Broken. READ THE z Woman Medical NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Student Dies Hours FIRST IN YOUR After Shooting MEMPHIS WORLD IÀM k « c ** s s ta h p a ml. 5 ha c PER COPY By EDDIE WILLIAMS ATLANTA, GEORGIA—(8NS)^ ~3' VOLUME 26, NUMBER 40 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1957 PRICE SIX CENTS A 26-year-old Clark College sophomore, "despondent over a TO KILL CIVIL RIGHTS MEASURE 'Rights' Program BY ARTHUR KRANISH WASHINGTON. D. C. — (NNPA) — President Eisenhower had a full WASHINGTON - (INS) - discussion of civil rights legislation Southern Toes of civil rights leg­ with Republican Congresional lead­ ers at their weekly conference at islation lost their first battle the White Houe Tuesday morning. Wednesday when the House re­ PRINCIPALS in the tragic Atlanta shooting epi- | morei (R) Miss Lola Jean Scott, Meharry College The report on civil rights was jected a move to kill the meas­ sode which resulted in thè deaths of two young I medical student, made to the President by Represen­ ure shortly after debate got un­ people. (L) Howard Earl, Clark College sopho- | tative Joseph W. Martin, of Mas­ derway. - sachusetts. the House minority ’ The first test on the administra­ Friday night broken engage^ leader. tion - endorsed bill tame on adop­ ment," tired o deadly 38 caliber Senator William F. Knowland, of tion of it rule-«providing lor full- California, the Senate minority Excellency, Intergrity Needed slug through his temple Morfday scale debate and ^consideration of after fatally wounding h‘l» leaders, told reporters that the con­ the issue by. _ the; „House, The vote ference Included a discussion, of was 290 to 147, estranged sweetheart, 22-year« the right-to-jury trial amendment, Seven Southern opponents launch­ In World, King Tells Graduates old Lola Jean Scott, in her 204 ■which was tacked onto the Henn- ed an angry attack on the contro­ West Lake Road home. Ings-Dirksen civil rights bill in the versial legislation before the test The world is. In need of excel­ your best opportunity to overcome Tlie gun-wielding collegian was Senate Judiciary Committee, arid vote was taken. Adoption of the lency, integrity and purity of trials and tribulations.” Howard Earl, a war service veteran.. which southerners will make an rule paves the way ■ for prolonged mind and heart said Dr. William The mayor who is also chairman Tlie attractive Miss Scott a sen­ effort to write into the Celler bill debate which- began Thursday. Herbert King, pastor of Grace of the board of the Washington ior at Meliarry Medical college in ■which it is being read in the House LEADER OF BLOC Cod.ngregationa.1 church in New York Steel Corp., explained happiness as Nashville Tenn., was admitted, to next week for amendment. In opposition, Rep. William M. city, when he was delivering the an individualistic and controversial Grady Hospital at about 6:35 p. in. Deputy Attorney General Wil­ HAPPY GRADS—Impressive .exercises marked the are, (Front from left): Ruby Jean Winters, Jona­ Thursday night. May 30, graduation program than Wooten, Charles Smith, Joyce Ahn Morgan, Golmer (D) Miss., recognized as a baccalaureate address at LeMoyne thing. with two wounds from a .38 caliber liam P. Ragers attended the White leader of the Sou them bloc, blunt­ college, , last Sunday afternoon.'' Dr. King explained that if the snub nose revolver in the right House conference and discussed all1 ■of Crivens' Kindergarten class held in; Macedonia and Lawrence McLemore., Back row from left: ly charged the measure would set He told the 58 graduating seniors world is to change for the better jaw and left abdomen. She died at phases of civil right legislation in Baptiét Church. Joyful recipients of certificates Melvin Johnson, Harold Qurrie, A^arlpn Hopson, •up a “Gestapo” in the U.nlUdStates ‘‘you will ibe measured by what it will not come about by knowledge Grady Hospital about 15 hours alt- both the. Senate and Houe. Larry Shelton, ■ which would “destroy the liberty alonge but by excellency and chara ■•er belng’Shot: ; ‘ rail He also called attention to tlie presented as a. highlight pf the event by school you.. 1tel in yQljr hearts, - not- by .cUreotbr-z,through’ Mrs»* Hortense Jones CriyenS- ■■ ¿-bJ ■ (PHoto^b'/'MeC^risidhl’ dFthe'man tn the sti’eet? . 7.... what or who you know. Because cter. He blamed the lack of chara­ letter written.■by. Attorney General ■ In rebuttal, advocates said the It is knowledge that lias put’Wes­ cter as the cause of the bi-racial The tragic incident was discov­ Herbert Brownell to Senators legislation is needed to guarantee tern man on tlie brinks of his own society and the ghetto which “are ered by Mrs. Gladys T. Scott, tiib- Thomas H. Kuchel of California tlie right of all Americans with the' destruction.” It is believed that two aspects of the, same problem.” ther of the wounded girl, who said and Clifford P. Case of New Jersey right to vote hnd eliminate in­ Jie-l’iad reference to the thurmonu- Striking out against racial se- she came home about 4:55 p. m. and and Representative Kenneth B. justices. clear discoveries. gregatiop he said “black men and' found the television . set. volume Keating of New York, all Repub­ Brownell Congratulated For DELAYING TACTICS Mayor William T. S. Fitch of women must come to the rescue in control turned up to maximum, tic- licans, in opposition to tile jury­ Southerners are expected to use Wafihington|. Pa. delivered the these times.’’ Because men of all cordlng to Detectives Howard Baugh trial amendment, and gave tlie (Continued oh Page Eight) commencement address, Monday, racial identities are urgently need­ and C. 3. Perry. Mrs. Scott said Justice Department's views on that evening. ed to save the world. she called her daughter, and after question. there was no answer, she looked Dr. Golden To Make He advised the graduates to seek He warned the graduates against ■Mr. Martin told reporters that tlie Opposing Jury Trial Amendment happiness in life because that is (Continued on Page Eight) Into the bedroom. ‘ opening of genera! debate on the 3-Month World Tour There, slie told the detectives civil rights bill was deferred in the WASHINGTON,' D. C. — (NNPA) — Senators Thomas H. Kuchel i she saw her daughter lyng oo thsf House frorii Wednesday to Monday. floor near the bed. Earl’s body was of California and Clifford P. Case of New Jersey, both Republicans, Dr. J. W. Golden of M06 S. Or-_. The rule providing for four days leans Street left here Tuesday aftei also on the floor with his head’.on congratulated Attorney General Herbert Brownell "for his clear Women Refused Admittance of general debate on the bill was Memphian Among noon to start a three-month world a hat box. The detectives said they, adopted Wednesday. and frank statement" in opposition to the jury trial amendment to tour in the interest of a World found the ’’murder weapon"' lying Mr. Martin said the four south­ the civil rights bill. Player League. under Earl's head on the hat box ern members of the House Rules After leaving Memphis his first To Memphis State College with three empty shells and two Committee. Representatives Howard But Senator. John J. Sparkman, Southern opponents of civil rights Brown U. Grads stop was scheduled for Philadel­ full rounds. .• ■■j$;;,', W. Smith of Virginia William M. of Alabama, the 1952 Democratic legislation will offer a similar phia, Pa.,, where he will visit a son Two local women were refused session before the May 24 deadline Police did not establish the time Golmer of Mississippi, James W. nominee for Vice President, prais­ rights bjll when the measure is A Memphian was among the .650 Charles Golden, who. is employed admittance to Memphis State col­ but she did not designate whether of the suicide-murder attempt. Trimble of Arkansas and Homer ed the Senate Judiciary Committee read in the House next week for seniors -who were awarded degrees by the general board of admission lege for undergraduate work dur­ she intended to Study on the. un- However, It was revealed that Thomberriy of Texas not . to go which tacked the right to jury amendment. last week at Brown University's and church extension, of the Met- ing the summer session, reported dergradaiate of graduate level. neighbors on West Lake Road re­ on-wlth.general debate on_W.ednes- _. trial amendment on the ’ Hennings- In identical letters, to Senators 189th annual.commencement, locat­ hodlst church. the.college's committee on entrance She stated further. “I think it is ported hearing noises that soundedi (Continued on Page Eight) Dirkseri civil rights bill by a vote Kuchel and Case and Representa- ed in Providence, R- I. Dr. Golden will board liLs> plane___ Monday. The reason given “they a technical excuse.” like shots at about 2:30 but did. not of 7 to X (Continued .on Page Eight) The Memphian was Augustus A. In New York City. IBs---first-'stop applied too late”. ’ — 1 . The registrar also reported that report them because they did Dot A. White, son of Mi's. Vivian Tar­ is scheduled for^Lonidon, then Paris. - The two women, Mrs. Maxine ■the committee refused entrance, to know the source. , -.•' i pley of- 382 Boyd St. (Continued on Page Eight) Smith, 27,' of 1096 S. Lauderdale seven white persons., on. _ the same Mrs. Scott reported that Earl Seek U. S. Supreme He is a member of the Delta Ave. and' Mrs. Miriam Sugarmon,- basis and six othen_4n the basis had beeii engaged to her daughter Murphy Urges Government Upsilon fraternity, which is one 22.
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