Exclusive No sudden Touch -'N'- Go controls wheel spin to damage turf Just push a button, step on the foot switch, and Victor accelerates auto- matically! Only the 1960 Victor Electri- Car eliminates spinning damage to deli- cate fairways because it can't be started suddenly, Greater safety, greater dis- tance between chargings, too. Only Victor gives you the features that reduce maintenance costs, build profits; Victor-built motor, direct-in- line-drive, water-tight electronic switch system, aircraft disc brakes, rubber tor- sion front fork, "lifetime" lubricated roller or ball bearings throughout. Exclusive Hinged Body Exclusive Lift-up Deck makes Victor the easiest makes filling and charg- car intheworld to service. ing of Victor's heavy-duty Serviced from the top- batteries easier than on side-no crawling un- any other make. - derneath. Don't buy !!!y car until you try the All-New 1960 VICTOR Electri-Car write, wire or phone: VICTOR ADDING MACHINE CO., ELECTRI· CAR DlV. Chicago 18, III. • KEystone 9-8210 P.S. A few choice direct factory service_-sales agencies available March, 1960 111 I- -0== ca= ~ --==-- •••••0 I» •••••~ . lca- . I.< ~ L.LJ CL CL = 3: CO= 0 w-I.. ~ c.0..:> en ca ::::> - •••••0 ~ ~ =0 112 . Goljdom .,-i ~ c ro en 0- Q) E o c: () tit ~ Q) 4» E .....s:::...., •II "3: c: ••• CO .....s:::...., ~ Q) • ......., en CO "'fo-- en Q) ..E....., 3: Q) Z March, 1960 113 • Reduces fertilizing time by more than • low, easily loaded hopper .•. largest one-half capacity • Controlled, uniform spreading pattern • Vibrating hopper bottoms eliminates burning and striping • On-off control of material-flow to • Spreads pelleted .and granular ferti- fans easily operated from driver's lizer from 30 to over 50 ft. wide seat. BELT CORPORATION Dept. GD ORIENT~ OHIO been accepted for the Stockbridge course. at larger courses. Within this same period, Only 43 have graduated. Of those who did 15 per cent moved from 9-hole to 18-hole not finish, one-third dropped out volun- courses. The remaining 58 per cent have tarily during their course work, one-third stayed in the same position during this pe- decided they were not interested in turf riod. work after a 6 month placement training Fourteen per cent of those who graduat- and one-third were compelled to drop out ed started as assistant supts. Within one because of poor grades. Despite the rather to five years following graduation, 30 high percentage of students who fail to per cent of this total qualified and ac- graduate, interest in this type of course cepted positions as supts. of 18-hole cours- has increased during the last five years. es. Twenty-one per cent of the graduates Yearly enrollments have increased from started as workers on golf courses with al- 10 to 24 during this period, the average most one-half of this total ending up in size of the freshman class being 15 as com- the service within a year or two following pared to an average graduating class of 8. graduation. Several of these men have Golf course positions in the Northeast obtained jobs on service courses while in are plentiful, particularly for those young the Army or Air Force. Two per cent of men just getting started who want to get the graduating turf majors went into ahead. Statistics for the last five years types of turf work other than golf cours- show that all graduates with a major in es and 12 per cent left the turf manage- turfgrass management who have elected ment field completely. golf course work as a career have been Salary Range placed in good jobs at a level consistent Job opportunities are good. Whether a with their abilities. Fifty-one percent have student qualifies depends entirely upon started as full supts. (65 per cent of this himself. College provides the student with total at 9-hole courses, and 35 per cent at an opportunity to show what he can do. 18 or 27-hole courses. It is interesting His professors can evaluate his work and to note that with from one to five year's recommend him for a position consistent experience after graduation, 17 per cent with his abilities, experience and maturity. of those who started as supts. of 9 hole The rest is up to him. courses moved on to become assistants It is difficult to report data on salaries 114 Goljdom INSTANT SALES Water poured on out- side of cap around special cellulose sweet- band drops band tem· perature 15% to 20% through evaporative process. Soft aluminum liner transfers cooling ( action . • keeps The Cap That Turns 90° Heat Into a Cool 75° head dry. U.S. PATENT NOS. 2544381, 2875447 OTHER PATENTS PENDING Brings in quick hot-weather profits ... Makes friends of your customers ... these handsome caps and hats with built-in cooling units, That has been Styles for Men and the experience of pro shops and department stores Women ••. For Every in every market where they have been introduced. Toste- Casual Sports Hats - All Va po-Cool Caps and Hats Fully Guaranteed. Adiustable Golf Styles .•. Legionnaire Style .•• Sports Visor •• . SPECIAL STARTER PACKAGES CARRY Helmet MERCHANDISING AIDS - EXTRA PROFIT See them all in Vapo· Cool Brochure --------- SEND Vapo.Cool Division G·3 COUPON Henschel Manufacturing Co. TODAY 1602 Locust St., St. Louis 3, Mo. FOR FULL DETAILS Gentlemen: Please send full information on Vapo·Cool Headwear at no obligation to me. BROCHURE Name: QUANTITY PRICES Golf Club or Course: . HENSCHEL Ad d ress: .................................................................................••• Manufacturing Co. City: ..... _............................................... State: .•...........• _.... _.• MFRS. OF WORLD RENOWNED ARISTOCAP GOLF CAPS March, 1960 115 Swing in Comfort and Style NOCURL Collar of supts. and their assistants because some "This Is Your Life, o. J. Noerll are only employed seasonally while others have houses and sometimes utilities pro- (Continued from page 94) vided as a supplement to their income. tographed bedded down under a Texas Many now have expense accounts. Records Sombrero with a glass of his favorite herbi- kept during the past five years represent cide in his hand. total earnings per 12 month year regard- Between these photos, Noer was shown less of the actual working contract. They as a 12-year-old chicken farmer, the man- include a nominal allowance for housing ager of his high school basketball team, a and other benefits, where applicable. Dur- college graduate, Chemical warfare major ing this period the average starting salary (World War I), a bridegroom (he was mar- for graduates. of the turf major course of ried in 1919 to Julia Carvel Anderson), and study (regardless of type of starting posi- thereafter in various stances as an agron- tion) was $4280 per year. This figure omist on the prowl for nematodes, sitting represents a range from $2900 to $6500 astride a tractor or in his laboratory acti- per year. With from one to five year's vating sludge. Lafkin revealed that Noer's experience after graduation, the average greatest contribution to mankind was not, salary was $5450 per year, which repre- as you would expect, in the field of agron- sents a range from $2900 to $8500 per omy but in the compounding of a bever- year. One-third of these men earned from age, while he was serving in France in the $3000-$4000 per year; one-fourth from first World War, in which the atom was $5000-$6000; one-fourth from $6000- split for the first time. Happily, it was $7000 and one-sixth more than $7000. It intended to be consumed and not dropped. is not possible to compare the average The climax of the Noer episode came earnings from different classes following when his daughter, Mrs. Dirk van der varying years of experience since no two Burch, and her three children, Dirk II, groups completing the course have been Nancy and Sara, who had been flown in composed of men with similar potentiali- from Palo Alto, Calif., made a dramatic ties. Thus, some advanced more rapidly entry into the Emerald Room for a reunion than others. with O. J. and Mrs. Noer. 116 Gol/dom BAILEY GOLF BALL PICKERS • LARGE SWEEP ROLLER MODEL • WHEEL MODEL Specia,lIy designed for use on e;ctra heavy duty machine. Ideal for uneven level to gently rolling terrain rugged land with verY poor grass covering. with good grass surface. FAST PICKUP BAILEYGOLF BALLPICKERS are the newest and most improved of all ball pickers. These amazing machines can be used in any group of two or more units, depending on the volume of balls to be collected and the size of the area to be covered. The entire 44" width of each unit is the picking surface •.• Regulation size of three units covers 11 feet. More units can be added as needed ... Quick to attach . • Completely interchangeable ... No replacement problems. Both models are available in Standard and Junior sizes. Get all the details - Write for additional information. Please specify model. Complete Line of Supplies for Golf Ranges and Miniature Courses SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOG Dept. A 2537BostonR~ad. Bronx 67, N.Y. EASTERN GOLF CO • Klngsbndge 7-2506 March, 1960 117 • Fill-in That Lost-Sales Gap Pros • in Your 1960 Club Selling NOW - our top quality Pro lines have two great, new sales-mates at medium prices. Here are two stand-out models that are proving to Pros the profit-wise importance of top quality clubs in the modest price range. Both are Swing Weighted Both are Medium Priced *"CHANDLER HARPER" and *"PETE COOPER" STAFF CLUBS By the Largest Exclusive Manufacturer of Golf Clubs NORTHWESTERN GOLF COMPANY 3505 NORTH ELSTON AVE.
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