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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2020 No. 215 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was the call. They have been a source of en- For the record, Joe Biden and called to order by the Speaker. couragement, hope, and help to our Na- KAMALA HARRIS won by more than 7 f tion’s greatest generation, a lifeline million votes. They received 81 million amidst a challenging time. votes, 51.3 percent of the total cast. On MORNING-HOUR DEBATE On behalf of myself and the caring Monday, President-elect Biden won 306 The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the families of Missouri’s Fourth District, electoral college votes, two more than order of the House of January 7, 2020, thank you. We appreciate you, and we President Trump in 2016. the Chair will now recognize Members pray God blesses you in a very special There is no question that Joe Biden from lists submitted by the majority way during this special season and and KAMALA HARRIS won the election and minority leaders for morning-hour throughout the year. resoundingly. Those who believe other- debate. f wise first alleged massive fraud, then The Chair will alternate recognition claimed election procedures were un- WHAT MESSAGE ARE WE between the parties, with time equally fair. But when granted the opportunity SENDING? allocated between the parties and each in courts of law to present evidence of Member other than the majority and The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. fraud, they couldn’t do it. minority leaders and the minority TAKANO). The Chair recognizes the gen- There simply is no proof of fraud at whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. any significant scale. The attacks event shall debate continue beyond MCGOVERN) for 5 minutes. against voting by mail, signature 11:50 a.m. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, as the matching, and the like, notably selec- f co-chair of the Tom Lantos Human tive to begin with, had mostly already Rights Commission, as chairman of the been litigated. TRIBUTE TO FRONTLINE WORKERS Congressional-Executive Commission Mr. Speaker, it is critically impor- DURING CORONAVIRUS on China, as someone who cares deeply tant that Americans trust our elec- The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes about human rights and democratic tions. That is why credible claims of the gentlewoman from Missouri (Mrs. principles, and as a proud Member of fraud or irregularities must be inves- HARTZLER) for 5 minutes. this House, I rise to express my deep tigated and corrective action taken. Mrs. HARTZLER. Madam Speaker, I concern about the damage being done That has happened. rise today to honor the long-term care to America’s moral authority by those There have been multiple recounts. and nursing home workers of Mis- who refuse to accept the legitimate Three in Georgia alone. Those seeking souri’s Fourth District, who have wit- outcome of November’s election and to overturn the election results have nessed the devastating effects of the who continue to deliberately spread lost 59 times in courts across seven coronavirus pandemic on a daily basis. lies and manufacture conspiracy theo- States and twice before this Supreme These frontline healthcare workers ries that have no basis of fact in an at- Court. cope with the deaths and illnesses tempt to overturn the will of the At least 86 judges, many appointed brought on by this virus and are wit- American people. by Republicans, have rejected at least nesses to the heartbreaking losses fam- As Americans, we see ourselves as a one post-election lawsuit. All three Su- ily members experience whose loved beacon to the world, as that shining preme Court Justices nominated by ones pass away without benefit of that city upon the hill. We believe our polit- President Trump ruled against him. final embrace before saying good-bye. ical experiment, to create a country Mr. Speaker, the fact is that the No- For these noble and selfless individ- united by ideals, rather than blood and vember elections were free and fair. uals, the impact of COVID–19 isn’t re- soil, is unique and exceptional. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure stricted to emotional wounds opened We promote democracy as a pillar of Security Agency said that the election through witnessing the suffering of our foreign policy, confident in our ‘‘was the most secure in American his- others, but by the personal physical own example. We say we are a nation of tory’’ and ‘‘there is no evidence that health risks posed by being on the laws, not men. any voting system deleted or lost front lines to conduct their day-to-day Yet, since November 3, a widespread votes, changed votes, or was in any activities. effort to overturn the results of the way compromised.’’ These frontline workers in our nurs- presidential election have been openly Attorney General Barr, of all people, ing homes and long-term care facilities endorsed by some high-ranking leaders said that the Justice Department has are heroes who have chosen to possibly and facilitated by the silence of many uncovered no voting fraud ‘‘on a scale put themselves in peril by answering more. that could have affected a different b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7261 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:34 Dec 19, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18DE7.000 H18DEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H7262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 18, 2020 outcome in the election.’’ I am using ter what time of year it is, but it is I could count on Maia day and night his words. around the holidays their sacrifice is to get the job done. Maia brought an The election is over, yet President magnified. unmatched level of commitment to Trump still refuses to concede and his I would like to encourage everyone to every issue, every challenge, every sin- allies continue to look for ways to reach out to their local Red Cross gle fight, every constituent case, no throw out the votes of millions of chapters to find out how to send a card, matter how big or small. Americans. how to volunteer or get involved how- Throughout our time together, Maia Mr. Speaker, this is crazy. It is un- ever they see fit to spread some holi- has provided strategic advice and democratic and un-American, and it day cheer to our heroes. Even a small clear-eyed leadership on national secu- degrades democracy in every corner of gesture can brighten the holiday sea- rity and defense, transportation and in- the world. If this were happening in an- son for those that are deployed; a re- frastructure. other country, our government would minder that they are remembered, that Maia served as my key liaison to the rightfully demand that the results of they are appreciated every day, espe- Congressional Black Caucus and Demo- free and fair elections be respected. cially during this holiday season. cratic leadership on core issues to me Mr. Speaker, some may criticize my So take a moment out of your day and the people of Maryland. Her deep remarks today because I objected to today to let a soldier know just how understanding of the issues, candid ad- certifying the electoral college results much you appreciate them. vice, insightful opinions, and pas- in 2017. So let me be clear. I do not op- f sionate drive for serving others has pose using established constitutional RESTAURANTS NEED A LIFELINE helped me deliver for my State, my procedures. I object when those proce- constituents, our servicemembers, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The dures are not used to further the truth Chair recognizes the gentleman from our country. or to undermine it. Maia served as a mentor for my New York (Mr. TONKO) for 5 minutes. In 2017, eight U.S. intelligence agen- Mr. TONKO. Mr. Speaker, millions of team, both in my district office and on cies—eight—said that Russia had en- America’s restaurants are on the edge Capitol Hill. She led my staff to always gaged in an unprecedented attempt to of financial collapse. If we do not get put the needs of our constituents first interfere in our elections in favor of them a lifeline now, we will lose these and work hard to enact real change. Donald Trump. I sought the kind of as- pillars of community and economic vi- I look forward to seeing the great surance about the security of the 2016 tality that have long stood throughout work that Maia will do as she takes on election that has already been provided our Nation. And we will pay an even new challenges and, no doubt, excels. for 2020. It was not forthcoming. steeper price as millions more Ameri- Maia, thank you very much for your Mr. Speaker, America’s institutions cans lose their jobs and families are years of service. You have made a dif- will survive the test of the last few left stranded with nowhere to turn. ference in the lives of many, and I weeks. Due to the quiet courage and More than 110,000 of America’s res- know you will continue to do so in the commitment of thousands of volunteer taurants have already closed during years ahead.
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