RPS STRUCTURE TOWNLAND DESCRIPTION REF NAME Three bay, two over basement rendered, T-shaped house. Natural slate hipped valley roof. Single storey, flat roof, extension to front and bay window extension S1 Abbeyville Somerset to side. Crest over front 2nd storey, middle bay. Timber sash windows. Stone outbuildings with brick quoins and arches. Three storey, three bay with double round-headed windows over porch which is of Abbeyville S2 Abbeyville glass and of perpendicular shape. Wide eaves. Stone gothic walls flanking house. House Straight pond or canal in front. Five bay, two storey derelict house. Natural slate roof with barges and rendered S3 Abbeyville Lackeen House chimneys on either end. Timber sash windows in bad repair Three bay, two storey pub on R438. Stone faced with natural slate hipped roof S4 Abbeyville Pub with two chimneys Three bay two storey house. Hipped natural slate roof with two chimneys. Single Aghnameadle S5 Aghnameadle storey bay to front centre with hipped slate roof. Rendered outhouse with pitched House natural slate roof. S6 Aghsmear Two storey, four bay farmhouse. Dashed. Natural slate pitched roof Three bay, two over basement, two bay deep. Four bay, two storey return to rear. S7 Aghsmear Aghsmear House Single storey porch to front. Timber sash windows with cut stone sills. Hipped, natural slate roof with valley. Decorative railing at entrance. Aglish Three bay, two storey farmhouse. Wet dashed. Hipped roof with two brick S8 Aglish Farmhouse chimneys and red ridge tiles. Glass porch to front Typical 'First Fruits' church with cut stone diagonal, stepped buttress and tower S9 Aglish Aglish Church also with diagonal, stepped buttress. Three bay, two over basement plus attic with dormer. Three bay deep. Rendered. Timber sash windows. Single storey pitched roof bay to front centre. Hipped S10 Annabeg Annabeg House natural slate roof. Two storey stone faced extension to rear with hipped roof. Stone outhouses (some white washed) with redbrick surrounded arches. Single storey three bay lodge opposite entrance. Hipped roof ( derelict/ruinous state) Dormer style cottage. Wet/Nap dash. Three bay, three chimneys. uPVC windows S11 Annagh Annagh Farm and conservatory to front. Wet dashed outhouses to the road. Three bay, one and a half storey cottage. Wet dash, natural slate pitched roof with S12 Annagh parapit eaves. Derelict, three bay two storey with natural slate roof and two chimneys. Arched S13 Arbourhill Arbour Hill timber sash windows. Single storey extension to side. Six bay, two storey over basement. Two, two storey bays to front with one two storey bay to side and single storey bay. Three storey return to rear. Deck at Ashleypark S14 Ashleypark ground floor to front. Timber sash windows with cut stone sills. Cut stone steps to House doorway. Cut stone arch to rear courtyard. Triple arch, dressed stone entrance gate with two storey dressed stone lodge. Very important 17th centuary H Plan strong house inside a large bawn, an addition S15 Ballinakill to a remodeled Tower House S17 Ballincor Lorrha Post Box Old post box at junction of Lorrha and R489 S18 Ballinderry Gurtnalougha House. Additions to form courtyard Killeen R.C. Church. Rendered with quoins. Pitched slate roof. Single storey flat roof bay to S20 Ballindigny Chapel front with parapet sides. Three bay, two storey, rendered with quoins house with hipped, tiled roof and pediment. Single storey bay at either gable end with pitched natural slate roof and Ballingarry S21 Ballingarry parapet eaves. Each side bay holds a single chimney and main house holds two House chimneys, each with three pots. Timber sash windows with quoins.. Flat roofed front porch/ sunroom. Arched window on first floor above door. Four bay single storey cottage with natural slate. One chimney. Timber sash S22 Ballingarry windows. The Pike Post S23 Ballingarry Post box Box Lodge-type house in ruins/derelict. Single storey, three bay. Rubble stone. Hipped S24 Ballinlough slate roof collapsing T-plan church with gable to road. Wet dash. Pitched natural slate roof. Arched S25 Ballinree Ballinree Church windows and doors. S26 Ballinree Ballinree School Three bay, single storey dashed school house. Pitched natural slate roof. Two storey, five bay house. Dashed. Two storey return to rear. Pitched natural Ballinwear S27 Ballinwear slate roof with chimney on opposite gables. Single storey pitched roof outhouses to House rear. Five bay, two storey house. Dashed. Natural slate pitched roof. Red brick S28 Ballyanny Lower chimneys. Single storey extension to gable end. (formerly a constabulary barracks) S29 Ballyanny Upper Ballyanny Mill Mill in ruin. Three storey cut stone. Remains of wheel and sluice still intact. Derelict. Five bay two storey house. Cut stone. Pitched natural slate roof. Red S30 Ballyanny Upper brick surrounding windows. Timber sash windows (without glass) S31 Ballyanrahan Kilmore Church Ruined stone church and graveyard Three bay, two storey. Arched doorway with fanlight and sidelights. Two storey S32 Ballyanrahan Kilmore House return top rear. Stone out buildings Ballyartella S33 Ballyartella Five arch stone bridge Bridge National Monument S34 Ballyartella Ballyartella Mill Five bay, two storey house. Pitched natural slate roof with chimney on gable ends. S35 Ballyartella Wet dash. Stone outbuildings to rear. Fine example of late 18th century small farm house Three bay, two storey house. Rendered. Hipped natural slate roof. Flat roof single Ballycapple S36 Ballycapplewood storey columned porch to front centre bay. Flat roof single storey extension to House gable end. Three bay, one and a half storey house. Three bay deep with rear two bays stepped back. Rendered with architrave surrounding windows and doors. Timber sash S39 Ballycraggan Ballycraggan windows. Fanlight over door. Pitched natural slate roof with valley between each bay. Two chimneys each containing three diamond shaped pots. Stone walled entrance with tree lined avenue. Two storey Glebe house with pitched slate roof. Dashed. Single storey protruding Ballinaclogh bay on ground floor gable end. Single storey flat roof protrusion to side. Two S40 Ballycrenode Glebe storey and single storey bow/bay on rear/side. Timber sash windows. Single and two storey outhouses to rear. Three bay, two storey house. Wet dash. Arched doorway with fanlight. Hipped Ballycrinode S41 Ballycrinode natural slate roof. Cut stone sills. Two storey and single storey flat roof extensions House to rear. Two storey stone outbuildings to rear. Three bay, two storey house. Dashed. Hipped natural slate roof. Single storey S42 Ballygasheen hipped roof extension to gable end. Single storey hipped roof protrusion to front centre bay. Three bay, two storey house. Hipped natural slate roof. Arched doorway with S43 Ballyhasty fanlight and sidelights. Timber windows. Hipped natural slate roof. Wet dash Three bay, two over basement. Plaster removed and stone faced. Red brick S44 Ballyhimikin Millview surrounding windows. Hipped natural slate roof. Timber sash windows. Fanlight over door and sidelights. Three bay, two storey over basement. Return to rear. Recessed doorway. Hipped S45 Ballyhimkin Rockford House natural slate roof. Timber sash windows. Rendered with quoins. Two three storey bows to side elevation. L-shaped, two storey stone house attached to stone outbuildings. Red brick surrounding windows, doors and arches. Hipped natural slate roof with red brick S46 Ballyhimkin Rockford chimneys. Two storey bow/half tower to rear. Extensive courtyard of stone Outbuildings and stables. two cut stone pillars and stone wall with cast iron gate on entrance. Ballyhogan Two storey house with unusual lean-to to rear. Hipped natural slate roof. Currently S47 Ballyhogan House derelict and used for farm storage. Three bay, two storey lodge with wet dash render. Pitched roof with natural slate and parapet eaves. Two cut stone chimneys. Timber sash windows on upper floor with stone sills. Two ground floor bay windows - new addition* but with old S48 Ballyina Ballyina Lodge windows and concrete sills. Two lean two extensions to rear with very recent single story extension to rear and conservatory to side. Three cut stone outhouses (limestone) with arches and wall ties. Quarter mile avenue entrance with post and rail fencing and new tree planting. Stone walled entrance to house. Seven bay, two storey house. Pitched, natural slate roof. Wet dash. Two storey, S49 Ballykelly Ballykelly House two bay addition to rear. Lean-to to gable end and at back entrance S50 Ballykelly Spafield House Three bay, two storey house in ruins. Recessed two storey to gable end. Three bay, two storey over basement. Rendered. uPVC windows. Pitched natural S52 Ballyknockane MillGrove slate roof. Rubble stone pillars at entrance. Stone wall in curtilage in ruins Three bay, two over basement rendered house. Natural slate hipped roof. Original S53 Ballyloughane Castle View timber sash windows on all but basement floor. Arched doorway with fanlight and sidelights/windows*, slight reveal around doorway with stone steps to door. Five bay, two storey farmhouse. Wet dash. Parapet eaves, natural slate roof with S54 Ballymacegan Farmhouse red ridge tiles. Two chimneys. Timber sash windows Three bay two storey to front with pitched natural slate roof and roof light. Wet Castle View / S55 Ballymacegan dash render with quoins and cut stone sills. Cut stone arch on door. Single storey Whitehall lean to extension to side. Winds and door of uPVC. Three bay, two storey cottage with lean-to extension to rear. Parapet eaves with S56 Ballymacegan two chimneys and natural slate roof. Single storey pitched porch to front. Timber sash windows S58 Ballymagree Republican Monument. Stone Ballynaclogh Five bay, dormer cottage. Pitched natural slate roof with roof light. Red brick S60 Ballynaclogh Post Office chimneys. Stone outbuildings Three bay two storey house. Four bay deep. Single storey flat roof protrusion to S61 Ballynaclogh Bayly Farm front centre bay containing doorway. Hipped natural slate roof. Some timber sash windows remain. Dormer extension to rear. Church (The T-Plan type church with porch to front and glass porch to either side.
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