When Sammy Kaye opened at the Grill of the Roosevelt Hotel in New York recently, several top New York radio personalities joined him, and as can be seen above, tried to get into the act. From left to right surrounding Sammy are: Lonny Starr, WNEW; Al Trilling, WNEW; Martin Block, WABC; Jack Lacy, WINS; and Jerry Marhall, WMGM. Sammy, who is a consistent seller for Columbia Records, is currently represented with his latest album, “Sammy Kaye Swings And Sways Popular American Waltzes”. sings JOHNNY’S DREAI iiy*i Jt*V" ML FA#** with Hugo Winterhalter’s Orchestra 47/20-7082 stabt®; and Chorus MOON §»lfll llillll |«f|l Sihg GOODBYE, C/w TEEN BILL 47/20-7080 BBi Watch for these NBC-TV network shows, in Color and black-and-white . PERRY COMO, GEORGE GOBEL, EDDIE FISHER, THE PRICE IS RIGHT, TIC TAC DOUGH... all sponsored by RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA " ” " The GashBox Volume XIX—Number 8 November 9, 1957 Publisher* BILL GERSH JOE ORLECK The Cash Box Publishing Co., Inc. Feature: 1721 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. New (All Phones: JUdson 6-2640) Cable Address: CASHBOX, N. Y. JOE ORLECK • CHICAGO OP* ICE 32 West Randolph St., Chicago 1, 111. (All Phones: DEarbom 2-0045) BILL GERSH Howie Freer Lee Brooks • HOLLYWOOD OFFICE 6272 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28, Cal. RETAILERS’ (Phone: Hollywood 5-2129) JACK DEVANEY Bob Martin • BOSTON OFFICE 80 Boyiston St., Boston 16, Mass. (Phone: HAncock 6-8386) GUY LIVINGSTON • CORNER LONDON OFFICE 17 Hilltop, London, N.W. 11, England (Phone: Speedwell 2596) MARCEL STELLMAN • ADVERTISING STAFF BOB AUSTIN, General Mgr., Music Dept. JERRY SHIFRIN Music Dept. • Beginning with this issue, The Cash all retailers have been able to take ad- EDITORIAL STAFF SID PARNES, Editor-In-Chief Box introduces a feature which will be vantage of the latest developments in NORMAN ORLECK, Editor MARTY OSTROW, Editor of vital interest to every retailer in the merchandising is that they haven’t IRA HOWARD, Associate Editor will it isn’t IRV LICHTMAN, Assistant Editor country. Not only contain news known ahout them. There really CISSIE GERSH, Woman’s Editor that will keep retailers to the minute too much literature devoted exclusively POPSIE, Staff Photographer up BRUNO DUTKOWSKY, Art Director such things as products, re- to the needs of the record retailer. • on new new And A. MARINO, Office Manager tailing concepts, and new moneymaking what there is, is usually so verbose that T. TORTOSA, Circulation ideas, but it will also be a column in the busy retailer has no time to read it. • retailer will ADVERTISING RATES on request. All advertising which the have an oppor- What we intend to 12 Noon preceding week of issue. accomplish with closes Friday at tunity to express his own opinions. Advertisements subject to approval of publishers. the Retailers’ Corner is to create a place SUBSCRIPTION RATES $15 per year anywhere in Second class mailing die U. S. A. Published weekly. Selling records today is a very dif- where the retailer will be able to tell privileges authorized at New York, N. Y. THE CASH BOX covers the entire music industp-, ferent business than it was just a few almost at a glance what is happening ranging from retail record and music stores to disk jockeys, music publishers, recording artists, record years ago. The record industry has in the business world that affects him manufacturers, music composers and arrangers, radio and TV stations, and all others allied to the music come of age and has taken its place directly, what other retailers are doing industry throughout the world. that THE CASH BOX covers the entire coin machine in- among the other entertainment indus- may help him to increase his busi- dustry all over the world. Operators, jobbers, distribu- tries. a matter of fact, it sur- ness and what manufacturers tors, manufacturers and suppliers of automatic music, As has are plan- vending, service and amuser ;ct machines are covered. passed many of them. Yet it is the ex- ning. In addition we intent to create an THE CASH BOX covers^ extends to finance firms, loan organizations, factors, banks, and other financial pressed opinion of many people in the area in which retailers can exchange institutions, expressly interested in the financing of coin machines of all kinds. industry that the merchandising of rec- opinions with each other to the mutual "THE CASH BOX PRICE LIST: ’ (a combination of The Cash Box’ former ‘Confidential Price Lists' and The ords has not yet developed to the stage benefit of all. Cash Box’ former 'C. M. I. [Coin Machines Industry] Blue Book’) are the one and only officially recognized where it is taking full advantage of the price quotations guide for all new and used machines in It is only through the constant dis- the United States and all over the world where Ameri- market that is available to it. When we can made machines are used. " The Cash Box Price Lists semination of new ideas that any indus- are an exclusive and copyrighted feature of The Cash consider the total amount of music in Bass. "The Cash Box Price Lists are recognized officially try can continue to grow and develop by cities and states throughout the country as the "official use in the country today and then evalu- price book of the coin machines industry." "The Cash and prosper. The record industry has Box Price Lists are officially used in the settlement of ate the amount of music—in any form estates, for buying, selling or trading of all types of coin much too great a potential for it to operated equipment and are r'ao officially recognized for —that is purchased, it comes to an in- taxation purposes. "The Casl Box Price Lists’’ are used neglect retailers’ needs as far as news by finance firms, factors, loaL companies, bankers, and finitismal percentage. This can only all other financial institutions to guide them in the mak- and ideas are concerned. The Cash Box’ ing of loans to members of the coin machines industry. mean that, despite the advances that new feature, Retailers’ The publishers reserve the right to r.fuse advertise- Corner , intends ments, and have been made in the past several editorial material and all other subject to advertising com- take a long step to insure the fact that matter that does not meet with their years in the merchandising of records, plete approval. every retailer who reads it will be bet- Copyright under the International Copyright Conven- we still have a long way to go. dsn. All rights reserved by the Pan American Copy- ter informed and therefore a better right Convention. Copyright 1957 by The Cash Box retailer Publishing Co., Inc. Perhaps one of the reasons why not record than before. 6* • rv «v SV Page 4 November 9. 1957 The Cash Box, Music : THE NATION’S b 1=0 Top li ns Ten JUKE BOX TUNES JONI JAMES^n (PUIS DIE NEXt 25) VE Jfe, NEVER Pos. Last MY ft.®! TILL NOW Week (From this MGM Prod. WAKE UP LITTLE SUSIE "Raintree County") K12365 on EVERLY BROTHERS CD-1337— Everly Brothers JAILHOUSE ROCK CONNIE ELVIS PRESLEY VI-7035— Elvis Presley CHANCES ARE J JOHNNY MATHIS 2 YOU, MY DARLIN', YOU CO-40993—Johnny Mathis K 12555 on 45 & 78 RPM HONEYCOMB ^ JIMMIE RODGERS 3 DE-30418—Georgie Shaw RO-4015—Jimmie Rodgers FASCINATION SMASH . JANE MORGAN Morgan 5 3 CO-40982—Ray Ellis 0. KA-191 —Jane CR-61864—Dick Jacobs 0. LO-1758—Chris Hamilton DE-30421—Ethel Smith ME-71 152— David Carroll 0. JU-5293—Big Al Sears VI-6980— Dinah Shore SILHOUETTES ALL6ROWN OP THE RAYS §11111 K 12560 (ON 45 & 78 RPM) AP- 9856—Steve Gibson & Red Caps CM-117—The Rays i«*i ME-71 197—Diamonds A SOL C. $<€'8Kv COUV. PORTER'S OO-LA-LA! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY WHAT A SOUND TRACK ALBUM! M-G-M PRESENTS TUNE WEAVERS A SOL C. SIEGEL PRODUCTION of CK-872—Tune Weavers DE-30432—Kay Cee Jones COLE PORTER'S ME-71182—Dottie Ferguson Les Girls BE-BOP BABY Starring GENE KELLY • KAY KENDALL RICKY NELSON MITZI GAYNOR • TAINA ELG IM-5463—Ricky Nelson E 3590 ST THArLL BE THE DAY : " Jfl( i :<5K A PORTER V J v COt.E CRICKETS >> THE AG-5276—Ravens DE-30434—Buddy Holly BR-55009—The Crickets VE-10064—Jeff Allen DIANA THE PAUL ANKA AP-9831—Paul Anka TAYLOR CHARIOTEERS on Tenor Sax 11) TAMMY. 12) MELODIE D'AMOUR. 13) WHOLE LOT OF SHAKIN' GOING ON 14) MY SPECIAL ANGEL. 15) YOU SEND ME. 16) LOTTA LOVIN'. 17) THE CANDLES KEEP A-KNOCKIN'. 18) MR. LEE. 19) HULA LOVE. 20) JUST BETWEEN YOU AND ME. 21) JUST BORN. 22) AND THAT REMINDS ME. 23) LITTLE BITTY PRETTY ONE. 24) RAINBOW. 25) ALONE. 26) MY ONE SIN. 27) BLACK I'LL REMEMBER TODAY. 29) PLAYTHING. 3D) APRIL LOVE. (El Manisero) SLACKS. 28) AND 31) WITH YOU ON MY MIND. 32) HAVE I TOLD YOU LATELY THAT I LOVE YOU 33) ALL THE WAY. 34) I'M AVAILABLE. 35) REMEMBER YOU'RE MINE. c o D E il AC—Atco CD—Cadence EL—Eldorado HE—Herald OK—Okeh SP—Specialty IM Imperial AG—Argo CH—Chess EP—Epic — PE—Peacock SU—Sun AL—Aladdin CK—Checker ER—Era JU—Jubilee TH—Thunderbird Josie PP—Prep AO—Apollo CM—Cameo EX—Excello JZ— Tl—Tico AP—ABC- CO—Columbia KA—Kapp RE—Regent UN—United CR Coral FS—Four Star Kl—King UQ—Unique Paramount — RM—Rama AT—Atlantic DA—Dana FE—Federal LI —Liberty VE—Verve BR—Brunswick DE—Decca FI —Fiesta LO—London RO—Roulette VI—RCA-Victor BT—Bethlehem DL—DeLuxe FR—Fraternity ME—Mercury RP—RPM VJ—Vee-Joy BY—Bally DO—Dot GE—Gee MG—MGM SA—Savoy VK—Vik CA—Capitol DT—Dooto CC—Chic DU—Duke GL—Glory MO—Modern SE—Seeco VP—Vip “Only those records best suited for commercial use are reviewed by THE CASH BOX ! The Cash Box, Music Page 5 November 9, 1957 AUDIO FIDELITY RECORDS CASHBOX AD NO.
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