Harold Jantz Collection of German Baroque Literature Author Index 1

Harold Jantz Collection of German Baroque Literature Author Index 1

Harold Jantz Collection of German Baroque Literature Author Index A., A. P. v. [Abel, Caspar], 1676-1763. Hoff- und Bürgerliche Reden gantz neues Styli. ... Brieffe der Heldinnen. heirs of Christoph Mylius; Jena, pr. Nise. 1685 Leipzig, no pr. 1704 Jantz No. 2829; Halle; 3rd ed. augm.; 8. [engr. t.p., Jantz No. 298; tr. Ovidius Naso, Publius, 43 B.C.-18 t.p.r&b, 27, 1 bl.], 566[recte 556]p.; Engraving with A.D.; 8. [t.p.r&b, 6], 264p.; First edition of this emblematic medallions by C. Rumstet. Addresses & translation of the Heroides. speeches for all occasions; 200 further added in this Reel: 52 edition. Reel: 562 [Abel, Caspar], 1676-1763. ... Epistolae Heroidvm, Oder Brieffe Der A., F. L. V. B. V. Heldinnen. Gedächtniß-Mahl. Gottlob Ernst Struntz. 1723 Breslau, pr. Joh. Jancke in the shop of the heirs of Jantz No. 299; tr. Ovidius Naso, Publius, 43 B.C.-18 Baumann. [1708] A.D.; Quedlinburg & Aschersleben; 8. [t.p.r&b, pr.v., Jantz No. 2830; So zu Ehren Der ... Frauen 12], 160, [half t. & pr.v.], 93, [1 bl.]p.; Augmented Charlotten/ Herzogin zu Schleßwig-Holstein ... In second edition, including also translations of the Breßlau auffgerichtet ...; 2. [t.p., engr. verso, 2]p.; answering epistles by Aulus Sabinus. Engraving by Jaques Brugiere of Breslau depicting Reel: 52 the silver urn in memory of the daughter of the last of the Silesian dynasty of the Piasts. Memorial poem in Abele von Lilienberg, Matthias, 1616 or 1618- 6 stanzas. 1677. Reel: 562 Metamorphosis Telae Judiciariae, Das ist: Seltzame Gerichtshändel. A[dlersheim], J[ohanna] L[aurentia] v[on]. Michael Endter. 1654 Verteutschte Stratonica. Jantz No. 300; Nürnberg; 8. [engr. t.p., t.p., pr.v., 10], Peter le Grande. 1666 816[recte 802], [22]p.; In two parts of 39 & 100 Jantz No. 352; tr.; Amsterdam;, d. 1680.; Assarino, stories of cases at law, with anecdotes & verses. In Luca, 1607-1672.; 12. [engr. t.p., 6], 264p. (9 engr. in the edition of the following year these, with eleven text, lacks portr. & p. 173/4).; Novel. Engraving on cases added, constituted the new first part. page 101 inverted. Engraved coat of arms imprinted Accompanying poems by Harsdörffer, Lochner, & directly on verso of title page; For Jantz No. 352: see Birken. von Faber No. 851. Reel: 52 Abel, Caspar, 1676-1763. Abele von Lilienberg, Matthias, 1616 or 1618- ...auserlesene Satirische Gedichte. 1677. Gottlob Ernst Struntze. 1714 Metamorphosis Telae Judiciariae, Das ist: Jantz No. 297; Quedlinburg & Aschersleben; 8. [t.p. Seltzame Gerichtshändel. r&b, 21, 1 bl.], 224 p.; Two satires translated from Michael Endter. 1655, 58 Boileau, one from Horace; the eleven further pieces Jantz No. 301; Nürnberg; 2 vols. 8. I. [half t., pr.v., are by Abel. In his 1729 edition of Boileau's & other engr. t.p., t.p., pr.v., 10], 791[recte 761], [15]p.; II. satires he takes over the three translations, but adds [half t., pr.v., engr. t.p., t.p., pr.v., 10], 452[recte an entirely different group of his own poems; For 434], [11, 1 bl.]p.; Part one with 150 stories of cases Jantz No. 297: see von Faber No. 1699. at law, part two in first edition, with 150 cases added. Part two with four prefatory poems, the first by Abel, Caspar, 1676-1763; Boileau-Despréaux, Harsdörffer. Nicolas, 1636-1711. Reel: 53 ... Satyrische Gedichte. Joh. Christoph König. 1729 Abele von Lilienberg, Matthias, 1616 or 1618- Jantz No. 299a [3531]; Goslar; 8. [front., t.p.r&b, 1677. 12], 528p.; Beyond the translations from Boileau (1- Metamorphosis Telae Judiciariae, Das ist: 207) & others from Latin & French, the volume also Seltzame Gerichtshändel. contains anonymous poems in Low German (287- Michael Endter. 1661 311), the third translated from the Dutch, & Abel's Jantz No. 302; Nürnberg; 2 vols. 8. I. [half t., pr.v., own poems (395-528), one a satire against monarchic engr. t.p., t.p., pr.v., 10], 791[recte 761], [15]p.; II. ambition & war, several celebrating the victories over [half t., pr.v., engr. t.p., t.p., pr.v., 10], 434, [11, 1 the French & Turks, 1704-1717, & a final one on the bl.]p.; New edition of the complete two parts. In both bicentennial of the Reformation. parts the prefatory poems of Harsdörffer alone are Reel: 52 retained. Reel: 53 1 Harold Jantz Collection of German Baroque Literature Author Index Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Abrahamische Lauber-Hütt. Auff / Auff ihr Christen!. Georg Lehmann. 1723, 22, 23 Salzburg & pr. Melchior Haan. 1687 Jantz No. 303; Wien & Nürnberg; 3 vols. 4. I. [front., Jantz No. 308; 4. [t.p.], 102, [2]p.; Excerpted from t.p.r&b, 12], 473, [37]p.; II. [front., t.p.r&b, 12], 458, the 1687 edition of his Reimb dich, Oder Ich Liß [36]p.; III. [front., t.p.r&b, 18], 419[recte 427], [52, 1 dich; For Jantz No. 308: see von Faber No. 1107. bl.]p.; Volume I in second edition, II & III in first edition. Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Reel: 54 ... Besonders meubliert- und gezierte Todten- Capelle. Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Christoph Weigel; Würzburg, pr. Martin Franz Hertz. Abrahamische Lauber-Hütt. 1711 Wien & Nürnberg, Georg Lehmann, Joh. Paul Krauß. Jantz No. 309; Nürnberg; 8. [double engr. t.p., double 1723; 1738, 50 t.p., 35, 1 bl.], 316, [20]p. & 68 numb. embl. pl. Jantz No. 304; 3 vols. 4. I. [front., t.p.r&b, 12], 473, (engr. t.p. def.); Emblems, dance of death. [37, 2 bl.]p.; II. [front., t.p.r&b, 10, 2 bl.], 458, [36, 2 Reel: 56 bl.]p. & 8-p. pref. material from another ed.; III. [front., t.p.r&b, 12], 419 [recte 427], [52, 1 bl.]p.; Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Entirely uncut. The added material of volume II Centi-Folium Stultorum In Quarto. includes a dedication signed Joannes Neiner. Volume Joh. Christoph Weigel, pr. Christoph Lercher. I has signatures A-I in reprint, the rest from the 1723 [chronogr]. [1709] edition. Volume II has prefatory material through Jantz No. 310; Wien, Joh. Carl Megerle; Nürnberg; 4. first page of table of contents in 1738 reprint, the rest [t.p.r&b, 4], 404, [4]p. & 101 engr. pl. (lacks front.); from the 1722 edition. Volume III is entirely in the With the famous Weigel illustrations. Copy later reprint. containing the additional "mirror" plate (Gar kein Reel: 55 Narr) & its appended engraved verses. Reel: 56 Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Abrahamisches Bescheid-Essen. Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Georg Lehmann. 1717 Corona Gloriae. Jantz No. 305; Wien & Brünn; 4. [front., t.p.r&b, 20], Wien, pr. Joh. Christoph Cosmerovius. 1680 616p.; First edition. Jantz No. 311; 4. 27 [incl. t.p. & bl. v.], [1 bl.]p.; Reel: 56 Long middle-axis inscription, acrostics, epigrams (one in German), in tribute to Emericus, the new Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. bishop of Vienna. Abrahamisches Gehab dich wohl!. Reel: 57 Georg Lehmann in Wien. 1729 Jantz No. 306; Nürnberg; 4. [engr. front., t.p. r & b, 16], 505, [37]p.; Issued posthumously, in his name & in his manner; For Jantz No. 306: see von Faber No. 1132. Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Aller Freud / und Fried/ Fried und Freud ... ist Ursach Maria. no impr. 1698 Jantz No. 307; 4. 54[incl. t.p. & pr.v.], [2 bl.]p.; Includes 4 works, each with separate half-title included in pagination: 2. Etliche Sinn-Bilder/ So an der schönen Triumph-Porten Deß grossen Burger- Spitals Zu Wien zu sehen gewest ..., 3. Brunst zu Wienn Von Wasser ..., 4. Baare Bezahlung/ Das ist: Eine kurtze Danck-Predigt ... parts 3 & 4 had first appeared separately in 1697. Reel: 56 2 Harold Jantz Collection of German Baroque Literature Author Index Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Danck vnd Denckzahl. Grosse Todten-Bruderschafft. Salzburg & pr. Melchior Haan. 1687 Salzburg & pr. Melchior Haan. 1687 Jantz No. 312; 4. [t.p.], 13, [1 bl.]p.; Excerpted from Jantz No. 320; 4. [t.p.], 29, [1] p.; Excerpted fr. 1687 the 1687 edition of his Reimb dich; For Jantz No. ed. of Reimb Dich; For Jantz No. 320: see von Faber 312: see von Faber No. 1097. No. 1102. Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Etwas für Alle. Die Heilige Hof-Art. Christoph Weigel; Würzburg, pr. Martin Franz Hertz. Salzburg & pr. Melchior Haan. 1688 [1710 or 1711] Jantz No. 321; 4. [t.p.], 17,[1] p.; Excerpted fr. the Jantz No. 313; Nürnberg; 8. [front. & t.p.w., 6 of 12], 1688 ed. of Reimb Dich; For Jantz No. 321: see von 532, [12]p. & 100 numb. engr. pl.; Survey of the Faber No. 1093. professions, trades, & handicrafts, each with a Weigel illustration made emblematic by motto & Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. appended verses; For Jantz No. 313: see von Faber Heilsames Gemisch Gemasch. No. 1118. Christoph Weigel; Wien, sold Jacob Koll; Würzburg, pr. Hiob Hertz. 1704 Abraham a Sancta Clara, 1644-1709. Jantz No. 322; Nürnberg; 4. [front., t.p.r&b, 10], 538, Etwas für Alle. [8]p. (50 engr. in text.); Anecdotal miscellany. With Christoph Weigel; Würzburg, pr. Martin Franz Hertz. the fine imaginative engravings of C. Luyken.; 1711 Heilsames Gemisch Gemasch ... (Card 2); Pages 351- Jantz No. 314; Dritter und letzter Theil ...; Nürnberg; 2 supplied from a copy in the holdings of the 8. [t.p.r&b, 12], 974, [30]p.

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