, amed Testimonal Is Suggested Lieu!:. Alfred Anderson [TEANECK SPEAKERS 15th AAF in Italy - Second . For Teaneck's Casualties Of War\ I Lieutenant Alfred R. Anderson, 120, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Councilman Henry Deissler sug- bat inevitably accompanies the lo | Anderson, 54 Golf Court, Teaneck, I of a dear one. t gested to the Teaneck Township "I know that the people of thel IN. J., co-pilot of a B-21 Liberator,' f lOouncil last night that a framed Township of Teaneck will not shirk! j has arrived overseas and is flying •testimonial be presented to each their responsibilities to all of thel • combat missions in ihc Mediter! family of every man or woman of men and women now in our Armed! |ranean Theater. 1 JTeaneofc who is a casualty in the Forces, but what I have to sug-1 Anderson is assigned to a Vote:1- I Iservlces of the United States c'.ur- gest applies particularly to our cas-| Ian Liberator Group Command by j ng World War 2. ualties. I believe that the people! • Col. Roberct E. L. Eaton, of 110 S m In a petition addressed to the of Teaneck will feel that we, as| • Charles St., Belleville, 111. Thel their duly elected representatives,] •Council, Deissler said: "I believe • group has participated in mo'e Ithat every citizen of Teaneck is IOChave a definite responsibility. I "In accordance with this idea,"! Ithan 110 combat miss'ont. aqainttt | Jper cent behind the war effort. I • enemy aircraft*factories, oil ro- iknow that an overwhelming ma- he concluded, "I would appreciate! Ijority of our citizens have very close the concurrence of this Council,! jfineries, rail installations, and I •and intimate reasons for feeling the and thereby move to have drawn! I other strategic targets in Ger- ipressure of this war. More than one up, on behalf of the citizens ofi Jmany, Austrin, Hungary, Ku-I ithousand of our young men anc Teaneck, an appropriately preparedl • mania, Franre, Czechoslovakia,! \ iwomen are serving in the Armed and framed testimonial to be pre-j I Yugoslavia, and Italy. ^forces. sented to each family, or next ofi kin, of every man or woman who lsl I Among the targets it has ....^ J "Teaneck has suffered its propor- I destroy are these Regensbmg anil Itionate share of casualties, and a casualty to the services of our I Country during the present con-1 I Wienorneustadt Aircraft Factories, I •many citizens of our town have I the Steyr Ball Beerring Works I llelt the bitterness and the pain flict." I the Ploesti Oil Fields, and the! lire mann-Goering Tank Works. 1 Lt Anderson is a graduate of j I Teineck High School, entering the [ 9 umy on Nov. 27, 1942. He re- Ensign To Speak Jceived his flight training- at I Spence Field, Ga., where he was At Breakfast I commissioned a second lieutenant I LT. ARTHUR HILL I m March, 1044. Dr. Paul I. Bookstaver, JDr. and Mrs. Bamett Bookstaverl lof Norma Road, Teaneck, a lieu-1 •tenant (J, g.) in the Navy, who has! •been home on leave from the Ha-1 Jtional Naval Hospital at Bethesda, I JMd.. has left for an undisclosed! • destination under Naval orders. He 1 1 recently completed a course inj • tropical diseases. TEANECK BOYS fat. Cn.-rles J. Contino of 147 j Hillside Avenue, section sergeant, I I and Private Richard G. Flagg, I SGT. HENRY E. MEHL J machine gunner, both of Teaneck,! 1 are listed in a dispatch received I m i w by The TEANECK POST from [ Mehl OK For Coast the Fifth Army in Italy which I Sergeant Henry E. Mehl, Marine I notes that these men are serving I Corps fighter from Teaneck, and I Ensign Mary Birch, Waves, o£ with the 3Blst Regiment in Italy, [ veteran of Guadalcanal, having been! West Englcwood (above); the 1 one of General Mai'k Clark's units I home for a short rest, left recently ( Bev. David Pathe, chaplain of the I that helped to drive the Germans [ I for a West Coast Base. Villa-Marie Claire, HO-HO-KUB; J from the Garigliano River to the | Enlisting in the Marines in Peb-| LT. CHARLES F. SCHLENKER Iruary, 1942, the former Teaneck I and the Rev. Mark Gardner, O. I Arno. I High School graduate spent several! Carm,, assistant pastor of St. Jo- I months fighting the Japs on Guad-| seph's K. C. Church, Bogota, will I alcanal, before he returned home| be the principal speakers Sunday [ because of malaria. at the communion breakfast to He is the seta of Mr. and Mfs. F, I be sponsored by the Senior So- iFritag:, Teaneck, I Mehl Sr., 626 Linden Avenue, Tea-r flality of the Children o£ Mary |ls First Lieutenant neck, and a member of the Captainl of St. Joseph's Church at ,pc Arthur Charles Fritog of 242| B. T. Schoonmaker Post, V, V, W.f toullo's Everglades, Hackensack. •Cherry Lane, Teaneck, lias been! of Teaneck. I The breakfast will follow the 8:30 •promoted to first lieutenant some-1 mass. •where in England where he has! •just arrived with the Army Airj STeaneck Will Observe! •Force. Lieutenant Fritog is pilot ofi Marine Corps Night la B-17 Plying Fortress and has! I been In service lor tfce past two! Two West Englewood servicemen j Sgt. Arthur Lowsten Jyears. I will take Teaneck residents of Dis-I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lowensten I He received his pilot's wings and I llriels 3, 4 and 6, ti'om Guadalcanal! |of 28 Walnue Street, Teaneck, re-1 •commission at Douglas, Ariz. Fri-I I to ths Aleutians at the civil defense] Spies Promoted ' •tog also trained at Santa Ana, • meeting tomorrow night. It will be| ently received word from their I Theodore A. Spies Jr. of Teaneck,*! jllrrine Corps Night. The meeting •son, Sergeant Arthur, stating that I I Calif., Rapid City, S. D., and Grand| • stationed "With the Headquarters! iIsland, Neb. He is a graduate ofi I will be at 8:15 m Longfellow School. I jhe had volunteered and passed thel •command in New Caledonia, has! •Keystone High School, N. Y., andl Lieutenant Charles F. Schlenkef, I •necessary examination for para-1 |been promoted to master sergeant.! [was formerly employed by Reynold's j \\S. S. Marine Corps, of 129 Ayersl Jlroop service, but in spite of his I a has been overseas since Sept. l,r I Tobacco Company of Salem, N. C. I Court, West Englewood, will telll 1 qualifications he had been rejected! •l842, and in service since June of j [of his adventures at Guadalcanal,I •because of his importance as a I •that year. A good conduct medall land Lieutenant Arthur Hill of 171 •was recently presented to him. Be-j I Aerial Gunners I West Englewood Avenue, U. S. Army I [member of the ground forces of the J •fore entering the service he was! I Complete Course • Signal Corps attached to the llthl |8t}i Air Force in England. •employed by the1 New York Life! Aviation Cadets Arthur R. Weis- i 1 Army Air Force, will tell of his | Sergeant Lowensten, who en-1 •insurance Company and he wast I berg of-Teaneck, and William R.I Iwork in the Aleutia Itered the armed forces in March of I •graduated from Baldwin High! ij of Dumont have graduated! jl°42, has been serving overseas for! •school in New York. He is the so: •from the Army Air Forces Flexible I •the past 20 months. He is a gradu-1 lof Mrs. Ida M. Spies of 990 Falisad I Gunnery School at Laredo Army Air J •Avenue. •Field, Laredo, Tex., and axe now I late of Teaneck High School and a i iratGd aerial gunners. They will be I Hformer employee of the Bendix Av-1 (sent to navigators' or bombardiers'! liation Corporation in Telerboro and j I school. Philadelphia. Vajda Is the son of Stephen J.l IVajda of 18 Hickory Street, Dumont,! land Welsberg is the son of Mr. andl jMrs. Rudolph Weisberg of 894 Woofl-| jbine Street, Teaneok. •Mother Of Teaneek Man Killed In| Action Gets His Medal iLt. Enflei'S Wins Mrs. C. Fred Brewster of 274J fjArany Promotion. Veaneck Doctor Leads Americans I Sherman Avenue, Teaneck, whose! Catherine Walker Enders of 170| I son, Cadet Midshipman John Paul-1 icranford Place, Teaneck, has been! 9 sen Brewstor, was killed in action! • promoted to a first lieutenant atl In Lend-Lease Swap In Britainl I May 26, 1944 while serving with the! •Halloran General Hospital, Stateni I Merchant Marine, Monday was giv-f •Island, N. Y., where she has beenr The Allied operation has been went overseas with it shortly aftei'I 1 en the Mariner's Medal at special! Ion duty with the Army Nurse Corpa •successful. That's the communique the first of the year. Captain! 1 services at the Merchant Marinef ifor the past year. She is in charge •which might be issued from any one Grimes, who lives with his mother,! J Academy at Kings Point, L. I. |of their dental clinic. I lof the large British hospitals in practiced medicine in Teaneck fori Cadot Brewster was an engineer! A graduate of the Memorial Hos-I •which United States doctors are 8 years. He received his degree atl 9 cadet and first went to sea Janu-I ipital School for Nurses at Houston,? •working1 side by side with British New York University and Flower-1 lary 20, 1942. His ship, the S. S.| ITexas, Lieutenant Enflers was for-i I surgeons in the operating room, Fifth Avenue Hospital In New York! I Syras was sunk May 26, 1942.
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