• The Notre Dame ^ Cotillion and Law Ball Nooember i8, [949 JT YOU are Always a Guest Here Before You are a Customer \ Home of Hickey-Freeman . Famous Names Society Brand . in Burberry . .. ''GGC' Men's Ouality . Alpagora . Clothing British-R . Dobbs /i^ GILBERT'S 813 - 817 S. MICHIGAN STREET V SOUTH N D • S EST TORE 7 The Scholastic ' X' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!^^^^^^^M^^^^^^^^^t^^^^!^^sismmmmmmm letters ( * That Man Again white collar men I Editor: keep in the pink % "There warn't no Justice"—but we r had a Hart! with —J. Gelson :\" 322 Zahni. » TWO-TONES sy Sportsivriters who overtvorked the I cliche didn't—Editor. On 'A Minor Prophet' / Editor: /. // \ In the future, please let the Juggler print those alleged stories without any sense to them. I refer to that "thing" by James S. Hurley in last week's maga­ • zine. Take pity, editoi-, I'm only a science student and am not up to sprain­ ^'iL fi ing my brain on SCHOLASTIC'S pages. Dan Brennan Off-Campus. Take pity, son, ^ve're only an editor. Step up your beat with the extra tone you get —Editor. from Van Heusen Bolder Look Two-Tones! —:— Wide-spread Van Bold collar and French cuffs What Gives? are white... the shirt is in clear, bright Editor: pastel. Van Heusen keeps you in great shape In the editor's column of last week's 1^ SCHOLASTIC, it was noted that the pep with fine quality... smart, new styling... §3.95 rally for the Michigan State game was one of the best rallies for spirit that we have seen in some time. When the head cheerleader was itnable to be found, my roommate was contacted, and he both cheered and ran the rally as Van Heusetf M.C. The head cheerleader had taken a weekend and had failed to arrange for "the world's smartest' shirts cheerleaders for the rally. PHILLIPS.JONES CORP.. NEW YORK 1. N. Y. All those students who attended the A game in New York were disgusted, I'm sure, with the cheerleaders for the very poor job they did. Not only did they fail to lead many cheers but the cheers they did lead they couldn't even get to­ gether on if they attempted to do them at all. We in the stands took it upon ourselves to cheer and make up chants as the game progressed. It's Adlers for My roommate didn't go on the trip because he was a junior and the others Avere seniors. One of the men who went A was conspicuous for his absence at the Van Heusen game. My roommate and this man are both in their second year as cheerlead­ ers and this man also went on the trip last year. In my opinion something in this mat­ ter "smells from Denmark." John Cleary 409 Badin Hall MICHIGAN at WASHINGTON Cheerleaders, lend an ear; explain yourselves.—Editor. Nov. 18, 1949 initial Technical Review' received favorable comment on recent sasoit's Handbook on Thanksgiving Day Sundays. Foremost on the menu is the Dinner, and will not soon be forgotten. Hits Newsstands Today roast turkey and dressing. The cus­ Don't forget your tickets, as it is tomary cranberry sauce will not be lack­ rumored that there will be a bounty on This Universitj'^s newest publication, The Notre Dame Technical Review, ing, and there will also be mashed po­ line-crashei-s, and the old story that came oif the presses today. tatoes, peas, head lettuce "with Thousand your room burnt down last night will Island dressing, bread and butter, milk not be honored.—Tom Kelley Edited by engineer William J. Ruoff, (only those A\ath friends ^sn.ll get more the initial edition contains articles of than two glasses), and finally mince pie. interest to engineering and science stu­ Catholic Theater Players dents written by local students and fac­ This dinner strictly conforms to Mas- ulty members. To Present 'Mrs. Moonlight' (^ Lead articles for this issue are "Liq­ MARRIAGE FORUM Mrs. Moonlight, a three-act drama by uid Fuel from Coal," by Valentine V. The sixth session of the Institute Benn W. Levy, will be presented Dec. Eeisig and "Evolution of the Skyscrap­ on Christian Marriage, sponsored by 7, 8 and 9 by the Catholic Theater er," by Edward Denning. the Department of Religion, will be Guild of South Bend. Directing this The magazine, which vnll be distrib­ held next Wednesday evening at 8 second play of the Guild's 1949-50 sea­ uted free to all engineering students, o'clock in the Law Auditorium. Mr. son is Leonard Sommer, assistant pro­ can be obtained by others at the Dining Patrick Crowley will deliver an ad­ fessor in the Department of Speech at Hall newsstand and the bookstore. The dress entitled "Aiming for Sanctity Notre Dame. price is tvventy-five cents. in Marriage" and Mrs. Patrick Crow­ The play has a fascinating plot cen­ ley will speak on "The Apostolate of tered around the character of Sarah Moonlight, who never grows old, while |f- Catholic Family Life." Dining Hall Tells Menu her family and friends all around her ^ On the following Wednesday, Nov. For Thanksgiving Dinner steadily show signs of age. It has to 30, Rev. Philip Hanley, O.P., will do ^vith the psychological reactions pro­ Attention, all gourmets and gour­ lecture on "Current Moral Attitudes duced by this situation and the startling mands! Through an exclusive inter­ on Marriage." Rev. Charles Sheedy, results affecting the lives of all con­ view \\'ith the Dining Hall Board of C.S.C., will speak on "Virtues of cerned. Directors, it has been learned that the Christian Married Life." Mrs. Moonlight is scheduled for 8:15 "Hash-Slingers" have gone out of their The Institute is being presented for p.m. in St. Patrick's auditorium on way to make this year's Thanksgiving graduate students, January gradu­ Scott street. Admission price is sixty Day dinner a real feast. ates, and married students. It is open cents, and all students and faculty of It ^^^ll be noticed that the dinner is to men only. Notre Dame are especially invited to somewhat similar to the one which has attend. the most cotnfartabie Tuxedo ever made . • • SHRADMOOR TUXEDOS 39 .50 For special occasions when you "dress" it is important that your dress clothes possess the distinctive styling that is such an integral part of fine quality clothes. The Shradmoor label assures style authority plus the comfortable look and feel that only fine tailor­ ing can give. Tuxedos or Full Dress Suits by Varsity Town, $58. THIS WEEK'S BROWSER WINNER: DENNIS O'NEILL, Jr., 302 BADIN HALL MICHIGAN at WASHINGTON The Scholastic the New York Times: ORONO, Maine, (AP) Dr. Wilmarth H. Starr, head of the University of Maine's Romance THE WEEK Language Department, ordered twenty copies of Victor Hugo's "Notre Dame de Paris" for a French literature dass. by ffack McQoldrick The order came through recently. Neatly boxed were twenty voliunes of "Notre Dame: The T Formation." (No comment) ' Top of the Week was only last week to the freshman hop The team brought home the bacon, at the high school. And I'll try to Bottom of the Week but. remember what you said about not yell­ .... it's too bad there's not enough V ing, "Gad, look at all the men", when to go around. I get up to the campus, like I did last Metropolitan Movies year. The student trip is over for another Who is this Griff Williams band? Is WASHINGTON HALL MOVIES year. Sadder but poorer, the lads he any relation to that there quarter­ staggered back on the train Sunday at back Bob Williams? I'm sure glad The following is the new list of movies 4, and chugged uneventfully back to there's this 'Night in Old Erin' theme in Washington Hall up to Christmas Hoosierdom. They had come, seen, to the affair—^I went to an Irish wake vacation: F and conquered. The metropolis man­ once, and had a swell time. Sat., Nov. 19—^Down to the Sea in Ships; aged to swallow up the various victory exhibitions without too much effort. Don't forget now—^meet me Friday Cartoon; News. 6:40—9:00. The German-American club dowTi on afternoon at the junction of 31 and 6. Wed., Nov. 23—^Africa Screams; Car­ Third avenue had an even Saturday (That's where most of them big trucks toon; News. 6:40—8:15. night representation of N.D. and N.C. turn oft' for Chicago.) Just so's you won't mistake me in the crowd, I'll be Sat., Nov. 26—^Adventure in Baltimore; students celebrating and crying in their This is America—Girls in White; beer, respectively. After the game, carrying a toothbrush and a Toni kit. News. 6!40—8:40. Choo Choo Justice said, "there ain't Love, none". Subway alumni, real alumni, Evalina Sat., Dec. 3—Bank-Dick; News. 6:40— Carolina alumni, Reverend Fathers, dis­ —:— 8:20. tinguished guests, and fellow students Question of the Week Wed., Dec. 7—Sorrowful Jones; Popular . were all saluted at half-time by the Science Reel; News. 6:40—8:25. ' band . and there were only six min­ Q. Why do they cheer so loud Avhen utes in which to do it. Following a football player is hurt? Sat., Dec. 10— It Happens Every Spring; the final whistle, the band marched A. So you can't hear what he's say­ March of Time; News. 2:00—6:40— back to the lobby of the Embassy Hotel, ing.
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