week ago that a demonstration. Out of Sight ' be cordoned off. here expected to draw tens joint U.S.-South Vietnamese . , Crowd Huge ... Officials said whatever -r-v^ "Use 'Offered- :"•*•—-• of thousands of protesters. attack had been mounted into Other reports estimate the military force is gathered Earlier, the Justice Depart- ' Strikers Evident Cambodia.. crowd at close to 100,000 per- probably will be kept as ment had offered, use of Even as the President pre- Strikes Spread sons, posing a problem for much out of sight as possible (lie Washington Monument pared for the news confer- Spurred by the deaths Mon- both government officials and unless troubles develop re- grounds several blocks from ence at liis Maryland mourn day of four students when- protest leaders' planning steps quiring its use. the mansion, but the demon- tain retreat last night and Ohio National Guardsmen for controlling the demon- The touchiest problem re- stration leaders turned down today, demonstrators were opened fire on demonstrators stration. volves around the dispute that site. evident in Washington — on at Kent State University, pro- The rally leaders held over the demonstration site. In a statement last night, Capitol Hill,,near the White tests have swept many col- crash training programs for Officials, saying the two- (See Nixon, Pg. 3) Mar s College Strike By RICHARD McMANUS JM Jhe kMings at KentState . Director of campus securi- WEST LONG BRANCH ^~ began on Tuesday. ty Frank Muzzi said that the While 1,500 students in the The incident was announced burns were discovered near Monmouth College gymnasi- to students crowded into the second floor and cellar win- um loudly endorsed plans yes- gym for a rally which began dows by a campus police pa- terday to continue their two- at 6 o'clock. Travis Updyke, trol, at 6:20 p.m. and that day old strike in a non-vio- student member of the •strike it was reasonable to assume lent manner, two fire bombs steering committee, told the that the attempted burning were tossed at the mathe- bushed crowd that many stu- matics department building dents volunteered immediate- occurred between five o'clock 500 yards away. ly to repair whatever dam- when the building was closed The Molotovncocktail type age there was, and that stu-. and the time of discovery. bombs were ineffective, caus- dent marshals would be add- ' Detective Joseph Miller, in- ing.only. scorch burns on the ed to the normal campus se- vestigating for the Long .side of the three-story wood curity patrols to prevent any Branch police, reported that and .stucco structure at the recurrence. -' a broken d.uaiftjsized Coca- southeast corner of Norwood He added that he had tele- Cola bottle, a,'large beverage and Cedar Aves. phoned college' president Dr. jar, and tissue paper fuses The attempted bombing was William G. Van Note and re- were found at the site, and the first incidence of any vio- ceived a promise of continued that stalnsy-apparently caused lence since the" student strike cooperation and support to the by kerosene, were found lead- against the war in Cambodia ; student efforts. '-. (See College, Pg. 2) own ,^YfpUNTRVRIOHTOR \VRONG — Much of this .country's mood it in the concerned.expression of Linda ' funstead, 19, of Whippany, j a? *he hold* Old: Glary at peace rally held at Morris County College, :Ran- Support Is Minimal aoiph;' •••'•' ' '• (AP:wirepi»f<>r••; THREE TO. STRIKE — Sam Staten, right, co-chairman of the Strike Now Commit- to* at Brookdale Community College in Lincroft, is shown with William Barr, By NANCY J. KUBINSfcl In conjunction with its appeal for a . laft, a Trenton student attending Rutgers University, and Gary Hohenstein of De- .' LINCROFT — Finding little support strike, the committee had asked that stu- from administration and faculty for a com- dents be given grades they had attained ianco,: a student at Kent State University. The visiting students addressed 200 plete shutdown of Brookdale Community by May 5. ? ' community college students in a rally yesterday, discussing the Kent s'hoot- College, 17 members of the Strike Now "Unfortunately some students were op-, ings and the Coca-Cola Co. products boycott 'initiated at Rutgers earlier this Committee yesterday said they will" with-. posed to this," Mr. Stevens commented af- weak. ' •'•,-'• (Register Staff Photo) draw from the college to pursue fulMime ter circulating a strike* petition Wednes- a program of community action and lec- day and yesterday, "because they were, In Strike Action tures in opposition to. the growing Indo* flunking and had waited until' the last three • Four ; more arrests, were . j Drew's "Close .the.- Draft China war. •••.-.• • . weeks of school'to catch up." made yesterday as wide- Board'.1'.' movement; ', gained At the same time, students continued to • The strike committee is claiming sup-, spread New Jersey reaction dome steam, wlifjri; members attend' classes on a' .voluntary basis. At- port, of the majority of students for their to American involvement in of the Morristowrt board vot- tendance was reported only slightly below movement as evidenced in the petitions, Cambodia and the Kent State ed approval entire students' normal. ' .,..-. signed by 425 students in favor of a strike killings continued on the demand for the board to etose TELLS OF DECISION and 80 opposed. "That's more than the stu- state's'campiises. asja memorial to the four stu- In Cambodian Lester Stevens, 21, of New Shrewsbury, dent government candidates got," the stu- Planned protests for today dents killed by • National co-chairman of the strike conunittee, an- dent'said. included a march by students Guardsmen, at Kent'State Uni- nounced his group's decision following a "We've decided to drop out and go into at Newark Rutgers and Up- 'versify earlier.this.week. But : SAIGON (AP) -A South camps inside Cambodia last Some artillery barrages plas- meeting in which both the committee and the community, high schools and door to sala, on Newark's Federal the draft, board can not.be Vietnamese army task force week. tered the South Vietnamese the "Concerned Students for a' Moderate door to lecture and tell the people how we B'uilding, and other colleges closed without governmental with Rangers and an armored A South Vietnamese miff troops instead. ° Brookdale," advocates of no strike, briefly feel," . the Stevens youth declared. "We continuing their* substitution consent. column was reported today tary communique reported : addressed faculty and administration. want the voters to write letters and peti- of seminars for regular Students from Drew and to have suffered 250 casual- The entrenched Viet Cong that 79 enemy troops were opened fire fyom • all sides ' At that session, Dr. Ervin L. Harlacher, tion' the government leaders to end the classes. neighboring Fairleigh Dickin- lies in heavy fighting with killed and 15 captured, includ- ; Cambodian crisis and the crisis within our son University again gath- Viet Cong troops in the Par- with rocket grenades and ma- president of the college, reiterated his ;The Rutgers Board of.Gov- ing a battalion commander, chine guns. Within a few min- stand, with the support of the faculty, that country."- ernors is also scheduled to eredoutside the.board as they rot's Beak north of the Cam- in the daylong fighting yes- While the school will not be closed, stu- ' Mr.
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