KIC 1537 APL2OI4 No.S 3. First Floor; Sri Aravind Bhavan lMvihic Societyl. Nrunatunsa Road- Rqnsqtnre {r Com m ission Website add ress nttp,7l*r"rv. f.i"*oo i n Mallikarjun (i) [Sri vs. HeadMaster& PIO,Government High SchoolKodli, Chincholi Taluk, GulbargaDistrict,(ii) DDPI& FAA, GulbargaDistrictl oRbER l1.08.2014 l. Appellant is present. RespondentSri Madhav p. Bijapure,Head Master & PIO. Government High SchciolKodli, chincholi raluk, Gulbargabistrictis present. The Appeal was ? last heardon 10.06.2014,through Video Conferencingin DC Office Gulbarga. 3' During last hearing Commissiondirected the RespondentSri Madhav p. Bijapure, HeadMaster & PIO, Go^vernmentHigh SchoolKodli, ChincholiTaluk, GulbargaDistrict to provide complete informationto the Appellant within 30 days, free of cosl, through RPAD, underintimation to the Commission. 4' RespondentSri Madhav P. Bijapure, Head Master & pIO statesthat, he has provided the informat^ion to the Appellant on 25.07.2014,in person and r"..iued the Appellant'ssignature for havingissued the informationand copy of the sameis produced beforethe Commission. 5. one more copy of the informationis handedover to the commission. 6. Appellantstates that, he hasreceived incomplete information. 1. Respondent p. Sri Madhav Bijapure, Head Master & plo states that, whatever infbrmation availablein his office is fuliy provided,nothing more to furnish. 8. In light of the above,the A iE$jqposedof. 9. Dictated,draft correct ncedin the openCourt, this l lth dav of August2014. /$ <f yt ,n.s+ffiffiAJTANAR) INFoRIff TioN COMMISSIO NER Addressesof parties: \+\ KIC 1537APL2014 c 1537APh20t4 SriMallikarjun S. Sulepeth. Sri MadhavP. Bijapuri, At & Posr:Kodli-585 312. HeadMaster & plO, ChincholiTaluk, Gulbarga District. GovernmentHigh SchoolKodli-5g5 312. ChincholiTaluk, Gulbarga Disrrict. (i) Public Information officer must mention his fuil name, addressand telephone number in all communicationsconcerning RTI. (ii) .{ll partiesmust meniion the casenumber in all communicationsrelating to this case,whether addressedto the commissionor other persons..
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