OF DELTA SIGMA PI MAY 1950 WAIT HALL, The Administration Building of Wake Forest College in Wake Forest, North Carolina where our Gamma Nu Chapter was installed on April I, 1950. THE INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY OF DELTA SIGMA PI Professional Commerce and Business Administration Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi was founded at New York University, School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, on November 7, 1907, by Alexander F. Makay, Alfred Moysello, Harold V. Jacobs and H. Albert Tienken. Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social ac~ivity and the associa­ tion of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce; and to further a high standard of commercial ethics and culture, and the civic and commercial welfare of the com­ munity. The Central Office 222 W. Adams Street, Chicago 6, Illinois. Telephone: Randolph 6-6954 H. G. WRIGHT, GRAND SECRETARY-TREASURER ....•.. J. D. THOMSON, AssisTANT GRAND SECRETARY-TREASURER The Grand Council Grand President: WALTER C. SEHM, Alpha Epsilon, Minnesota ...................... 490 N. Snelling Ave., St. Paul4, Minn. Grand Secretary-Treasurer : H. G. WRIGHT, Beta, Northwestern .......................... 222 W. Adams St., Chicago 6, Ill. Eastern Region: J. HARRY FELTHAM, Chi, Johns Hopkins .......................... Robert Garrett & Sons, Baltimore 3, Mel. Southeastern Region: H. CLYDE KITCHENS, Kappa, Georgia (Atlanta) ................... 915 Rosedale Rd. N.E., Atlanta, Ga. Central Region: JoHN F. MEE, Nu, Ohio State .............. ....................... Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. Midwestern Region: HENRY C. LuCAS, Alpha Delta, Nebraska ................ 1414 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Southwestern Region: WILLIAM R. MERRICK, Beta Iota, Baylor ............... .......... 4416 Bowser Street, Dallas, Texas Western Region: FRANK C. BRANDES, Kappa, Georgia (Atlanta) ............... Retail Credit Company, San Francisco, Calif. At-Large: RoBERT G. BussE, Beta Omicron, Rutgers ............................ 3401 Old Colony Rd., Kalamazoo, Mich. At-Large: RuDOLPH JANZEN , Alpha Epsilon, Minnesota1 ................... 2412 University Ave. S.E., Minneapolis 14, Minn. Past Grand President: ALLEN L. FowLER, Beta Nu, Pennsylvania ...... ............ 718 Packard Bldg., Philadelphia 2, Pa. WALTER STEPANEK, Beta Tau, 1635 Brainard, Cleveland, Ohio COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS EXECUTIVE COMMITIEE CHAffiMAN: J. ELWOOD ARMSTRONG, Chi, 17402 Monica Ave., Detroit 21, Mich. CHAIRMAN: WALTER C. SEHM, Alpha Epsilon, W. N. DEAN, Alpha, New York U. • 1914 490 N. Snelling Ave., St. Paul 4, Minn. 18TH GRAND CHAPTER CONGRESS MEMBERS: COMMITTEE P. J. WARNER, Alpha, New York U •• 1914-1915 GLEN F. GALLES, Alpha Epsilon, 3405 S. CHAmMAN: KENNETH B. WHITE, Gamma, 704 H. C. Cox, Alpha, New York U ..•. 1915-1916 Aldrich Ave., Minneapolis 8, Minn. Great National Life Bldg., Dallas 1, Tex. WALDO E. HARDELL, Alpha Epsilon, Charles W. Sexton Co., McKnight Bldg., Minne­ F. J. McGOLDRICK, Alpha, New York apolis, Minn. u. ........................... 1916-1917 RuDOLPH JANZEN, Alpha Epsilon, 2412 Uni­ versity Ave., S.E., Minneapolis 14, Minn. •c. J. EGE, Alpha, New York U •.. 1917-1920 COMMITIEE ON ALUMNI ACTIVITIES H. G. WRIGHT, Northwestern .. 1920-1924 All orders must be accompanied by remit­ Beta, CHAIRMAN : ]AMES MooRE, 2702 Roslyn J. Chi, tance in full and should be mailed to The C. W. FACKLER, Iowa ...•• 1924-1926 Ave., Baltimore 16, Md. Central Office of the fraternity, 222 W. Adlllll8 Epsilon, MEMBERS: Street, Chicago 6, Illinois. This price list is H. 0. WALTHER, Psi, Wisconsin •••. 1926-1928 E. WESLEY BYRON, Chi, 326 Allendale St., subject to change without notice. Baltimore, Md. 20% R. C. ScHMIDT, Thettz, Detroit •.••.. 1928-1930 E. GRAYSON CRoss, Chi, 220 N. Culver St., Cost Tax Total Baltimore 29, Md. Plain Badge (IOK Gold) $ 6.50 $1.30 $ 7.~ E. L. ScHUJAHN, Psi, Wisconsin ••. 1930-1936 COMMITIEE ON ALUMNI PLACING SERVICE Pearl Badge (14K Gold) 18.00 3.60 21.60 CHAIRMAN: HENRY C. LuCAs, Alpha Delta, Opal Badge (14K Gold) 18.00 3.60 21.60 E. D. MILENER, Chi, Johns Hopkins .1936-1959 1414 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Sister Badge, Pearls (14K Nee. Gold) 18.00 3.60 21.60 J. L. McKEwEN, Chi, Johns Hopkins 1939-IMS Alternate Pearl and Ruby COMMITIEE ON LIFE MEMBERSHIP Badge 20.00 4.00 24.00 K. B. WHITE, Gamma, Boston ••.••• 1945-1M7 CHAffiMAN : RALPH D. KiNG, Beta Tau, 1843 Alumni Charms (IOK W. Clifton Blvd., Lakewood 7, Ohio Gold) ALLEN L. FowLER, Beta Nu, Pennsyl- MEMBERS : Single Sided 6.50 1.30 7 -~ vania •...........•.••......•... 1947-1949 RoBERT T. PoLLOCK, Beta Tau., 3900 Arch­ Double sided 10.00 2.00 12.00 wood Ave., Cleveland 9, Ohio <1l:II Recognition Button 1.00 .20 1.20 •-Deceased. T H E . 0 F 0 E L T A 5 G M A p I Volume XXXIX MAY, 1950 Issu e 4 IN THIS ISSUE Page The Grand President's Page . ..... 114 Grand President Sehm reviews a year of progress for the fraternity and predicts co ntinued expansion for the future. Delta Sigma Pi Installs Chapter at Wake Forest College . I 15 Delta Sigma Pi in7talled its 79th chapter at Wake Forest College in Wake Forest, North Carolina on Saturday, April l. The complete details of these ceremonies and a history of the college and our petitioning group are presented herewith. There 's a Market for Marketing Research . I 18 For th.ose who question the practicality of Marketing Research this article was written by L. Edward Dufty of the Ameri- can Otl Company. Georgia Coed Selected 1950 Rose of Deltasig . I 19 The t ~ i rd annual Rose of Deltasig Contest was won by Kappa Chapter's entry, Miss Gwendolyn Staub of the University of Georgta, and she was selected by Dorothy Lamour and John Dall of Hollywood from 40 entries. The Ouest for Security . 120 ~ fran~ di sc ~ ssi o n of our social security problem and the author's opinion of a solution to it is presented for your con­ sideratiOn. With the Alumni the World Over 122 Several of our alumni clubs have described their activities in this issue and urged your attendance at their future functions. Among the Chapters 127 Sixty-six of our active undergraduate chapters have contributed to this section of The Deltasig and have attested to their extensive programs with reports and photographs. Directory of Undergraduate Chapters and Alumni Clubs 151 H. G. Wright, Editor J. D. Thomson, Assistant Editor Publication Office-450 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wisconsin Editorial Office- 222 W. Adams Street: Ch icago 6, Ill ino is The DELTASIC of Delta Sigma Pi is published four times annually in the months of November , January, March, and May. Material intended for publication should reach the editorial office not later than the first of the month previous to publication. Subscription price : $5 per year. Entered as second class matter, December 24, 1931, at the post office at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of F ebruary 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, Section 538, P. L. & R., 1932 edition. DELTA SIGMA Pl is a charter senior member of the Professional Interfraternity Conference, organized in 1928 to encourage high scholarship, professional research, advancement of profes5ional ethics, and the promotio ~ of a spirit of comity among the professional fraternities in the advancement of fraternal ideals. The members of the Conference comprise: ARCHITECTURE, Alpha Rho Chi. CHEMISTRY, Alpha Chi Sigma. COMMERCE, Alpha Kappa P si, Delta Sigma P i. DENTISTRY, Delta Sigma Delta. P si Omega, Xi Psi Phi. EDUCATION, Kappa Phi Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Phi Sigma Pi. ENGINEERING, Theta Tau Sigma Phi Delta. J OURNALISM, Sigma Delta Chi. LAW, Gamma Eta Gamma, Delta Theta Phi, Phi Alpha Del;a, Phi Beta Gamma, Sigma Delta Kappa. MEDICINE, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Pi, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi Lambda Kappa, Phi Rho Sigma, Theta Kappa P si. PHARMACY, Kappa P si. The Grand President•s Page A T THE MID-POINT between Baltimore and Dallas it might be well to pause a moment and reflect upon the activities of the pa.st scho?l year. I. wish there were some way to share with each of you the many mterestmg expenences I have had during these winter months. It has been a real privilege for me to attend the installation of four new chapters: in October, Gamma Kappa Chapter at Michigan State College; in December, Gamma Lambda at Florida State University, and Gamma Mu at Tulane University; in March, Gamma Nu at Wake Forest College. Before the school year is over there will be still another jewel added to the crown of Delta Sigma Pi, Gamma Xi Chapter at the University of Santa Clara. The men who came to us in these ceremonies are all outstanding students in excellent schools, and they will be valuable members. Of equal importance has been the reactivation of five chapters; Upsilon at the University of Illinois, Sigma at the University of Utah, Phi at the Uni­ versity of Southern California, Rho at the University of California, and Eta at the University of Kentucky. Our active chapter roll now stands at sixty-nine. These things do not just happen. Past Grand President Fowler and his pred­ ecessors are entitled to much credit for the momentum they developed. Much of our growth is due to the ceaseless drive of Grand Secretary-Treasurer Wright, WALTER C. SEHM, Minnesota and his efficient Central Office staff, especially Assistant Grand Secretary-Treas­ Grand President of Delta Sigma Pi urer Jim Thomson. Delta Sigma Pi is most fortunate in having had Gig Wright as its sparkplug for the last 25 years. I am sure most of our members do not realize, because they have not had the opportunity to observe the work he is doing, just how much "Gig" has done for us and for professional fraternities generally.
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