1.. WELLINGTON COAL WE ARE PROMPT VVhvn you wont any Express, Fur­ l’V niture Van or Truck work done, HALL & WALKER phone us. F V %Wt 1232 Government St. * Phone 8S. PACIFIC TRANSFER 737 Cormorant 8t.? -Phu ie<| $43, Î4». 71*ffgage Stored. ÎT; C «rnWVTTTfj; 1*ik*T» NO. 23 m ALLX. Government Troops B9A German Submarine RECURRENCE OF WORLD WAR A NATIONAL Was Destroyed on Put Down Riot in Coast Near Calais Capital of Russia BROUGHT ON BY GERMANY IS CALLED BY KERENSKY ; London, July 27. Fresh and v oient I \trin, July -7. A German sub­ -fighting'occurred In the .tree,, of Pet- marine was destroyed on Thursday, oh • ,grad the last two day», according tq TO BE MADE IMPOSSIBILITY the French coast, west of Calais The , diauMlh from petrograd to The Cop­ SUMMONS TO LEADERS enhagen Tldende. tninamltted hy the undersea boat weal ashore and the ns.hang- Telegraph Company. The crew, unable to f#c* tier, opcned-~w Xtrrhie K— ial.-i. organised a great gasoline tank* «»d sotrftre to the ves­ r v.H ihe diapatch add», hut the Clov- Entente Representatives Before Separating At Moscow Next Tuesday; Advance by sel. The members of the.crew reach- j ernment troop» Immediately Interfered; ert the Shore, where they -were mad? ji jnd tty riot was suppressed after lively at Paris Declare Nations Absolutely . Roumanians; Further Withdrawals by priïBBÎI**, United to Attain Their Goal Russians; Germans Say Kolomea Taken BORDEN SHOULD DROP Paris, July 27.—The representatives of the Allies yesterday con­ Petrograd, July 27.—Tlie extreme gravity of this country's posi cluded their conference here after announcing a decision" to continue British Took La Basse Ville, In- tion at the front and internally has impelled Premier Kerensky to OUT; A LEADER NEEDED the war until the objects for which the Allies are fighting have been convoke on July 31 at Moscow an extraordinary national council. flictins Severe Losses; attained. Their declaration, made unamimously before they separ- All the members of the Duma, prominent men from chief centres of Later Withdrew STATES TORONTO STAR ated, reads: - the country, nnd representatives of the zemstvos, municipalities, labor “The Allied Powers, more closely united than ever for the de­ unions and universities will participate. fence of the peoples’ rights, particularly in the Balkan Peninsula, are The council will hold two sessions, at which the Government will Ottawa. July 27.—Sir Robert Borden still Th proffering portfolios SMALL ENEMY ATTACK resolved not to lay down their arms until they have attained the end be asked to make an exhaustive report on the condition of the coun without finding any takers. The ilesperate attempt to Hooure a eoali- SOUTH OF CAMBRAI which in their eyes dominates all others—to render impossible a re­ try and answer questions and will ask opinions of authoritative tion with Sir Wilfrid Laurier after Sir Robert hail framed hi* pokey turn of cririlïnal aggression such as that for which the Central Em­ persons on how best to save the fatherliind from ruin. having failed. Sir Robert now w striving to secure a union fibvent pires bear the responsibility/’ Explaining the scheme to day. Premier Kerensky declared that meut which would leave Sir Wilfrid mit. His efforts at first were Ir.ndon, July Brtlbda troop» la»t There was unanimous agreement on all decision reached during attempts to move the revolution backwards were impossible. Con night captured 1-a Basse X llle. In Bel­ eon fined to the House, and flattering advances were made to. Liberals gium. near the French border, hut »ub- the meetings. The Ministers of the countries affected wUl meet in i.. I<-stort- ihi monarcTPaT* settuently withdraw in the fare "f a sptrurie* to « » -i< who. because of the fact that they had voted for conse,-ipLon, were London to draw up the executive measures. : German counter-sttavk I" tone, the *.fV.Tuinxnt w.OJuM ..be considered in have left tf# party to which they bad belonged. Menant wâr- nrnvvreport*. : ■' and merciless RUSSIAN CAVALRY the most determined Artillery Fighting. irdee, Graham. —way”............. J— "“rJ~ ..... ,1U,hr"'!l ENTENtTwILL TAKE British Hc«tl«lu;trters in France. July ' As‘ up indication of the P- ll- V :ind 27.—(By the Aes«»< Uled' Pres*.)—The prominently mentioned1 as possibilities firm III. ■ mi n !.. hr taken. Kron.lr.lt FOUGHT HEROICALLY TROOPS FROM ANCIENT artillery fighting along the western HU6E FORMER ENEMY S.S. VATERIAND . rrvehe4 .m ultimatum lo hand owr for a Borden Cabinet. front continues to grow apace, partic­ ll,n- of thr . filer Itotohtvikl agitator», t'hfnrtunafely for the calculation. GREECE VERY SHORTLY ularly in Flanders, and last night was li,eluding the notor,lou» Hosvhal. I" Ih- majority of these men «e,,- unable marked also by infantry thrusts at ABOUT TO BE PUT INTO SERVM ..........r a refusal the Island-will ‘ 1,1 see. why. simply because they had various positions. In one of these the Kotniloff Having Traitors Shot Parts; -July 27 — The F.nteutc dev I irt-d blockaded. voted with the - Government on con- British troops occupied I*a Basse Ville, rowers de-ided st the conference '1 hu newspapers declare the post- Si rlplhm. they should he expected to after Inflicting sex ere losses on the Lenjne Once More àt here ,n the Balkan situation to II,,I, ... III. III.lit IS. -.nn.-what ll"* endorse the other Isdli les >.f 111*1 11*1 * Germans. This place was In process withdraw their troop» ns soon as ALLIES BY STATES AFTER REPAIRS ...... ...i a. thr rmi'mitton of T.irno- Large den administration and abandon Ihe of consolidation1 early to-day. (This possible front ancient Greece, Thes­ p..| |_s ...rnsnlrl.U to h..'.. bxfn nierai I.nnctpteg which they had held dispatch was written before the time so too*. Tlu.i rxf*tr tàmm* mm wij saly and Kptru*. or me German counter-attack. In con-, sequence of which to-day s British vf* ****** rev I't------------ -permimia. July *T. Aerotfm* et the .l-xlrn .li-l In th- ihtvnrnmen, pros» »s 11,-lal report st:it#?« the British with­ Washington. July 27.—The hig tier until steamship X'alvrlami trlmm.rs mit disloyalist» 'inly two „ , ir.„, M ,‘y 4 • ’"Roumanian battles in Oallria which have reached drew from I>a Basse Ville.) seized at New York by the American Government when war was de- . 1 i .„ ~l't .ward thr upper here say the Kueslan cavalrymen ot them are m.nlloned now with sny British troops also carried out a •' ' •- l rj .ld tn («WW Uke lirruea. fiuwavka. Co- degree „f respect These are Mr. successful raid north of I «a Basse road. elared In the I’niteit States mi Germany, will be ready for service reavh'-s of t •‘ Rotr- operating with Russian an<l .British Guthrie and Hr Clark. The former BERLIN IS CRYING German troops yesterday made an shortly. Repairs to the ship have oust slightly less than $1.000.000. .-..i, .ntt «W. I «Sored mu,..r rank defrndr.. the , III spe ,k at the Win-1he-War .1 in­ aiHSTk' on a small section of British r ati"" n ' 1 tn.ml , Mereth-tine a« long a* thr Ira.l hill.. vention to be held In Tor.nlu next trenches in the neighborhood of Hon- More than half the Herman vessels taken over by the United tureil MX vim......... 1 i remained. Il l« reported that nrtlllery- « ... k The I ill , 1» to start .1 fli.iiiiu* necourt, south of Vamhral. A party of states have been repaired and put <>n the seas. All those taken in I imrt IM-'I'XI ,'13.wk the* men ..n their kyea Implored, the tn- sword * im| ...... through 10I tp.- ■ ■ ■<>- alitout 100 raiders, divided into three li‘ , "V, German Infantry .... fnntrr I" «»'" 'heir ««« but the in- try on behalf ,.t the Government. section*, succeeded In penetrating the American continental porta will have been repaired in a fexv weeks. ^u,h4t-orr..n,ry d,., no, .................. ", Into the Byways. front line after heavy barrage tire What part of the war budget, which War I>epartment officials to-day ex­ image M ua o- iz, ska. In Kastern Galicia General KornltofTs orders to .shoot So now the Government h»» gone may reach $l0.0eo.0v<?.000. will be plained estimates of more than $5,- Notices Every Day in News- portion of the British trenches#^ t0 hvla-en the I 111 tester Ulcer and < -r- traitors and marauder* are being rar- into the highway» and byways to se­ raised by taxation, and on what com­ 000.000,000 for maintenance of the ,,all,Ians Ihe Kussian tor—» * untfliul rW-d out. The commander of a grena­ lf peràdventure some "loyal'- Liberals papers; Ornaments Com- German Statement. modities the levies will fait are being military forces of the United» States l, retire In an easier ll direction. dier division has been removed for re­ may he found who will Join for.-e» with Berlin. July 27. Because of .unfavor­ considered ..by the Senate Ftnanie until July next year. The Committee Southeast of Tr-mbewla. In Oetlela, fusing to fire, on deserters. It and "save ,h„ vountl'y," It pla-es matideeiedjn Westphalia able fighting condition* the artillery Committee, which is revising the war hopes to have the revised bill ready near the ltuaelan border, the lMssiun The fifth cyclist battalion fought grea't hopes in . Ihe Toronto cuhxcn- duel on the western front decreased tax hill. next week. i„.„ps retired a short distance to new most bravely It kept off three Gcr- lion, whhh proposes to express the yesterday, an official statement Issued DOblUunH.
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