LCJE Bulletin Issue 121, August-September 2015 The 10th International Conference in Jerusalem Networking Jewish Evangelism LCJELausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism From the Coordinator The LCJE Tenth International Conference ended in Jerusalem on Au- gust 21, 2015, with well over two hundred participants from six con- tinents, including many Israeli believers. I want to thank again our tremendous conference staff for all that they did to make this confer- ence a wonderful success, beginning with Israel Area Coordinator and LCJE Bulletin our Country Host, David Zadok, his executive assistant Yulia Zlatkov, Issue No. 121 LCJE Secretary Christine Fulcrod, Alec Goldberg, Efraim and Jeannie August-September 2015 Goldstein, Ann Hilsden, Dan Sered and Simon Stout, as well as the excellent staff of Sar-El Tours. © Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism Elections: We want to welcome and congratulate the new members of the International Coordinating Committee (ICC), Bodil Skjott and Editor: Jim Melnick Dan Sered, and also very much thank Ann Hilsden and Mitch Glaser for their many years of service on the ICC. We have two new area co- Printed by: Wave Printing & ordinators: Rolf Heitmann for Europe and Efraim Goldstein for Israel. Graphics, Fredericksburg, VA We extend our deep thanks to Jean-Paul Rempp and David Zadok for USA their dedicated service to their respective regions. Papers and Presentations. This issue includes some conference Published February, May, papers and presentations. Other conference papers and presentations August, and November can be downloaded from: www.lcje.net/IndexofPapers2015. html or by going to “Papers” from the LCJE homepage and clicking Address: P.O. Box 5501 on “2015 Papers.” Falmouth, VA 22403 USA Photos. Bob Mendelsohn’s photos from the conference can be found at: http://bit.ly/LCJE2015 Individual membership US $25 Conference Survey: I also want to thank Yoel Ben David and Dan annually; subscription US $15 Sered for putting together an excellent survey for us of our Jerusalem payable to ‘LCJE’ conference. Survey results can be downloaded from the main LCJE. net webpage. Some of these responses and other comments from Payment: By check or bank various conference participants will help guide the ICC and regional wire transfer; see www.LCJE.net coordinators in future conference planning and decision-making. (under “Contact”) Articles in this Issue. We open this issue with the very welcome news of Barry Barnett’s return to Israel, follwong an extensive legal CONTENTS battle. Next, one of the highlights of our Jerusalem conference was honoring many of the Messianic Pioneers in the Land of Israel. Bill 2 From the Coordinator Bjoraker wove together many of their stories into a beautiful tapestry. 3 Barry Barnett returns to His article in this issue on Rabbi Daniel Zion grew out of that effort. Israel Dan Sered, who led the ‘Next Generation’ night at the conference, 4 Rabbi Daniel Zion of Bulgaria shares his insights and the small group responses from that evening 7 LCJE: The Next Generation in his article, “LCJE: The Next Generation.” 9 Update on Jewish Believers Next, Dr Skarsaune gives us an update on his Jewish Believers in in Jesus series Jesus series. Barry Rubin follows with information on his compilation 11 Messianic Resources for of new Messianic resources available for Jewish evangelism. Jewish Evangelism We close this issue with Jim Sibley’s paper from the Jerusalem conference that carried the provocative title, “The ‘Lost Gospel’ of 13 The ‘Lost Gospel’ of Jerusalem.” I think most readers will be very encouraged by Jim’s Jerusalem analysis and conclusions of this ‘lost Gospel’. Let us pray that many 20 Upcoming LCJE Meetings; more outside of our ranks may also ‘fi nd’ and embrace this Gospel of Virtual Tour of the Temple the priority of Jewish evangelism! DVD 21 Sample Survey Results — CEO Meeting **SAVE THE DATES**: The next CEO conference 10th International is now scheduled for May 8-12, 2017. The location is yet to be deter- Conference mined. 23 Photos from Jerusalem: The 10th International In our sure hope for the coming salvation of Israel. Jim Melnick Conference Isaiah 45:17: “Israel shall be saved by an everlasting salvation...” Front cover photo: Group photo of attendees at LCJE Tenth International [email protected] Conference in Jerusalem (August 2015) 2 Barry Barnett Returns to Israel! By Jim Melnick, LCJE International Coordinator Dan Sered Alison Barnett Barry Barnett Jim Melnick (Ben Gurion Airport, August 10, 2015) Returned to Israel! be the legal game that is being On August 10, 2015, just a few Implications played. It apparently gives some days before the opening of the Although Barry’s return to Israel cover to the anti-missionaries LCJE 10th International Confer- is a great step forward, full vic- and immigration offi cials who ence in Jerusalem, Barry Barnett tory remains incomplete. Justice appear to have colluded to vio- successfully returned to Israel. has yet to be served. Neverthe- late Barnett’s civil and religious He and his wife Alison were wel- less, his legal team worked very rights in the fi rst place. As far as comed by a small group at Ben hard to bring things to this point, is known, none of those offi cials Gurion Airport, where we await- and for that, his supporters are has been reprimanded or called ed word in the Arrivals Hall that very thankful. But, in order to out for what they did - beyond Barry’s attempt to return to Israel enter Israel, Barry was required, the publicity of the Israel Su- would be successful. Besides his for example, to retain a large preme Court case itself. successful Israel Supreme Court bond promising that he would Nevertheless, we rejoice that case, Barry also carried with him not ‘work’ in the country based Barry was fi nally able to return to a letter from the Ministry of Inte- on the terms of his tourist visa. the Land of Israel without further rior authorizing entry into Israel This was an absurd claim from hindrance. For that we give the following a previous deportation the very beginning of this entire Lord all the praise! order that barred him from the episode, and yet the Israeli gov- country for up to ten years (for ernment has maintained this fi c- Jim Melnick more on Barry Barnett’s story tion - as if Barnett is somehow [email protected] and legal case, please see LCJE poised to ‘work’ in Israel and Bulletin, November 2013, Issue must be formally barred by gov- #114, pp. 4-6; and November ernment order from doing so! 2014, Issue #118, pp. 4-5) However, that continues to 3 Rabbi Daniel Zion Pioneering Insider Witness within the Traditional Jewish Community in Eretz Yisrael By Bill Bjoraker, PhD Associate Professor of Judeo-Christian Studies, William Carey International University, Pasadena, California, specialist in oral strategies in education and mission, and adjunct professor in the Messianic Jewish Studies Program, The Kings University, Gateway, South Lake, Texas Editor’s Note: At the 10th International Conference in Jerusalem, Bill Bjoraker masterfully wove together a series of stories and testimonies of many of the early Messianic Pioneers in the Land of Israel. Since our conference time was limited, many of these stories by necessity had to be abbreviated. The amazing story of Rabbi Daniel Zion and the Jews of Bulgaria, is one such story, which Bill shares with us here in much greater detail. J.M. No, not I; no, not I, only you are Yeshua in me. Only you bring me before the God of my fathers, Only you can heal me from every evil illness, No not I, No not I, only you are Yeshua in me! Only you teach me to love all creation, Only you teach me to love even the enemy, No not I, No not I, only you are Yeshua in me! For this reason I will stay in your love, For ever will I be within your will, No not I, No not I, only you are Yeshua in me! — Rabbi Daniel Zion Bill Bjoraker Introduction Messiah. He asked other rabbis agent in saving the Bulgarian Born in 1883 in Thessaloniki, what it meant. They couldn’t say, Jewish community from the Na- where there was a large Jewish so he fi nally went to the Bulgar- zis. When in 1943 the Bulgarian community, Rabbi Daniel Zion ian Orthodox metropolitan bishop government began the expul- became the answer to the plea Stephen, who wisely told him to sion of Jews, Rabbi Zion called from many Jews who had im- forget about Christianity and to the Jewish people to gather in migrated into Bulgaria after the focus on Yeshua. the central synagogue in Sofi a to Balkan war in 1912. In answer to Rabbi Daniel never converted pray for the edict to be rescind- a plea in 1918, to “send rabbis,” to the religion of Christianity per ed. When they came out of syna- the head of the yeshiva in Thes- se, but instead continued living gogue, they were attacked with saloniki sent his son Daniel (age an orthodox Torah observant life. truncheons, and 250 men were 35) to serve the Jewish commu- His faith in Yeshua as Messiah arrested. But, due to the good re- nity in Sofi a. Daniel served the became known in Sofi a, but he lationship that Rabbi Daniel Zion community well as a rabbi in the was such a respected rabbi, who had cultivated with the Metropoli- 1930s and was eventually chosen lived a strictly orthodox/Torah tan (archbishop) Stephen of the to be the Chief Rabbi of Bulgaria observant life, that his opponents Bulgarian Orthodox Church, he during the early years of WWII.
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