“Delivering news and information. At home and around the world.” • “Des nouvelles d’ici et quelque part dans le monde.” Volume 51 • Issue 35 • August 26, 2016 Sandra Hussey sales representative EXIT REALTY GROUP Brokerage, Independently Owned & Operated Direct 613 438-5588 Off: 613.394.1800 S e r v i n g 8 W i n g / C F B T r e n t o n • 8 e E s c a d re / B F C T r e n t o n • w w w . t h e c o n t a c t n e w s p a p e r. c f b t r e n t o n . c o m >> Training concludes for another >> Canal Pursuit for Mental Health >> ‘A dead airman in Canada is just as summer at Trenton Cadet Training 2016 takes place from Sept. 11 to dead as a dead airman in Europe’ Centre Sept. 23 Approximately 400 cadets displayed Clay Williams does this run to raise Second World War pilot recalls EXIT’S #1 SALES REPRESENTATIVE their skills in ‘outstanding and awareness for the Mood Disorders time as fl ying instructor in IRP DND Approved exceptional parade’ 2 Society of Canada 3 Canada at the BCATP 8 Lt.-Col. Darryl Rolfe moving on from commanding the Trenton Cadet Training Centre By Ross Lees Columbia even, if that’s where a position opened up and he was of- ieutenant-Colonel (Lt.-Col.) fered the job. “I’m not a ski bum, LDarryl Rolfe has rung his last I’m a live-to-ski kind of guy,” he bell to open another Trenton Ca- added with a smile. det Training Centre (TCTC). Lt.-Col. Rolfe has had little time He won’t be returning as the to think of the change over the Commanding Offi cer (CO) of the past few months as he has con- TCTC next year, but at this stage, centrated on his job as the CO of he’s not sure where he will be. the TCTC this year. Fewer cadets He has been offered a job at the attended the programs this year Regional Cadet Support Unit and as there was an issue with mould has applied to several positions, in the modular accommodations, some within the region. But with but that issue is expected to be the renewal within the cadet pro- fi xed by next year and the camp gram taking place, he is willing Continued on page 5 to travel to get the position he wants, even to the west coast, Lt.-Col. Darryl Rolfe has rung where he could satisfy his urge his last bell to open another to ski. TCTC summer training ses- “I’m an ardent skier,” he sion although he does not laughed, acknowledging his know at this point where he willingness to travel to British will be going. Cadets become newest Canadian pilots at Wings Parade By Ross Lees learned to fl y a glider but also Achieving their wings was included navigation skills, a high level of achievement ixty-seven of Canada’s meteorology, air law, and air- for the cadets, but was as- Snewest pilots graduated plane handling. sisted by a large number of at a Wings Parade at Cana- Reviewing Offi cer and people, even above and be- dian Forces Detachment Deputy Commander of the yond the people immediately (CFD) Mountain View late National Cadet and Cana- visible during the course like last week. dian Junior Rangers Sup- the fi re department, Military The parade marked the port Group in Ottawa Colonel Police, local hospitals, rods, end of the Glider Pilot Schol- (Col.) David Proteau noted grounds and maintenance arship Course and each of through the recitation of the crews, base logistics, security Cadet Harris receives his “wings” from Reviewing O cer and Deputy these new pilots was pre- poem High Flight that these as provided by the Commis- Commander of the National Cadet and Canadian Junior Rangers Sup- sented with their “wings” cadets had “slipped the surly sionaires, and the various port Group in Ottawa Colonel (Col.) David Proteau at the Wings Parade after going through the six- bonds of earth” and “touched lodger units and squadrons at CFD Mountain View Aug. 18. Photo by Ross Lees week course where the cadets the face of God.” Continued on page 7 NEW PATIENTS ALWAYS WELCOME! Family, Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry 613-392-2563 Conscious Sedation | Personalized Payment Terms 499 Dundas St. W, Trenton Prompt Emergency Service www.westenddentaltrenton.com Orthodontist & Denturist on Staff Electronic Claims Submissions EVENINGS & SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE We put a smile on your face. 2 - The Contact News August 26, 2016 Training concludes for another summer at Trenton Cadet Training Centre Approximately 400 cadets displayed their skills in ‘outstanding and exceptional parade’ The Colour Party stands By Ross Lees at attention as part of the pproximately 400 Air Ca- parade in front of a very Adets left it all on the parade large crowd of family and square as they displayed their friends last week. skills at the final graduation pa- Photos by Ross Lees rade at the Trenton Cadet Train- ing Centre (TCTC). All courses in the summer TCTC programs graduated in this one massive parade and im- pressed the many family mem- bers in attendance along with the many military personnel who Reviewing Officer Brig.-Gen. Frances Allen and TCTC Commanding Officer witnessed the parade. Lt.-Col. Darryl Rolfe speak to cadets as they inspect the troops during the final Reviewing Officer Brigadier- graduation parade of 2016. General Frances Allen, the Di- rector General Cyberspace in the their families. “Team work is a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), fundamental part of our lives, said she was impressed with the it’s a part of what makes our “outstanding and exceptional pa- communities and our schools rade.” work. You know you have a re- She said the cadets at the TCTC ally good team when the people had acquired amazing individual on that team know the value skills and they should be proud they represent and the value of of what they had accomplished. the other people when they are “More important even than committed to the goal your team those individual skills is the team is trying to accomplish and when work and the learning to work to- they are sometimes willing to gether,” she told the cadets and put aside their own needs for the betterment of the team.” AVAILABLE AT She encouraged the cadets to OUR OFFICE AT take those skills back to their 250 SIDNEY squadrons, schools and commu- nities “…and be the great Canadi- STREET, an leaders that all of you can be.” BELLEVILLE The National President of the Air Cadet League of Canada, Mr. Don Berrill, was enthusias- OR CALL tic with his praise of the parade and the young men and women 613-966-2034 attending the TCTC, noting it EXT 526 FOR DETAILS was a fitting celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Canadian Cadet Program. Mr. Berrill encouraged the ca- Band leader Camejo Espitia salutes as she dets to look at the people stand- marches past Reviewing Officer Brig.-Gen. ing beside them because they Frances Allen. would be the people they would Commanding Officerments, athletic prowess have fun with as they advanced of the TCTC, Lieuten- and a strong competi- through the air cadet program ant-Colonel (Lt.-Col.) tive spirit throughout that involves 25,000 cadets across Darryl Rolfe said the the summer. Canada along with 10,000 civil- successful parade was “Your dedication, ian volunteers. the culmination of enthusiasm and youth- “You are magnificent and you many weeks of dedica- ful spirit uplifts this make the Air Cadet system oh so tion by a myriad of indi- training centre every proud,” he told the cadets. viduals and groups. day you are here. The He told the cadets to Training Centre staff be proud of their accom- have enjoyed a front plishments. row seat watching “You have prepared what our young people for today with dedica- are capable of. I am tion and enthusiasm confident that our com- and it shows,” he said. munities and a broader “You have demonstrated Canada will be in good there is simply no finer hands under their youth development pro- care,” he told the audi- Dr. Mike Steen gram than the cadet pro- ence. Dr. Fiona Gilchrist gram.” While he wished them Dr. Adrianna Sage Lt.-Col. Rolfe said he a good remainder of the Dr. Maarje Armstong had witnessed countless summer, he added that Tel: 613-394-4811 •Fax: 613-394-6239 examples of tremen- they only had to wait 17532 Hwy #2, RR#4 Trenton, ON K8V 5P7 dous team work, self- another 46 weeks for Food Room less acts to support each next year’s cadet camp Tel: 613-394-2953 other, academic achieve- in Trenton. www.hillcrestanimalhospital.ca Photos continued on page 6 August 26, 2016 News 3 - The Contact Canal Pursuit for Mental Health 2016 takes place from Sept. 11 to Sept. 23 Clay Williams does this run to raise awareness for the Mood Disorders Society of Canada By Second Lieutenant Ken Jacobson, 8 Wing Public Affairs n Sept. 11, Clay Williams Ofrom Waterloo, Ontario will commence a 13-day, 750-kilome- tre marathon, focused on rais- ing awareness and funds for the Mood Disorders Society of Can- ada (MDSC). The aim is to erase the stigma associated with de- pression and other mental health issues and encourage people af- fected by depression and other mental illnesses to reach out for help.
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