I ft?-- Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Utehfhld County ~ - "" ~~ •• ••• —^»- Vol. 34 No. 29 Subscription Price $8.00 Per Year PRICE 20 CENTS July 19, 1979 Budget ToumMeettng Slated Tonight At 8 The proposed $11.8 million ad- crease of approximately 8 per- ministrative and education cent over 1978-79. An estimated budget will be presented today $231,000 in new monies are re- (Thursday) at town meeting for quired. public approval, expected to The Board of Education, which come without much opposition. Opposition To Zone still must slash $100,000 from its The meeting is scheduled for 8 package under Council mandate, p.m. in the Watertown High is proposing a $7,359,498 figure, School auditorium, All registered about a 7.2 percent jump. It voters, and those owning per- needs to raise $550,000 in ad- e sonal property (real estate ditional revenues. automobiles, etc,) in town in ex- However, the Board's receipts Sentiment toward amending dominium aimed for 31 acres of added an application would be fil- cess of $1,000 as of the October, are up $379,000 over a year ago. sections of the Watertown Fire Charles Hungerford property ed If the changes occur, 1978, Grand List are eligible to Combined, the budgets repre- District zoning replations was north of Merriam Lane. Adjacent Atty. Eugene Kaplan said the vote, sent an approximate? percent in- almost totally negative Monday neighbors, and several people one and two-bedroom "luxury" Only about 30 people, many of crease. Disregarding the current night at a well-attended public from outside the district boun- condominium units in the adults- them town officials, attended the revaluation, Council Chairman hearing at Heminway Park daries, made it clear they don't oniy development would have 8,- budget hearings July 9 to offer James Mullen predicts the mill School. want it. 000 square feet per unit — more comments. The Town Council About 130 residents turned out rate will go up a half point from Robert Bryan, the WFD's zon- footage than the district's made no adjustments to the to protest amendments which minimum 7,500 square foot its present 58.8 level. ing consultant, said the special figures, Also up for approval will be the would clear the way for planned minimum in RGF residential The administrative budget is residential developments in the use amendments "do not pertain zones. Water and Sewer Authority's to any particular piece of proper- $4,409,967, representing an in- (Continued on Page 20) WFD's R-20F zones, which allow Other requirements would one-family houses on 20,000- ty," but counsel for Mr. Hunger- have all utilities underground, square-foot lots. ford, real estate broker George water and sewer service a must, More specifically, however, Norman, and Mlddlebury buffer areas, exclusive outdoor $82,000 To Be Available the issue is a proposed con- developer Richard Possemato living spaces per unit, and 2.3 parking spaces per unit. For Special Education Alluding to President Carter's Woodcutters Don't Have Sunday night energy speech, Mr. TKe Watertown Board of New positions to be established Kaplan said "in our society, Education will receive ap- with the increased aid are: a multi-unit dwellings are not proximately $82,000 for the 1979- speech clinician, a learning dis- OK To Fell Park Trees something to be scorned" 00 school year for improving its abilities teacher-to service the Resident woodcutters hoping to wouldn't make any money on the because of energy-related -Special Education and program- Parochial schools, a learning dis- descend upon the tree-covered trees, and residents could use the savings. ming for the handicapped. The abilities teacher for another acres at Crestbrook Park need wood to alleviate fuel problems. He "pointed out Mr. Hungerford money is distributed through the elementary school self-contained not sharpen those axes or grease If the town tried to sell the could put up 48 single-family Connecticut State Department of class, two aides for deaf students the chain saws yet. wood, Mr, Stepanek said, its homes un his land "without Education by the Federal and one aide for the L.D. class, The Parks and Recreation revenue would be deducted from anybody telling him" how to Government under Public Law Department Isn't allowing grant funding the town has ap- Last year, the Watertown build them, A special use permit 94-142, "Aid to the Han- citizens to remove trees and piled for. would have to gel several site dicapped." Schools serviced 520 special wood from the 35 to 40 acres ex- education youngsters, and architectural approvals, the Water-town's application in- pected tn be cleared for park ex- Rotary Club attorney added, while "not giving cludes requests for the following A copy of the application is on pansion, despite what an area anybody earm blanche to do special education positions fund- file in the Office of the newspaper said. Chooses New whatever they want ed last year under 94-142 money Superintendent, 10 DeForest Recreation Director Donald Anthony J," Panlco, a private and being continued Tiext year: a Street, Watertown for public Stepanek said his office has been Officers planning consultant who coin- school psychologist, four aides perusal, besieged by telephone calls in- cidentaily collaborated with Mr, for learning disabilities students, quiring about cutting wood, ever Atty. Charles Stauffacher Is Bryan on the town's 1965 com- a learning disabilities teacher for Watertown Public School Depart- since a story appeared July 12 prehensive community develop- a full time elementary class, and ment stating the Parks and Recreation the newly elected president of the Watertown Rotary Club for ment plan, said the condominium , one day a week's service of an oc- 10 DeForest Street Commission "is considering" the calls tor 20 percent less unit den- move. the coming year, and' presented cupational therapist. Watertown, CT 06795 plans to the organization at Its. sity than would be allowed under The director said com- town zoning, which falls under missioner David Poirier "hap- the Planning and Zoning Com- Latest Elderly Housing pened to make a mention" of mission. letting townspeople cut down The commission is opposed to trees at the commission's July 10 the amendment proposal, but Mr. Project Hurdle Cleared meeting, "but nothing was Panico said P&ZC zoning is "not decided, and nothing was planned A project architect likely will appropriate" to the small site of ways, plus additional acreage officially." areas within the fire district, be selected this week by the around it for a larger access. Watertown Housing Authority Prank Hayes, WHA chairman, The possibility is just one idea "If this town needs anything, now that another hurdle has been said the state will determine the being looked Into, Mr, Stepanek it's multi-family housing!" cleared in getting an elderly location, said. bellowed Richard Garslde, 47 Woodbury Road. He decried the housing complex built on The owners will provide a The commission had received Buckingham Street. an estimate from a conti actor, "archaic zoning structure" of the topographical map and survey of WFD, and agreed with Atty. The town manager was the property, costing around $2,- who would remove the wood at $1,265 per acre, if he was'allowed Kaplan the condominium would authorized by the Town Council 000 to $5,000. A feasibility study be an energy-conscious plan, Monday night, in a unanimous of about $3,000 will be covered by to keep it. vote; to sign an option agreement the grant. Mr. Poirier said at the meeting "You can't make scrambled with landowners Karl and Eric the cost of firewood is going up eggs without cracking the shell," Once the option is consum- rapidly, and there is a long Kueglef; purchasing from 7.5 to 8 mated, the proposal again goes to he said to the audience. acres for $75,600. waiting list to cut wood on state As it turned out, he was the the state for approval, and then lands. Town Manager James Troup to the Bonding Commission. sole speaker to favor the zone said he would be meeting with Some IjJft million in state fun- Mr. Stepanek said he thinks the change. toe owners July 17, and chances .ding will construct the 40-urUt park would have to be opened to Atty, Anthony Fitzgerald, were good the option would be complex, the community's se- everybody, and not just town Charles Stauffacher representing the opposition and finalized this week. cond. residents, if wood were to be the ad hoc "Committee on Zoning removed. July 11 weekly meeting at the Integrity," stated district zoning The town intended to spend Other actions by the Council Westbury Room. $72,000 of its $102,500 community Monday were: "How do you control when, should not be modified "unless where, and what they have from Other officers to serve from there's a genuine change of con- development block grant for 7.2 — authorizing Mr. Troup to July 1 through June 30,1980 are: acres, but the state determined there?" he added. "You would dition." The R20F zone is "ap- file for a $480,000 federal Bureau John Benjamin, vice president; propriate to that neighborhood." slightly more land was needed to of Outdoor Recreation grant to have to have somebody supervis- ing full time." Donald Stepanek, secretary; and The WFD instituted zoning in alleviate a shortage of front help with expansion plans at v Peter Dahlin, treasurer. footage. The director said it also would 1943. Crestbrook Park, Rotary directors are Roger The Kueglers gave the town — approving the abandonment have to be decided what to do He said the 1965 plan produced with the brush, and although Chase, Richard Montville, Bill a town concept that is deslreable two 60-foot right of ways as of the "paper" street portion of Lange,- and John DeLuca.
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