North Carolina Black Baptist churches June 21, 1999 at 10:58 a.m. Page 1 Name Location Association ~=================== ==================== ============-====~== Aaron Creek Oxford County Line ~w Aaron Swamp Fayetteville Lumber River Abbotsburg First Abbotsburg ,(/,# Abernathy, J.W .. Mem. Hickory Abyssinian '(>iRo\~ Abyssinian " Act Chapel' Union ~e.vl Adoram .-' Wallace Middle District d ~hos~~'e First Ahoskie West Roanoke ,\(t . 1(\ ~ Ahoskie Second Ahoskie Roanoke 'PI",i.,S",",V,; f' Allen Chapel Louisburg Middle Baptist ~~\ . Allen Chapel Prospect Hill Cedar Grove Allen Grove Halifax N~use River Alley Grove Troy " Alligator Chapel Colombia Roanoke Alston Chapel Pittsboro/Siler City Alston Chapel Pittsboro/Siler City Ambassador Missionar Hudsqn Amity Hills Asheboro Amity Hills Asheboro Anchor Brevard Anchor Brevard I{ Anderson Grove Greensboro Rowan ~ Andrew Chapel Macclesfield Old Eastern Andrews Chapel Miss Clinton Ansonville First Ansonville Yadkin-Philadelphia Antioch Everette Middle Ground Antioch Winston-Salem High Point Antioch Heathsville Antioch Monroe Yadkin-Philadelphia Antioch Cleveland Mountain & Catawba Antioch Proctorville Lumber River Antioch Goldsboro Bear Creek Antioch Jackson Northampton Antioch Scotland Neck Old Eastern Antioch Granville Quarry Rising star Antioch Graham Antioch Christian Winston-salem Guilford Antioch Mi.ssionary Shelby Antioch Missionary Oxford United Shiloh Antioch Missionary Granite Quarry Rowan Antioch Missionary Charlotte Lane Creek Antioch Missionary Oxford Apex First Apex New Hope Ararat Missionary Mount Airy Mecklenburg General Asheville First Asheville Ashland Mery Hill West Roanoke Ashley Grove Vaughn/Littleton Reedy Creek Atkinson Goldsboro Bear Creek North Carolina Black Baptist Churches June 21, 1999 at 10:58 a.m. Page 2 Name Location Association =========~========== ~~====~============= =======~============ Augusta Chapel Dudley Bear Creek Aulander First Aulander West Roanoke Aurora First Aurora Middle Distriot Badin First Badin Rowan Bagley Chapel Hertford Roanoke Bailey First Bailey wilson Baldwin Branch Elizabethtown ;ijammonds Creek Ballard's Grave Jackson Ballard's Grove Jackson Banks Chapel Miss Kinston Bear Creek Baptist Grove Raleigh Wake Baptist Grove Bullock County Line Baptist Tabernacle Wendell Baptist Union Fayetteville union Baptist Union Hope Mills union Barbee's Chapel Durham New Hope Barnabas Chapel Williamston Middle Ground Barnes Chapel Goldsboro Bear Creek Barnes Chapel Miss. wilson Wilson Barringer Chapel Wadesboro Zion Bat1:leboro First Battleboro Neuse River Satts Chapel Tarboro Old Eastern Bazzel Creek Fuquay-varina New Hope Beacon Light Aho$kie west ROanoke Bear Skin Clinton western Union Bear Swamp "Little'1;:onl Enfield Reedy Creek Beautiful Zion Lewiston West Roanoke Beauty spot Fayetteville Union Belgrade First Belqrade E. Carolina Prog. Belivers Greensboro Deep River Bellemont Burlington Belmont Robersonville Middle GroUnd Belmont Monroe Lane Creek Belton Creek Oxford united Shiloh Benson First Benson Johnston District Berean Fayetteville Berean Bible Ahoskie Berean Memorial Randleman Best GroVe Missionar Goldsboro Bear Creek Bethany Charlotte Lane Creek Bethel Shelby Bethel Kannapolis Guiding Light Bethel Pleasant Hill Bethel Cary Bethel Laurinburg Bethel Merritt N~w Bern Eastern Bethel ~dward New Bern Eastern Bethel Brevard Mud Creek Bethel Riverdale New Bern Eastern Bethel Cory North Carolina Black Baptist Churches June 21, 1999 at 10;58 a.m. Page 3 Name Location Association =================~== ===~================ ============~=~===== Bethel "Att Brevard Mud creek Bethesda Thomasville Bethlehem Winnabow Middle District Bethlehem Seaboard. Neuse River Bethlehem Laurinburg Pee Dee Bethlehem Wendell Bethlehem Siler city Oeep River Miss. Bethlehem Little Eascnburg Bethlehem Wise Bethlehem High Point Rowan Bethlehem Rocky Mount Tar River Bethlehem Raleigh Wake Bethlehem Norlina United Shiloh Bethlehem Missionary Winston-Salem Rowan Betholite Magnolia Middle District Beulah Concord Cedar Grove Beulah Winston-Salem Beulah Madison Rowan Bible Charlotte Mecklenburg General Bible Fellowship Dunn Big Macedonia Supply Brunswick-Waccamaw Big Piney Grove Clinton Western Union Big Ruin Creek Henderson Middle Baptist Big Springs Shelby Black River Grove Angier Deep River Blackwell Missionary Yanceyville Cedar Grove Bladenboro Fjrst Bladenboro Lumber River Blanchard Grove Hobbsville Roanoke Blood of the'Cross statesville Blue Ridge Edneyville Blue Ridge Hendersonville Mud Creek Blue Wing Roxboro/vrrgilina County Line Bluestone Pelham Cedar Grove Boiling Springs Asheville Bold Spring Ruffin (Reidsville) Bold Springs Eden Cedar Grove Bon Air ' Winston-Salem Boone's Chapel Jackson (R. Rapids) Boseman Roanoke Rapids ~t ..... -Soxwood Mocksville Rising Star \\n'( ~.L Boyd Friendship Gastonia Branches Chapel Rich Square Northampton Bright Hopewell Laurinburg Pee Dee, Bristol Creek Tabor City Brunswick-Waccamaw, ,-­ Broadway Chapel Sanford Brookdale Pitts;boro Brookston Henderson United Shiloh Brown Chapel Bunn Reedy Creek Brown Creek Wadesboro Zion Brown New calvary Thomasville Rising star North carolina Black Baptist Churches June 21, 1999 at 10:58 a.m. Page 4 Name Location Association =====~=============~ ===============~==== =======~============ Brown's Chapel Gibsonville Cedar Creek Brown's Chapel Clinton Western Union Bryant· Swamp Buckeye Cove Lumber River Buckeye Cove Black Mountain Buffalo springs--­ ..---Raeford Saint John Buncombe·, .Le~ington Rowan Bunn Chapel Louisburg \ Reedy Creek Bunn Chapel Bunn Tar River Bunn Chapel Nashville Tar River Burlington First Burlington Rowan Burton's Chapel Burlington Bu.tler Branch Whiteville Butler Branch Fair Bluff New Era Butler Chapel Meaqows Cedar Grove Butler Chapel Franklinville Deep River Byrd's Chapel Rose Hill Kenansville Eastern Califax First Califax Caluspo First Caluspo Kenansville Eastern Calvary Ahoskie West Roanoke Calvary Summerfield Calvary High point Rowan Calvary Wilson Wilson calvary Missionary Ourham East cedar Grove Cameron Grove Hillsborough East Cedar Grove Cams (?) Chapel Hillsborough Cams CHapel Hillsborough Cannan Winston-Salem High Point capital New Shiloh Raleigh Carmel Charlotte Carolina Park First Carolina Park saint John Carters Chapel Roanoke Rapids Neuse River carthage First Carthage Deep River Castalia castalia Neuse River Catawba View Old Fort Mud Creek Cedar Creek f/liSi,\)v.v-(y Mocksville Yadkin-Davi~ Cedar Creek Wadesboro Zion Cedar Creek Clinton Western union Cedar Grove Rocky Mount Neuse River Cedar Grove Red Springs Pee Dee Union Cedar Grove Supply Ocean View Cedar Grove Gibson Saint John cedar Grove Shallotte Cedar Grove Whiteville Lumber River Cedar Grove Reidsville Cedar Grove Cedar GrOVe Nash County Tar River cedar Grove Bear Creek Cedar Grove Mocksville Cedar Grove Clarksville, VA Cedar Grove Roxboro east Cedar Grove Cedar Grove saint paul's Lumber River North Carolina Black Baptist Churches June 21, 1999 at 10:58 a_m. page 5 Name Location Association =~~===~============= ====~==~============ =~================~ cedar Grove Greensboro Guilford Cedar Grove Missiona Greenville Old Eastern Cedar Grove Missiona Henrico Neuse River Cedar Hill williamston Middle Ground Cedar Landing Windsor West Roanoke Cedar Rock Louisburg Middle Baptist Cedar Rock Spring Hope Reedy Creek Center Bladenboro New Era center Gastonia Ebenzer Center Grove Red Springs Pee Dee Central whiteville Brunswick-Waccamaw Central Gibbsonville central Wilmington Renansville Eastern Central Dunn Chadbourne First Chadbourne Lumber River Chambers Chapel Glen Alpine Mountain & Catawba Chapel Grove Garysburg Neuse River Chapel Hill Williamston Middle Ground Chapel Hill Hunterville Mount Peace Chapel aill Rich square Northampton Chapel Hill warre~ton Reedy·creek Chapel Hill Norlina . united Shiloh Chapel Hill Colombia Roanoke Chapel Hill Autreyville Western Union Chapel Hill First Chapel Hill New Hope Chapel Hill Second Chapel Hill New Hope Chapel of Christ..• Durham Chappel Grove Ellerbee Pee Dee Union Chappell Memorial Charlotte Meckl~nburg General Charlotte First West Charlotte Mecklenberg General Cherry Chapel HobgoQd Old Eastern Cherry Grove Wilkesboro Cherry Grove Whiteville New Era Cherry's Chapel Elm city Neuse River Chestnut Grove statesville Mountain & Catawba Chestnut Grove Miss. sparta Chestnut Ridge Pilot Mountain China Grove Fayetteville union Chinquapin First chinquapin Kenansvil'le Eastern Christ Community Gastonia Christ's Temple Robersonville Middle Ground Christian Chapel #2 Wilmington Middle District Christian Faith Raleigh- wake Christian Home Moyock R6anoke Christian Light Middle District Clarks Chapel statesville Mountain & Catawba Clarks Grove > Mount Gilead ~e Dee·· Union· 7C{a r t\t- fl\1l;'(Y\ clay Bottom Chocowinity New Bern Eastern Clayton First Clayton Johnston District ( Clegg's Chapel 'Timberlake East Cedar Grove North Carolina Black Baptist Churches June 21, 1999 at 10:58 a.m. Page 6 Name Location Association =~====~=~==~===~~=== ======~=========~=== ============~====== Clinton First Clinton Western Union Coal Springs Graysburg Neuse River Colerain First Colerain West Roanoke Coley's Springs Warrenton United Shiloh Community Fayetteville Union Community Ma~ison Community Rocky Mount Community Guiding Light community Durham New Hope Community Maiden Mountain & Catawba community Winston-Salem High Point Compassionate 'I'.O.F .. Raleigh Wake Concord Henderson/Kittrell Middle Baptist Conoord First Concord Rowan C9netoe Chapel Contoe Middle Ground Conetuck Currie Middle District
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