EDITED BY ARTHUR GRIFFITH Vol. 1. No, 31. (New Series). 8ATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th, 1917. PRICE ONE PENNY. "" ' 1 ' = * ■ • = " —• — r............ V ---------------' ----------------- 1 WBBK BY WBBK. order around the Excise Departments to ‘ the Dublin Castle has seen fit to take his Commis­ end of hampering Mr. MacDonagh' in every sion of the Peace from Jiim does not detract way. - from his well-deserved popularity in his native On Sunday the banner of Sinn Fein was ♦ ♦ ♦ district, where he is well known and appre­ raised in all the provinces. In Leinster great But Mr. MacDonagh went on successfully ciated by all.” public meetings were held at Ballymahon extracting. Irish money which the Commis- ♦ ♦ «. <t- (Longford), Trim (Meath), Athgarvan (Kil­ sionerfe ha«i unfairly grabbed. In one single The following is the letter'received Mr. dare), Borrit (Carlow), Edenderry (Offaly) and case he-extracted recently a sum of £ 2,200 foi Rohan:— Glonmacnoise, “ the- -. chief speakers being a victimised Irishman. The indignation of Crown and Hanaper Office, , Madame Markievicz, and Messrs. McGuinness, the British government then began to boil Four Courts, Dublin, M .I.P.; Cosgrave, ’M.I.P..; Count Plunkett, over. Mr. MacDonagh was arrested for mak­ 30th day of August, 1917. M.I.P.; Alderman Kelly . W. L. Cole, M. J. ing a seditious 'speecl$ The battalion of tes­ Sir, , Lennon, S. Brown, E. J. .Duggan, Harry timony* appeared and swore that, referring to I am directed by the Lord Chancellor to in- JBoland, M. Collins, P . Cosgrave, and R. the unhappy maniJvettle, he said Lieut. Kettle , form you that a new Commission of the Peace O’Connor. In Munster meetings were held at had been shot, ahd it-was a damned good job. for the County of Clare has been issued and Ballylanders, Killarney, and Doon> the chief Mr. MacDonagh branded the statement as pei- that your name has not been included therein.* speakers being Messrs. Ginnell, M .I.P .; Sean jury. We would as easily believe that two -You will accordingly understand that from this Milroy, Piaras Beaslai, and Con Collins.' In and three make six; as that Mr. MacDonagh date you cease to be entitled to sit or act as a Ulster great ✓meetings were held at Cavan would use such a phrase. But Mr. MacDonagh Justice of the Peace for the County. Town, Omagh., ■> Coalisland, and Tyron’e, the was, of course, convicted and sent to prison, I am, Sir, speakers being Messrs. De Valera, M .I.P .; and the Income Tax Extractors are thanking Your obedient Servant, {Arthur Griffith, Eoin MacNeill, Darrell Fig­ Mammon for the Defence of the Realm Act. GERALD HORAN. gis, J. K. O’Reilly, George Murnaghan, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ and Dr. McNabb.-' Mr. McEntee, who was convicted by court- “ Gerald Horan ” is one o f the string of re­ ♦ ♦ ♦ martial at Belfast, has- had an unique experi­ latives whom the Lord Chancellor has pitch- The Mitchelstpwn Aeridheacht, at which Mr. ence. A report appeared jn the Press of a forked into sinecure positions at the expense of Ginnell was ‘fo speak, was proclaimed by tiie statement or speech* supposed to have been the Irish taxpayers since he7 got his job. ♦ <s> -s» ■ British military authorities at the last pio- made by him. The' published statement was ment. In' support of the proclamation—we not the statement, he made. It grossly misre­ Mr. Hpran will have another full day’s work in dictating a similar communication to Mr. D. quote from the u Daily Independent ’ u of -Mon- presented, and falsified what he did say. ’ From J. Flavin, J.P., who has addressed the follow­ . aay— “ Qver police, under the command of whom did the Press get it? '200 ing letter to Mr. Horan’s benevolent relative: the Cc^. Inspector and. 5 District Inspectors, ♦ ♦ ♦ were drafted into the town, together with a “ Apropos of my trial,*’ writes Mr. McEntee, •Church SV, Listowel, • “ I see. in the account of the ^proceed­ 7th September, .1917. large force of military. Armoured cars and Secretary, Lord Chancellor, a motor ambulance paraded the streets, ings, as published in some of the Belfast papers,, and presumably .in the Dublin papers* Four .Courts, Dublin machine-guns were .placed at various ljoints of S&, vantage is ilie tO^ny and military snipers were also/ what purports' to' be a statement*of mine. posted on seveTOTxrees in the neighbourhood."’ I should have been ashamed to make such a I have been commanded by my local Sinn ♦ ♦ *•: statement. Moreover, I don’t know where tlfe Fein. Club to resign my office of Justice of the. Peace. The holding of such office, which is ' Thus the great war for Democracy and the Press got their report from, as there was no connected with the administration, 'to a cer­ Bights of Small Nations is being waged by Press representative present when I spoke. As tain extent, of so-called British justice in Ire­ England. it was, I simply re-asserted.our right to politi­ ♦ ♦ cal independence,' and our {ight to achieve it land, is inconsistent with the ideals and prin- * TyrQng rallied to the Sinn Fein banner at if we could. I -then crossed the ‘ t’s ’ and dot­ ciples of the Sinn Fein policy. Answering this Omagh, XJarrickmore, and Coalisland on Sun­ ted the ‘ i’s ’ of the police evidence, and told comlhand, I resign my office of J.P.-ship, and day.. The “ Competent Military Authority for the court they could make what they liked of ask you to remove/my name from list of Jus­ Ireland,” about whose identity ther^ seems to it:” Where did the Press get the false re­ tices for Co. Kerry. be a dispute at headquarters—both Sir Bryan port? x -Faithfully Yours, ♦ ♦ DANIEL J. FLAVIN. Mahon and Major-General Fry claiming and ♦ ♦ ♦ using the title— proclaimed a procession in The notorious Loughrea .Board— inspired b y , With a shudder we have read in a circular -Omagh which , had never been contemplated. the meanest sneak save one in the ranks of officially issued by the Ancient Order of Hiber­ At Carrickmore, where Mr. M. M‘Cartan, Y.S., the Redmondite Party— is at it again. At the latest meeting, Mr. P. Cahill presiding, and nians (Board of Erin), to its members, the presided, Messrs. De Valera and Griffith* ad­ following:— dressed an enthusiastic meeting of over the other members'present being W . J. Greene, 2,000 The only European country which has people and ten supporters of Mr: Redmond, James Staunton, John O’Loughlin, Martin - withstood the attacks of the enemy of re­ who having groaned at the opening of the Ward, and James Connell, Mr. Greene pro­ ligion is Germany, and she has been enabled proceedings, joined in acclaiming the resolu-^ posed a vote of condolence on the death of the' to fight her battles SQlely.on account of the tions at the end. In the evening a meeting of Bishop of Limerick— “ a great.^Irishman and a splendid organisation’of ner forces. Jlere is over 3,000 people was addressed at Omagh great Churchman.” There was no seconder. by Messrs. De Valera, Griffith, and George Mr. John O’Loughlin, however, delivered him­ an example, for Ireland to follow if her people are desirqus of keeping intact the faith of Murnaghan,' Father McKenna, C.C., presid­ self of a speech worthy of his head and his character. He said charity should begin at our people. ing. At Coalisland Messrs. Eoin MacNeill and ♦ o o Darrell Figgis addressed an enthusiastic home, and proposed, & vote of condolence with the parents of an infant a few weeks old which This is, we admit; an assassination of the gathering of 4,000 men of Tyrone. The only English language,' but there it is— Germany * person in Tyrone ron- Sunday who audibly de­ had died*. The vote was solemnly passed. The creatures who implied that the death of a little held up as the exemplar to Catholic Ireland— clared that the Sinn -Fein policy was unsound held up by the bosses of the A.O.H. to the was a person in charge of a keeper sitting on a infant was' a greater loss to Ireland than the death of the greatest Churchman and one of members ofjtne A.O.H. But then, this was in bank outside the gate.of the Omagh Lunatic 1913, before England gave the cue to the Asylum. the greatest Irishmen o f our time tempted Mr. ♦ ' ♦ ♦ Greene into, speaking some of the truth about placehunters who manipulated that organis­ . At Ashford; in Wicklow, on Thursday night them. He said they were a low, contemptible ation to represent Germany as the.enemy of crew of creatures in the image of m en.' To Catholicism* of last week *an enthusiastic public meeting ♦ ♦ ♦ 'in support of Sinn Fein, and presided over by the parents of the infant whose death these Mr. 0. M. Byrne, Co.’ President of the A.O.H., ' bipeds used-as a cover for insult to the ’memory A deputation from the Belfast Co-operative was. addressed by Mr. Arthur Griffith, Mr. of Dr. O’Dwyer we offer our sympathy, and Society'recently waited upon the British Chief , Darrell Figgis,. Dr. Boyd-Barrett, and other the assurance that- Loughrea will kick them' Secretary, in Dublin, in the hope that he might speakers. East Wicklow, next jto South Dub­ back to their natural mud when it gets an op- get the “ card” system of sugar distribution lin, possesses the largest number of Tory voters *portunity of voting. applied to Ireland. This means the provision of any constituency outside Ulster; but with ♦ ♦ ♦ of a fixed quantity of sugar for each house­ the rapid and effective organisation o f the con­ Mr ."Rohan, J.P., of Killaloe, Co.
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