California Department of Fish and Game Natural Diversity Database Selected Elements by Scientific Name - Portrait Grover Beach Lodge RareFind List 7-27-2010; Oceano, Nipomo, Point Sal, Guadalupe, Santa Maria, Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande NE, Tar Spring Ridge CDFG or Scientific Name/Common Name Element Code Federal Status State Status GRank SRank CNPS 1 Ablautus schlingeri IIDIP42010 G1 S1 Oso Flaco robber fly 2 Accipiter striatus ABNKC12020 G5 S3 sharp-shinned hawk 3 Agrostis hooveri PMPOA040M0 G2 S2.2 1B.2 Hoover's bent grass 4 Ambystoma californiense AAAAA01180 Threatened Threatened G2G3 S2S3 SC California tiger salamander 5 Anniella pulchra pulchra ARACC01012 G3G4T3T4 S3 SC silvery legless lizard Q 6 Aphanisma blitoides PDCHE02010 G2 S1.1 1B.2 aphanisma 7 Arctostaphylos luciana PDERI040N0 G2 S2.2 1B.2 Santa Lucia manzanita 8 Arctostaphylos morroensis PDERI040S0 Threatened G2 S2.2 1B.1 Morro manzanita 9 Arctostaphylos pechoensis PDERI04140 G2 S2.2 1B.2 Pecho manzanita 10 Arctostaphylos pilosula PDERI04160 G2 S2.2 1B.2 Santa Margarita manzanita 11 Arctostaphylos rudis PDERI041E0 G2 S2.2 1B.2 sand mesa manzanita 12 Arctostaphylos wellsii PDERI042B0 G1G2 S1S2 1B.1 Wells' manzanita 13 Arenaria paludicola PDCAR040L0 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 1B.1 marsh sandwort 14 Areniscythris brachypteris IILEG49010 G1 S1 Oso Flaco flightless moth 15 Astragalus didymocarpus var. milesianus PDFAB0F2X3 G5T2 S2.2 1B.2 Miles' milk-vetch 16 Athene cunicularia ABNSB10010 G4 S2 SC burrowing owl 17 Atriplex serenana var. davidsonii PDCHE041T1 G5T2? S2? 1B.2 Davidson's saltscale 18 Branchinecta lynchi ICBRA03030 Threatened G3 S2S3 vernal pool fairy shrimp 19 Calochortus obispoensis PMLIL0D110 G2 S2.1 1B.2 La Panza mariposa-lily 20 Calochortus simulans PMLIL0D170 G2 S2.3 1B.3 San Luis Obispo mariposa-lily 21 Calystegia subacaulis ssp. episcopalis PDCON040J1 G3T1 S1.2 1B.2 Cambria morning-glory 22 Castilleja densiflora ssp. obispoensis PDSCR0D453 G5T2 S2.2 1B.2 San Luis Obispo owl's-clover Commercial Version -- Dated July 03, 2010 -- Biogeographic Data Branch Page 1 Report Printed on Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Information Expires 01/03/2011 California Department of Fish and Game Natural Diversity Database Selected Elements by Scientific Name - Portrait Grover Beach Lodge RareFind List 7-27-2010; Oceano, Nipomo, Point Sal, Guadalupe, Santa Maria, Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande NE, Tar Spring Ridge CDFG or Scientific Name/Common Name Element Code Federal Status State Status GRank SRank CNPS 23 Central Dune Scrub CTT21320CA G2 S2.2 24 Central Foredunes CTT21220CA G1 S1.2 25 Central Maritime Chaparral CTT37C20CA G2 S2.2 26 Centromadia parryi ssp. congdonii PDAST4R0P1 G4T3 S3.2 1B.2 Congdon's tarplant 27 Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus ABNNB03031 Threatened G4T3 S2 SC western snowy plover 28 Chlosyne leanira elegans IILEPJA051 G4G5T1T2 S1S2 Oso Flaco patch butterfly 29 Chorizanthe breweri PDPGN04050 G2 S2.2 1B.3 Brewer's spineflower 30 Chorizanthe rectispina PDPGN040N0 G1 S1.2 1B.3 straight-awned spineflower 31 Cicindela hirticollis gravida IICOL02101 G5T2 S1 sandy beach tiger beetle 32 Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense PDAST2E162 Endangered Endangered G2T1 S1.2 1B.2 Chorro Creek bog thistle 33 Cirsium loncholepis PDAST2E1N0 Endangered Threatened G2 S2.2 1B.1 La Graciosa thistle 34 Cirsium rhothophilum PDAST2E2J0 Threatened G2 S2.2 1B.2 surf thistle 35 Cladium californicum PMCYP04010 G4 S2.2 2.2 California saw-grass 36 Clarkia speciosa ssp. immaculata PDONA05111 Endangered Rare G4T1 S1.1 1B.1 Pismo clarkia 37 Coastal and Valley Freshwater Marsh CTT52410CA G3 S2.1 38 Danaus plexippus IILEPP2010 G5 S3 monarch butterfly 39 Deinandra increscens ssp. foliosa PDAST4R0U4 G4G5T2 S2.2 1B.2 leafy tarplant 40 Deinandra increscens ssp. villosa PDAST4R0U3 Endangered Endangered G4G5T1 S1.1 1B.1 Gaviota tarplant 41 Delphinium parryi ssp. blochmaniae PDRAN0B1B1 G4T2 S2.2 1B.2 dune larkspur 42 Delphinium umbraculorum PDRAN0B1W0 G2G3 S2S3.3 1B.3 umbrella larkspur 43 Dithyrea maritima PDBRA10020 Threatened G2 S2.1 1B.1 beach spectaclepod 44 Dudleya abramsii ssp. murina PDCRA04012 G3T2 S2.3 1B.3 mouse-gray dudleya 45 Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. blochmaniae PDCRA04051 G2T2 S2.1 1B.1 Blochman's dudleya 46 Emys marmorata ARAAD02030 G3G4 S3 SC western pond turtle Commercial Version -- Dated July 03, 2010 -- Biogeographic Data Branch Page 2 Report Printed on Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Information Expires 01/03/2011 California Department of Fish and Game Natural Diversity Database Selected Elements by Scientific Name - Portrait Grover Beach Lodge RareFind List 7-27-2010; Oceano, Nipomo, Point Sal, Guadalupe, Santa Maria, Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande NE, Tar Spring Ridge CDFG or Scientific Name/Common Name Element Code Federal Status State Status GRank SRank CNPS 47 Erigeron blochmaniae PDAST3M5J0 G2 S2.2 1B.2 Blochman's leafy daisy 48 Eriodictyon altissimum PDHYD04010 Endangered Endangered G2Q S2.2 1B.1 Indian Knob mountainbalm 49 Eryngium aristulatum var. hooveri PDAPI0Z043 G5T2 S2.1 1B.1 Hoover's button-celery 50 Eucyclogobius newberryi AFCQN04010 Endangered G3 S2S3 SC tidewater goby 51 Falco mexicanus ABNKD06090 G5 S3 prairie falcon 52 Gila orcuttii AFCJB13120 G2 S2 SC arroyo chub 53 Gymnogyps californianus ABNKA03010 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 California condor 54 Horkelia cuneata ssp. puberula PDROS0W045 G4T2 S2.1 1B.1 mesa horkelia 55 Horkelia cuneata ssp. sericea PDROS0W043 G4T1 S1.1 1B.1 Kellogg's horkelia 56 Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus ABNME03041 Threatened G4T1 S1 California black rail 57 Layia jonesii PDAST5N090 G1 S1.1 1B.2 Jones' layia 58 Lichnanthe albipilosa IICOL67010 G1 S1 white sand bear scarab beetle 59 Lupinus ludovicianus PDFAB2B2G0 G2 S2.2 1B.2 San Luis Obispo County lupine 60 Lupinus nipomensis PDFAB2B550 Endangered Endangered G1 S1.1 1B.1 Nipomo Mesa lupine 61 Monardella crispa PDLAM18070 G2 S2.2 1B.2 crisp monardella 62 Monardella frutescens PDLAM180X0 G2 S2.2 1B.2 San Luis Obispo monardella 63 Nasturtium gambelii PDBRA270V0 Endangered Threatened G1 S1 1B.1 Gambel's water cress 64 Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus AFCHA0209H Threatened G5T2Q S2 SC steelhead - south/central California coast DPS 65 Orobanche parishii ssp. brachyloba PDORO040A2 G4?T3 S3.2 4.2 short-lobed broomrape 66 Phrynosoma blainvillii ARACF12100 G4G5 S3S4 SC coast horned lizard 67 Plebejus icarioides moroensis IILEPG801B G5T1T3 S1S3 Morro Bay blue butterfly 68 Rana draytonii AAABH01022 Threatened G4T2T3 S2S3 SC California red-legged frog 69 Scrophularia atrata PDSCR1S010 G2 S2.2 1B.2 black-flowered figwort Commercial Version -- Dated July 03, 2010 -- Biogeographic Data Branch Page 3 Report Printed on Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Information Expires 01/03/2011 California Department of Fish and Game Natural Diversity Database Selected Elements by Scientific Name - Portrait Grover Beach Lodge RareFind List 7-27-2010; Oceano, Nipomo, Point Sal, Guadalupe, Santa Maria, Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande NE, Tar Spring Ridge CDFG or Scientific Name/Common Name Element Code Federal Status State Status GRank SRank CNPS 70 Southern Vernal Pool CTT44300CA G? SNR 71 Spea hammondii AAABF02020 G3 S3 SC western spadefoot 72 Sternula antillarum browni ABNNM08103 Endangered Endangered G4T2T3Q S2S3 California least tern 73 Symphyotrichum defoliatum PDASTE80C0 G3 S3.2 1B.2 San Bernardino aster 74 Taricha torosa AAAAF02032 G5T4 S4 SC Coast Range newt 75 Taxidea taxus AMAJF04010 G5 S4 SC American badger 76 Thamnophis hammondii ARADB36160 G3 S2 SC two-striped garter snake 77 Tryonia imitator IMGASJ7040 G2G3 S2S3 mimic tryonia (=California brackishwater snail) 78 Valley Needlegrass Grassland CTT42110CA G1 S3.1 Commercial Version -- Dated July 03, 2010 -- Biogeographic Data Branch Page 4 Report Printed on Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Information Expires 01/03/2011.
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